Another magnificent morning! Brilliance everywhere! Key West brilliance!
Friday is two days away. Friday means the Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten in the morning my time. Available on television and the internet.
For TV viewing, Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19 from Key West northward through Miami-Dade County. Elsewhere and world wide via the internet.
Topics include the built in killer to the proposed Senate immigration bill, how DNA exonerated a former Police Chief convicted of murder after spending 15 years in jail, the unsolved mystery of 30,000 panties found on a highway, another brain dead not so dead story, new husband who took wife’s last name gets all screwed up with Florida’s DMV, Florida’s python problem manifests itself in South Africa’s crocodile problem, and more.
The more includes a trilogy involving toilet paper: puppy poop and newspapers, toilet paper rationed in a Pennsylvania school, and lottery winner who wanted to donate a truck load of toilet paper to a social agency that once helped her.
Join me. Interesting material. Guaranteed to keep your attention the whole hour.
I spent most of yesterday preparing the preceding topics and others for friday’s show. My plan was to follow up those several hours with a shower and trip to the Chart Room. Instead, I cleaned the garage. What possessed me, I do not know!
I avoid servile labor of any kind. Garage cleaning is not one of my talents. Nor desire. I started throwing a few boxes out, moving things around, and all of a sudden it was 7 in the evening.
So much for the Chart Room. I showered, had something to eat, and went to bed. The man was tired.
My refrigerator is empty. I am still not totally back into this eating thing. This morning’s blog is being done a bit early because I have to get to Publix. The cupboard is bare!
Enjoy your day!
“Another magnificent morning! Brilliance everywhere! Key West brilliance!”
Fabulous description of the weather. Makes one visualize paradise.