Florida played a major role in the 2000 Bush/Gore Presidential race. Actually, THE major role.

The election came down to Florida. The ballots were counted. They were referred to as chats. A joke!

It was not the chats that decided the election. It was Ralph Nader. He ran as a third party candidate. Took a significant number of votes from Gore. Had Nader not run, Gore would have won Florida and the election.

I remember Nader and the race. Many who will vote this year do not. Especially those voting for the first time. College students. Most 2-4 years old at the time of the 2000 election.

A guest on one of the talk shows this morning commented re the situation. He had visited some college campuses. Next to no one knew who Ralph Nader was and the impact he had on the 2000 race. His inquiry was part of a discussion attempting to show a vote for third party candidate Johnson could result in a Trump victory.

Let me stay with the Presidential election for a moment. Trump is threatening to get into Bill Clinton’s infidelities. What bullshit! Who cares! Yesterday’s news!

Trump has to have a long list of sexual conquests. The man probably has a sex record few have achieved. He believes he is safe from exposure. As I understand it, there are clauses written into marital and sexual settlements prohibiting women from revealing anything Trump might have done of a sexual/negative nature. If any of the ladies does, she loses the money being paid or already paid. If paid, the money has to be paid back. Silence for pay.

A few will come out from under the floor boards.

Busy middle day. Lori for a haircut. She is getting ready to move to new quarters on White Street. Visited Jay at his new restaurant to be on Southard next to Bank of America. Place still under renovation. Looks good. Jay the chef looked more like Jake the carpenter. Quick stops at Walgreens and Publix.

Howard Livingston is having a party saturday from noon to 6. At the Looe Key Tiki Bar. A social fundraiser for the Kevin Piper Memorial Fund. It’s Howard and his Friends Club.

Another hurricane. Matthew. Presently a 2. Expected to become a 3 this afternoon.

Not expected to hit Key West or the Keys. Might hit Miami, though considered remote. Expected to turn out to the ocean.

Hurricanes are fickle. Matthew has already evidenced his fickleness. Last night, Matthew was to turn northward. Instead, Matthew turned southward into the Caribbean.

Hurricanes are not dependable.

New York Times columnist Gail Collins has a sharp humorous way of writing. A recent column concerned White House pets. She concluded by getting into Trump. Her closing words: “If he wins the election, we would have the first President in history to refuse to pardon the Thanksgiving turkey.”

The Munich Agreement was signed this date in 1938. Hitler took advantage of the allies he was dealing with. They agreed to give a portion of Czechoslovakia to Germany if Hitler promised no war.

Chamberlain returned to London uttering the famous words…..”Peace in our time.” Chamberlain told the world Hitler was a gentleman. Less than two years later, Germany invaded Poland.

Contrast Chamberlain’s words re Hitler with those being presently spoken by Trump re Putin.

Enjoy your day!


The best laid plans…..

I had dinner with Jenna last night at Sq. 1. An early one. I wanted to get home in time to watch the Democratic debate. Got home in time. Laid back in my recliner to watch the show. Next thing I knew, it was 2 in the morning. I fell asleep and missed it all.

Dinner with Jenna was a pleasant experience. As always. She complained that she was 29 and next year would be 30. Mentioned 30 like it was a disaster. I laughed. I’m 80! And you’re worrying about 30?

Jenna is a talented woman. She has grown in her work. I enjoy our little meetings. She updates me on her progress. The good and the bad.

Sq. 1 was packed. Like it was season! Exciting!

I was especially taken by the Christmas decorations. In good taste. Just enough. I shared my feelings with manager Mandy.

It was Syracuse/Cornell at noon yesterday. Syracuse won 67-46.

The first half was terrible. Syracuse played poorly. You could sense Cornell smelled an upset. The second half was a different game. Cornell went on an 8-0 run immediately. I was disgusted. Then Syracuse went on a 20-4 run. That was it! Syracuse played top shelf basketball the rest of the game.

My basketball buddies are lining up. Dan will be here January and February. Don and Chris arrive December 30 for a week. All Syracuse fans. We watch the games together.

I spent considerable time writing this week’s KONK Life column yesterday. Around the basketball game. In the morning and later in the afternoon.

A Christmas column. An American Christmas. The intent was to trace Christmas from its earliest beginnings in pagan Rome to today. I worked with deliberation and got the whole thing done yesterday. My Sunday is free!

Learned something re Christmas I never knew. Where a red suited and rosy cheeked Santa Claus came from. Coca Cola. Would you believe!

In 1931, Coke wanted to be associated big time with Santa Claus. Its advertisers were told to come up with something that would go with the theme “Santa Claus Coke.” Coke thought a robust red suited Santa with rosy cheeks would be appropriate.

Ralph Nader was in Key West yesterday. He was on a cruise ship vacation and had scheduled a speech while his boat was in town. He also did a book signing.

I appreciate that in some circles Nader is considered a bit of a nut these days. He is. However, America and the wold owe him much. He stood up against the automotive industry when no would else would.

In 1965, Nader published Unsafe At Any Speed. An expose of the reluctance of the American automobile industry to introduce safety features in its designs. He hit Chevrolet’s Corvair hard.

Nader made a ton of money for himself with the book. Properly so. His work turned the automobile industry around. Safety began to be incorporated into auto design.

Nader’s book also formed the basis for several big dollar verdicts against Chevrolet and its Corsair. Many Corsair drivers/passengers had been killed or severely injured because of a design defect.

I repeat myself in this regard frequently: Harry Truman loved Key West and Key West loves Harry Truman.

The Keys History section of this morning’s Key West Citizen notes that on this day in 1949, Truman left Key West to return to Washington after a three week vacation.

Enjoy your Sunday!