Golf this morning.

But not for me.

Grandson Robert sick. I am babysitting.

I feel like a truck rolled over me!

I had difficulty sleeping last night.

Was up after midnight. Tried writing blog at that time. Computer would not work.

Just not my evening!

Had a great lunch yesterday. With the lovely Kenya I had met the evening before at Louie’s Backyard.

The place…..Hogfish!

Kenya is a most interesting person. A champion swimmer. Went to the University of Nebraska on a swimming scholarship. Skis. All over the west. Even Chile! Travels. World wide. Big time.

And a business woman to boot! A good mind!

Somehow we got into Howard Livingston. She had never heard him. I told her to hit Capt. Tony’s last night. Howard was playing. Capt. Tony’s birthday was being celebrated.

I could not go. Had to stay in. Things to do. Or I would have joined her.

Worked on friday’s radio show last night. One hour of radio time takes about 5 hours of preparation.

I have to hustle to get over to Robert so Corey and Lisa can go to work. Hope he’s not too sick. It bothers me when these kids get sick. Simple illnesses seem to knock them on their asses. Fortunately, they recover quickly and well.

Enjoy your day!



The country?

No, the woman.

Met her last night. At the outside bar at Louie’s Backyard.

Long blond hair. Mid 40s. Striking personality, though a bit on the timid side. Reserved might be a better word.

I was to meet Marty at Louie’s bar. He was there. She was there. They were already chatting.

I listened more than talked. At one point, Kenya stated that I appeared bored. To the contrary, the conversation between her and Marty was interesting and I was taking it all in.

Kenya is no stranger to Key West. She has vacationed here many times. So have her parents. They love Fantasy Fest and never miss it!

Kenya speaks of Key West in warm glowing terms. I sense her parents will probably retire here. They are into that pattern that Key West lovers follow.

The strange part of all this is that Kenya and her family live in Fort Lauderdale. In a very nice area from Marty’s perspective. Not the same living as Key West, however. As the Kelly family has discovered.

Kenya’s Dad is JJ Kelly. Mother is Dorothy. Dad is a Fort Lauderdale magnate of sorts. A very successful and well known business man. Everyone in the Fort Lauderdale area knows of him. He is into used buses, RVs, equipment, home auto supply stores, machine parts stores, storage, real estate and what have you. JJ Kelly!

Kenya is in the business also. Most of her time is spent with Cruise America RVs.

Kenya has a son. Michael. He learned to kite board here in Key West at the end of Smathers Beach. Kenya was concerned about the nude beach replacing the kite boarders. I told her to worry not. The issue is still on the table for discussion and did not appear to be moving rapidly.

Marty invited Kenya to join us for dinner. She said she already had eaten. At Hogfish. I knew at that moment this lady was someone special! She said she frequents Hogfish often. Just plain likes it.

So much for the Kelly family. Hope I get to meet Mom and Dad some time. Sound like my kind of people.

Rained big yesterday. Was raining a bit while Marty and I were at Louie’s Backyard. It is still raining this morning. Unusual for it to rain this long. True, it is the rainy season. However the rain generally last 5 minutes and it’s gone for 24 hours. This is steady. Like the rain cloud came yesterday and is sitting over our island refusing to move.

Marty and I decided to eat at La Trattoria. Always a great place!

Kathy was bartending. Such a nice person!

Becha hosting. The best! A hug and kiss for me.

Last night turned out to be the evening for striking women. There was another one! Marilyn. She was sitting across the bar from us. Actually she moved there so Marty and I could have two seats together.

Magnificent hair, again. Long and black. Swirled in the back at some time. Wore it long and swirled during the course of the evening. Changed her hair style while sitting at the bar. A statuesque woman. Bartends at Blue Heaven. This was her night off.

I left Marty at the bar. Fortunately, I had my rain gear. It was no problem walking through the pouring rain to my car and home.

As I left La Trattoria, I could hear Marty ordering another Manhattan.

Enjoy your day!

Movies are an American art form. Perhaps America’s finest.

A movie star died in the past hours. One of significant repute. An outstanding performer.

Patricia Neal.

I especially enjoyed her in The Fountainhead. To this day I am not sure whether it was her performance or Ayn Rand that made me feel that way.

She received an Oscar for Best Performance in Hud. She played a gutsy older woman to the younger Paul Newman.

In 1965, she suffered several strokes. She was only 39 at the time. Taught herself to talk and walk again. And returned to movie making. A big accomplishment!

Yesterday was Sunday. I did my usual thing in the morning. Stayed in bed watching the talk shows. Then it was up and out.

It was be good to Louis time. So I went over to Lee Nails on Flagler for a pedicure. Tammy did me, as usual.

While enjoying the pedicure, I was reading an old Vogue. Women’s places of business do not have men’s magazines.

There was a lengthy article in it about Robert Di Nero, Martin Scorcese and the making of Raging Bull. So interesting! So absorbing! I sat in the chair for at least a half hour after my pedicure was complete to finish reading the article.

The movie literally took years to agree to, prepare, do and recover from. Rememeber, Di Nero gained 60 pounds for the ending portions of the film. He took 6 months off and went to Italy. Ate his way through the restaurants to gain the weight. Then he returned and the picture was completed. Then the poor guy had to spend 6 months getting rid of the extra weight!

Di Nero won an Oscar for Best Actor for the film.

This is not movie day. It is just the way things occurred in the past 24 hours.

I had a quiet lunch at Lucky Day. Cuban toast actually. Still was concerned with my stomach. Drank water. Not even diet Pepsi.

Then to the Coffee House. Two hours spent reading the New York Times. The Sunday Times is a fix. Need it!

Still in a reading mood when I left the Coffee House. It was time for Borders.

I am into my third day of a new book. I like it! A winner! Read it! War by Sebastian Junger. It is about a small group of American soldiers in Afghanistan. They comprise a part of the 173 Airborne Brigade. The author spent 14 months with these soldiers. Living and joining them in their battles in the Korengal valley.

The book was a New York Times best seller. A documnetary was filmed by Junger and another. The documentary won an award at the recent Sundance Film Festivial.

The reason I became motivated to read the book was a show I saw on Morning Joe this past week. Junger was a guest. Everyone on the show had read or were reading War. Everyone was excited about the book. In fact, the show devoted a whole half hour to Junger’s interview.

I had to read the book! Glad I started it.

After some War reading time, I stopped at Lisa’s. My grandkids were excited to see me. We watched the PGA golf tournamnet together for about an hour. Robert and Ally are really into this golf thing!

Last night I hosted dinner for Donna and Terri at the Yacht Club. Marty joined us. He is back in town. It was a long feast. About 3 hours. We had a good time chatting about everything.

I went home after dinner. Donna and Terri went into town. I don’t know where Marty went.

Enjoy your day!

Lobster season is upon us!

Not just diving/fishing. Eating!

Key West is celebrating Lobsterfest this weekend. Everyone is selling lobsters! Prepared a 1,000 different ways.

Part of Duval was closed off Friday night and Saturday afternoon. As part of the celebration.

Friday night had to be terrific! My friend Howard Livingston and his Mile Marker 24 group singing from a band stand in front of Sloppy Joe’s.

Both friday night and yesterday afternoon, street stands selling lobster prepared in all kinds of manner.

For my friends outside Florida who might be unaware, Florida lobsters are not as you might imagine. They are different. They have no claws. As a Maine lobster would. The tail is everything. It is the meat from the tail that is prepared and consumed.

Also, the meat is not as sweet nor tender as a Maine lobster. Ergo the need to prepare/cook a Florida tail with some additional spice, oil or butter.

What ever way a Florida lobster is prepared, it is absolutely delicious when ready for consumption!

The best experience I ever had eating Florida lobster was about 10 years ago. Cousin Sergio took me out on his boat to dive. We went out about 10 miles. Snorkled and dove for lobsters. We caught what ever the law permitted.

Afterwards, Serge steered the boat close to a mangrove island. The water around the boat was about 3 feet deep.

Serge cooked the lobster tails on the back of the boat. Buried them in butter.

I was standing in the water along side the boat drinking a beer. Serge handed a tail over the side of the boat to me. Hot and dripping in butter. I ate it standing there in the water. What flavor! Delicious!

I ate several more the same way. When I had finished, I was a mess. Covered in greasy butter. No problem! I merely ducked down in the water and voila I was clean!

A memorable day.

A Key West day!

I never got to enjoy friday night or saturday afternoon of Lobsterfest weekend this year. My stomach was still off into yesterday. So except for a brief walk in Home Depot, I was home in bed all day.

Not bad though!

It was Errol Flynn day on the Turner Classic Movie channel. He did it all! From a swash buckling swordsman for England, Robin Hood, a WW I and II hero, conquering Burma, finding a cure for an incurable disease and what have you. A man’s hero! An interesting evening and day at the movies for me!

In between movies, I watched golf. Tiger Woods is in trouble! He appeared to want to complete the round as quickly as possible and get off the course.

I did not blame him.

Lisa and the family have been away for a few days. Got home last night at dinner time. She called. I got up and went over. But did not eat. Missed them all and wanted to see them.

Robert’s tooth is still loose. Has not fallen out yet. He is proud of it. Ran up to show it to me as soon as I arrived. He thinks he is man now. Claims he has some hair above his upper lip also. He told me he may have to shave soon. Six years old.

I went along with him.

Ally was thrilled to see me. She looked like she grew a couple of inches in a few days. She asked if it was ok if we did not watch golf. She was already into a kid’s movie.

Then back home to bed for me and more of Errol Flynn!

Enjoy your day!

I expressed a bit of anger yeserday on the radio show. I was pissed off!

Instead of people getting mad at me as might be anticipated, the opposite occurred. I came out a minor hero of sorts.

The issue I enunciated with emotion was not part of my prepared program. Rather it concerned an item I read on the front page of the Key West Citizen just before doing the show.

The article was entitled Senators Criticize Fort Jefferson.

The long and short of it involved Arizona’s Senator Mc Cain and Oklahoma’s Senator Coburn.

Obama’s stimulus package has $13 million set aside for renovation work in 2013 at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas. The Fort and Dry Tortugas are part of the Key West tourist enviroment.

Mc Cain and Coburn were of the opinion the $13 million was a waste of money. Even though the facility is part of the National Park Service. Not enough people visit the location from their perspective. Only 59,000 last year.

These two great Senate minds described the expenditure as giving “…..taxpayers the blues.”

Stimulus monies were intended primarily to provide jobs! Work for the unemplyed! There are other reasons. Such as creating and sustaining economic growth. But jobs are the first reason for the monies being spent.

And we do need jobs in the keys!

All the curb replacements and sewer work in Key West this year payed for with stimulus dollars provided no income coming in as a result of the work. We merely repaired the old.

I used to have great respect for Mc Cain. A war hero. I admired him when he ran for President. But since he lost, he has become a changed personalty. He is running for reelection this year in Arizona and having a hard time of it from news reports. His positions vacilate. He is part of the NO! crowd in the Senate.

His heroic glorious image of yesterday is rapidly becoming tainted.

I said on the radio show in no uncertain terms that these two Senators should keep their noses out of Florida business! And I say it again here!

If these guys want to disrupt something that is good for the Florida keys’ local economy, then maybe someone should take a closer look at the monies being spent in Arizona and Oklahoma. I have to believe with Mc Cain running again this year that the stimulus monies and pork barrel spending are terrific. I know, Mc Cain says he takes no pork barrel monies. I have always questioned that statement when he made it. There has to be more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to these things.

I woke yesterday morning feeling ill. I was. Fever, upset stomach and what have you. A bug. Made it through the show, however.

Then it was home to bed for me. Stayed in bed all day and night. Ate nothing. Drank little. Feel better this morning. Actually feel good!

Glynn Archer School is in Key West. There is a large sculpture of a tiger on its front lawn. Very imposing!

First State Bank on the Boulevard has a sculpture of a manatee on its front lawn. Imposing, also!

Both sculptures were done by Key West artist George L. Carey.

Carey died yesterday. Sad. May he rest in peace.

Enjoy your day!

Good morning!

I am up early. Dark outside. Pitch black.

Radio show today. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. 10 am. Listen in from Key Largo to Havana, Cuba on KONK 1500 AM radio. Better yet, watch and listen via ustream. A box will appear. Type KONK in it and I will appear!

Great subject matter to share with you on the radio show. Proposition 8, of course. Plus the Gulf oil spill and landfills, Harry Truman and this date in history, Elena Kagan’s favorable Senate vote, Washington, D.C. weird dumb laws, the proposed Muslim mosque near the 9/11 site, the rise of neo-nazism in Mongolia, an Australian sexual harassment case and more.

I need to walk on a more consistent basis. I am getting lazy and going without exercise. I have been using the humidity lately as an excuse. Just too hot!

So I moved into Home Depot yesterday morning. Walked the aisles for a half hour. At a brisk pace. Air conditioned.

Spent the afternoon fine tuning today’s radio show.

Last night was a long dinner with Donna and Terri at the Yacht Club. We talked much. We enjoy each other’s company immensely.

Terri has appeared in 10 Broadway shows thus far. A big deal! Her first was Roar of the Crowd. She was 16. Her most recent Chicago. What a career!

It was almost 10 by the time we finished dinner. We were the last table sitting.

Donna and Terri headed to the Keys Piano Bar. They were meeting Anne O’Shea for a drink. Anne is one of the Executive Producers of that great new movie The Kids Are All Right.

I headed home and to bed.

Enjoy your day! And don’t forget to listen/watch The Key West Lou Legal Hour!

Great golf yesterday!

The best I have played in 10 years!

Shot 100 even. Two months ago I was shooting 125.

Played with Larry and Aaron. Larry was back from his New York trip.

Larry and I played a money game. Larry shoots around 85. So he has to give me strokes. I won the first 9 holes of our match. Wow! So Larry said we had to reconfigure the strokes. I expected it. We did. I took less. It did make a bit of a difference. I only won 3 holes on the back side. He won 4. We tied the rest. But I did not care. I was playing better!

And won $5!

Why am I playing better? It is not that my skills have improved. It is my heart.

You will recall that back in October I was diagnosed with a heart problem. Cardiomyopathy.

My heart had weakened. The heart muscle had stretched. I was not pushing blood out fast enough. Ergo, I was lacking the strength to hit the golf ball far. The doctor told me how to correct my health and indirectly my golf game. Stop drinking, smoking and go on a diet. I stopped drinking and smoking immediately. I have done neither since October 29 when he admonished me. And I dieted off 30 pounds.

The doctor said I would notice a return of strength gradually. I have. That is why I am hitting the ball farther.

I love it! Good living has its rewards!

Soon I will be reporting that I have broken a 100! That will really be a WOW day!

The humidity was extremely heavy yesterday. My tee shirt was wet before I even teed off on the first hole. Tired me out. Not enough to bother my game, however.

After golf, I lunched at Hogfish and then returned home. I went straight to bed and slept the balance of the afternoon away. That is how tired I was from the humidity!

I opted to stay in last night. Worked on friday’s radio show. The show is developing. The topics timely and interesting. Like the Gulf oil spill and landfills, the Proposition 8 decision and same sex marriage, a bit of Key West history involving Cary Grant and Tony Curtis, Mongolian neo-nazism, the Muslim mosque near the 9/11 site and what Harry Truman was doing 65 years ago on August 6, 1945.

I have no plans for today. Lets see what develops. It is always interesting.

Enjoy your day!

Jasper John!

My conservative friend from New Jersy. Fellow Manhattan College graduate.

Jasper John wrote a comment yesterday. About recent newspaper reports regarding Key West and dengue fever. Dengue fever is a very bad malady which occurs from mosquitos.

The newspaper articles were nothing more than newspaper hype! Bad reporting at its best. Shades of the recent Sherron case.

Mosquitos are a problem in the keys. However, the lower keys have a Mosquito Control Board. Elected officials to run it. A huge staff and budget. Spray baby spray! Planes and trucks. Also periodic property visits to make sure no pools of water are around which might permit breeding.

The bottom line. Mosquitos are not a problem in the lower keys.

The newspaper article reported 1,000 cases of dengue fever last year. Gross misrepresentation. Actually there were only 5. Mild cases. Some one at the newspaper end obviously failed to properly do their homework before writing the article.

The bottom line is that not only is dengue fever not a concern, neither are mosquitos. My Italian blood is sweet. I was always getting bit in upstate New York. Rarely if ever in Key West.

My day was spent in doctor visits yesterday. The morning visit with my internest led me to a plastic surgeon in the afternoon. A growth. Had to be cut off. The novicane shot was worse than the slicing.

I did Chinese last night. It has been ages. I was out and had a desire for egg foo young. Which was accompanied by fried rice, an egg roll and egg drop soup.

Between doctor visits and later in the evening, I spent time sitting outside with my guests, Donna and Terri. I am enjoying their visit. So are they! Their one week visit is now into its second week. Neither they nor I are sure when they are leaving. Ok by me. They are good people!

The big thing for Terri last night was the sunset. An orange ball. A beauty as it disappeared below the horizon.

Spent some time yesterday preparing for friday’s radio show. Some interesting topics. Like the Gulf oil spill and its impact on garbage dumps, the rise of Mongolian neo-nazism and a pagan’s right to pray.

Golf this morning! Ho ho! Hope I do good!

Two good friends are away. Larry is up north. Marty back in Hallendale. Get your butts back guys! Miss you both!

Enjoy your day!

Good morning world!

Another beautiful Key West day to wake up to! Sunshine. A light breeze. Magnificent colors.

A single word to describe Key West mornings is the word beauty. I am a very visual person. What I see here each morning is a wonder to the eyes!

Which reminds me of a phrase involving beauty. One we are all familiar with. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

From whence did it come? Its origin?

Some say old Greek writing. Others give credit to Shakespeare. Some say Benjamin Franklin.

Actually, the responsible party is an Irish authoress by the name of Margaret Wolfe Hungerford. A mouthful!

Margaret was born in Ireland. Some time in the mid 1800s. Her father was a minister.

Margaret was college educated. Very unusual for a woman at the time.

She wrote successfully in Ireland. Her second book made her. She became a popular writer with it. The book was written in 1878 and titled Molly Brown. It was in Molly Brown that Hungerford wrote the famous line… is in the eye of the beholder.

Thereafter, Margaret wrote for the flourishing American market. It was the time of Irish immigration in the United States. She knew the people, their feeelings and aspirations. For some unknown reason, she did not write in the United Stats under the name Hungerford. Her writing name was The Duchess. She preferred to write anonymously.

Everything The Duchess wrote was swiftly purchased. Whether by way of novel or short story.

Returning to the beauty of Key West, the only thing that could destroy this beauty would be a hurricane.

We are into the hurricane sesason. Problems start popping up in August. September is the worst month.

So far, so good.

The weather reports tell us the fourth storm of this hurricane season has started off the coast of Africa. Most of the hurricanes coming this way start there. The presnt storm has just formed. It is moving swiftly. It is anticipated it will bend north before it reaches land here. Might brush Bermuda and then go out to sea.

We are all a bit anxious this time of the year. Understandably so.

I walked Duval around lunch time yesterday. Stopped into St. Paul’s Church on Duval. Joe Lowe plays either the organ or piano each day between noon and one. Sometimes classic, sometimes religious, sometimes Broadway tunes.

The Church is cool. The music relaxing. It is a good place to rest.

Yesterday was Broadway tune time! Big time! God and the Sound of Music, My Fair Lady and Oklahoma. Performed by organ. Beyond description.

I spent most of the afternoon into the early evening sitting outside by the pool with Terri. She spent most of the time sitting on the steps in the shallow end. Her body half in and half out of the water. Sipping on a cocktail. Smoking a cigarette. Working on her tan.

Terri is naturally black. Extremely so. However, she is not an African American. Rather part American Indian and part Brazilian.

We spoke much of the business aspect of Broadway. Terri is a Broadway star again. Her two recent successes have been Finian’s Rainbow and Chicago.

The business part of being a Broadway star is mind boggling. A maze! Yes, she has an agent. But even more is required. You have to constantly be aware, be on your guard. Terri feels fortunate that she now has Donna to look after this aspect of her career.

Terri is an artist. A musical actress can be thus described. She, too, is enthralled with the beauty of Key West. She constantly comments as she sits in my pool and on my deck of the wonderous beauty in every direction.

I am off to the doctor again this morning. Have to hustle.

Enjoy your day!

I am a creature of habit.

An example are Sundays. They always start the same. Lie in bed all morning and watch the TV talk shows. Meet the Press and the like. I am a political freak at heart.

By the time I was out of bed yesterday, it was after 12 noon. I headed out to Harpoon Harrys for Sunday fare. An omelet. Made with cream cheese. A first. Delicious.

Also bought the New York Times while I was there. Rarely do I buy a newspaper. Harpoon Harrys had none for free yesterday morning. I think the earlier customers took the free ones home!

Cost me $6! Expensive!

But pure pleasure. I sat at Harpoon Harrys about 2 hours browsing through the paper.

My house guests have finally locked into Key West time. Donna and Terri have been here a week. They came in like a tornado. That New York speed thing. They are finally moving at a reduced speed. A crawl. Second day in a row I have noticed it.

They do not want to go anywhere. Both are content to sit outside next to the water by day and by night. I tend to leave them alone. But when together, we are having some interesting conversations.

Donna has high blood pressure. Just diagnosed. She is under the care of a Key West doctor while here for it. Neither have the time to doctor in New York. Both are concerned about Donna’s high blood pressure. Worry not, I told them! I have been afflicted for 40 years. The doctor will get you on the right pill and you will be ok. However, some life alterations are in order. Less drinking. Cut out smoking. Stop getting hyped. Etc. Listen to me preach! Nothing worse than a reformed drinker and smoker!

Watched Mad Men last night. A terrific show! Just like things were in the 1960s. Love it! Those were the years when I was starting my law practice.

The Gulf oil spill is bothering me again. Beware of BP and the federal government with their recent comments that the surface oil is dissipating and less atention to the problem will be required. No one is presently talking about those two large plumes under water. My recollection is that one was 25 miles long by 10 miles wide.

The problem is no one knows where these plumes have gone. They will reappear. Perhaps to cause havoc.

Mark my words. An additional bad something will develop as a result of the oil spill and these plumes. BP will say…..Gee whiz…..not really our problem…..things were better…..must be something else that caused them…..even the federal government said things were better back when.

It never fails! I have seen it occur too many times before in my life work. Remember, I was an enviromental attorney.

Took my monthly Boniva pill before starting today’s blog. I have osteoporosis. My doctor has had me on this woman ‘s pill for 3 years. Plus two calcium tablets daily.

It is a familly problem. Hereditary.

In the lat 4 years, I have lost 2 inches in height. For real! And I am slouching more. My Aunt Mary who recently passed on at 101 shrunk quite a bit. Got down to under 5 feet. My 96 year old Dad has lost inches and is significantly bent over.

Hope the monthly pill works! If it doesn’t, I have a good idea how I am going to look in a few years.

Enjoy your day!