I spoke with Larry Smith yesterday morning on the phone. Asked if he knew Mary Angel Coploff. Her name had come up the night before at the Chart Room as being his friend.

Do I know her, Larry exclaimed! I was engaged to her!

It is a small world indeed. Mary lives in Pennsylvania. Larry told me not only are he and Mary still friends, her husband is one of his best friends!

Bocce party last night. Don’s Place. Strictly for the five teams that play their own competition during the bocce season. A side bet sort of thing. The best bocce party yet! Good company, good food. What more could be desired.

The sliced tenderloin was exceptionally good. David cooked it on an outdoor grill. I had two helpings.

Inside and out were packed with bocce partiers. Larry Smith showed up. He is doing good. He is now walking with the aid of a cane. His legs are straight. He had the worse case of bow leggedness I had ever seen!

Larry brought Kathleen Peace with him. Everyone loves Kathleen! Everyone misses her! She has moved to northern Florida. She is visiting Key West for the weekend.

I joined a health club yesterday afternoon. WeBeFit. It is located on First Street. In Doc Covan’s building. I can see my psychologist and trainer at one time. Joking, of course. Though I probably have always needed a psychiatrist/psychologist, never did it. doubt that I will at this age.

I start my actual workout on Tuesday. three days a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Hopefully, my body will become beautiful.

I am signing an increased number of the book each day. Humbling and interesting.

The book is The World Upside Down. By yours truly, Louis Petrone. It is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Enjoy your day!

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