Enjoyed a good meal and good company last night. I have little recollection of the movie we saw after dinner.

Dinner was at Jim and Donna’s with my MTV neighbor Andrew. Jim’s son Joey joined us for dinner. Donna cooked a unique meal. Good chatter accompanied the feast.

The game plan was to see Moonlight afterwards at Tropic Cinema. We did. I do not recall much. Ten minutes at best.

I fell asleep. Have not done it at the movies in years. Donna was sitting next to me. She said she bent over several times to see if I was breathing.

I am not ashamed. Andrew fell asleep towards the end of the movie.

My opinion as to the movie? I did not see enough to tell. Did the first 10 minutes boredom put me to sleep? I do not know.

Will I see the movie again? Probably not based on the comments of my friends.

Spent some time working on Growing Up Italian. It had been a couple of weeks. Reworked and tweaked the chapter having to do with making wine. My grandfather did every two years. A family event. He had a huge press in the cellar.

The thing that sticks most in my mind was the crushing of the grapes. First, the press. Then, the women. Finally, the children. My turn. Our feet were washed and we were allowed to jump in and around. Enrico Caruso singing in the background.

Did two Go Live segments on Facebook. Go Live with Key West Lou. One had to do with my impression as to how Trump did in his Address to Congress. The other female genital mutilation.

Sessions doing well so far. Has issued several orders undoing years of civil rights successes. The man a bigot.

Now the question arises as to whether he met with a Russian two times re the election.

The thought occurred when I heard the scenario this morning: Russian ties, Russian lies.

My poetic tendency finally revealed!

The stock market is in ascendancy. Like a rocket to the moon. Trump claiming credit.

I am old enough to have seen/experienced several market failures. All I know is that which goes up, comes down. Regarding the stock market, the fall is swifter and more dramatic than the rise.

Bocce tonight. I go to watch my team play, provide support. I miss playing the game.

Enjoy your day!


2 comments on “MOONLIGHT…..I SLEPT

  1. I wouldn’t sweat the snoozing thing, happens to me all the time, especially at theatrical plays. I’ve gotten some strange looks over the years

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