I have not seen the inside of Publix in roughly three years. The last time was just before I started my first quarantine. The one that lasted 432 days.

I have been using a shopper all this time.

Media news keeps telling me there is a supply shortage. Turned out I did not appreciate the severity of the situation until I saw something with my own eyes.

I have been sort of berating my shopper. Every week more and more items I ordered were not available. Finally, she realized to get herself off the hook and me off her back she had to do something. She did. She sent me the following photos.

As the saying goes, “One picture is worth a thousand words.” I now understand.


The U.S. national debt stands around $30 trillion today. There was a time when the national debt was zero dollars. Only one time. January 8, 1835.

The U.S. Supreme Court heard two cases involving Biden’s vaccine mandates friday. Observers believe the Court will rule against the mandates.

A bad move. One not necessarily required.

The conservative side of the court will dot the i’s and cross the t’s and rule against Biden’s decisions. Not because the Justices are conservative. Rather because as smart as they supposedly are they fail to recognize there are circumstances when the Court has to revert to the thinking of another day.

What is more important? The legality of the mandate and use of OSHA or addressing hard the COVID issue.

People keep getting sick, many dying. From my perspective, “mandates” are required to bring the virus under control. Not legal technicalities.

The issue as I see it involves the rights of society as opposed to those of the individual. There was a time in in the mid 1900s when the rights of society were paramount to those of the individual. World War II being an example and even for years afterwards.

Then the drift came to individual rights. Nothing wrong with such. However there are cases and instances where the old rule involving societal rights has to be looked at again.

The two mandate cases heard friday are such.

It will not happen unfortunately.

As I continue to advise, the judicial system is screwed up. Antiquated rules (not precedent decisions) and time factors result in rendering  justice negatively.

The mandate cases an example. More important the millions of lives involved rather than interpretation of words.

America is dying. The courts are the last bastion of hope. I fear they will fail the American people.

Christopher Columbus had his days!

One was January 9, 1493. Columbus was sailing near what today is the Dominican Republic. He saw three “mermaids.” In reality, manatees.

He sensed something was wrong. He described the “mermaids” as “not half as beautiful as they are painted.”

Syracuse lost another close one yesterday. To Wake Forest 77-74.

There continues to be no joy in Mudville as “Mighty Casey” continues “to strike out!”

Enjoy your Sunday!



Another QAnon star who said only “idiots” get vaccinated died of COVID.

Cirsten Weldon told her fans not to get vaccinated and wanted Dr. Anthony Fauci executed. She died as a result of COVID thursday.

Weldon was a leading QAnon promoter. She told her followers and strangers on the street not to get vaccinated.

Weldon had tens of thousands of followers across right wing social media networks. Her screen name “Cirsten W.”

Re Dr. Fauci, she said he “needs to be hung from a rope.”

Her favorite rant: “Vaccines kill, don’t get it.” She described those getting vaccinated as “gullible. “Weldon started showing COVID symptoms late in December.

Her last video was made December 28. She “struggled” through her remarks about the coming overthrow of the U.S. government, coughing and complaining she was exhausted.

Three days later, she was hospitalized.

She posted a picture to Instagram of herself wearing an oxygen mask. She claimed at the time she had “bacterial symptoms”. She refused to take the COVID treatment remdesivir.

Other “believers” have died refusing COVID treatment. Friends and supporters allege dead QAnon figures are being “murdered” because they were refused ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. The cause of death includes a new cry also” Anthrax attacks.

When Weldon died, certain of her QAnon supporters proposed “the hospital staff be sentenced to death, or be murdered in vigilante violence.”

Forget not one of the lessons of history. People willing to die for a cause are difficult to defeat.

On one of the MSNBC talk shows yesterday, an interesting factor was revealed. Not all the January insurrectionists were members of QAnon or some other terrorist organization. The number of persons  part of organized groups relatively small in comparison to those not. It was agreed by those on the panel that 4 out of 5 of the January 6 attackers were not part of any formal group.

Investigation has revealed they came because “the President asked them.” They thought they were being good citizens. Many considered themselves “part of 1776.”

Solitary citizens not connected to any terrorist group will be hard to beat, also. “Good citizens” heeding their President’s call a mighty group unto themselves.

Key West’s Mayor Johnston delivered this year’s State of the City message tuesday. Her plate was full. She detailed each plan nevertheless.

One of the items she discussed “touched me.” Something I was not aware of.

Key West has many homeless. That I knew. What I did not know was 51 died last year, 5 of whom were infants.

As the Mayor said, “We can do better.”

The main story front page in yesterday’s Key West Citizen had to do with the violation of the Southernmost Point Buoy.The two suspects will be surrendering.

They had been identified: David Perkins, 21, Leesburg, Florida and Skylar Rae Jacobson, 21, Henrietta, Texas.

There are “silent rumblings” that Biden was behind the uprising in Kazakhstan. The action was recommended in the 2019 Rand Report financed by the Pentagon. The purpose was to “unbalance the adversary” should the Ukraine be threatened.

Putin is reported to be upset. He never saw the rebellion coming. His thoughts were 100 percent on the Ukraine. Russia is not prepared to fight two wars at one time.

Enjoy your day!


An all female terrorist group bombed the Capitol and plotted Henry Kissinger’s murder. America’s first and only all female terrorist group. A sisterhood of bomb and gun.

The ladies participated in various anti-war and civil rights activities beginning in the 1970’s. They continued to operate into the mid 1980’s. They developed into openly advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government through armed struggle and the use of violence.

Initially, the ladies were part of the M-19 Communist Organization. At some time, branched out on their own.

The day of the bombing November 7, 1983. The northern part of the Capitol building. A Republican cloak area. Damage $1 million. In today’s money, $3 million.

The women a small knit group. Never more than 12 at any one time.

They were essentially middle class, well educated, white people who made the journey from anti-war and civil rights protest to terrorism.

Over a 20 year period, the ladies robbed armored trucks, abetted prison breaks, bombed an FBI office, Israeli Aircraft industrial building, the South African Consulate in New York City, Washington D.C.’s Fort McNair, and on 2 occasions a Naval yard.

In the 1970’s, a new cigarette hit the market. Sales directed at women. Name of the cigarettes Virginia Slims. Its advertising slogan: “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby!”

The female terrorist group certainly did.

Whereas most illegal and unsavory terrorists acts today come from the far right, back in the time of the female group’s terrorist activities, it came from the far left.

At some point, all of the female terrorists were caught, except for two. Those caught received extremely long jail sentences. The two not apprehended are thought to have escaped to Cuba.

Another thank you in order for Florida’s Governor DeSantis. He has done it again. A major screw up.

COVID-19 tests have been in great demand the past few weeks. Not enough available.

It was reported yesterday 800,000 to 1 million expired while sitting in a Florida warehouse. DeSantis announced the faux pas at the same time he announced a plan to send up to a million COVID tests to nursing homes, long term care facilities, and other residences with high numbers of seniors.

A DeSantis aide blamed the “expiration” of the tests on a “gaffe.”

COVID numbers have positively jumped in the Keys. Highest ever in Monroe County, the home of the Keys.

Dr. Mark Whiteside said, “Stay home!” It will help cut down the transmission.

The surge obvious. From 12/24 – 12/30, 951 new cases. In the two weeks prior, only 106 new cases.

At this time, 1 out of 3 persons in Monroe County are testing positive.

The entire state is in a surge, also.

It was reported omicron is different from the initial coronavirus attack and the Delta variant one. Though increased in number of infections, omicron has not resulted in a surge of cases in hospitals or deaths. The statement applies to those who have been vaccinated. The unvaccinated continue to fill hospital beds with a number dying.

A recent Danish study revealed some interesting facts. The study involved 12,000 households.

The result revealed omicron spreads faster than Delta among those who are fully vaccinated, and even higher among those who have received the booster shot. Speed the significant item.

The result is evidence of omicron’s “immune evasiveness.” It was reported omicron is three to six times as infectious as previous variants.

The omicron virus is rapid in movement. Jumps readily from one person to another. The Danes tested for omicron’s “doubling time.” The numbers vary worldwide, though all are close.

In the U.S., 2 days, the U.K. 1.8 days, Denmark 1.6 days, Scotland 2.4 days.

The report advised improved vaccines are required.

Some observations/criticisms of President Biden’s address to the nation yesterday.

Overall, good job!

The room was too large. Biden should have made the speech from his desk in the Oval Office. The size of the room created an atmosphere of no one is listening to me.

Vice President Harris was not needed. Biden is President. He needs no one to introduce him.

Harris no longer moves me. She is not the type VP I thought she would be. I suspect many think as I do in this regard.

Moving on to Attorney General Garland and Biden. I hope Garland does his job as he should. I am increasingly uncomfortable with him. If Garland fails, he will do irreparable damage to Biden, the Democratic Party and the nation.

Love the rebellion in Kazakhstan. Adds to Putin’s burdens. Relieves the Ukraine pressure.

I read yesterday Kazakhstan was part of a plan to meet Putin’s thrust should he play games with the Ukraine again.

The Pentagon in 2019 financed a RAND plan for a “soft attack” on Russia in the event. A 200 page report. The purpose to unbalance Russia.

Good show!

Key West has had so many very successful enterprises over the years. Few survive. Perhaps none. However while active, big dollars. Another interesting observation is that as one type business fades out, another is there to replace it.

One of Key West’s most successful industries was the manufacture of cigars. No longer here. However when it was cigar making time, the numbers off the wall. Unbelievable. In 1922 for example, 49,396,675 cigars were manufactured in Key West.

I am a great fan of Nicholas Kristof, the former New York Times columnist. His articles always right on, supported by facts. He did his home work.

Several months ago, Kristof announced he was leaving the Times. He was going to run for Governor of Oregon.

Oregon’s Secretary of State yesterday announced Kristof was not qualified under Oregon law to run. He failed the 3 year residency requirement.

Kristof’s intends to appeal the ruling.

I find it hard to believe a person of Kristof’s stature and attention to detail would screw up re a basic such as residency. There has to be more to it.

Syracuse/Miami this past wednesday. Syracuse lost by one point:  88-87.

That makes for something like 7 losses so far this season for Syracuse. My recollection is Miami has only lost 1 game so far. Whatever, Syracuse must have played well to have lost by 1 point.

Something is wrong. Syracuse keeps losing. What I consider the best Syracuse team in more than 20 years is not doing the job. I am not wrong. They are the best in every regard, except winning.

I know that is what it is all about.

It hurts!

Just announced. Sidney Poitier died. Ninety four years old. A great actor. One of my favorites. May he rest in peace.

Enjoy your day!



The U.S.is a nation in transition.We will never be the same. Regardless of which side wins.

Biden speaks at 9 this morning. An address before Congress. The Chamber defiled by dissidents one year ago.

Biden will be taking the fight directly to Trump. He will say Trump holds “singular responsibility” for the “chaos and carnage.”

How will Congressional Republicans react? Many have opted not to attend. Will be out of town for one reason or another.

Late last night, I viewed a long and eye opening video. I can’t find it this morning. Search for it. You must view.

It is the story of West Virginia. The transition accomplished. Trump country. Dissident country. Most persons rebellious.

The video made me understand for the first time what Joe Manchin is doing. He sees where his state has gone. He does not intend being left behind. He is going with them.

Manchin knows exactly what he is doing. He has jumped the fence.

Recall yesterday’s blog where I reported a January 6 comment uttered by many of the young insurrectionists: The Founding Fathers would be proud.

These people are going to be hard to beat. They believe they are the Boston Tea Party’s Sons of Liberty and the Patriots at the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

How did this all come to be? Why didn’t enough see it coming?

One of the West Virginia January 6 insurrectionists considers himself a warrior. He has 2 young children. He believes when they are older, January 6 will be in the history books and they will know their father was there. Proudly said by him.

Merrick Garland addressed the nation yesterday. I was not impressed. My thoughts from day one continue to be the same. I hope I am wrong.

My sense he and Justice are doing little if anything to pursue the big guys involved in the planning and financing of January 8. For no other reason, it is the nature of the man. His judge years are directing him rather than those of a hard assed prosecutor.

Arianna. George Floyd’s 4 year old niece shot yesterday at 3 am in her bed at home by bullets from a car driving by. Seriously injured.

More disturbing news has come forth. 911 was called at 3 am. The police did not arrive till 4 hours later at 7 am. Arianna’s parents drove her to the hospital. Probably saved her life by so doing.

Arianna’s family believes they were “targeted” because of their involvement in the Floyd protests.

What goes around, comes around. Putin overnight has major problems. Sufficiently extreme that the Ukraine will quietly slide into silence for the time being. Putin cannot fight two wars at one time.

One of Russia’s neighbors is Kazakhstan. While Putin was playing games with the Ukraine, Kazakhstan has gone into rebellion.  Moscow is in a frenzy. Putin never saw it coming.

Putin announced he was leading in sending Russian troops and those from 6 other former Soviet countries into Kazakhstan. He calls the group assembled “peacekeeping troops.”

Putin’s problem consistent with the old saying that while the cat’s away, the mice will play. Putin deserving of what is happening.

Enjoy your day!



The topic familiar to those who live in Key West: The community gets ripped off at the gas pump.

Two comments in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice evidence what Key Westers know only too well.

“Current gas prices: Florida City $3.19, Largo-Islamorada $3.29, Big Pine-Summerland $3.59, Key West $4.25. In 50 miles the price goes up by almost $1/gallon…..A text book example of price gouging.”

“Key West gas stations what is your excuse for your fuel prices when just a very short drive will save you $.50 a gallon and a little longer drive will save over $1 a gallon? I smell something fishy! Shame on you!”

The United Way of Collier and the Keys issued a housing report. Spells out something we already knew. The price of housing is in the stratosphere. Way above reasonable.

The average needed to afford a 2 bedroom apartment in Key West is $33.54 per hour.

How many Key Westers make that kind of money?

Key Westers live in the most unaffordable area in the state.

About 7 last night, good Gov. DeSantis appeared (finally) and issued a statement. He urged Floridians to forego COVID testing even as the omicron case count skyrockets.

The man is Donald Trump reincarnated.

This is a sick story. A very sick one.

George Floyd’s 4 year old niece was shot while sleeping in her bed in her  Houston home. Her name Arianna. The shooting took place at 3 in the morning.

A group drove by and “bombarded the house with bullets.”

Arianna was taken to emergency surgery at once. A lung and her liver were punctured, 3 ribs broken.

She is in stable condition.

The police are investigating.

A tale involving MAGA supporters. Amanda Moore went undercover for a year with the far right groups working to take down the U.S. Her findings amazing. Her activities and findings published in the Daily Beast 1/5.

She claims the rise in right wing populism is primarily among the under 30 crowd. Those who participated in the 1/6 insurrection are proud of their part in it: “We did it. That was us…..It would have been cool had we gotten further…..The Founding Fathers would have been proud of us.”

Various group members are practicing an increasingly popular form of harassment. Against local moderate GOP officials.

Many attend “superspreader events” and as a result become infected with COVID. Many die “preaching to the very last breath – like, don’t get the vaccine.”

Amanda revealed that many of their messages make it to the West Wing.

She said, “Let’s go Brandon” is now passe. She advised to get ready for “Mass Formation Psychosis.” Whatever that means.

Cher appeared on The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell show last night.

She spoke her mind.

She trashed Trump and tried to fire up Democrats.

Re the Democrats, she indicated they have to start moving their asses. The Party needs to “go on full tilt…..times a-wasting guys, and somebody’s got to light a fire.”

The Virginia I-95 tragedy has ended. Some were out on the road for 36 hours. Even when I-95 began moving, the side roads were full adding hours to the delay.

The cause appears to have started when two tractor trailers had an accident. The highway was extremely icy. There were other tractor trailer and automobile accidents thereafter along the way.

The situation horrible in itself. The failure of Virginia to offer ready assistance a disgrace. Heads will roll at some point.

Senator Tim Kaine was stopped on I-95 for hours. Somewhere in the teens. All he had to “eat” was an orange and a 16 ounce bottle of Dr. Pepper.

It was reported a mother had her children with her. She ran out of gas. No heat. She was walking the highway begging people in heated cars to take her children.

Ayn Rand was a world famous author. Also, a flaming nut.

Aaron Rodgers is the Green Bay Packers super star quarterback. He continues to draw fits among leftists far and wide.

Leftists lost it after he answered in an interview: “Atlas Shrugged is on my bookshelf.” Also “a lot of French poetry.”

The militant left totally disagree with Rand’s philosophy that the individual comes first. Screw the masses. Described as a “me-first” ideology. Those who are Rand followers believe her writings inspire and uphold individual freedom.

Rodgers is not the most popular of sport stars. Some are not fans of his way of thinking. He already once has been NFL MVP. Could be again this season. Probably not, however. One of the voters said, “He’s the biggest jerk in the league.”

I was a similar “jerk” in my younger days. About 2 years out of law school, I discovered Ayn Rand and The Fountainhead. Her book blew my mind. She was what I had sought not knowing I did. I became an immediate follower.

The Fountainhead pushed individualism and asked raised many questions. Rand answered those questions in her next book Atlas Shrugged. The one Rodgers had in his library.

It was at this time I became aware Rand published a weekly newspaper. I subscribed immediately.

The newspaper cured my newly ill begotten thoughts. Her newspaper writings made clear Rand was off her rocker. Crazy.

It was announced yesterday that Turkey’s rate of inflation is 36.1 percent. Turkey’s biggest in 19 years.

Off the wall! Inflation in my lifetime was the highest when Jimmy Carter was President. Hit 22 percent. It was tough economically. If you needed to borrow from a bank, the interest rate was 22 percent plus.

Turkey’s food and transportation prices/expenses rose last year. Even faster than the rate of inflation.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appears before the January 6 Committee at 2:30 this afternoon to speak with how his investigation, if any, is coming re January 6.

I fear what he may say.

When Garland was nominated, I wrote a lengthy blog advising I did not consider him a proper person for the position. He had been a federal judge for 20 plus years. Too long in that job. His thinking fixated.

A good judge does not necessarily make for a good prosecutor. Prosecutors go for the jugular. Kill the battle cry. If all the t’s are not crossed and i’s dotted, they care not. All will fall into place as time progresses. Whereas, a judge is concerned with the nitty gritty. Decision making slow and deliberate. His thinking changes, facilitates.

Garland has to move his ass. He has had close to a year. What has been his progress? What he has done is required to be silent. Unrevealing till generally indictment time.

The U.S. may not have much time in this case. If the Republicans take over the House in November, the January 6 Committee will be no more.

Do not misunderstand me. Garland is a good man. In my opinion however, the wrong man for the job.

Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night. Did a different type show format wise. Devoted the entire show to COVID. Properly so. It is the biggest item in the news. In the U.S. and world wide.

I mixed it up. Always stayed with the issue, however. Thought it went well. Look forward to the comments. May do a similar type show in the future re another topic.

Enjoy your day!






Wowie! What a backup on I-95 in Virginia!

Major snow storm. Cars backed up 17 miles. No one moving, going anywhere for 7 hours. During the night. Some cars running out of fuel which meant no heat.

Snow fall was not actually bad. Seven to twelve inches. Expected. No surprise.

Not a global warming problem. Man’s fault. Virginia has had snow before. The State failed to handle it well.

I lived 70 plus years in upstate New York. A real snow belt. Whether a major thruway or highway, the plows were out. Running over the same areas for hours till there was no more snow falling.

Sometimes things got to be too much. Cars were made to get into rest areas for a couple of hours.

Some interesting stories may come out of this. Like a baby or two being born. Hopefully no calamities.

Two days to January 6. A day that will go down in history similarly to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Two things we know will occur this year. Trump is making a speech. The rabble rouser from hell. Steve Bannon may also have his hand in some skullduggery. He has been promising things would happen for 2 weeks.

There may be a third impetus. People themselves who have given up on Trump. If so, they will be out doing their own dastardly deeds.

For whatever reason, talk of a civil war has been in the limelight a bit the past two weeks. I have been predicting one might come even before the January 6 insurrection.

Are we ready for the anticipated conflict? How many think there will really be one?

The North was not ready for the Civil War. They thought the South was all talk. Even as Fort Sumter was being attacked, they were not convinced what was to follow would be a civil war.

The North was surprised it was for real. The North won for the same reason the U.S. defeated Japan and Germany. We had the plants and manpower to operate them. Tied into American ingenuity in converting the plants into facilities for the making of weapons of war.

If there will be a civil war, I do not see it happening till 2024. Ergo, our government has more than sufficient time to destroy the people and things that seek the civil war.

Will we do it? I consider progress extremely slow so far. The enemy of the U.S. must be destroyed now. Not 2 years from now when it may be too late.

Repairs have begun on the Southernmost Point Buoy. They began saturday. Three or four more days required to complete.

The police advise they now have identified the criminals. Though no arrests have been made. The police would provide no further information claiming they “did not want to compromise the investigation.”

How stupid! They have the webcam video. They know the names of the villains.

Does not make sense to me.

Today’s COVID update.

Experts have described omicron as: “The fastest spreading virus in history.”

Makes sense. Look at the numbers. Recollect also that today is barely a month after omicron’s first case was detected in southern Africa.

Those refusing to get vaccinated are playing Russian roulette.

Florida. Hospitalizations this past weekend have resulted from 6,000 new cases. Deaths now 85,707.

Florida’s schools will remain open in spite of omicron concerns. DeSantis says, “Just let the kids be kids.”


Children’s hospitals across the country are reporting pandemic high numbers. The most ever. Unvaccinated the reason. Note children have not all received the ok to receive vaccines.

The FDA friday approved the Pfizer booster shot for 12-15 year olds.

I learned this morning a hospital somewhere in the U.S. has closed down its maternity ward. Insufficient staff available to care for the birthing mothers and baby.

School teachers are becoming a problem. Actually, all industries and businesses. The head of the Syracuse Teachers Association announced a Syracuse school had been closed because there were not enough teachers to staff the school.

Learned something new re teachers. The union head said fewer young people are entering the teaching profession and this was a contributing factor.

It was reported this morning that yesterday there were 1 million new cases in the U.S. Today expected to exceed that number.

Omicron acquirable from sex? Yes. First time I have seen it reported. Omicron reported to be more contagious than any STD.

The variant spreads from droplets in the air when persons are less than 6 feet apart. Makes sense. Sex requires a closer connection. Experts advise also that omicron spreads by mere touching of a surface recently touched by a person who has COVID-19.

Spoke with Donna this morning. On the mend. Returning to work tomorrow. Terri came down with the virus also. She is on the mend.

Tuesday again. Tonight by blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. A fast moving half hour where I hit hard calling them as I see them.

Join me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Enjoy your day!


Ho, ho, ho! Who do I describe as Liars Incorporated? The Republican Party, of course.

Most illicit groups pick up a nickname along the way. During Prohibition, it was Murder Incorporated, the Purple Gang, etc.

They are all birds of a feather. except the mobsters of yesterday used guns whereas those of today lie.

Everyone is aware Trump lies. He’s the best.

A prominent follower is Kevin McCarthy. Over the weekend, he was whining that the Democrats are using the Capitol riot as a “partisan political weapon” to “divide our country.”

McCarthy is lacking in every decent component. His  twisted tongue hangs out in his quest to become Speaker.

His complicity in January 6? Time will tell.

A recent Vanity Fair article provided an apt description of Joe Manchin: “The grinch that stole the Democrats’ Christmas.”

Numbers are generally reliable. A new set has been reported. Statistics hard to believe.

One America is an Indiana Life Insurance Company. One America claims the death rate is up 40 percent from pre-pandemic levels among working age people. Working age people are those 18-64.

CEO Scott Davison said, “We are seeing…..the highest death rates in the history of this business – not just One America…..The data is consistent across every player in the business…..40 percent is just unheard of.”

Pictures of the Colorado wildfire are appearing with frequency. The wildfire aftermath unbelievable. The area appears to be as if a Category 5 hurricane had passed over.

One thousand homes destroyed. Thousands fled their homes and return with no home left to live in. Commercial complexes similarly destroyed.

Deaths uncertain. Yesterday the first number. Three. Injuries light, also. Seven.

The cause an extreme drought. Little rain in and since summer. Snow should be on the ground. Ironically, no snow till the day after the fire was out. The ground has been dry. Fallen foliage dry also as a result.

All an invitation to a successful wildfire.

Strong winds accompanied the wildfire. Downed power lines, overturned large rigs. Many residents were unable to open their garage doors to flee because power was unavailable. Literally had to run for the lives feet ahead of the encroaching fire.

The question: Global warming involved? Some experts are expounding the disaster would not have been as great were it not for global warming.

I don’t know. I recognize global warming and the impending doom it brings. However let’s be careful not to label all disasters the result of global warming till accurate data is available.

I have begun to do a daily COVid update.

Israel reports the first case of “flurona.” Flurona is a double infection. COVID and the flu at the same time.

Terrific! Things will continue to get worse before better.

There are many unhappy with vaccine mandates. An Australian has demonstrated his feeling in an exceptionally dramatic fashion. The Melbourne man set himself and his car on fire. He was in the car at the time. Poured gasoline on himself first.

Fortunately, his life was saved by the quick action of 5 police officers and some bystanders. Police were able to pour water on the individual while removing him from the car.

His injuries are described as “life threatening.”

The pandemic continues to be out of control in Florida. Floridians continue to ask where are you Governor DeSantis? What are you doing to help?

Governor, come home to Kew. It’s lilac time.

Enjoy your day!



One of Key West’s most famous landmarks is the Southernmost Point. Sits on the end of South Street immediately on the ocean facing Cuba.

Two vandals set fire to the edifice. Damage extensive. Between 3 and 3:30 New Year’s Eve morning.

I consider their act personally offensive. I am sure most Key Westers feel the same.

The culprits should be burned at the stake. A just punishment for a hideous crime.

The two will be caught. They were videoed on a nearby webcam as they approached, started the fire by burning a Xmas tree they laid on the side of the monument, and then walked away.

Nothing less than a severe jail term befits the crime.

Pics popping up on the internet of the New Year’s Eve celebration in Key West. Most pics of the four droppings.

Pics outside Sloppy Joe’s and Bourbon Street. The streets were packed in every direction.

The last time I did a Sushi dropping at Bourbon Street was about 10 years ago. Crowded then. Significantly more crowded today.

Not one mask was visible in any of the pics. Failure to wear a mask like drinking the kool-aide. Kill yourself!

Benjamin Franklin wrote proverbs galore. Most he published in Poor Richard’s Almanac. Some published were from an earlier time and still popular when Franklin was publishing his own.

The proverbs are described as “witty aphorisms and printed proverbs.”

Amazing is the fact that most are part of our discourse today.

Examples: “Fish and visitors stink in three days” / “No gains without pains” / “Haste makes waste” / “He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals” / “Beware of little expenses: A small leak will sink a great ship” / “Glass, china, and reputation, are easily crashed, and never well mended” / “He that lies down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas.”

Respectfully, DeSantis lies. He and Trump birds of a feather in that regard.

After yesterday’s blog was published, I read a news item that appeared to be an attempt to explain DeSantis’ disappearance from public view since December 17.

FOX and the Daily Mail carried the explanation.

Mrs. DeSantis had cancer and the Governor was with his wife as she underwent chemotherapy treatments. One news item said he was with her on the December 19, the other December 29. Neither article listed more than one chemo visit attended by the Governor.

As I would not believe DeSantis and Trump on a stack of Bibles, I do not trust that reported by FOX and the Daily Mail.

Someone reported at the same time DeSantis was seen at the Orange Bowl New Year’s eve.

Had the information been available to me when I published, I would have said what I write now. Has to be a lie! Not denying the wife’s cancer. Her treatment times, yes. She would have been undergoing chemo beginning back in October when first diagnosed.

A pic was also run of DeSantis at a bagel shop in Ocala. At first suggested, looked like the Governor was in Ocala on December 17. Not true. Later in the, day it was reported the photo was taken earlier.

This morning’s news clearly reveals DeSantis’ deception. Shocks me he would use his wife’s cancer to cover his ass. Similar to what Ted Cruz did when he ran off to the islands following Texas’ disastrous storm. Cruz said he went for his daughters. Indicating their concern and he wanted to be the good father and with them.

Today’s news releases suggest DeSantis was in West Kendall. New Year’s Eve he was at a Christian concert in Miami which his wife attended with him.

No one yet knows where DeSantis was those other days between December 17 and New Year’s Eve.

Note that the COVID surge in Florida over the past 2 weeks has been horrible. Surging with no stop. Not once has DeSantis issued or appeared anywhere to tell the people Florida not to be concerned, he was on top of the problem, etc. At a time when one day alone last week the surging numbers of new cases were in the 75,000 area.

DeSantis did mention at the Christian concert friday night that Florida was the “freest state” as far as taking steps to impede the virus. A virus DeSantis denies exists and so does little or nothing to combat it.

The Governor is guilty of “nonfeasance.” Nonfeasance is guilt by having done nothing.

Senator Rubio is another “Florida winner” where COVID is concerned. He almost as wacky as DeSantis.

On friday, Rubio criticized the “irrational hysteria” over the surge in coronavirus cases due to the omicron strain. He attributed whatever was going on as mostly “sore throats.”

What would the good Senator say if his wife or one of his children became infected and died? It was a sore throat?

Omicron is the enemy as we enter the new year. The highly contagious variant is racing across the country. The U.S. is averaging 386,000 new cases a day. Experts suggest the number is unreliable. It is more. Vast undercounting is going on.

Puerto Rico has had a 4,600 percent increase in new cases in recent weeks.

Medical experts say omicron may peak around January 9 at 2.5 million new cases per week. They further indicate the number could be as high as 5.4 million.

Omicron is different from the first coronavirus strike and the Delta variant. It is more dangerous. Hospital beds will be in even worse supply. Unavailable. Medical staff shortages will be the worst yet as doctors and nurses get the virus and cannot work.

The problem has spread to all areas of our our daily lives. Lack of pilots a perfect example.

I close on a sad note. Not that what has come before is not sad. I add the straw that breaks my back. Syracuse basketball.

Syracuse lost again yesterday. To Virginia, 74-69. Syracuse’s record now is something like 7-6.

I have reached the point where I have stopped watching the games. Can’t handle it.

I have said and continue to believe this is Syracuse’s best team talent wise in 30 years. Great players. Play well. Can’t win.

The fabled zone defense is not holding up. Not the only reason. But, what else? There has to be more. I can’t see what though.


Enjoy your day!




We are entering the third year in our battle against COVID. A battle we are losing.

So different from World War II. Two years after Pearl Harbor, we were steadily beating back our enemies.

The COVID battle a strange one. We move one foot ahead and then fall back two. The U.S. and the rest of the world are working hard to discover the path to victory. Some victories. Many failures. Especially at this time.

Today’s blog is a detailed report where we stand. No need to read it with a grain of salt. It is real and true.

Observations/comments are written as they appear in my notes. No order involved.

The world is a tsunami of COVID infections. The U.S. experiencing 1 new case every 16 seconds. Mild compared to France where 2 new cases are popping up every second.

The omicron surge is affecting our young children big time. Hospitalizations increased 66 percent last week. Average new daily cases 378.

Deaths are considerably lower however when children are contrasted with adults. Whether it will continue so, remains to be seen. Children are relatively new in large numbers to the virus.

Children afflicted are obviously unvaccinated. Rules do not yet cover them sufficiently.

Question: I wonder how unvaccinated parents feel when one of their children become infected. Note recent cases involve babies also.

The ball drop last night in Times Square an absolute disgrace. Big deal the politicians cut the crowd back from tens of thousands to 15,000. Still enough to do considerable spread damage.

I admire Atlanta. Atlanta knew, as we all do, that a huge public gathering New Year’s Eve could, no would, result in additional surge. Atlanta cancelled its public events.

Many other cities world wide did the same as Atlanta. Acted  responsibly and cancelled their ball droppings, fire works, etc.

Politicians have to stop compromising with what is right and appeasing citizens. Leadership sometimes requires going against the mass. The COVID attack is one.

The New York City ball drop last night was at a time when New York City had experienced its highest single day number of new infections. At a time also when COVID hospitalizations had increased 67 percent during the week ending thursday. The week began  with 4,744. On thursday, new hospitalizations were at 7,919.

Eighty percent of the New York City hospitalized were unvaccinated.

Sixty two percent of Americans have been vaccinated with at least 2 shots. Where are the other almost 40 percent? Those that are significantly contributing to new cases. The number of unvaccinated hospitalized prove the point.

Gail Collins in her column in the New York Times this morning referred to America as the ‘land of the needle free.”

Another example DeSantis’ ineptitude is reflected in this morning’s Citizens’ Voice: “Florida has erroneously embarked on a program to incentivize people not to be vaccinated by extending unemployment benefits to those who quit their jobs rather than agree to private company requirements that employees be fully vaccinated. Without this program, these workers would be ineligible. What a waste.”

Employers are desperate for workers. Their staffs dwindling because of the virus.

Airlines an example. Thousands of flights cancelled over the weekend because of insufficient pilots to fly the planes and attendants to work them.

United has offered a solution which the Pilots’ Union has found acceptable. Work overtime for extra pay.

“Open flights” a constant the past several days. Flights where pilots are not available. Pilots have been offered 3 1/2 times their normal pay to fly open trips from 12/30-1/3. Triple pay 1/4-1/29.

Attendants will also receive incentive pay. The actual amount not yet available.

Some other carriers have also agreed or are in the process of agreeing. They have not yet been identified.

I mentioned about 10 days ago a leading physician in the COVID fight in Israel announced “fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh shots are on the way.” Israel announced yesterday that it has begun administering “fourth shots.” Limited at this time to those with weakened immune systems and elderly residents and employees in care homes.

It would not surprise me if we are into the “fourth shot” in the relatively near future.

It was reported this past week that COVID can result in “long term” illness in adults and children. The problem being “inflammation” that can damage the heart, lungs and brain.

I saw on TV yesterday the story of a COVID survivor with some residuals. He is deaf in his left ear and has lost most of his sight in his left eye. He also claims his brain does not function as before.

A few non related COVID items.

Betty White died yesterday at 99. One week short of her 100th birthday.

An exceptional actress, comedian and person. I recall her role in The Golden Girls. Outstanding! In addition to her part in The Mary Tyler Show.

Her third husband was Allen Lunden to whom she was married 18 years before he died. I recall his TV announcing work in the 1960’s. He hosted College Bowl and Password. College Bowl was one of my favorite TV quiz shows.

Ludden died many years ago. When Betty was asked why she never remarried, she responded when you’ve had the best, you don’t.

I watched Alabama/Cincinnati yesterday. Alabama won 27-6.

A no competition game. Alabama just too powerful and too experienced.

I did not watch Georgia/Michigan which Georgia won 34-11.

The two winning teams meet in 2 weeks in the championship game.

I cooked dinner again last night. My New Years Eve dinner.

I am not one to argue with success. Enjoyed a filet mignon and hash browns again.

Added apple cobbler and one glass of red wine.

Once again, a treat. A problem, however. Cleaning up. Don’t like it. Cleaned as I cooked. Still work left at the end of the meal.

Went to bed and sleep at 10. Thought I might wake at midnight. Didn’t happen. It was 2 am.

I thought I could get a rerun of midnight. Great pics on NBC, ABC, CBS and MSNBC. No audio, however. All other stations ok. Still without ABC audio this morning.

Enjoy your first day of the New Year!