The Chart Room is an interesting place. All type conversations. A multitude of topics covered over the years. Never like last night, however.

A woman’s lips, breasts and nipples.

I did not participate. Sat at the end of the bar with my head down. Afraid someone would ask what I thought.

Four people plus me at the bar. John bartending.

Evan and Liz locals. Young. Late 20’s, early 30’s. Chris and husband. I did not get the husband’s name. Vacationing from southern Pennsylvania. Mid 60’s.

The female body exploration began with lip augmentation. Referred to as big lips in the conversation. All four going at it. The consensus was it was stupid and looked awful. They could not understand why anyone would do it.

Then came nipples. Breast nipples. Chris from a little town in Pennsylvania said size did not matter. Sensitivity did. The four got into inverted nipples, also.

Next, big breasts. Interesting talk. Do whatever makes you feel good. Not too big, however. Too heavy if enlarged. And so on.

That part of the conversation took an hour.

Then we got to a point where I thought I could safely participate. Snow. Huge snowfalls.

Upstate New York thought the place for the worst. Buffalo and Rochester. Then Syracuse. Liz piped up she was from Syracuse. At that point, I got involved. From Utica and went to law school at SU.

Glad I stopped at the Chart Room. An unusual conversation. I had not intended to stop. As you will see from the next few paragraphs, it was the venue of last choice.

My day began at Verizon. Got the video problem figured out. The wi-fi was off. I must have hit a wrong button. Don’t see how. To screw it up, I would have had to hit the app key and then four more. I have never gotten that deep into my cell phone.

An early dinner at Roostica. Lemoncello wings. Spoke a while with owner Bobby. A wedding outside. Tablecloths. Everyone dressed. Laughter from every direction.

Then to bocce. Everyone playing but my team and another. For some reason, the game had been cancelled.

I sat with Sharon a while. Sons and Daughters of Italy playing.

Then to Don’s Place. When no game, the team is there. Not last night. Three guys at the bar and Michael bartending.

I was beginning to wonder why I showered and shaved.

Left for the Chart Room.

William Hackley won some money in 1856 in the Havana Lottery. He and three others purchased a ticket together. Won $400. $100 a piece. A lot of money back then.

The top prize was $60,000. At least $6 million today. Maybe, $60 million.

Hackley mentioned that he and his wife attended the funeral of the child Fanny Porter. Whooping cough killed her.

No vaccinations back then. Vaccinations today. Not perfect. Better safe than sorry, however.

Every one wants a piece of the Ukraine. Good growing fields and excellent mineral deposits.

Putin got as piece two years ago. Near the end of World War I, Germany’s Kaiser and Austria signed a pact to exploit Ukraine’s economic benefits. What a joke! The pact was signed this date 1918. World War I ended six months later on November 11, 1918. Germany and her friends defeated.

The Kaiser did get to exploit Ukraine within those six months. He demanded and received 100 million tons of food rations from Ukraine.

I came across the name Dante in my readings. Not the Dante I am familiar with. However it did recall Durante degli Alighieri, better known as Dante. A distinguished poet in the Middle Ages. Thought to be one of the best writers of his time.

His most famous work the Divine Comedy.

I took two years of Spanish in college. My teacher was Professor Cantatore. Italian. A small elderly man. His enthusiasm for Dante greater than his body size. A cultured man.

Every class, the good Professor drummed into us to read one page of Dante’s Comedy a day.

I never bought the Comedy. I did read a few pages when the opportunity arose. One of my college jobs was working the main desk in the library. A quiet uneventful position. I would take the Comedy off the shelf and absorb some of Dante’s wisdom.

Last but not least. Betsy Dietz died. Seventy five. Finally succumbed to uterine cancer after ten years.

Betsy lived in Key West so many years. She gave to the community. Involved heavily. Helped get AIDS Help started. Active at the beginning and over the years with the King and Queen Festival. A member of numerous boards.

Betsy and Lisa good friends. Every Christmas Eve and Christmas day, Betsy shared the holiday with Lisa, the grandkids, Santa Claus and me.

A rare woman. May she rest in peace.

Enjoy your day!





The White House is where the  President lives and works. It is not his house. It is ours. It belongs to the American people.

I am personally insulted as to what transpired in our house yesterday. The American public should like wise be insulted.

It began with my watching on TV as Russia’s foreign minister Sergey Lavrov was greeted by Tillerson and was being led into a conference room. The American press had been barred from the meeting. A group however were standing in the background.

Dauntless Andrea Mitchell shouted out a question. She is getting good at it. It was directed to Lavrov. He looked at her with disdain. A sneer and smile… who are you? Then turned his back on her and walked away with Rex Tillerson.

Tillerson had a similar smile. Tillerson should ride his horse back from  wherever he came.

And, screw Lavrov!

Trump barred the American press and photographers from the meeting. He permitted a Russian reporter and photographer. Any photos run later in the American media were the result of the Russians sharing the pics they had taken.

Several weeks ago, Tillerson was in Moscow for a meeting with Putin. Putin kept him waiting three hours. No one kept Lavrov waiting. He was treated like royalty.

Note also that Comey was fired the day before Lavrov’ visit.

Though conjecture on my part, I see it coming. Trump and Russia in cahoots. Even before Trump became President.

Many media outlets this morning were describing Comey’s discharge as a coverup. A coverup between Trump’s campaign people, perhaps Trump himself, and Russia.

In yesterday’s blog, I referred to Rod Rothenstein as a Judas. Today, I would add a Brutus. He and Comey have been friends and comparable professionals for years.

They say Rothenstein is a man of honor. If so, his conduct re Comey does not make sense. A man of honor would not have participated in Comey’s removal. He should have resigned. It is not yet too late for him to resign. A man’s reputation/character is more important than any position.

I am having a video problem. I could not do my Facebook video yesterday. My cell phone keeps indicating no internet connection. Everything else in the house working, however.

I went to Verizon. Video worked ok there. Came home, not working. Plan on returning to Verizon this morning. It is either something in the phone gone blink or my Verizon wi fi connection not working.

Do not know under the circumstances whether I will be able to get out a video today.

I am frustrated. I was anxious to share additional views re Comey’s firing yesterday.

Two months ago, I stubbed my middle toe on the bed post. Broke it. Raised the nail, also. I have avoided a pedicure during that time waiting for the toe to heal and the nail to come down. The toe healed. The nail did not come down.

It was Tammy time yesterday. For the overdue manicure. My concern was the toenail. Once Tammy cut away the excess nail, everything was fine. To my relief.

My concern was toe nail fungus. Never had it. Do not want to get it. My Dad had the problem terribly in his later years.

After my Tammy visit, hurried over to Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch. My usual. Cuban cheese toast, Cuban coffee and the newspapers.

Last night, fun time! The monthly meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Italy. A great group.

Good food and good company. Giorgio, Sharon, Lilly, Jerry (the fisherman), Bob (who broke a rib over the weekend), Donna, and Helena. More whose names I cannot recall.

Birthdays were celebrated. Happy birthday sung in Italian. I have to learn.

Robert and Ally’s Santa Claus a member. Mac. Looks like Santa Claus even when not Christmas. He recently had by pass surgery. Lost a ton of pounds. He will need padding come next Christmas.

Mac’s wife Cindy a member, also. She drives Mac/Santa Claus around Christmas Eve as he makes his visits.

The club awarded a Key West High School young lady a $1,000 scholarship. She was proud to receive it. Her parents with her to enjoy the occasion.

Bocce tonight. I shall sit, drink and cheer my former team mates on. It does not seem to be helping this season.

The Sons and Daughters of Italy have a bocce team. The team’s second year. I will be cheering for them also. Tonight may be hell night for them. They are playing the #1 team Hell’s Rangers.

Enjoy your day!



Is Trump feeling the heat? Is the Russian probe revealing possible Trump involvement?

Whatever, Trump’s firing of Comey last night indicates something is going on. Behind the scenes. Matters we as a people are not aware of yet.

The people made a mistake in electing Trump. It is becoming increasingly obvious. The chaos he is causing world wide is now happening here at home.

Washington is being called upon to test the fundamental issue. Balance of power. Trump does not respect it. He does not understand it. Will Congress remember it and do its duty. Duty before destruction of our democracy. We are neither a third world country nor a banana republic.

What is happening is a stress test of our basic beliefs.

The chorus for a special prosecutor is becoming thunderous. Hopefully, Congress will recall its duty and the balance of power which imposes that duty on them.

Rod Rothenstein requires comment. The new Deputy Attorney General. In office only thirteen days. A Judas in Comey’s midst. His 30 pieces of silver the job and who knows what further in the Justice Department.

The grounds Trump relies on for firing Comey occurred in July and October. Some nine and seven months ago. If Trump was concerned, he should have fired Comey as soon as he took office.

Trump’s letter to Comey included the following: “It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission.”

I would change the quote a bit to evidence what is going on in our country: “It is essential that the Nation find new leadership in the Presidency that restores public trust and confidence in the office.”

Enjoy your day!



Sally Yates is the Acting Attorney General Trump fired because she reported Michael Flynn’s lies, danger of being blackmailed, etc. to the White House. Yesterday was her day before a Senate Committee regarding her actions.

A star was born! A woman of unusual character revealed to the world!

Yates was unbelievable! Intelligent, capable, knowledgeable, prepared, honest, and straight forward. She did her job and was fired for it. The Washington mentality at work.

Yates was a life long public servant. She worked her way up the ladder in the Justice Department. She did not ask for this moment in the sun. It was forced upon her. She handled it well. Exemplary!

This is the type individual to be considered for a Supreme Court seat. A no bullshit up front person. Probably will never occur because neither Democrats nor Republicans could depend on her for a favorable vote.

Yates evidenced her ability best in handling questions by Senator Conyers and Senator Cruz. Both tried to sand bag her with stupid asinine questions. Obviously politically motivated. She handled everything they threw at her well. To the extent of even showing that they were not aware of subsequent changes in the law nor additional pertinent facts.

It was a pleasure watching her.

I had a 10 am morning meeting on Stock Island. Decided when it concluded to visit the new hotel at the end of Stock Island. Ocean Edge.

Wow! Magnificent!

Its outstanding quality is the silence. Not even a bird’s tweet. Another world.

I enjoyed lunch at the outside dining room.

Spent the afternoon preparing for tonight’s podcast show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. A fast moving eye opening thirty minutes. Join me.

Topics include Sally Yates, a robot update, a new kind of GMO modified food which escaped regulation, Big Pharma and superbugs, a Texas governor fighting sanctuary cities, an Oklahoma governor signing an anti-protest law, North Korea a major opium producer.

Also, the new French President a former Rothschild banker, Russia and Turkey begin construction of major pipeline to deliver Russian natural gas to Turkey and then Europe, and movie hero Steven Seagal denied entry to Ukraine for national security reasons.

Last night was Dueling Bartenders at Aqua. Terri White guest performer.

The largest crowd I have ever seen at the Dueling Bartenders event. Huge! Had to be Terri’s appearance. She performed outstandingly. Huge clapping and cries of excellence following each song.

Every one there to hear Terri. Among others, Bob and Lynda Frechette, Jean Thornton, Bobby Nesbitt, Liz, Mary, and Joseph.

A perfect evening.

Bobby Nesbitt next week.

The Historical Section of yesterday’s Key West Citizen made mention of a yesteryear house of ill repute’s madam. Alice Reid. She was sentenced to three years in jail for violation of the Mann Act. She brought ladies across state lines for purposes of prostitution.

I did not mention the event.

Diana Millikan e-mailed me. She reminded me I wrote about Alice Reid in detail in February. I forgot.

Went back and reviewed my comments. Longer than yesterday’s mention in the Citizen.

Reid was a madam. A well known one. Spent man years running two houses. Each at different times.

These were Navy days. A large contingency stationed in the Key West area. Customers galore!

Reid called her establishment Mom’s Tea Room.

The Navy was anti-prostitution. Brought federal and local police down on Reid many times. In addition to the morality issue, the Navy had too many venereal disease cases to deal with.

Whore houses as such are gone today. Replaced by escort services and socially acceptable strip joints/gentlemen’s clubs.

Enjoy your day!




Terri White Sings! Tonight at Aqua. She is guest performer at Dueling Bartenders. Singing with regulars Tom Luna and Rick Dery.

I am Terri’s chauffeur. Donna working.

Yesterday, I made mention that an alligator had been sighted and photoed at the Boca Chica Naval Base. There were thought to be a total of five.

Crocodiles are an endangered and protected species. I worry about that factor. They have to be dangerous. I would be concerned if I saw one and run the other way.

Alligators are supposed to be different. I do not know if endangered and protected. However saturday at Moss Park in Orange County, a ten year old girl was sitting in the shallow lake. An 8′ 9 ” alligator bit her knee and calf.

Recall the situation that occurred at Disney World last June. A two year old boy was seated on the edge of a lagoon. Attacked and killed by an alligator.

Such scenarios make me nervous. For family, friends and even those I do not know.

Ten days ago, I wrote how Martha Washington was not the most helpful/cooperative wife a President could have. Mention was made she did not attend George’s swearing in in New York City.

The inaugural ball was in New York City, also. One week later. Once again, Martha remained home in Mount Vernon. Whether George was upset, we do not know. History tells us the new President had a wonderful time. History further tells us Washington enjoyed dancing. He danced all night.

Key West’s beloved Harry Truman. His birthday is celebrated today. He was born this day in 1884.

Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Watched some of the Wells Fargo PGA golf tournament yesterday afternoon. An impressive victory by Brian Harman. His second. His first in 2014.

The last hole determined Harman had the lowest score. He was facing a 3 way playoff. Harman sank a 28 foot putt on the 18th to secure sole first place and the victory.

Enjoy your day!





Yes, yesterday was a Willie Nelson day for me. Not with country music, however. It was the nine hours I was out and about. I felt like I was on the road again.

As the years have added on, my time out of the house during day time hours has diminished. I prefer researching and writing, reading and napping.

Yesterday was different.

I left home at 11 in the morning. My destination Duval Street and the Kinetic Sculpture Parade. My first one. I believe this was the second year for the Kinetic Parade.

Glad I went! Amazing what artists have accomplished with left over metal. Metal that in days long gone by was discarded. In the parade event, especially metal sculptures involving wheels. Like bicycles and tricycles.

I enjoyed and learned!

Walked a bit afterwards. Ended up at Antonia’s. A late lunch.

Antonia’s has a pasta special. For years. You  can order a half portion. I sat in the corner of the bar and enjoyed a linguine dish.

Then to Don’s Place for the Kentucky Derby. Don having his usual Derby party. Inside and out. Most of the ladies in flowered hats. A couple of men dressed in white suits and ties wearing white straw hats.

I arrived at 4. The race was not till 6:45. Enjoyed a few drinks and enjoyed the company of Don, David, Angus, John, Keith, Jennifer, Joanie, Stan and Clare.

The race exciting. Everyone whooping it up. Always thrilling.

Now the banter will begin. Can Always Dreaming win the Triple Crown? I would hope so. It is time again for a Triple Crown winner.

Stayed a while after the race. Left for home. Arrived at 8.

I had been out for nine consecutive hours. Big for me these days!

Notice I did not go out last night. The day time was enough.

Everything is moving into the lower keys. We have had a few sightings of crocodiles over the years. A couple of pythons.

The most recent, an American crocodile. It was sighted at the Boca Chica Naval Base. Eight to 10 feet long. A picture in this morning’s Key West Citizen. Jaws wide open.

The crocodile cannot be killed.  An endangered and protected species. Base personnel believe there might be as many as five such crocs on the base.

The croc observed and photographed has become a celebratory instance! A Base representative asked on Facebook yesterday for readers to suggest a nick name for the crocodile. A contest of sorts. Perverted from my point of view.

It was also reported there have been recent crocodile sightings near Smathers Beach and at Fort Zachary Taylor.

Four years ago, I wrote a lengthy column in KONK Life me drugs. In the article, I mentioned the great success Portugal had been having since 2001 when it decriminalized drug use. Portugal treats the problem as a medical one rather than criminal. The program a gigantic success.

Pablo Escobar a drug czar. His drug cartel made him billions. Perhaps trillions.

His son Juan Sebastian Marroquin wrote recently that drug cartels will die the day drugs are legalized and regulated. Sounds how the United States resolved the alcohol/mafia problem when Roosevelt led the drive for alcohol legalization in the 1930’s.

History is a teacher. We should try decriminalization based on the 1930’s alcohol success in the U.S. and Portugal’s drug success which began in the first years of this century.

Robots! Robots! Robots! I keep talking about them hoping to ignite the American public that they are here and more are coming.

Another while America slept situation. My concern is we are not preparing to retrain human employees who will be jobless.

Few seem to be paying attention to the problem.

It has been reported that the military is training robots to shoot in a war. It is a problem. There is a difficulty in having robots shoot. The robots computerized brain cannot handle who to shoot at. Things in battle happen too fast.

The military is confident the problem will be resolved in due course.

I disagree with Trump’s recent Executive Order which eases existing limits on political activity by religious organizations. God’s House should not be a political bandstand.

Enjoy your Sunday!



Over the years, I have asked hundreds of tourists where they are staying, happy with the accommodations, etc. Rarely do I meet those owning and/or operating the hotels, motels and guest houses.

Last night at the Chart Room, I did. Mike, one of the owners of the Grand Guesthouse. A place I have heard about from many visitors. Never once a negative response. All high on the place.

Mike and his wife own and operate Grand Guesthouse. Again, met Mike last night at the Chart Room. A nice guy. Apparently taking a couple of hours off.

The Grand Guesthouse is located on the other side of  Old Town. A quiet residential area. So residential that the Grand blends in with the rest of the neighborhood. Difficult to know from the street it is a guest house. Yet it is. One with 10 rooms, a pool, parking, etc. All the amenities.

The Grand can be found in the 1100 block of Grinnell. Adults only. A ten minute walk from Duval and the Atlantic Ocean.

Prices reasonable. Accommodations beautiful.

The Chart Room was unusually busy last night. John was busy.

Two lovely ladies sitting at the opposite end of the bar from me. The Grand’s Mike in between us.

The gals from Pittsburgh. Carey and Tracey. Carey a bartender. Tracy’s job described by her as inexplicable. I left it at that.

John told me Che alive and well. His nurse Cheryl went to his apartment. Che opened the door for her. He told Cheryl he just did not feel like going out. Two months?????

Che is turning into a recluse. Bad. He is 83. I am 81 and still get out most evenings.

Three guys from London showed up. Two getting married this weekend in Key West. The Pittsburgh ladies and Mike tried to dissuade them. To no avail.

Met a contemporary. Terence. A retired police lieutenant and Superior Court Clerk from Wilmington, Delaware. Contemporaries in that he is 80 years old.

His daughter is an attorney. His son in law into a phase of software. Terence’s wife with them. The four and a granddaughter all staying at the Pier House.

Terence and his wife are the designated baby sitters. Their daughter and son in law go out evenings or sneak away part of a day. The grandparents remain with the granddaughter.

They love it!

My yesterday began with a noon manicure by Tammy.

An amazing business she and husband Rick run. People moving in and out with regularity. Chairs  constantly turning over.

A money maker! Tammy and Rick made it so.

A little grocery shopping on the way home. My cupboard always bare.

Kentucky Derby this afternoon! I have decided to watch it at Don’s Place. The festivities begin at 4. The race at 6.

On this date in 1973, Secretariat won the Kentucky Derby. His time, 1:59:40. Best time ever! Still stands!

The Kinetic Sculpture Parade at noon today on Duval. Do not miss it! You will love it! The kids will love it!

Bria Ansara involved in everything Key West. An art educator, she will be doing a pre-parade workshop for kids behind the Custom House at 10. Opening them up to the joys of working with metal.

Tomorrow night at Aqua, Bria is hosting BOY-lesque. An all male review.

Bocce continues to be a disaster. I was there thursday night when the team lost 2 of 3 games. Can’t understand the downward trend after several seasons of top notch play.

Don’s Place was beat by Not Don’s Place. The Not Don’s is Larry Smith’s team. Several years ago, Don and Larry had words over I don’t recall what. Larry changed the name of his team to Not Don’s Place to break Don’s gonads.

Enjoy your day!





The past two months I have become increasingly fearful that war is inevitable. Apparently, I am not alone.

Yesterday’s USA Today’s front page lead was a major article by Rick Simpson: Global Rivalries Revive Fear of World War III. Sub-caption: Friction between the world’s nuclear powers has citizens terrified that the end is near.

World War III could really be the war to end all wars. Perhaps, the human race. The article reminds us of Einstein’s words to the effect that a World War III would be the real war to end all wars. And maybe the human race.

Einstein went on to observe that if there was a World War IV, it would be fought with sticks and stones.

Does Apocalypse await us?

I recall in 1965 when a nuclear war involving Russia was on our minds daily. I was at a meeting of some heavy community hitters where the possibility of a war was discussed.

The speaker was a prominent insurance executive. He started his talk with words which have stuck in my mind to this day: It is 11:30.

What he was saying was that it was a half hour before midnight. The end of the day. The end of the world? We were that close to a war with Russia.

The House has not yet voted today on the healthcare bill. The word is the Republicans have the necessary votes.

Absolutely amazing! They are going to vote on one of the most major pieces of legislation in the history of this country without ever seeing the proposed law. Just a two page summary. The proposed bill not written yet.

It is all in the details. No one has seen the details! Because no one at the moment knows what they will be!

Again, absolutely amazing!

Trump’s tax bill will probably be next. Another major screw job.

The bill has three major negatives. No deduction for state taxes, no deduction for property taxes, and no deduction for mortgage interest.

Those who supported Trump will be hurt the most. The uneducated blue collar workers who jumped the fence to support him. Especially voters in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Two days ago, my Facebook video show concerned opioids. The thrust, they kill! Ninety one Americans a day. An epidemic.

The drug dependency has left no State unscathed. Florida has a major problem.

Governor Scott announced he recognized the epidemic it has become for the people of Florida. He is arranging for the free up of $30 million in federal funds to help. My thought: Good! My question: Why did it take so long for him to apply? It could have been done several years ago.

One of Hemingway’s major works was The Old Man and the Sea. Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize on this day in 1953 for the work.

Jim Demint made it to the top of his world. He fell tuesday.

Demint initially was a State Senator in South Carolina. A hard line conservative. Elected to the United States Senate. Established himself as a leading voice of the far right. He was an active tea partier.

The Heritage Foundation a highly respected conservative think tank. They were searching for a new CEO. Demint their choice.

Demint and the Heritage Foundation did not blend. Demint too political, the Heritage Foundation wishing only to be a respected conservative think tank.

Demint was asked to resign this past week. The reason, “management issues.” Translated meaning he was taking the Foundation in the wrong direction.

Busy day ahead. A haircut at noon. Then picking up some goodies at the Farmers Market. Followed by lunch at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Tonight, bocce.

Enjoy your day!





Yes, people will die. The healthcare bill approved by the House of Representatives yesterday is a moral outrage.

Those who voted for it should be required to walk around with MURDERER sewed onto their jackets/shirts. The Scarlet Letter’s Hester Prynne carried Adulterer for a much less serious offense.

Rather than write ad finitum re the many shortcomings of the bill, I set forth briefly some of the items that cause me concern. Grave concern.

  1. The bill provides a huge tax discount for the top 2 percent. to the detriment of those below them on the economic scale.
  2. At least 24 million who presently have coverage will lose it.
  3. Premiums will sky rocket at some point for most with pre-existing conditions. They will not be able to afford coverage.
  4. Fiscal conservatism does not mean people are permitted to die without care.
  5. The vote was taken without benefit of the report by the Congressional Budget Office.
  6. The bill is 1,800 pages. The members received it at 8 pm thursday. They voted around noon friday. They claim they read it. Bullshit!
  7. The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of Eisenhower. Nor Nixon. Conservatism has always been the by-line of Republicans. People valued above money, however. Today, the Party’s concerns have been politicized. The lives of citizens have become subservient to money.
  8. My outrage simply stated.
  9. Enjoy your day!


While in college, I took some political science courses. One had as required reading Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince.

Machiavelli was born this date in 1469. He is considered a father of modern political theory. The Prince written by him in 1532. A political bible to this day for many.

Machiavelli was a friend to Cesare Borgia. A political leader. Of the worse kind. A bad guy. Borgia inspired Machiavelli’s title character in The Prince.

Some observations re Machiavelli’s The Prince.

The term Machiavellian is used to describe an action undertaken for gain without regard for right and wrong.

Machiavelli’s vision of an ideal leader: An amoral, calculating tyrant for whom the end justifies the means.

Machiavellian is associated with the practice of diabolical expediency in the realm of politics.

Descriptions applicable to Trump? I think so.

My podcast Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night. Opening topic was a review of some of Trump’s actions of the past week.

Like referring to Jong Un as “a smart cookie” and saying he would be “honored” to have him visit Washington. Inviting Duterte to the White House. Exhibiting a lack of knowledge of American history re Andrew Jackson and the Civil War. Refusing to withdraw his description of Obama as a “sick and bad guy.” His pre-existing conditions comments inaccurate and misleading.

Glad there are only seven days in a week!

Japanese War Crime Trials began this date 1946. The primary trial was in Tokyo. Japan Premier Tojo the key defendant. The charges war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Japanese charged overall far exceeded those similarly charged who were Germans. Five thousand accused were tried and judged by tribunals across the Pacific.

While in law school, I was fortunate to have Robert Miller as my Professor in Criminal Law and Evidence. Miller had served as defense counsel to certain Japanese in the war crimes trials. My recollection is it was in the Philippines. I may be wrong as to location, however.

Miller sprinkled his lectures with stories of the trials. Using them to make a point and keep our interest.

We were fortunate to have had him.

The Kentucky Derby this saturday. Everyone is having a party! I am undecided between Kate Miano’s Gardens and Don’s Place.

Willie Shoemaker is one of the greats of the jockey racing world. Comparable to baseball’s Babe Ruth.

I mention shoemaker today because it was on this day in 1986 that he rode Ferdinand to a Kentucky Derby win. Ferdinand was 18-1. Shoemaker was 54 years old at the time. He was the oldest jockey to win a Kentucky derby.

Ferdinand was not his only Derby winner. Actually, Shoemaker won a total of 4 Kentucky Derbies, 2 Preakness Stakes and 5 Belmont Stakes.

I was privileged to know him.

In the mid 1970’s, I had a condominium at the Jockey Club in Miami. A private club. Members only on the grounds, restaurant and bar.

Shoemaker had a condominium at the Jockey Club, also. We would frequently meet at the Club’s bar. Generally, the men waiting for their wives to come down for dinner. Shoemaker charming,  soft spoken. Always the gentleman.

He was perfect sized for his chosen profession. Ninety eight pounds, 4 feet 11 inches.

The gung ho type. In his later years, he was in a terrible automobile accident. Left him a quadriplegic. Paralyzed from the neck down. He became a trainer. From his wheelchair. Won many races and his horses several millions of dollars.

Enjoy your day!