Dallas the site this weekend of a CPAC meeting. A three day event which began friday and ends this day. Star event Donald Trump’s speech later today.

A conservative event. No question about it. Many terrorist members in attendance.

CPAC leaders refer to the meeting as the “largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in America.”

Ten years ago the composition of any conservative gathering were for real conservatives. Not the autocratic national white supremacist meeting being held this weekend.

The Republican Party has turned into such a group.

Authorities advise that many of the participants also participated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Pictures of such individuals at both events verify the dual participation.

Donald speaks later today. He will rouse the masses in attendance who in turn will laud him.

Amazingly, many in attendance believe Trump will be reinstated in August. I worry many terrorist groups are getting ready to lead a physical attack once more.

New York Times opinion writer Paul Krugman  on July 1 wrote a right on piece re the composition of a significant number of Republicans today: Only The Incompetents Need Apply To Lead The Nation.

An interesting observation by Krugman in the piece: “How did one of out two major political parties come not only to reject democracy, but to exalt ignorance and despise competence of any kind? I don’t know, but if you aren’t terrified, you aren’t paying attention.”

The Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts have had their black days when it comes to pedophilia. For each, shame and disgust.

The Catholic Church pedophilia problem has been public for 3 decades. The Boy Scout’s  recent in comparison. Well under 10 years.

The Catholic Church has made payments in settlement of its crimes and sins in the billions of dollars. The Boy Scouts are walking away with little punishment and cost in comparison.

The reason probably that the Boy Scouts sought early on the protection of a bankruptcy court.

The Boy Scouts were responsible for sixty thousand sex abuse victims. It has been announced the Boy Scouts will pay $850 million to settle all the claims. In addition, no arrests have been made.

The $850 million is a pittance in comparison to the number of boys abused. It breaks down to $3,500 to $5,000 per claim.

Why do the Boy Scouts walk away on the cheap side and with no criminal charges levied? Many priests and some bishops are doing jail time. The difference in the monies paid out speaks for itself.

No criminal incarceration for Scout masters another story. Priests go to jail and Scout masters not. Something does not smell right.

The Bankruptcy Judge has to approve the group Boy Scout settlement.

Some children have returned to school. Most others will shortly.

While not physically attending school, students virtually attended school via their computers.

Most Key West schools returned to the classroom sometime in the spring.

Florida recently announced how the kids did academically. A distinct difference in many instances based on whether studying from home or from school.

The third grade of Key West schools were down. Down 11.4 percent from 2019 levels.

Cause did not seems to concern the State. The significant problem obviously being the pandemic was not addressed.

No evaluation measures should be taken in extreme emergency situations. The pandemic obviously one.

My grandchildren Robert and Ally did their schooling at home via their computers. Generally, good students. They did well. The disadvantage of solely home study did not affect their results.

Both in high school. Robert a junior, Ally a sophomore. Both had 6 A’s and 1 B. The grades consistent with those earned pre-pandemic.

What does it mean? To me the suggestion is some students did as well, other were handicapped and scored lower. Some could not handle a computer education at home in comparison to on site learning in school.

So much for today.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Plato’s Atlantis sank because of an earthquake. Key West will not die a similar death. If anything, it will be because of an overload of people.

Two recent Citizens’ Voice comments and the cruise ship referendums reflect the thinking of the Key West citizenry.

One comment: “The mayor of Maui is pleading with airlines to stop ‘over tourism.’ There needs to be a balance between the tourist economy and the locals. Seems applicable here too.”

The other comment: “The town is already overrun by too many tourists from the pent-up demands from the pandemic. Now there are some who want to add thousands more daily from the cruise ships? Insane.”

In November, the people of Key West spoke re the cruise ship problem. The three referendums clearly revealed the feelings of the people: Limit the size of the cruise ships and number of passengers.

The vote meant nothing to the Governor, State Legislature, and certain monied persons. The State passed a bill and the Governor happily signed it into law prohibiting local ballot initiatives or referendums from limiting size, number of passengers, etc.

The people of Key West lost! The result of political shenanigans. The Governor and State slapped Key West in the face. More accurately, spit in Key West’s eye.

Fortunately, whoever drafted the new law withdrawing the power of a municipality to control its own waters may have erred in the drafting of the law. There may be a drafting screw up whereby the City Commission could take a different route whereby the people can be heard.

A meeting is scheduled for monday night where the Mayor and City Commission will review the matter and hopefully arrive at a decision consistent with what the people of Key West want.

Esteemed and respected Key West citizen Joseph Lyles called the other night. Joseph and I have been friends for many years.

The last time we were together was at a monday night Dueling Bartenders. Some time before the pandemic became a problem. Which means Joseph and I have not communicated in more than 2 years.

It was a joy hearing from him.

Joseph for years was a waiter at The Hot Tin Roof. Then manager for an additional number of years. Following which he was the concierge at the Reach. He presently is involved with the sale of legal marijuana at a Dual Street location.

Sounds like Joseph jumped from one job to another. Not correct. He is on in his years and been around long enough to have had several occupations. In addition to which he has spent many years involved with St. Paul’s Church.

Joseph reached the cane stage earlier than I. I recall when he graduated from a cane to a staff. A rough pole about 5 feet tall.  He reminded me of John the Baptist.

We agreed it had been too long since last we were together. We will be meeting for lunch at Louie’s Backyard.

Mosquitoes are a bit earlier and a bit more this year. The increase in rain thought to be the cause.

Mosquitoes are always a Keys concern. Some years can be extremely bad.

Last summer, there were 67 reported cases of dengue fever in Key Largo. Unusual.

Two nights ago, I had difficulty sleeping. At 3 in the morning, I turned on the TV set. Saw an enjoyable war movie. A submarine one. Starred Matthew McConaughey.

The movie was titled U-571.

In the Citizen’s Historical Section yesterday, mention was made of a vessel whose last name was Cueno. On July 9, 1942, it was sunk 66 miles southwest of Key West. Sunk by the German submarine U-571.

Any relationship between the movie and submarine that sank the Cueno?

There was a German submarine U-571 that worked the waters off the Keys. Actually several other submarines also. I did some further digging. Could not however find any relationship between the sinking of Cueno and U-571.

Joe Biden has a heavy plate. So far, so good. However, he has to move swiftly on a couple of matters. Certain things can only be permitted to sit too long.

The cyberattacks are one. Biden spoke with Putin for one hour in a telephone call this week. Drew the line in the sand. Time now for action. One more ransom situation and he must move. He has the capacity to destroy one of the cyber attacking facilities. Or maybe blow up one of Russia’s pipelines. The pipeline a step too far? I don’t know.

One thing is certain. Putin does not want a war. He is aware he is not the leader of the Soviet Republic. He heads the tiny entity called Russia. Except for his nuclear arsenal left over from World War II, he is no threat to the U.S.

Putin has major unrest in Russia. He is not the power person he was even 5 years ago. Russia cannot afford a war. It is hurting financially. Ergo, he can be pushed.

Biden’s other problem is getting legislation through Congress. The bottom line remains the same since he took office. Get rid of the filibuster. If he could and did, by the time of the 2022 elections he will have achieved great success. He could easily pass infrastructure as he wants it, get new voting laws in place, and whatever else he desires.

Manchin and Sinema are his problems. Their bipartisanship efforts have proved naught. They are being played by the Republicans and seem blind to it. They are glorying however in their 15 minutes in the sun.

Biden has to get them on board or get two Republicans to vote for ending the filibuster and supporting some Democratic programs. May not be as difficult as it sounds.

Failure to get sufficient legislation passed wills result in Republicans taking over the Senate and House in 2022. I have to believe Biden is not lacking in awareness of this fact. He has to move and do so this summer.

Remember the Scopes trial. Also known as the Monkey Trial. The trial began this day in 1925 in Rhea County, Tennessee.

The issue evolution in violation of a Tennessee criminal law. Scopes was a high school teacher who taught evolution in violation of the law.

The trial a big deal! Clarence Darrow represented Scopes. William Jennings Brian the prosecution.

Scopes was convicted. Tennessee’s Supreme Court ultimately overturned the conviction.

The trial turned out to have been a fraud. A joke. Not for real.

The Rhea County merchants wanted to bring business to their area. They concluded a big time trial would place their area on the map.  They rigged the whole thing. Everyone bought it at the time. Except the merchants and Scopes who were in on the phoniness.

I doubt the judge and counsel were aware.

It is amazing how people to this day believe the trial was for real.

The house without air conditioning for 3 hours plus yesterday was difficult to handle. I decided on a leisurely lunch at Geiger Key. Most enjoyable. By the time I got home, the air was running and the house cool.

Enjoy your day!




No blog yesterday. Sorry. Blame Comcast. Internet and TV down from 3 am to 3 pm. Mid afternoon too late to do the blog and have it read by the usual number. I can’t complain, it was nice to have a day off.

I have been to Marylin’s 3 times. The most recent wednesday night. I have complimented the new restaurant each time..

A winner!

I’v already told you the food is excellent. Not fancy. Yummy, however. And financially reasonable.

Wednesday night, I got to watch a whole evening of entertainment. Terrific!

Additionally, no cover or extra charge.

I went to listen to Terri and Larry Baeder from 5-7. I was also to be Terri’s ride home. Donna had to be somewhere else and asked me.

Many tourists. Most went up to Terri afterwards with tips, drinks and compliments. I doubt anyone knew she is blind. When I mentioned it to a couple at the bar, they were shocked. Hard to believe. Terri handles herself well.

I sat with Sally at the bar.

The follow-up show featured all kinds of interesting things.

Charlii is a lovely Black woman. Early 20’s. Thin. A singer and dancer. Her voice spectacular.

Several people mentioned Charlii was a transsexual. I never would have known.

Heather Mae from Dueling Bartenders did a number with Charlii and another person and did one alone, also. I have always known Heather as a singer. Discovered she also dances. Talented!

There was a third in the group who performed alone also. I do not recall his name. A well built young man. His specialty was pole dancing. Like the young ladies do in a gentlemen’s club. He stripped to his skivvies. What a performance! He danced through the room a few times. The ladies were excited. Stuffed money in his drawers.

The show ended with a large Black female entertainer. A combination singer and comedian. Also terrific.

Drove Terri home. Always good company. Totally blind. At one point she told me I had made a wrong turn. She was correct. How she does it, I don’t know.

Before the pandemic, Donna asked me to take Terri grocery shopping at Publix.  I asked Donna how do I do it? Who pushes the cart? Donna told me not to worry. Terri would explain it all to me.

The cart was my primary concern. Who would push it? Terri explained the rules to me when we arrived at Publix. She would push.  How do you know where you’re going? Easy. You will stand in front and actually pull the cart and listen to my instructions re turn, stop and go.

What a trip! Actually amazing!

Terri had the store and where she wanted to go down to a science. Even a shopping list she held as if she were reading it.

At one point, she told me I had made a wrong turn. Went left when I should have gone right. How did you know? Easy. There is a cooler on the left and none where I wanted you to go. I could feel the cold.

Gets even better.

She knew which row, shelf and exactly where on the shelf what she wanted was located. Like top shelf, third product in from the left, can colored red and green.

I went to pay the bill. She sensed it. She took her money out. Payed in cash. She had a special wallet. Every bill she placed on the counter was the correct one.

Then the ride home. I don’t know whee my mind was. I missed a turn. She immediately said, “You missed the turn. You have to go back.”

Who said the blind cannot see?

Yesterday morning, I could not do the blog because of the Comcast foul up. I decided to go to Harpoon Harry’s for breakfast. Sat at the counter. Enjoyed eggs benedict and hash browns.

The place was busy. A waiting line. In the summer! Ten years ago, it would not have been so.

Enjoyed an extra cup of coffee and people watched. A good place to do it.

Stopped at the shirt laundry on the way home. It is across the street on Truman from Don’s Bar. Parked in Don’s lot.

David came over. We chatted about Don. Getting chemo and radiation. So far, so good.

Yesterday was the day after Elsa. Like nothing had happened the day before. Temperature 88. Sun shining, blue shy, scattered white clouds. Hot and humid as it is supposed to be this time of the year.

I need help. Hope one of you can help me. My cell phone needs attention. I have been doing business for years with Verizon. The locals, not the thieves who came in from Miami.

The Verizon I went to was a small store in the Winn-Dixie Plaza. Great people. No price gouging.

I stopped the other day. The store empty. A sign indicating they had to leave for some reason they apparently were not comfortable with.

Help! Does anyone know if they have relocated and where? I hope so. Let me know.

I have much more to write. Not going to be able to finish. The electric company just knocked on my door. All power in the neighborhood will be off for 3 hours. A transformer has to be fixed.

I can’t win! First Comcast, now the power company.

Will finish tomorrow.

Enjoy your day!


Early morning when I woke. Stayed in bed and watched the movie PT-109. The story of John Kennedy and a specific part of his World War II service in the Pacific as captain of a PT boat.

Brought to mind the Spottswood family. A distinguished group. The family part and parcel of Key West going back to the 1820’s.

Today’s generation consists of Jack, Bill, Fawni and Robert. I only know Robert and his wife Elena. I first met them when I purchased my home in Key West some 25 years ago. We became friends.

Good family all. Everyone respected.

Thrice the grandfather of today’s generation was Walter C. Maloney, Sr. He arrived in the 1820’s. He and every descendant who followed have been active publicly and privately in the life of Key West. The Spottswood family alone has probably accomplished more than any other family in Key West’s history.

PT-109 brought to mind the story of how the movie PT-109 came to be filmed in the Key West area

It was Cuban Missile time. President Kennedy had what is today Smathers and Higgs Beaches lined with artillery and missiles pointed at Cuba 90 miles away. Kennedy came to Key West to inspect the installation. His “tour guide” was John M. Kennedy, father to the four children comprising today’s generation.

The senior Spottswood and Kennedy  were friends before the inspection. Spottswood was a political figure of note. Kennedy spent much of his time here with Spottswood.

Harry Truman and Spottswood were friends. When Truman was no longer President, he and Bess were Spottswood’s house guests when visiting Key West.

The senior Spottswood was quite a man. His involvements speak for themselves: Sheriff, State Senator, personal friend to Harry Truman, close with President Kennedy.

Spottswood established the first radio station in Key West. He opened one of the first cable TV stations in the U.S. Headquartered the station in Key West, of course. He became owner of the Casa Marina Hotel and La Concha Hotel.

He and his children brought the Hyatt Vacation Club to Key West. The family was instrumental in the Beachside Marriot Hotel. The family continues to assist in the management of La Concha.

A public service more than a personal one involves the State Bank of Florida. Certain members of today’s generation were instrumental in getting the Bank started and continue as officers and/board members to this day.

Lets return to the senior Spottswood and Kennedy time together during Kennedy’s Cuban Missile Crisis visit.

Spottswood and Kennedy were together most of the time. Internet photos on the internet today show the two riding in the back of a convertible together.

Spottswood was aware Kennedy’s PT 109 experience was to be made into a film. The movie company was having difficulty selecting a suitable island for the filming. Spottswood suggested Little Munson Island which he owned. Munson was located just short of Big Pine, a five minute boat ride from U.S. 1 to the island.

Munson Island fit the bill. It was selected for the filming. The filming being the movie PT-109 I watched for the zenith time this morning.

Today, Little Munson Island has become Little Palm Island.

Another connection exists.

Kennedy was played in the movie by Cliff Robertson.

Some 15-20 years ago, the Mel Fisher Museum was conducting a national fund raising drive. Robertson was the Honorary National Chairman.

I met him when he returned to Key West for an event at the Mel Fisher Museum. I was fortunate to speak with him a few minutes.

He was older. Somewhere I would presume where I am age wise today.

It is not our conversation that sticks in my mind. It was his dress. Dapper!

Wore a blazer and khakis. His shirt open collared. Resting within the shirt, an ascot. For those too young to know, an ascot was a form of tie at one time. I even wore one on occasion.

Cliff Robertson enjoyed a second connection to Key West. The actual reason he was asked to serve as national honorary chairman. A movie was made of Mel Fisher’s life. Cliff Robertson played Mel Fisher.

Such the story of the Spottswood family, President Kennedy., Little Munson Island, Littler Palm Island, the many local successes and improvements to Key West over the years by the Spottswood family, and Cliff Robertson’s visits.

Yesterday my birthday. I celebrated by staying home. Elsa kept me in. Hopefully tonight I will be out and about.

My birthday brought to mind yesterday David Wolkowsky. We were friends.

He met certain of my birthdays by having a cake delivered to my home inscribed Happy Birthday Louis. Note I said “certain.” David was on in his years. He did not recall all. He would send me a cake one year. Skip the next two. Then send me cakes two years in row.

Loved the man!

Elsa came and went yesterday. Like an unwelcome visitor. In and out.

Elsa a yesterday thing. Not bad, but bad enough. Took about 10 hours to pass over Key West. Heavy rains. Winds averaging 40 mph, with gusts up to 60.

Key West closed down early morning. Reopened late afternoon after Elsa departed. The bars were immediately full.

Flooding, of course. Can expect nothing else when you live on an island most of which is at 0 sea level. The usual intersections/streets were flooded: Eaton and White, Duval and Front, Greene and Duval, and various portions of Flagler.

Terri White sings tonight from 5-8 at Marylin’s. Hopefully, I will make it

Enjoy your day!


My birthday today. Eighty six years old.


I’ve thought much this past week about this day. Fortunate to still be alive. My mind is sharp. My body has problems, however. I feel like an automobile that is many years old, but still runs. It has frequent mechanical problems. Corrected by a visit to a mechanic. I hope the medical profession can continue to treat my problems.

In spite of my many problems, the doctors all think I might make it to 100. They are not being generous. The body may be breaking down. However as indicated, all correctable thus far.

Genetics on my side. My father’s Dad made it to 94. My Father to 98. His sister to 102.

One thing does stand out. The years are getting shorter. Guess it is something that becomes noticeable to everyone as the years add up.

Elsa. She is is here. Finally made it to Key West. Heavy rain since about 7 this morning. Thirty to forty mph hour winds.

The night was quiet. I kept waking thinking I would hear the wind gusts and rain. Never happened. Thought perhaps Key West had avoided Elsa.

Not so. Not badly, however. The Elsa’s eastern side seems to have brushed Key West.

Elsa moved to the west of Key West out into the Gulf. Somewhere in mid Florida it will cut back into land, travel northeast over Florida and then up the Atlantic coast.

Today is tuesday. My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I will not be doing it. A concession to my birthday. Means I can screw off all afternoon during the time I normally would be preparing the show.

My plan was to treat myself to a birthday dinner at one of Key West’s better restaurants tonight. Probably will not happen. If the rain and wind keep up, I will remain home.

The Happy birthday e-mails have been coming in. Jean Thornton just called. I thank one and all who have taken the time to remember me.

Enjoy my birthday!


For a hurricane/tropical storm no one in Key West seems concerned about, it is getting a lot of play. This is day 3 for me titling the blog with Elsa.

Late yesterday afternoon, I noticed nothing was moving outside. Palm trees and other foliage dead still. No breeze..

The calm before the storm had arrived. A hurricane’s “serene” time.

This morning the same thing. Absolute calm.

There is always a calm before the storm.

It is projected Elsa will arrive this evening or early tomorrow morning. Will arrive as a tropical storm.

The question at the moment is how much of Elsa will arrive? Right over Key West? Or to the west and merely brush against Key West?

The cone has slowly been moving westward the last 3 days. Cuba is breaking up Elsa to an extent. The mountains of Cuba help.

Rain and wind the main concerns.Heavy rain. Wind in the 60 mph range. Supposedly will take 2 hours to pass over Key West.

One problem, however. Hurricanes are fickle. Change direction and velocity constantly. Many times do not in the final analysis travel where projected to go.

Something unusual with the reporting this year.

Hurricanes have been reported over the years by the use of cones and spaghetti models. I have always felt more comfortable with the spaghetti models. More accurate from my perspective.

With Elsa, we are being buried with cones rather than spaghetti models. A cone covers the width and length of the hurricane in one wide and long unit.

From my perspective, the cone is less reliable because it covers the wider track and is therefore lacking in accuracy. A cone can be anywhere from 150-300 miles wide.

The northwest is being destroyed by wildfires. Canada’s wildfires speak to the problem. Presently, 180 wildfires. All at the same time.

The heat wave obviously a cause. An intensive one. Another is lightening. Hard to believe, but Canada sustained 700,000 lightning strikes in the short time frame between June 30 and July 1.

The Keys make up Monroe County. Monroe County is on in years. It is probably one of the senior citizens of counties nationwide. Monroe County is 198 years old.

It is the sixth county of record in Florida. Established by act of the territorial legislature and signed by Governor William Duval July 4, 1823.

The Keys wedding business is back big time. The return has been swift and dramatic.

Wedding planners took a beating during the pandemic. Since the pandemic mellowed, business for some planners is up as much as 35 percent from pre-pandemic numbers.

As far as the pandemic is concerned, the world suddenly changed again. This time in its return to pre-pandemic normalcy. Just like that, the world is not same. Certain businesses, such as wedding planning, have swiftly gone from famine to feast.

Gasoline prices on the move again. In the wrong direction. Upwards. The prices are the highest in 7 years.

Seems not to be of concern to travelers this holiday weekend. They are happy to be able to get out and travel. It is expected that more than 91 percent of those traveling this July 4 weekend will do so by automobile.

It is thought that the Keys will not be affected by the rise. The reason being so many tourists have been traveling to Key West by automobile weeks before others in the country decided to do so. A slight increase is expected, but nothing locals will feel.

The sadness of Surfside.

The remaining portion of Champion Towers South stands no more. It was demolished last night between 10 pm and 3 am.

It had to come down at some point. Elsa accelerated the event. Elsa will hit the Miami area tomorrow. To leave the portion still standing could have resulted in further dangers to life and limb. The decision to bring it down was a wise one.

Donald Rumsfeld died last week at the age of 88. He was considered a skilled bureaucrat. I thought not. Whatever skills he might have had were shown to be wrong. Erroneously thought out.

Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense during George W. Bush’s supposedly well planned Iraqi war. The one that began 3/20/03 and was considered a victory in a short period of time. A falsehood. The war kept running and running and running.

Rumsfeld time as Secretary of Defense that time ran from 2001-2006.

American soldiers were complaining. Certain machinery was not fit for service in a desert war. One item especially. The Humvee. Soldiers complained its undercover armor was not sufficient to protect against explosive items buried in Iraqi roads.

Soldiers in the fight were actually scavenging for metal to cover the bottom of their war vehicles. Parents at home were complaining to their Congressmen that their children were being killed or losing limbs because the Humvee for example was not designed for desert warfare. Unless the government did something to update them.

Rumsfeld was publicly questioned re the problem. His response was down right stupid: “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

One thing wrong in Rumsfeld’s response. The U.S. initiated the war. It had time to be sure all things were in order to protect American soldiers. It was not a sudden war as began with Pearl Harbor.

Simply stated, a country that plans a war should have all its ducks in order before initiating it.

Another consideration was the Iraqi War was ill conceived. It never should have been. Bush was ill advised by certain of his team. The team that made it sound like Iraq had the necessary to make a nuclear bomb, Iraq intended to start a war with the U.S., etc.

Enjoy your day!


Elsa, Elsa, give us your answer, do ? I’m half crazy waiting to hear from you.

True, sort of.

A strange storm on the way. Supposedly will hit Key West tomorrow night. At worst a category 1. Probably a tropical storm. Thundershowers, as well as winds 60 mph.

There is a “crazy” involved. No one seems to be paying nay attention it it, except for governmental officials. The State and Monroe County have designated Key West and other southern Florida areas as being in a State of Emergency.

The locals may have been around a bit too long. How many hurricanes were going to be disasters and then changed course or petered out as they approached. After a while, you become immune to the warnings. This appears to be one.

There are exceptions. We took Irma seriously, thank God.

During the past 2 days, I have not found one person who has prepared for Elsa. No special grocery shopping. No filling the bathtub with water. No flash lights purchased. Simply, no concern. Everyone thinking the same. Merely a tropical storm with lots of rain and wind for a few hours. Sixty miles per hour can be handled.

I must confess I did do one thing. Topped the gas tank yesterday. In the event I had to get out of Dodge. It would be too late, of course.

Key West is in the center of the cone. Brave souls, are we. It could move west and brush Key West. Or, and doubtfully, turn suddenly east and never hit any part of Florida.

Whatever, I hope a boat or helicopter does not have to come by and take me off the roof of my house.

Today, Independence Day. One of special joy hopefully to all Americans.

We celebrate our nationhood. Our birth. With fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, and baseball games.

There is a question as whether July 4 is the correct date for the celebration. A drafting problem on July 2. Not everyone was happy with language involving slaves. A few Founding Fathers had not yet signed the Declaration.

Hamilton did the necessary paper change work. It is claimed every one who had yet to sign did so 2 days later on July 4. Thus such day becoming the celebration of the birth of the U.S.

However, historians believe the actual completion of signing was approximately one month later on August 2. How July 4 became the special day, I do not know.

Whatever the day, it is one worthy of celebration!

Our responsibility during present times is to make sure we keep what those fought so valiantly for in the 1770’s. Things are becoming very uncertain.

Trump has the tongue of a snake. If even the good Lord said something Donald disagreed with, Donald would attack the Almighty.

Trump spoke in Florida last night at an Independence Day celebration. He said at one point, “Biden is perhaps the most unpatriotic President in American history.”

I was concerned. Why? The statement did not make sense.

The reasoning behind it involved the Biden administration’s canceling of a planned fireworks celebration at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota due to concerns about transmission of COVID-19.

In the same speech, Trump advised his reason or excuse for the preparation of his and his company’s tax returns by using tax schemes. His attempt to lay the groundwork for a cloak of legality to his and his company’s tax returns.

Trump implied tax schemes were no big deal in avoiding the need to pay taxes on homes, cars, or school fees.

There is a rumor that Trump’s children may “flip” on him. Whether such is the case or Trump will flip on his children, there is a certainty. One will turn against the other. For a multitude of reasons. The only open question remaining at the moment is when?

The economy scored a biggie for June. The economy added 850,000 jobs.

The last time the economy grew at this rate was in 1984 under Reagan.

With the regard to the 850,000 new jobs, Biden said, “The sun is coming out.”

One of the first responders at the Surfside tragedy was a firefighter. He was searching for survivors when the body of his 7 year old daughter was found. What could be worse!

Florida Governor DeSantis announced yesterday that the half of the building still standing was coming down. Soon! A fear exists that Elsa will take it down. Ergo, the need for a planned demolition.

DeSantis said the building would be down by tomorrow night. He said professionals at the task were already laying the explosives.

The worst of the worse. A 10 year old boy in Shelby, Michigan has had 4 amputation surgeries. He has lost his 2 hands and left leg.

The boy came down with COVID-19. He recovered. Ten days later, he was diagnosed with MIS-C. MIS-C is Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome. Found only in children. Following recovery from COVID-19. Vaccinations have nothing to do with the disease.

There have been 80 MIS-C cases in Michigan thus far. The disease has something to do with blood clotting. First a COVID-19 recovery. Two weeks later a lack of energy. Followed by complaints of headaches. Finally, a high fever.

Citizens’ Voice carried a comment by a local yesterday: “Key West is overflowing as it is. Can you imagine our over-crowded downtown with a huge cruise ship vomiting its passengers?”

Enjoy your Fourth of July holiday!


Dangerous ladies. Irma and Elsa.

When Elsa first came to my attention, it was way out into the ocean. Last wednesday or thursday. Too early for the spaghetti straps. Not too early for a cone.

My first impression of the cone was it reminded me of the first time I saw Irma on the Weather Channel. Irma from the very first was always heading directly for Key West. Never deviated. Predicted as a Category 5.

I said, “Get your ass out of here, Louis!”

I drove for 3 days. Thrown out of 2 hotels because “a hurricane was coming.”

The first was a motel in Pompano. The cone showed Irma deviating west. No problem sleeping on the east coast.

So I thought.

Got a call early the next morning from the front desk: You have to leave, hurricane heading this way.

Where next? I had no particular destination. Drive till I was out of the range of Irma. I decided to drive north on the Florida Turnpike. Put me in the center of the state driving north. Went to Atlanta. Irma not predicted to go that far north.

Put into a Marriott downtown. Got the last accommodation. A suite for the price of a room. Like $135.

The suite was on the 27th floor. One wall all window. Thought if Irma comes, I am going to be blown out from the 27th floor. Terrific!

The next morning, I got a call from the front desk. You have to leave. The hurricane is coming.

Irma had changed course again. It was like she was following me.

Where was I going to go? Decided to try Jean Thornton in Birmingham, Alabama. A few days earlier, she had invited me to stay. I called Jean. There was a room at the inn. I was number 6 to call seeking shelter.

I made it to Birmingham with no difficulty.

Came September 10, 2017. Irma which was supposed to be a Category 5 deviated at the last moment. Went over Key West as a 1. Not for long, however. Sixteen miles north of Key West  is Cudjoe Key. It hit Cudjoe as a Category 4. Devastation beyond belief.

I stayed with Jean and Joe 10-12 days. No sense in returning home. No one was being allowed down U.S. 1 yet. Trees down, electric wires on the road, boats on the road, cars and homes in the water, parts of the highway gone.

Key West did not have power for several days. Meant no air conditioning. No place to get food. All stores closed. Gasoline a problem. Even cell phones wee not working. I did not know if my house survived.

Experiences consistent with a hurricane.

Needed gasoline. Initially no stations had gasoline. I was going to be stuck in Pompano when Irma hit.  Then on the outskirts, I found a small station with like 50 cars around it. No organization. Stick the nose of the car into the mess and hopefully move ahead.

Got to the pump. None of my cards worked. Did not make sense. I knew they were all good. Suddenly several big guys surrounded me demanding I move my car. I knew if I moved it, I would be in Pompano forever.

I went inside the station. The first card I put in the machine was good. The pump rejection was the way the station was doing business that day.

As I returned to my car, I was concerned the big guys had manually picked up my car and dumped it somewhere. I was driving a Volkswagen Beatle. Fortunately, the big guys were no where to be seen. My car had not been moved.

Urinating was a problem. Never had to wait in line before forever to go. I did at a large rest area on the Turnpike. Like a woman.

Waited in line for a half hour. The line moving at a snail’s pace. Finally said to myself, screw it! Went outside looking for tree area. They were all around. A small forest. Went into one area and did my thing. Smiled while I was so doing. I was not the only one. Many men and a few women. What is it called, invention is the mother of necessity?

My eyes were screwed up. I was not aware. I could not see signs in the day time till I was upon them. Night driving a disaster. Never saw a sign. Thank God my cell phone was on the travel guide and I paid attention to turn left, stay in right lane, etc.

I needed my eyes checked! Required new glasses! First thing I attended to when I returned.

I finally made it. I was the last to arrive. I had a lovely large room. A bath shared with another room. The accommodations terrific!

We did our own thing till 5. Cocktail time till 7. Then a terrific meal and wine. I don’t know how many cases we consumed.

The food was excellent. As in Key West, Jean has many friends in Birmingham. Someone cooked every day and brought whole meals to us for dinner consumption.

The partying continued till 3 in the morning. Every night. Even danced. Jean has a video of her and I jitterbugging. I had not jitterbugged since college.

Besides cars, boats and houses not being where they should have been, I noticed one other thing on the return to Key West. On U.S. 1. A large refrigerator lying side ways across 2 branches of a tree 20 feet in the air. Irma had to be one hell of a wind!

Now, Elsa.

I do not plan on leaving. Elsa will not be as bad as Irma. If it passes over or bounces on either side of Key West, it will be either a tropical storm or Category 1. Both can be handled.

Additionally, Elsa is moving fast. The Weather Bureau projects it will pass over the lower Keys in 2 hours.

I wrote a book when I returned: Irma and Me. Sold well initially. Four years later, 1-3 copies a month. It is available on Amazon. Actually, my blog. I continued doing the blog when I was away. Put it together and voila! A book!

So much for now.

Enjoy your day!



Kill filibuster or kill democracy. It’s one or the other.

Our government is failing. Wait too long to make the decisive move and it will be too late.

With the filibuster gone, certain things will unquestionably happen. Like police reform, voting rights, $15 minimum wage, and an infrastructure bill passed that will accomplish everything desired. And yes, will cost $4 trillion to $6 trillion.

Lets stop band aiding the country and do what is right.

Whether the Elks Club or a nation, most operate by majority vote. Our government at the present time does not.

One more than half. The requirement for a 60-50 majority ridiculous. As ridiculous as believing bipartisanship will occur.

Keep in mind, Biden can accomplish little of significance if the 60-50 vote continues. Sufficient legislation will not occur either.

The Republican Senate no longer seeks reform as its legislative goal. It is power it wants. And the Republicans seem to not to care how it is achieved. So far in the Biden era, the Senate is using the filibuster to obstruct the popular will. Biden’s will.

The filibuster permits minority rule. Our Founding Fathers were confronted with the problem when the Articles of Confederation were being drawn. Alexander Hamilton wrote, “To give a minority a negative upon the majority (which is always the case where more than a majority is requisite to a decision), is, in its tendency, to subject the sense of the majority to that of the lesser.”

Such the reason why Hamilton and his fellow Founders set up both Houses of Congress to work by simple majority.

It was when the Constitution was drafted that the door was opened to a filibuster. Inadvertent? Meant for another purpose?  Article 1, Section 5 holds that each Chamber could construct its own rules.

The opening to the filibuster was born. Legal! The minority could suppress the desires of the majority.

Used infrequently, the filibuster enjoyed a minimal life till the mid 1840s. Then it became the tool of both parties to be used, if so desired,  when its party was in the minority.

Some consider the filibuster a sacred cow. It is not. It has already been used 161 times.

Time to put philosophical leanings aside. The filibuster can be a danger to governance. We must be rid of it!

A majority vote in Senate would be required. There are 50 Democratic Senators. Add to it the Vice-President’s vote and the majority of 51 votes is reached.

Democrats John Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema must be made happy to vote in support of getting rid of the filibuster. Give each something that will make both happy. To Manchin, Virginia added onto West Virginia. To Sinema, New Mexico added onto Arizona.

I appreciate I am being facetious. Perhaps illegal in thought. However, the point I wish to make is something has to be done to satisfy both. It should be clear thus far that our government is not working. We can wait till Hell freezes over, and McConnell will remain adamant and not permit bipartisanship.

Another solution might be Democrats begin opposing Republicans in the same fashion as they fight the Democrats. Down and dirty.

Democrats are always reluctant to play government in the gutter on occasion. The Republicans never so. If such is what it takes to save the country, so be it.

Democrats, get dirty!

Enjoy your day!


It has “only just begun.” The beginning of the end.

It began at 6:20 this morning when Allen Weisselberg surrendered to authorities. He has been indicted, together with the Trump organization, by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. Tax charges. Specifically what will not be known till this afternoon at formal arraignment.

The Trump organization issued a statement: “Weisselberg is being used as a pawn in a scorched earth attempt to harm the former President.”

Trump has not been indicted as yet. Whether he will be at any time is questionable. The U.S. Department of Justice has shown zero interest in holding Trump accountable for any offense.

I question District Attorney Vance’s course of conduct. Cases have a beginning, middle and end. There is always a primary person of interest. In this case, Trump. The District Attorney opted to begin at the bottom of the ladder and work his way up.

His call. I would have gone for the jugular immediately. If he does not have enough now to indict Trump, he never will. Additionally, Vance has provided Trump the opportunity to say…..Look! I was not indicted! No charges! I am clean! He will.

Expect very soon Trump on a rampage again. He will verbally assault everyone.

The District Attorney’s Office might want a “gag order.” A “strict order” that no one may speak concerning the case. In would of course include Trump, his family, the prosecutors, defense counsel, and all witnesses. Criminal cases should be tried in the courtroom, not the media.

Such “gag orders” are not uncommon in major criminal cases.

Bill Cosby was released from jail yesterday. He had already served 3 years of a 3-10 year sentence.

His release had nothing to do with the sentence time frame.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Cosby’s 2018 conviction for sexual assault.

There were 2 prosecutors involved in Cosby’s case. The first apparently left the office before the case was over. He had made an oral agreement to not prosecute Cosby. Cosby agreed to tell all and not assert his 5th Amendment right in the criminal case or any civil cases in return for the non prosecution.

Normally, non prosecutorial agreements are in writing. Not necessarily so as Cosby’s case reflects. Cosby waived a special right when he agreed not to assert the 5th Amendment.

Based on the District Attorney’s assurance of no prosecution, Cosby spilled the beans against himself. He told all. In effect, he convicted himself if there were to be a trail.

The second District Attorney felt there was no “agreement” since it was not in writing.

Cosby convicted himself, was found guilty, and sentenced.

Although Cosby did wrong with regard to the sexual charges, the second District Attorney did wrong in not respecting the non-prosecution agreement. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Cosby should never have been tried once the non prosecution agreement was accepted. He should not have spent 3 years in jail under the circumstances.

Elsa. The new Irma. The first tropical storm/hurricane that may hit the Keys. It is that time.

Elsa is still way out in the Atlantic. Would not reach the Keys till next week, if it did. Its specific path still uncertain.

A cone has been prepared. It shows Key West and the Keys right in the center of Elsa should it reach Florida.

Overnight Elsa turned into a tropical storm. One of the projections has Elsa hitting as a category 5. More similarity to Irma!

Elsa could also never hit the Keys. Could miss and go into the Gulf to the south or Alabama to the north.

Again, too early to know Elsa’s probable path with any certainty.

Priests should take care of man’s soul and leave other concerns to the politicians. Politicians generally refrain from getting involved in Catholic Church affairs. Priests have no reluctance. Especially the U.S. Conference of Bishops.

The present issue where the Church is sticking its nose into political/governmental affairs is whether the gasoline tax should be increased. As strange as politicians attempting to dictate to the Church the composition of the hosts used in Communion.

Jesuits are considered the smartest of all priests. They are the “intellectuals” in the Church. Father Thomas Reese is a Jesuit. He wrote in a recent National Catholic Reporter article that Democrats should support increasing the gasoline tax.

Father Reese wrote, “Democrats presently oppose Republican suggestions that the infrastructure bill should be partially funded by increasing the taxes on gasoline.” Father Reese added that his concept adds to how the infrastructure bill should be financed: “Tax the rich and corporations, and increase the gasoline tax.”

Why increase the gasoline tax? Father Reese explained: “The “federal gasoline excise tax is 18.4 cents per gallon, set in 1993. Today, it is only around 7 cents. Simply increasing the tax to account for inflation would bring the tax to 32 cents per gallon today.”

The preceding suggests a 25 cents rise per gallon in the gasoline tax. Actual out of pocket monies. Multiply the 25 cents times the number of gallons of gasoline you use to operate your car per week. An increase in the gasoline tax to the consumer any way you look at it.

Republicans would argue it is not a raise. Merely an adjustment to keep up with the rise in inflation. Still a raise, no matter how viewed.

Don’t forget tractor trailers hauling groceries to the Publixs of the country. They will be paying more for gas. Publix will be charged for the increase. Publix will add it to the cost of groceries consumers buy.

A no win situation again.

Me thinks Father Reese’s thought process is mired in Republican thinking.

Biden promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. Any of the scenarios I have set forth evidence an increase that will impact those making less than $400,000.

Enjoy your day!