Interesting day yesterday!
A surprising one!
Every one along the eastern seaboard is concerned about Irene. An earthquake occurs. And the hurricane is still 2-3 days away!
Wow! A double hit in the making.
My friend Rosanne lives in North Carolina. Irene is projected to come ashore in the Carolinas. We fortunately will miss Irene in Key West. Rosanne emailed me yesterday, “We are worried about Irene. And pow earthquake!!!!”
Hemingway is involved earthquake wise, also. He spent ten years of his life living in Key West. Wrote one or two of his novels here. In addition to partying at Sloppy Joe’s and other Key West establishments.
Hemingway’s earthquake tie in did not originate in a Key West writing. It is from a book he wrote in 1940 while living in a Cuban hotel in Havana. The book: For Whom the Bell Tolls.
I would like to say one of Hemingway’s best. But…..they were all his best!
For Whom the Bell Tolls begins with the famous John Donne quote, “…never…to know for who the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”
There are other quotes/lines from the book which have survived with lesser notoriety.
At the start of chapter 13, Hemingway’s hero Robert Jordan has sex for the first time with Maria. On the ground. Jordan “…feels the earth move out and away from under them” during the act. Afterwards, he asks Maria, “Did thee feel the earth move?”
Travel in time now to 1971. Carol King was a prominent songwriter and singer of the time. She recorded a song which was a hit then and comes to some minds whenever an earthquake occurs. The song: I Feel the Earth Move. The concept/words for the song relate back to Jordan’s utterings during and following the intimate experience with Maria in chapter 13. Neither the concept for the song or its words have anything to do with an earthquake. King’s words as sung reference a woman experiencing an orgasm.
From Hemingway to For Whom the Bell Tolls to sex on a mountainside in Spain to King’s hit song I Feel the Earth Move. All because of yesterday’s earthquake!
I would like to take credit for all the information just shared. Like George Washington however, I cannot tell a lie. I had a vague recollection of the words Robert Jordan uttered during and follolwing sex with Maria in the book. I had no recollection of Carol King or her recording.
I was emailing with friend Anne from Ithaca, New York. She told me of her experience with yesterday’s earthquake. We got into a back and forth regarding Hemingway’s book and the song. Anne provided the precise knowledge shared with you here.
Enough of earthquakes.
I decided to lunch at the Cuban Queen. The shack off the parking lot in the area of Schooner
Wharf. You will recall there are no tables. One orders from a hole in the shack wall and eats sitting on an outside bench.
The place was crowded. Only one seat left. Not shaded. The sun blazing hot. Not for me!
Instead I walked over to Harpoon Harry’s. Glad I did. Met a new and wonderful lady.
Her name is Jenny. She is 25. That is all I seem to meet lately. Twenty five year olds! From New York City. Worked in her father’s bar. She has been her only three weeks. Came on a whim. Already has a job. Waitressing and bartending at Jack Flats.
Tall, slim and beautiful. A distinctively different tone to her voice.
I asked if she were related to Tiffany. Who is Tiffany, she asked. I said, Tiffany of Antonia’s fame. Tiffany has bartended and waited on tables at Antonia’s off and on for twenty yearfs. No, she said.
Then I proceeded to tell her why I asked. Jenny is a perfect clone of Tiffany! For real! In every respect, including the voice. She is Tiffany 20 years ago. As well as Tiffany of today.
I hope you are reading me this morning, Tiffany. If not, I hope some one tells you what I have written. You two must meet!
Jenny has already discovered Key West. She knows of Don’s Place. Stops there after work at 2 in the morning. Is friends with Kurt. Knew he was on a golfing trip to Fort Myers. Knew Don. Has served he and Stephanie at Jack Flats.
Jean texted me that she and David were taking Wheel Chair Sheila to the Chart Room. It was Sheila’s time to visit the outside world again. Could I meet them at 5:30? I never madc it. Fell asleep. Woke around 5:30. Did not want to hurry to shower and dress and drive into town. So I telephoned Jean at the Chart Room with my regrets and told her to tell Sheila how much I loved her, even though I was not showing up.
Today is Wednesday. Golf day. No golf for me. I would be playing alone. My golf buddies took a golf trip to Fort Myers. They left Monday and return tomorrow. I had planned to go and then backed out.
Instead of golf, I will be in the dentist’s chair at 9. We are getting close to being done! I have been at this mouth/jaw thing since January 7th.
Enjoy your day!
"Wheelchair Sheila?" I resemble that remark. But not for much longer, I hope!
Anne from Ithaca, New York: Did you experience this as a result of sex, too?
Hi Lou,
Mineral, VA, where the earthquake was centered, is about 50 miles from here, what an experience! I was at work in Town Hall, the roof started to rumble and it sounded like 500 pre-schoolers were running back and forth on top. It was amazing.
We all evacuated and I thought, wow, chalk another thing up to experience. I could tell it was an earthquake as many years past, while in Lima , Peru, I experienced a 7.0 quake. I never forgot that feeling and yesterday's was basically the same…but in Virginia of all place.
Keep living the life Lou, one day…soon, my kids will graduate and it is Key West bound I shall be, two retirements in tow.