Good morning!
The beginning of another beautiful day in Key West.
Yesterday, I skipped golf. Unusual for me. Wednesday is golf day.
I am still not feeling right. Though I feel a lot better, I must admit. In any event, I decided to to miss golf. Eighteen holes tends to tire me a bit right now.
The Paradise Cafe was one of my favorite Key West places for years. A sandwich shop. Located in a half assed renovated former gas station at the corner of Eaton and Grinnel. I had either breakfast or lunch there almost every day for more than ten years. Would get my Cuban toast and coffee or a sandwich and sit outside reading the newspapers.
It closed a couple of years ago. Sad for me. Sad for Key West.
It has been obvious the past six months that it was going to open again. Daily renovations. Taking forever. It has finally opened.
I stopped in yesterday. Excited. Anxious. Dreams of days gone by.
It was not to be. Nothing ever is as it was. A Paradise Cafe it is not!
Inside is totally renovated. Kitchen and storage take up three quarters of the space. No tables. There used to be seven inside the old place. The new one merely has a long narrow bench to sit on while awaiting your order.
Outside is not much different. Only three tables. There used to be at least seven there, also. The new tables are not located well either. One sits in the hot sun.
I ordered. Cuban toast.We do not do breakfast or Cuban things, I was told. I looked at the sandwich menu. Complicated. Captain Peter was there. He told me to order #2. He had been there before. Number 2 it was.
The three tables outside were occupied. Peter and I had no where to sit. We ended up sitting on a one foot high stoop of sorts in front of the place.
The sandwiches arrived. We had to eat sitting on the stoop. Cumbersome.
Finally a table opened. We moved to grab it. It was the table in the sun. A few minutes later, another table in the shade opened. We grabbed our food and moved again.
The sandwich was huge. The bread some sort of thick French. Crispy hard crust. Inside, I am not sure. Pork, veggies and onions. Tons of cooked onions. Actually tasted terrific. The whole sandwich was very good. I still am not sure what I was eating, but I must admit it was tastety.
I had a dentist appoinment following lunch. I cancelled it. I stunk of onions.
The lunch was too much. My stomach was full. I did not eat dinner last night. It was still with me.
Pricey. Just under $10 for the sandwich alone. Without a drink. $2-3 too much.
Will the place make it? I do not know. Time will tell. One thing is sure however. I will not be going on a daily basis as I did with Paradise Cafe.
I spent the afternoon finalizing friday’s internet show. Going to be terrific! With the Wall Street protest, Amanda Knox and everything else going on, how could it miss. Watch and get the Louis slant on these unfolding events. Ten in the morning worldwide.
I am going to spend a little time friday talking about Herman Cain. This guy has one hell of a background. Both he and the media have been remiss in not sharing it with the American public. No wonder he has won two straw polls and it is presenetly tied with Romney in the the race. He is not just another person who made a fortune selling pizzas. He has had a solid and diverisfiied career.
Watch out for Herman!
The Chart Room to start last night. Shaved first. It had been about a week. I looked terrible.
Just me and Mary. Emily on vacation. I stayed a while and chatted with Mary. Enjoyed her company.
Then to Don’s Place.
Don was there. Lori, also. Sat between them. Stayed a couple of hours. Of course, bocce dominated the conversation. Lori is one of our team mates.
Let me share with you an example of the ineptness of the American man. This man.
I screwed up my TV yesterday. The remote was locked. I could not change channels. I hit too many of the wrong buttons. Now I have nothing but snow. Could not be talked through the problem by telephone. The repairman will be here this afternoon.
Enjoy your day!
Hoe are you going to stomp on Harold Cain's reputation? Or is it …..
Herman is my guy. I sincerely hope that he is the next POTU. We'd finally get someone with some brains and real life experience in office. Unlike the current group of dopes.