After three days, Woodstock ended. This date in 1969. The event described by many as the grooviest event in music history. I don’t know. I was not there. However, Larry Smith and Larry Flynn were. Two Larrys. Today, Smith lives in Key West and Flynn in the Utica, NY area. Contact them personally to get their thoughts.

I do have a recollection of Woodstock even though I was not there. It took forever to leave. To get out. One to three days. Woodstock was in the middle of no where.

A client’s son telephoned me. He was stuck in Woodstock. Asked if I could get him out. How? Helicopters were not even permitted in the area. I recommended patience.

Spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s podcast show. Good show! In a quick half hour, I covered topics involving Libya, Wyoming, Iowa, Germany, Monsanto, Malia Obama, cannabis, Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, and more.

Roostica for a light dinner. Artichoke dip. I was not that hungry.

I stopped my beloved anti-gravity treadmill last week. It was making me tired. I had cut back from five days to three days. Still tired afterwards. Went at slower speeds. Tiredness lasted 4-5 hours.

I am not tired this week. Feel terrific. Wide awake. Me thinks the treadmill was too much for me. Got to figure it out. Has to be my heart. Enlarged problems. I get tired exerting myself. Even a little. The heart has to pump harder to move the blood through.

Exercise is a must. Some type. Not as much. I am walking, but not that far nor fast. Will be visiting with my doctors. We’ll work it out.

I mentioned the other day that Maine lobster was cheaper to buy in Key West than local lobster. Now, I learn that fish is being trucked in from outside the area. The reason claimed is that local catch have become too expensive. Does not surprise me. Everything else has shot up dramatically in Key West the past few years.

Greed part of the problem.

The Key West City Commission is jumping into the hospital problem with both feet. As I suspected. Not healthy for resolution of the problem. The Commission has authorized the City Attorney to explore several avenues. One, a lawsuit.

Local politicians have a propensity to screw everything up. Why should the hospital problem be any different.

Another example of political lunacy is what the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District board is doing. The board is elected.

The board announced a 45 percent increase in taxes. To pay for a new building they claim is needed. It was announced yesterday that Oxitec will lease space in the old building to rear genetically modified mosquitoes for other counties. At $25 a square foot.

I fear the board has already made up its mind re the referendum. Recall, it is non-binding. I see the board rejecting the referendum result and going ahead with the testing.

I call the residents of Key Haven guinea pigs. Someone recently referred to us as lab rats. Both fit.

Common Dreams published an excellent article on 8/16/16 re the problem. Florida Keys Residents Resist Controversial GMO Mosquito Trial. Interesting reading.

An item in the article involves profit. Oxitec is a subsidiary of Intrexon. It is estimated Intrexon will profit $400 million if tests are successful and the GMO mosquitoes can be sold nation wide. The only test scheduled in the United States is Key Haven.

Trump gets his first intelligence briefing today. I fear he will not be able to keep secret that which he learns. I visualize him at some future date spouting of during a speech something he learned at one of the briefings. The man is a loose cannon, not stable.

My column in this week’s KONK Life is Mommy, I’m Hungry. The story of starvation in Venezuela. Hits the stands later today. Recommended reading.

Enjoy your day!



The long awaited FDA report concerning Oxitec safety re humans was received yesterday. The FDA said there was no significant impact re Oxitec use as regards an investigative field trial in the Florida Keys.

That means FDA says it is ok to test Oxitec over my little island of Key Haven. Pretty much covered with family homes.

Key Haven residents have opposed the testing. We do not want to be used as guinea pigs for a genetically modified mosquito. The outcry has made the local Mosquito Control Board agree to a vote by Key Haven residents as to whether they want the testing. The vote is in November.

The result is non binding on the Mosquito Control Board. The Board supports the Oxitec testing.

I do not trust the Board.

My sense is that this has become a personal battle for most board members. Their attitude appearing to be they know better than those who elected them.

None of us knows better. However some of us want to be certain we are going to be safe. Remember, DDT was for years considered safe. History repeats itself.

I have a gut feeling that certain Board members will try to engineer a vote by the Board to go ahead and forget the November election.

The Board being bolstered by the recent FDA announcement.

Were you aware? Did you know? Key West was the second largest city in Florida in 1860. Only 44 fewer residents than #1 Pensacola that had 2,876 residents.

I have decided on the subject for this week’s KONK column. Something along the lines…..Mommy, I’m Hungry.  Venezuela’s extreme food shortage.

I have commented briefly on the problem here and on my podcast show. The column will be more detailed. The world should know.

Research today. The column written tomorrow.

Enjoy your day!


Donald Trump is in the forefront these days. More than previously. Justifiably so. The man is mad. America is viewing his instability. More and more each day. He is self destructing before our eyes.

Better now than later. If elected, I worry about him and the nuclear button. So should you.

I spoke of Trump on my blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Half the show. Example after example of his instability.

Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for the podcast.

The Civil War has intrigued me since my college days. Today, I read everything I can get my hands on re the War.

The Key West Library is sponsoring a Civil War event. Titled Civil War Living History. In the Library’s Palm Garden. Saturday, August 13.

The editorial in yesterday’s Key West Citizen concerned Social Security. It was a republication of an editorial carried in the South Florida Sun Sentinel titled Put Priority On Solvency For Social Security.

A bad editorial. Avoided discussing the real reason why Social Security has money problems. The reason being the government borrows surplus monies in the Social Security Fund and never pays back. The government owes Social Security $1.8 trillion. Social Security is the biggest creditor of the United States. Ahead even of China.

The issue of pay back is always avoided in articles. If the government started paying back over a long period, the monies would be more than sufficient to keep Social Security payments at a level where cuts would not be required. Not even discussed.

The American people continue to get screwed by a government that borrow’s their money with no intent to ever pay back.

The William Hackley saga continues. Baby doing much better. Visited Mrs. Hews four times this date in 1855 for breast feeding.

A quick Venezuela update.

Two weeks ago, Venezuelans were eating their pets. This past weekend, they were invading zoos and stealing the zoo’s inhabitants. For consumption purposes obviously.

Curacao is one of the largest cities in Venezuela. Has a large zoo. Some people snuck into the zoo in the middle of the night. They were after a horse.

When the zoo keepers arrived in the morning, all that remained of the horse was the head and ribs.

A Venezuelan revolution is long overdue. Recall three years ago they ran out of toilet paper. The country is still out of toilet paper.

My column in this week’s KONK Life is German Persecution of Homosexuals. Sick, sad. Hits the stands today.

Key West has many fun events. One of the local favorites is the Battle of the Bars. Bartenders and servers engage in a competition down Duval Street. The winner gets bragging rights for a year.

The Battle of the Bars this sunday at one.

Enjoy your day!



Few living in the lower Keys could have been surprised by the rating our local hospital received. This morning’s Key West Citizen reported that a recent federal study listed the Lower Keys Medical Center with the lowest rating possible.

Such reflective of the public battle between a citizens group and the hospital.

Someone should look at the dollar numbers. Follow the money is always good advice. I would be interested in knowing the hospital’s gross and net. I suspect the net has to be significant. Perhaps more than normal when  placed beside comparable hospitals.

I would also check how the hospital/collection agency thing works. Are the hospital bills being bought by the agency? If so, a hospital would be inclined to get rid of the bills quickly.

My morning yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Went slow this time. Two miles an hour rather than 4. My tiredness a concern. I was still tired, though not as much.

Then to the Cuban Coffee House. Ruby has disappeared from public view. She is cooking in the kitchen. A new young lady at the counter. Halley.

Spoke briefly with Ruby. She enjoys cooking. My sense was she had another job previously where she was a short order cook.

Spent the afternoon researching tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Stimulating topics. Like the Kahn-Trump disgrace, German persecution of homosexuals, Swedish youngsters being paid to play with Muslim immigrant children, it now being legal for cops to have sex with minors in Ohio, Venezuelans butchering zoo animals for food, urine samples  being collected door to door in Miami in battle against Zika, and more.

Nine my time.

One of the best podcasts on the internet.

Last night began with Aqua and the Dueling Bartenders. Tom Luna and Rich Dery. Great entertainment!

Met Tom and Fran Dixon by pre-arrangement. Love ’em!

Josey and David at the bar. So was Darryl. Did not know Darryl. However, a nice guy. He bought for the bar! Also met Bill. He wanted to chat with me re last week’s bagel column. The article turned out to be a popular one.

This week’s column is German Persecution of Homosexuals. Not nice. Hits the stands tomorrow.

Tom and Fran left. I was all alone at the bar. Decided to eat. Went over to the outside bar at La Te Da.

When I left Aqua, I noticed Mangoes all ripped up. Piles of dirt. A huge excavator sitting in the middle of the place.

Broke my heart.

I should not have been surprised. Mangoes recently changed hands. The new owner is obviously putting a new face on the place.

Enjoy your day!





William Hackley reports in his 1855 diary entry of this date that Baby is well. I am thrilled. Wonder how? Yesterday little sustenance. Baby was in trouble. Another question: What is Baby’s name? Hackley keeps referring to the child as Baby.

Lets stay with health for the moment. The war is ongoing between the corporation that owns The Lower Keys Medical Center and Key West citizenry. Nicki Will was CEO of the hospital. She resigned yesterday. I am sure because of the notoriety/conflict. What next?

The third round of the British Open has killed me. My eyes are slits as I type. I got screwed up somehow.

I thought the third round would begin 1;30 this morning. I stayed awake for it. At 1:30, there was a flash it would be 2:00. I continued to remain awake. What I got was an old Barbasol tournament. Not even first class golfers.

Saw another flash on the screen…..4.

I continued to stay awake. Watched old movies on TV.

Four came and so did a rerun of the second round. Not the fresh third one.

I said screw it and went to sleep. Woke at 6.

I sit here writing extremely tired. Guess what is on TV at the moment. The third round of the British Open. It is 10 am. Been running for an hour.

I got the hours wrong. The change in time.

It is going to be a terrific day! I am bushed already.

Yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Speed still good. Time up by 2 minutes. Two minutes beyond what I used to do. Fantastic! The gravity level remains at 50 percent. Perhaps by the end of this coming week, I will be back to normal re the gravity level.

Lunch as usual at the Cuban Coffee Queen.

Then to Tammy for a manicure.

Tammy is a lovely Asian. Beautiful. Tiny and thin. Generally wears her black hair long and straight. Yesterday, rolled on top of her head in a ball.

Haircut? No, too hot.

I soon understood what she meant by too hot. The air conditioner was on the blink. Second day in a row. They are waiting a new unit to be delivered from Miami.

It was a lousy day to get a manicure. My shirt was soaked a half hour later when Tammy was done.

I thought of women who shower and get dressed for a date. Then stop to get their nails done before meeting the date. They were going to be mad! Another shower would be required before meeting their dates.

I had a good time last night. At the Chart Room. Met up with Frances and Chris Clark. By prearrangement. Frances has had four books published. Her latest titled Frances Watson Clark: Key West. A photographic  history of Key West.

Well done. Buy it.

Their daughter Katherine was with them. An adult. A professional photographer. Her forte sensitivity. Reflected in her work.

Katherine presently engaged in taking photos of breast cancer victims. Before, during and after surgery. With taste. To show the strength, resourcefulness, etc. of the women involved.

Katherine’s girl friend Melissa was with them. Melissa a photographer, also. She is a sports photographer with the Caroline Panthers. Sounds good.

I forgot Chris. Husbands/fathers always seem to come last. Chris is a retired banker.

The family is from Georgia. Still have a home in Georgia. Also a home in Key West. On Eaton Street.

We plan on having dinner together soon.

A Venezuela update. Two days ago, I reported Venezuelans were out of food. Were eating their pets. Dogs and cats. Sad.

Nicolas Maduro is a poor President. Inept. As I have been saying for three years, the people should revolt. They first ran out of toilet paper. Three years later, still out of toilet paper. Now, food.

Maduro announced yesterday that he was appointing an Army general to be in charge of a new food supply system. Every federal agency is now run by a general.

Last year, Maduro announced a new federal department. Cabinet level. A Director of Happiness, or something like that. Everyone was going to be kumbaya! Did not work. You cannot tell people they are happy if they are not. If they are hungry and cannot wipe their asses.

I question a bit what I have been reading and reporting re the hunger situation. The Wall Street Journal ran a good sized photo yesterday of  Venezuelans crossing a bridge that was the border between Venezuela and Columbia. The border had been opened for 12 hours to permit Venezuelans to cross over into Columbia to buy groceries.

The adults and children looked healthy. Especially the adults. Most, overweight.

Zika. Mosquito bite the cause. Florida Keys concerned. I sometimes think we are the home from whence mosquitoes emanate.

No Zika cases in our area however.

A case in another part of the country was reported yesterday. A first time situation. A woman gave Zika to a male via sex. Supposedly not common.

Enjoy your day!



Early wednesday morning, six Cuban immigrants safely landed in Key West. At the Southernmost Point.The end of South Street. The place where tourists wait in line to have their picture taken.

The dive boat that took them to safety could be seen behind the Southernmost Point. A warm sight knowing the circumstances. The six could not have landed at a better place.

Now that we have some sort of relationship with Cuba, I no longer can accept returning Cuban refugees who did not land with their feet on American soil. A concept that has outlived its time.

I saw on TV this morning, a Cuban who had just arrived and his father that had been in the U.S. 36 years. Embracing. Crying. The first time in 36 years father and son saw or touched each other.

Yesterday began normally. The anti-gravity treadmill first. I have exceeded my original top speed. Now 4.0 as opposed to 3.5. Miles per hour. Time equal to back when. Gravity still at 50 percent. I need it there or a while yet.

David Wolkowsky has been absent recently. He went to New York City. Ninety six years old and takes a few days off to visit the Big Apple. What a guy!

Followed it up with Ruby at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Ruby is terrific! She remembers your order and name. Similar to a bartender knowing your drink. All the time smiling.

A stop at Walgreens to pick up another prescription. I have 11 prescriptions requiring 13 pills a day to be taken. All doctor prescribed. My heart doctor says it is what is keeping my heart and blood pressure ok. I am “pill controlled” as he puts it.

I could sense it was going to rain last night at dinner time. Decided to stay close to home. Drove over to Hogfish. Sat at the bar. Knew we were going to get hit with a heavy rain. Monsoon type. You could small, taste and feel it coming.

It did. Fortunately, the bar area protected me from getting wet.

My happy birthday with Jenna this evening. My birthday. The last day of celebration. It is dinner at Azur. I am looking forward to Jenna and Azur. Both top of the line.

I am beginning to worry about William Hackley’s baby. He, a fried and what I assume was a nun stayed up all evening with the baby. Baby appeared better at 10 in the morning.

The thought occurs…..The Republican Party holds itself out as the party of family values. So they run a Presidential candidate who has had three wives. If Newt Gingrich is the VP choice, the heads of the Republican ticket will have had six wives.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…..” The opening phrase in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. “Let them eat cake.” Attributed to Marie Antoinette. Questioned by some whether she was the one who actually uttered the words.

They come to mind because it was on this date in 1789 that French revolutionaries stormed the Bastille. The beginning of the French revolution.

Pouring like hell at the moment. I suspect we may have slipped into the rainy season.

Enjoy your day!



When I started this blog oh so many years ago, the purpose was merely to share with the world what I had done the day before. My Key West life. As time progressed, I found I enjoyed pontificating. So I added some political/social commentary.

Understand, some days I do nothing. If so, there is nothing to report the next day. No one can go full blast every day.

Yesterday was a slow one for me. Hard working. However not in the bars and grills of Key West.

I started the day with an early morning walk at Home Depot. I continue to be a good boy. Walking and watching my food.

Returning home, I began fine tuning last night’s podcast. My blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

I found I had accumulated too much data. Too many topics. A busy week world wide. Needed to cut back the volume, organize the progression, and fine tune  the show.

Took longer than normal. A lot more. Maybe I was slow.

As reflected, a busy week. Much happened. Most of which was worthy of discussion. Only so much can be fit in a half hour show however.

One of the items I did comment upon involved Venezuela. I have been following, writing, and talking about Venezuela since the country ran out of toilet paper four years ago. They are still experiencing a toilet paper shortage.

A food shortage as well. Worse in its impact than the toilet paper shortage.

There is no food available for purchase. Assuming there was money to pay for the food.

The farmers stopped growing long ago since it cost more to raise the crops than they could get selling them. Store shelves are empty. Few working. Electricity scarce. Most businesses permitted to operate only one day a week because of the power scarcity.

It has come down to the following. Families are killing and eating their pets. Dogs and cats. Others are abandoning their pets along highways because they cannot afford to feed them. Hunters are going out and shooting the abandoned pets. Then returning home and using them for food.

There is another world out there. One not involving immigrants, ISIS, Trump or Clinton.

Thank God it is not our world. May it never be.

Trump’s numbers are up this week. Concerns me. I fear he may win. It would be destructive for America.

I feel Trump would drag us into a dark place. One none of us want. His moment in history comparable to Hitler’s in the 1930s.

Wednesday is hump day. For me, it is screw off day. I have nothing to do.

This week’s KONK Life column The New Prostitution hits the stands at 5 this afternoon. Read it. Surprising material..

Enjoy your day!




Live long enough and you become a part of history. I have. I will be 81 in two weeks. Many events reported today as historical occurrences are events I saw happening.

On this day in 1944, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into law the GI Bill. I have no specific recollection of that day.

The GI Bill made it possible for World War II returning veterans to purchase new homes and receive college educations. Those events I do recall. The years 1945-1950. I was 10-15 years old at the time.

The GI Bill provided low interest loans for home purchases. All of a sudden, new neighborhoods grew on the edges of Utica and out into the country. The birth of the suburbs. Homes generally small. Looked alike. Ranch or Cape Cod in style. A front yard. A good sized back yard.

The GI bill also funded college educations for returning veterans. It seemed like everyone was going to college. Men who might not otherwise have obtained a college education.

By 1947, veterans made up 50 percent of college enrollments.

There were not enough college campuses. Inner city neighborhoods suddenly became college buildings. Whole neighborhoods were purchased. Old buildings turned into college class rooms, libraries, etc.

In Utica, it occurred in the Oneida Square area. First, an old church became Utica College. Within a short time, a several block area had become Utica College.

I saw all this happening. I recall it distinctly.

I spent a couple of hours yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s podcast. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Did the show at 9. I especially enjoyed doing last night’s show.

Two topics received emotional attention from me. Venezuela and the U.S. Senate’s failure to pass safe gun legislation.

Nicholas Maduro has been Venezuela’s President four years. An abomination! A failure! I have followed the man and his country ever since Venezuela ran out of toilet paper four years ago. Still do not have enough toilet paper.

They also do not have enough food today. It has come down to that. People are hungry. Starving a better description. Families eating every second or third day. And then only a piece of fat boiled in water. Soup of sorts. No bread.

Riots and fighting in the streets. People clashing to get food. The military and police guarding the minimum food supplies available. People being killed. One a four year old boy.

Why Venezuelans do not revolt, I do not understand.

The U.S. Senate failure speaks for itself. Four failed votes monday night. Mass gun killings will continue in our country.

The sad thing is that the NRA controls/owns our elected officials.

What sticks in my craw is that a person on a terrorist list cannot fly. Yet that same person can buy a gun. A gun that could subsequently be used in a mass killing.

Events can be exciting. One occurred yesterday in Key West. I missed it.

Several Cubans landed on the beach on South Roosevelt Boulevard. Across from the Best Western. Only one could speak a bit of English. Key Westers and Best Western staff went to work assisting our new neighbors. Food and water provided. Hands of welcome offered.

It was a dangerous three day trip Cuba to Key West. They made it. I hope they make it in the U.S. also. May their lives be rich and fulfilling.

Candidates announcing to run for the Key West Mosquito Control District board. I short cut the title and refer to it as the Mosquito Control Board.

Ollie Kofoid running. Ran the last time. Lost. Hope he wins this time. His type is needed.

Ollie has an environmental degree. He understands mosquito problems. Especially, the genetically modified mosquitoes the board is trying to shove down our throats.

Ollie is opposed. He has knocked on my door and other doors several times the past two year explaining the dangers involved in the testing of the genetically modified mosquitoes.

I am with you, Ollie!

Cocktail time tonight with Mark Watson at Aqua’s Back Door Bar. Fun time!

The cupboard is bare again. Nothing new. Need to shop today. My breakfast consisted of grapefruit and a cup of tea. Plus, a Chinese fortune cookie. Left over from my delivered Chinese dinner the other night.

The fortune: It’s not only important to add years to your life, but to add life to your years.

To add life to your years…..How true! I try!

Enjoy your day!


Big days for the Key West gay and lesbian community. Actually, big days for the entire Key West community.

This is Pride Week. Pride Week salutes diversity in Key West. One of America’s leading gay and lesbian communities.

All kinds of events. The Rainbow Bike Parade tonight. Begins 6:30 at Bayview Park. A Pride Street Fair on the 700-900 blocks of Duval saturday. The Pride Parade sunday at 5. Plus more.

In addition to Pride activities, Miss Gay USofA was recently crowned in Dallas. She belongs to Key West. In order to be eligible for the national pageant, she had to win a local one. She did. In January, Miss Gay Southernmost USofA.

The pageant consists of female impersonators and transgenders. Aurora Sexton represented Key West. Congrats Auora

The key thing is we all live together in Key West as One Happy Family. No question about it.

The White Street Pier was to be renamed in honor of Edward B. Knight. The event rained out. Soon to be rescheduled. Ed Knight deserving of the recognition.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Jenny caring for me.

Then lunch at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Cheese toast and cold Cuban coffee. Read the newspapers.

I enjoy sitting at the Queen doing nothing.

Headed to Aqua’s Back Door Bar early in the evening. Mark Watson time. Mark had told me Donna and Terri would be there. I have not seen them since they returned.

The door to the Back Bar was locked. Mark had cancelled because of the rain. What rain? A few drops here and there on occasion.

Instead, I had a drink at the inside bar.

The bartender made an interesting observation. He enjoys old silent films. I can’t stand them. He told us about a very risque 1927 silent film he had watched the evening before. Risque permissible because there was not a morality code in effect yet.

Nancy came in. I made a new friend.

Nancy is retired military. Headed straight to Key West the day after she severed from the service. Knew this is where she wanted to live. Lives here with her wife. Not sure when they married.

Nancy has a PhD. Works part time in Key West as a consultant for non profits.

I liked Nancy. Good company. Hope we see each other again soon.

Had to eat. Duffy’s at the bar. Prime rib, as usual.

Saw a disappointing thing at Duffy’s. Actually, sad. A man had ordered a Maine lobster. I assume a tourist.

It was obvious he had never eaten a Maine lobster before. He did not know how to eat it. He used his fork and knife constantly. Never pulled the claws off or removed the tail. Salt and pepper frequently. never saw him dunk the poorly ripped out meat in butter.

I am not being critical of the man nor the way he attacked the lobster. I am being critical of his waitress or someone from Duffy’s. No one helped him, gave him any advice, etc.

Along the way yesterday, I heard some Johnny Cash. A line from Folsom Prison Blues attracted me. I swiftly wrote it down. “I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.”

Cash was a long time ago. His yesterday our today. Drugs and crime rampant. Many killed daily for the fun and thrill of it. Nothing has changed, except perhaps for the number of persons killed.

I have been talking about Venezuela for four years. Since the country first ran out of toilet paper. Now, it is food.

I read yesterday that 500 hundred people had looted a food warehouse. The article further stated that the same day, 5,000 had raided a super market.

This morning, I saw a video on the internet. Venezuelan adults and children looking for food in trash cans.

As I have said consistently over the four years, I do not know why the people do not revolt against their President Nicholas Maduro. He is a lot like Fidel Castro in days gone by. Blames the United States for all his problems. Including telling the people on several occasions we were preparing to invade Venezuela.

Enjoy your day!



The Chinese have a saying that one picture is worth a thousand words. That picture was on view for all to see yesterday. It was Trump’s press conference re the Vet’s money and the media.

Trump came across. His best yet. His worst performance. The man is crazy. Lacks stability. He is not Presidential timber.

I am in a quandary. Hillary does not turn me on either.

What to do? The third party candidate, if there is one? Does not move me.

My choice continues to be not to vote.

I paid for my weekend laziness yesterday. Normally, I research and write my tuesday night blog talk radio show on monday. I took monday off. A mistake. I had to work my ass off yesterday to get ready for last night. From 10-5.

The material was terrific. Touched many issues. The show went well. Moved smoothly. I mention the show went well, smoothly, etc. because sometimes it does not. It is not the material. It is the connection between the issues. They have to run smoothly one after the other.

Today is scheduled already. Busy. A manicure in the early afternoon. Then two David Wolkowsky interests. David asked me to join him.

David annually gives Key West’s outstanding teacher $25,000. The five or so runner ups, $5,000 each. The rewards event is this afternoon at the Key West Library.

Then at 5, the Custom House is having a special showing of 71 Mario Sanchez bag drawings. The 71 drawings are all from David’s collection.

Perversion in the Keys. In the Upper Keys. Someone placed camera’s in three women’s restrooms. Anne’s Beach, Harry Harris Park, and a Circle K. In coat hooks resembling hangers.

The Sheriff’s Department is investigating. County facilities were immediately inspected. Nothing found. From this time forwarded, all have been placed on a schedule for routine inspection.

I have been talking and writing about Venezuela for four yeas. President Nicholas Maduro is pure incompetence. Four years ago, his country ran out of toilet paper. The people still do not have enough. Nor food at the present time.

Inflation spiraling wildly upward. A dozen eggs costs $150. Experts predict inflation hitting 720 percent by October. Some predict 1,200 percent by year’s end.

Enjoy your day!