I expressed a bit of anger yeserday on the radio show. I was pissed off!
Instead of people getting mad at me as might be anticipated, the opposite occurred. I came out a minor hero of sorts.
The issue I enunciated with emotion was not part of my prepared program. Rather it concerned an item I read on the front page of the Key West Citizen just before doing the show.
The article was entitled Senators Criticize Fort Jefferson.
The long and short of it involved Arizona’s Senator Mc Cain and Oklahoma’s Senator Coburn.
Obama’s stimulus package has $13 million set aside for renovation work in 2013 at Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas. The Fort and Dry Tortugas are part of the Key West tourist enviroment.
Mc Cain and Coburn were of the opinion the $13 million was a waste of money. Even though the facility is part of the National Park Service. Not enough people visit the location from their perspective. Only 59,000 last year.
These two great Senate minds described the expenditure as giving “…..taxpayers the blues.”
Stimulus monies were intended primarily to provide jobs! Work for the unemplyed! There are other reasons. Such as creating and sustaining economic growth. But jobs are the first reason for the monies being spent.
And we do need jobs in the keys!
All the curb replacements and sewer work in Key West this year payed for with stimulus dollars provided no income coming in as a result of the work. We merely repaired the old.
I used to have great respect for Mc Cain. A war hero. I admired him when he ran for President. But since he lost, he has become a changed personalty. He is running for reelection this year in Arizona and having a hard time of it from news reports. His positions vacilate. He is part of the NO! crowd in the Senate.
His heroic glorious image of yesterday is rapidly becoming tainted.
I said on the radio show in no uncertain terms that these two Senators should keep their noses out of Florida business! And I say it again here!
If these guys want to disrupt something that is good for the Florida keys’ local economy, then maybe someone should take a closer look at the monies being spent in Arizona and Oklahoma. I have to believe with Mc Cain running again this year that the stimulus monies and pork barrel spending are terrific. I know, Mc Cain says he takes no pork barrel monies. I have always questioned that statement when he made it. There has to be more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to these things.
I woke yesterday morning feeling ill. I was. Fever, upset stomach and what have you. A bug. Made it through the show, however.
Then it was home to bed for me. Stayed in bed all day and night. Ate nothing. Drank little. Feel better this morning. Actually feel good!
Glynn Archer School is in Key West. There is a large sculpture of a tiger on its front lawn. Very imposing!
First State Bank on the Boulevard has a sculpture of a manatee on its front lawn. Imposing, also!
Both sculptures were done by Key West artist George L. Carey.
Carey died yesterday. Sad. May he rest in peace.
Enjoy your day!
Pork is always something to criticize in another person's backyard. McCain indeed has used "pork" in his home state, 10 million to the University of Arizona for a William Rehnquist Academic Center. There are many other instances over his years in the senate. Yes, it is good current political flash to pretend not to spend for votes but McCain has indeed been there and done that. In my opinion, if the Florida Keys can get Bernanke to helicopter in some fresh bills for Fort Jefferson than more power to them.
*** begin quote ***
Mc Cain and Coburn were of the opinion the $13 million was a waste of money. Even though the facility is part of the National Park Service. Not enough people visit the location from their perspective. Only 59,000 last year.
*** end quote ***
Sorry, but the Gooferment is ot of control.
From it's role of protecting our rights, it has morphed into the be all and end all of doing everything.
It has to stop. Everywhere. We just can't afford it any more.
Sorry if Key West has to pay for that stuff, but you do any way.
Makes no sense to pass money around with each layer of politicians and bureaucrats taking a "handling fee".
There's a reason why "for profit business" is a much better model. They spend money much more carefully. And, if the service they sell is not wanted, thy go out of business and their resources are applied elsewhere. Gooferment NEVER goes out of any business even if the "service" is harmful!
The "Buck" has to stop; sorry it has to stop at your place as well.
[quote]And we do need jobs in the keys!
All the curb replacements and sewer work in Key West this year payed for with stimulus dollars provided no income coming in as a result of the work. We merely repaired the old.[end quote]
How can such a statement be made !! Repairing of infrastructure is woefully needed and income is restricted/lessened without it !! Didn't those repairs provide some work?? Last I knew the repairs weren't completed, the work goes on..
This senseless stimulus spending has to stop, we can't afford it,and neither can our kids or grandkids since they are the ones that will have pay for this stupidity..
Does Fort Jeff need repair, sure, but 13 million?? That money is better spent on real infrastructure..
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it ! Patrick and JoAnn..
I'm a bit behind on your blog and missed the show on Friday, but it's appalling that McCain would be against assiting Fort Jefferson. While in Key West last month I took my first trip out to the Fort and was blown away by it. Absolutely stunning in terms of views, the building itself, the history and the snorkleing! If McCain took one trip there he'd think differently.
Boston, MA