This morning is the same as yesterday morning. Quiet. Absolutely no breeze. Nothing moving, including the water.

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day. Temperature some where in the 80s and no humidity. The evenings are best this time of year. Air conditioning not required. Sleep with the windows open.

My day yesterday started with an early morning visit to my internist. A regularly scheduled two month visit. I should have stayed home! She beat the hell out of me!

I have fallen backwards in just about every aspect of my health. She let me have it. Time to be  good again. Very good.

It is hard to change who you are.

Then a Lisa vist. Love her!

Following our visit, I walked! Duval from Square One to Mallory Square and back. Took 50 minutes because I was wearing crocs. I cannot deny that my doctor’s admonitions earlier had something to do with me walking yesterday.

I spent the rest of the day writing. When I mention writing, the term includes for me research also. Internet research.

Persons of note seem to be dying all at the same time. Yesterday, it was Roger Williams.

Williams was a pianist. The best! Popular tunes.

He came upon the musical scene in 1955. Autumn Leaves. Outstanding! To listen to, to dance to, to make love to. I was 19. She was 19. Her name was Terri Hoffman. I was at Manhattan College at the time. She at New Rochelle.

Terri was a day hop. She lived in Larchmont with her family and daily commuted to New Rochelle.

Terri and her family lived in a large apartment complex on the Boston Post Road. An apartment high up. Her Dad was an attorney working with a not for profit in New York. Terri had twin brothers. If my recollection is correct, they also were attorneys.

One evening, Terri and I were sitting about 500 feet from a country club in her home area. The club was located on the ocean near her home. We were sitting on some rocks by the water. There was a party at the nearby club. We could hear Autumn Leaves being played.

It was a night of passion for us. We necked. Period! Nothing more. Not even touching. This was more than 50 years ago and any more was unheard of.

Some evenings, Terri and I would dance in her living room to Autumn Leaves. Lights out. Her family gone.

I have thought of Terri periodically over the years. I have no idea what happened to her or where she is. Each time I think of her, Autumn Leaves is in the background.

Williams also is known for his piano renditions of Born Free, Impossible Dream, the Theme from Somewhere in Time, and Lara’s Theme from Dr. Zhivago. He was a heavy weight, for sure.

Again, all this remembering of Autumn Leaves and its related events took place more than 50 years ago. Another time. A different time. A time of carefree youth.

Enjoy your day.

I just took a walk onto my deck. It is still dark in Key West. Nothing is moving. Absolutely no breeze. The water a mirror. The sky full of bright stars.

What does it mean for our day? I am not sure. It could be the calm before a storm. Or, the indication of a great day to be.

I have television and a wirless connection! Finally! Last night.

Adam did it! He suceeded where Comcast would not venture.

It was a big job. Took part of Saturday and all day yesterday. Even had to drill through a 17 inch poured concrete wall. Whatever, it is done and I am thrilled!

I survived without a wired computetr since last Tuesday. The absence of TV turned out to be the real problem. A cultural shock of sorts! Especially for one living alone. The TV set becomes that other voice in the house.

Last night Don, Chris and I finally hooked up. These are two great people. From the Syracuse area. Syracuse fans. They are also fans of Key West. They have been visiting here 3-4 times a year for years.

We hooked up at the Chart Room. Sean and Kathnerine there. JJ bartending. We had a couple of drinks and a lot of laughs. Don and Chris knew Sean and Katherine from a previous trip.

Then the three of us had dinner at the Hot Tin Roof.

Three things are in the forefront of my mind from last evening involving Don and Chris.

While at the Chart Room, they asked if we were having a mosquito problem. No more than usual, I said. Don told me they were getting bit all over. That the bites itched, they were constantly scratching and that the bites would not go away. Show me, I said. Just as I thought. Fire ants!

Both were ignorant of fire ants. So JJ and I proceeded to give Don and Chris an education. They probably were bitten while lying by the pool at their hotel. Was there greenry growing nearby? Yes, right next to them.

We told them the bites last three weeks. Treatment is simple. The bites develop white heads. On a repetitive basis. The whiteheads have to be removed every other day with a dull knife or rough towel. Then rubbed vigorously with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol.

Initially, they did not believe us. I am sure they will start following the protocol today. Otherwise, it will be scratch, scratch, scratch.

While at the Chart Room, JJ received a telephone call. It was from the Chart Room in New Orleans. The bartender from there was calling. No connection between the two bars. Just some people in New Orleans who opted to telephone their named counterpart in Key West. We all had shots to toast each other simultaneously. Key West and New Orleans. Even exchanged cell phone pics.

Don and Chris spend much of their working time in China. One of their company’s key products involves solar panels. If I understand it correctly, the Chinese need what the company produces in order for the Chinese to manufacture solar panels. Solar energy is high on the list of present day Chinese endeavors.

Don is a friendly sort. He has made many friends in China. I asked if it was true that the Chinese were eating less dog meat because of the rising middle class that kept them as pets. Before responding to my inquiry, Don told me of a recent dinner party he had participated in in China.

Don does not eat Chinese delicacies which we frown upon. When others are dining on rat or dog or the like, he sticks to dumplings and rice.

This particular evening his friends set a dish before him. They said it was chicken. Don said it sort of looked like chicken. He started eating it. Almost tasted like chicken. Suddenly he came upon a line of small teeth like bones. This was no chicken!

It was snake!

His friends laughed. Don choked. It was dumplings and rice thereafter. Don said the snake was like a cut from the center or body of the snake. The next course was a soupy bowl containing heads and tails. Of snakes, of course.

As to the dogs, the Chinese still eat them big time. Dog meat is considered a delicacy, also.

It was a fun night!

The doctor this morning. My internest. I am anxious to see her. My blood pressure is under control. However,  I continue to have a fluid problem. Every 5 days or so ankles swell.

Enjoy your day!

Woke to brilliance this morning.

The weather is turning. Much less humidity. Comfortable evenings.

Last night it was 74 degrees. Cool for Key West! I was able to sleep without air conditioning.

I have large glass sliding doors in my bedroom. They open onto a large balcony. The ocean is a couple hundred feet beyond the balcony in that direction. Nothing but ocean as far as the eye can see running to the northeast.

I lay in bed for a while after waking. It was still dark. All of a sudden I saw this flash in the distance. And then more and more. For about a half hour. There was lightning way out on the ocean. So far that I heard no thunder. Huge and magnificent. Day light out there.

Beautiful. God like in quality. I expected to see His hand reach out.

Rained most of yesterday. Big wind. Till four. Then the sun came out, etc. I had dinner plans with Chris and Don last night. They were cancelled around three because of the weather. We should have waited. We are rescheduled for tonight.

Comcast continues to make me less than happy. Their customer service sucks. The conduit guy finally showed up yesterday afternoon. He was supposed to have been here Friday evening. As irrritated as I was, I must say he was a nice guy. Lars. From Sweden. Accent and all. Sent him away. Told him I had the problem under control. My people were working on it.

My people is Adam. Adam does little jobs around the property. I called him yesterday morning. He took a look and said no problem. I can fix it. No tearing up the driveway or anything like that.  He is doing the job. The rain prevented him from completeing the task yesterday.

I am confident Adam will succeed. If my confidence is misplaced, it will be Dish for me.

I visited Tammy at noon. A manicure. Tammy is a a very lovely Vietnamese woman. Typically short and thin. Thirty four. Looks nineteen. Rarely speaks. We have become friends and with me she is a chatterbox. She told me how poorly I have been looking. Haggard and tired. The last two weeks I look good again, she said. I know why. My blood pressure is under control. It was knocking the hell out of me.

No Chris and Don, so I had dinner with Lisa and the family. No better substitute.

My grandkids are a joy. Lisa says she and the kids were playing scrabble yesterday. The first word Robert made was Ally’s name. They both were so excited they hugged each other.

Two people died yesterday I would like to mention. Al Davis and Diane Cilento.

Al was the owner of the Oakland Raiders and a professional football leader. The sport owes much to him.

I met Al some 25 years ago. I was stuck at the Detroit airport with a long layover. There was this man sitting across from me. He looked strange. It was his hair. Davis is known for wearing his hair in a weird fashion. We started talking. He was stuck in Detroit for a long time, also. Turns out he was Al Davis! A nice guy. Friendly. Down to earth. We talked for a couple of hours as if old friends.

May he rest in peace.

The other was Diane Cilento.You may ask who was Diane Cilento. Everyone else has since I started mentioning her yesterday.

Diane was a movie actress. Started her career back in the 1950s. In the 1960s, she was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance in Tom Jones. During this time, she also married Sean Connery of James Bond fame.

She had a brother. Several. Four of whom were doctors. One settled in Utica. His first name escapes me so I shall refer to him as Dr. Cilento. After her marriage to Connery ended, Diane lived with her brother for a few years in Utica. She was a celebrity! Someone special. And treated as such.

I knew her primarily from social gatherings. Everyone invited her to everything. Not only did the men like Diane, the women did also. She had a rare quality.

I met her for the first time when I went to her brother’s office to prepare him to testify in a case. He was a neurosurgeon. He had treated my client. His office was in his home. A glorious huge red brick house.

As I sat alone in the waiting room, this dream from another world came flowing in. Mumus were just coming into vogue then and she was wearing a bright red one. We chatted a while as I waited for her brother. I knew not who Diane Cilento was, nor did she let on. We talked as if next door neighbors for years.

She ultimately settled in Australia where she was yesterday when she passed on.

May Diane rest in peace.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Rain drops are falling. Have been for the two hours I have been up. Sky gray. Probably will pass. But at the moment, a different Key West morning.

Loved the Key West Lou Legal Hour yesterday! The world is crazy. Topics are many. That is what makes the show good.

Post show reactions were to three topics.

Comcast was the biggest. People do not like Comcast! Right now, I do not also!

People are into these protests popping up all over the country. Those that are evolving from Occupy New York. Over 1,000 communities are presently planning or have already had one.

Herman Cain. A developing interest. Because he is an interesting person. The media failed to expose him to us. Now, they must.

Comcast controlled the rest of my day and into the early evening. Because of Comcast, I missed my business men’s luncheon and going out last night.

My time for Comcast was between 12 and 2. Comcast has a verification system. They call and say you have an appointment at such and such a time. It is a confirmation.  If you fail to answer, your appointment is cancelled and you have to go through the process again. I had to three times between 11 and 1.

Comcast guy here from 1:30 till after 5. Problem is between the poll and the crawl space under the house. A no man’s land.

The power comes in from an outside poll. The poll sits outside my property. Just outside my wall. The wire, no cable, runs down the poll and into a conduit. The conduit runs under my concrete driveway to the crawl space under the house.

The cable tests good everywhere, but one place. It is assumed something is wrong with the cable in the conduit. The old cable does not pull out. It is jammed. Comcast does not screw with these things. My expense and I need a guy. Some supervisor hooked me up with whoever does Comcast’s conduit problems. He agreed to stop by my home just after six. I waited all night. He never showed up. He has my telephone number. I do not have his. Nor do I have the numbers of the repair man or his supervisor.

How do I reach anyone? It is back to Comcast’s telephone system which is recorded and foreign.  Not set up to deal with my problem. An absolute pain in the ass! It will take hours to locate the correct person.

I continue to be without internet and TV access. Lisa is my internet connection. Life without TV, I cannot descibe. I am getting withdrawal symptoms.

Missed bocce thursday night. My team won 2 of 3 games. Proof again that I am not needed.  Bad for my ego!

Today is the cable conduit. Tonight is drinks and dinner with Don and Chris from the Syracuse area. Great people! Looking forward to the evening.

Enjoy your day!

There is no joy in Mudville. Mighty Casey has struck out.

The Yankees lost last night. Their season is over. ‘Nuff said.

Crazy day yesterday. Normality to corporate frustration.

The morning involved an early dentist visit. When will I be done? I keep saying soon. I am told soon. But it never ends. I suspect another two months. That is what I have been saying for the last six months!

The problem concens the blending/merging/fusion of the cadaver bone put into my jaw with my bone. The dentist wants to be certain the marriage is complete.

Then to Lisa’s for a visit. Now that she works from home, these daily visits have become routine. The only trouble is she generally cannot talk with me. Yesterday she was on a conference chat call on the internet with several persons.

Comcast screwed up my day!

I was in all afternoon waiting for a repair person. He never showed. I stayed into the evening waiting for a telephone call leading to a successor repairman I was pronmised for last night. Required me to miss bocce. Never heard from anyone.

Several calls with Comcast’s telephone system and recorded messages left me frustrated. Finally got live people. Some sympathetic with my plight. Some not. None could help me. It was someone’s else’s responsibility. They would transfer me. Even got a foreign language speaking person. I had to shout to let him know I only spoke English.

Kill was the operative word.

I decided to telephone Comcast’s CEO. Ascertained his name. Nothing else. No address, no email addess, no telephone number. No telephone number either for Comcast’s headquarters in Philadelphia.

I did discover the CEO made $31 million last year.He is one of the guys they are protesting about on Wall Street. You would think for that kind of money, he would be accessible to a customer who religiously pays his company a $100 plus a month.

I finally was told by a minion in the Comcast operation that a repair person would be here between 12 and 2 today. Which means I have to miss my weekly men’s luncheon. Comcast had no other time available till monday.

I have been without internet and TV service since late tuesday night.

I am anxious to do my internet show this morning. Rest assured the Comcast story will be told. In addition, a tribute to Steve Jobs, the Wall Street protests, college sports, Amanda Knox, a Terri White aknowledgment, Playboy Club TV show cancelled after one performance, some info both good and bad re Herman Cain, and more.

Join me at ten my time this morning. World wide.

Enjoy your day! Be not frustrated by the misfeasance and malfeasance of corporate America. Put your head out the window and shout…..I have had enough! Then join Occupy Wall Street.

Good morning!

The beginning of another beautiful day in Key West.

Yesterday, I skipped golf. Unusual for me. Wednesday is golf day.

I am still not feeling right. Though I feel a lot better, I must admit. In any event, I decided to to miss golf. Eighteen holes tends to tire me a bit right now.

The Paradise Cafe was one of my favorite Key West places for years. A sandwich shop. Located in a half assed renovated former gas station at the corner of Eaton and Grinnel. I had either breakfast or  lunch there almost every day for more than ten years. Would get my Cuban toast and coffee or a sandwich and sit outside reading the newspapers.

It closed a couple of years ago. Sad for me. Sad for Key West.

It has been obvious the past six months that it was going to open again. Daily renovations. Taking forever. It has finally opened.

I stopped in yesterday. Excited. Anxious. Dreams of days gone by.

It was not to be. Nothing ever is as it was. A Paradise Cafe it is not!

Inside is totally renovated. Kitchen and storage take up three quarters of the space. No tables. There used to be seven inside the old place. The new one merely has a long narrow bench to sit on while awaiting your order.

Outside is not much different. Only three tables. There used to be at least seven there, also. The new tables are not located well either. One sits in the hot sun.

I ordered. Cuban toast.We do not do breakfast or Cuban things, I was told. I looked at the sandwich menu. Complicated. Captain Peter was there. He told me to order #2. He had been there before. Number 2 it was.

The three tables outside were occupied. Peter and I had no where to sit. We ended up sitting on a one foot high stoop of sorts in front of the place.

The sandwiches arrived. We had to eat sitting on  the stoop. Cumbersome.

Finally a table opened. We moved to grab it. It was the table in the sun. A few minutes later, another table in the shade opened. We grabbed our food and moved again.

The sandwich was huge. The bread some sort of thick French. Crispy hard crust. Inside, I am not sure. Pork, veggies and onions. Tons of cooked onions. Actually tasted terrific. The whole sandwich was very good. I still am not sure what I was eating, but I must admit it was tastety.

I had a dentist appoinment following lunch. I cancelled it. I stunk of onions.

The lunch was too much. My stomach was full. I did not eat dinner last night. It was still with me.

Pricey. Just under $10 for the sandwich alone. Without a drink. $2-3 too much.

Will the place make it? I do not know. Time will tell. One thing is sure however. I will not be going on a daily basis as I did with Paradise Cafe.

I spent the afternoon finalizing friday’s internet show. Going to be terrific! With the Wall Street protest, Amanda Knox and everything else going on, how could it miss. Watch and get the Louis slant on these unfolding events. Ten in the morning worldwide.

I am going to spend a little time friday talking about Herman Cain. This guy has one hell of a background. Both he and the media have been remiss in not sharing it with the American public. No wonder he has won two straw polls and it is presenetly tied with Romney in the the race. He is not just another person who made a fortune selling pizzas. He has had a solid and diverisfiied career.

Watch out for Herman!

The Chart Room to start last night. Shaved first. It had been about a week. I looked terrible.

Just me and Mary. Emily on vacation. I stayed a while and chatted with Mary. Enjoyed her company.

Then to Don’s Place.

Don was there. Lori, also. Sat between them. Stayed a couple of hours. Of course, bocce dominated the conversation. Lori is one of our team mates.

Let me share with you an example of the ineptness of the American man. This man.

I screwed up my TV yesterday. The remote was locked. I could not change channels. I hit too many of the wrong buttons. Now I have nothing but snow. Could not be talked through the problem by telephone. The repairman will be here this afternoon.

Enjoy your day!

Haircut time again yesterday!

Amazing! I have to get my hair cut more often now that I have none. I am as close to a shaved head as one can be without being shaved. The next step will probably be me shaving my own head.

Lori was chatting while she did her quick number on me. I bought my pink bra, she said. What did I care, I thought. Turns out Lori is in a 5k Saturday. Its purpose is to raise money for breast cancer research. Women will be wearing pink bras decorated with flowers and anything they can think of. Lori says she already has attached so much to her bra, that no one would know she was only wearing a bra top side.

Stopped at Lisa’s afterwards. She was busy talking on the phone the whole time I was there. I quietly read the Citzen, kissed her on top of her head, and left.

I received a text yesterday from Don and Chris. They advised they were coming in yesterday and lets meet at the Chart Room.

Don and Chris are from the Syracuse area. They love Key West and have been coming here 3-4 times a year for years. Their favorite watering hole is the Chart Room. There is where I originally met them.

A 40ish couple, they hail from the Syracuse area. Both work for the same company. Both travel frequently world wide. Don spends most of his time in China.

I could not meet them. I got tied up with Tim Reynolds here at my home.

I had not seen Tim in seven years till this past week. Tim was the chef at Square One for years. My favorite restaurant at the time. The best! Then he got burned out. Wanted nothing more to do with cooking.

He became a computer repair person. He was here last night showing me how to do things I knew not with my computer. Knowledge is a wonderful thing.

Tim’s wife is Debbie Reynolds. Same name as the movie star of old. Charming. Pretty. Lovable. She has been the concierge at the Grand Key for years.

The Wall Sreet protest continues.

I read somewhere last night it is in 147 cities. Sounds like an awful lot to me. If it is, I would have to believe it is in its very formative stage in most of them.

Another article indicated the movement was made up primarily of two groups. One was college students and recent college graduates who were worried about or could not get jobs. The other middle aged workers recently laid off.

The New York group chants and carry signs as to how to fix the deficit. End the war and tax the rich.

Will the movement take hold? I am curious. Things many times start off big and then fizzle.

We shall see.

Enjoy your day!

Yesterday, I walked!

A big deal!

Outside. Duval. From the Atlantic to the Gulf and back. Swiftly. Up and down a few side streets along the way. Took 45 minutes.

Humid. My breathing was good. My legs were not. Sign of not walking enough.

But, I did it! Let’s do it some more!

I even stopped along the way and bought a Hog’s Breath tee shirt. I purchased one about 7 years ago. Wear it frequently. The best material, pre-shrunk and feels good.

Stopped at Lisa’s and read the newspaper.

Then to Walgreens. I had a prescription to pick up. They did not have it. I am on automatic refill. It only works about sixty per cent of the time. Aggravating. Means another trip back today.

The cupboard was bare. I needed food desperately. Publix. Enjoyed the experience once again. Talked to many people. Bought great food! Because of the recent health problems, I have been on a be good to Louis kick. Includes food. Bad food. So good… satisfying!

Kurt telephoned in the early evening. He was with Gee Gee. A knockout! A former professional model! Primarily worked Paris! She is 10 feet tall without an ounce of fat on her body.

They were heading over to the Chart Room for a drink and then dinner some where. Would I join them? I was too lazy to drive into town. Takes 15 minutes. I begged off.

Instead, I headed over to Hogfish. Takes me less than 5 minutes. Sat alone, read the out of town papers and had some fish and chips. Hogfish.

I was contentedly in bed later watching TV. Mind and body getting ready to sleep.

I cannot sleep without TV. It is on all night. Turn it off and I wake.

Comcast had a problem and there was no TV from 11:30 last night to 7:30 this morning. I could not sleep. I did not sleep. Not one wink.

I have been up all night. Read some of the Cheney book. His pomposity was just what I needed.

TV came on early this morning as I indicated. My computer’s wireless is with Comcast, also. That did not activate till just now. Around 11:30. That is why today’s blog is late.

I have always wondered when, for whatever reason, a paid service is down, why doesn’t the provider knock something off the bill. There should be a law!

This New York protest bears watching. It is fluid. Could change from day to day.

One of the TV news shows was interviewing a man participating in the protest. At the New York site of the protest. A relatively young man. Early 30s at best. Dressed in a black suit with a black vest. White shirt. Black tie. Moustache. Goatee. Hair curly and a bit ruffled.

He looked like a Trotskyite. Came to my mind immediately.

He identified himself as a leader/organizer of the protest.  He said at one point to the reporter, “This is  revolution, not reform.”

Enjoy your day!

Good morning!

What a lovely day!

I am lucky to be living here in Key West. I am sitting outside next to the pool. The ocean is ten feet away. The sun is shining. The MTV house across the way a subdued yellow. The palm tree branches a bright green. The water blue. Moving at a pretty good clip this morning. I must not forget the sky. Powder blue with smatherings here and there of white fluffy clouds.

I wish everyone could be experiencing this Key West morning. It’s a God is in his Heaven, all is right with the world moment.

I started my Sunday with Meet the Press. I was disappointed in Meet the Press and the other Sunday talk shows I watched. Much about Republican presidential politics. Little, if anything, about the New York City/Wall Street protest.

Meet the Press gave it all of 10 seconds. I kid you not. The other shows even less or nothing.

This morning was Morning Joe for me. Normally, this would be the type of issue everyone on the show would rip into. They gave the issue more than lip surface. But did not get into it as they usually would.

I sensed a hesitancy. Like lets not add fuel to the fire. My suspicion is that is what the media in genral is doing. They are fearful of flaming the fires of protest. Strange considering their past record with other issues.

Don’s Place was my first stop in the early afternoon. Pro football.

Don is a rabid Buffalo fan. He is originally from Buffalo. Yesterday, he had a group of Buffalo fans I had never seen before. Probably vactioners. Don was happy he had Buffalo fans for compny. The fans were happy they were in Buffalo heaven for the game.

Then to Lisa’s. I was early for Sunday dinner. Read the Sunday papers. Chatted with the grandkids. Robert and Ally were into their own thing and not me. It was ok by me. Gave me a chance to catch a few winks.

Great dinner! Lisa prepared a linguine with vegegtables and olive oil. The pasta was a  low carbohydrate one. The veggies were cut in very tiny pieces. All of a sudden, Robert and Ally are into no vegvetables. Lisa was fooling them. Except for one cry by Ally…..a carrot!, Lisa got away with it.

Lisa’s birthday was Friday. We celebrated it at the Yacht Club. No birthday cake, however. We had it last night. Since it was Lisa’s birthday, Corey made it. Vanilla with a soft white frosting. And sprinkles. I had two pieces!

Back to the New York City protest a bit.

I do not think it is going anywhere. I could be wrong, but that is how I see it at the moment.

Why? Because the protest is not a spontaneous one. It was planned and organized. By Democrats and union people. The grass roots ingredient is lacking.

Additionally, this protest in New York has been ongoing since September 17th. You heard me right. Two weeks later and it has not inflamed the hearts and souls of a large number of the downtrodden as yet.

So Louis thinks the protest will fizzle and die.

However, it will return. This time of its own accord. Things are that bad in this country. Washington neither hears nor understands. The proper place for a demonstration of this nature is Washington, DC. That is where the problem is. Government empowered the banks and corporate America.

This New York City group of protestors have issued a Declaration of the Occupation of New York City. I read it. A Declaration of Independence it is not! A general list of grievances it is.

I have been lazy exercising. Can’t seem to get back into the habit. My new resolution is to walk every day. That is where I am going now. I am a perfect example of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.

Enjoy your day!

Big day in Key West yesterday! The U.S. Navy’s newest vessel, the USS Spruance, was commissioned. The crowd attending the ceremony was overwhelming.

Key West has been a sigificant naval base since the 1820s. However, this is the first time a ship has been commissioned here.

The Spruance is a guided missle destroyer. It is named after the Admiral Raymond Spruance who led the U.S. Naval forces during the battles of Midway and the Philippine Sea in world War II. It is 509 feet log.

Spruance’s granddaughter formally commissioned the ship At her command to “man the ship”, 285 sailors rushed up two gangways. Impressive!

A deep feeling of pride and nationalistic feeling permeated those in attendance.

I watched the Alabama/Florida football game last night. Was I impressed! Alabama won 38-10. The ten points Florida scored were an accident early in the game. What a team!

Bad things are happening in this country. Maybe, good. I don’t know anymore.

I am referring to the Wall Street protests. Two weeks old and growing. The groups are protestiong financial and corporate greed. Many of the demonstrators are recent college graduates who cannot find jobs. Nor can they pay their rent nor put proper food on the table.

The protests spread to Boston, Los Angeles and Albuquerque this weekend.

Some are describing the protests as preparation for an American revolution. Strong words.

Several months ago, Egypt had similar demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square.Yesterday on one of the internet news sites there was a video of a Tahrir Square protestor giving verbal support to his compatriots on Wall Street via a cell phone. The Tahrir Square demonstarations which toppled Mubarek were basically by college graduates who could not find jobs.

Two weeks ago, New York’s Mayor Blumberg went on television and warned we could have “…riots in the streets.” He further indicated that most of the complainers were college graduates who could not find work. Similar to those in Tahrir Square.

I have been suggesting/stating street demonstrations could occur for two years on my radio and internet shows, as well as in some of my writings. I have been emphasizing the danger more frequently in recent weeks. A nation cannot have one per cent making all the money and the other ninety nine per cent hurting.

The cost of basics has gone out the roof. I refer to gasoline, food, and rent. It becomes increasingly difficult for the ninety nine per cent to adequately exist.

The financially comfortable middle class of the past two generations is gone. We have become the very rich and the poor.

The Wall Street protests remind me of the Vietnam ones. However with Vietnam they started smaller.  Four or five people silently walking in protest in communities across the country. As the war got larger, so did the demonstrations. Till there were thousands in the streets with resultant injuries and property damage.

The Wall Street demonstration is significantly larger in its beginnings than the early Vietnam ones. I am concerned they will go farther. As I have been warning for two years, I sense an impending violence in the streets.

I am curious how Meet the Press is going to handle the issue this morning. A brief comment? Or more?

We are in serious times.

While our government in Washington fiddles, the fires are about to start.

Enjoy your Sunday.