Dallas the site this weekend of a CPAC meeting. A three day event which began friday and ends this day. Star event Donald Trump’s speech later today.
A conservative event. No question about it. Many terrorist members in attendance.
CPAC leaders refer to the meeting as the “largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in America.”
Ten years ago the composition of any conservative gathering were for real conservatives. Not the autocratic national white supremacist meeting being held this weekend.
The Republican Party has turned into such a group.
Authorities advise that many of the participants also participated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Pictures of such individuals at both events verify the dual participation.
Donald speaks later today. He will rouse the masses in attendance who in turn will laud him.
Amazingly, many in attendance believe Trump will be reinstated in August. I worry many terrorist groups are getting ready to lead a physical attack once more.
New York Times opinion writer Paul Krugman on July 1 wrote a right on piece re the composition of a significant number of Republicans today: Only The Incompetents Need Apply To Lead The Nation.
An interesting observation by Krugman in the piece: “How did one of out two major political parties come not only to reject democracy, but to exalt ignorance and despise competence of any kind? I don’t know, but if you aren’t terrified, you aren’t paying attention.”
The Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts have had their black days when it comes to pedophilia. For each, shame and disgust.
The Catholic Church pedophilia problem has been public for 3 decades. The Boy Scout’s recent in comparison. Well under 10 years.
The Catholic Church has made payments in settlement of its crimes and sins in the billions of dollars. The Boy Scouts are walking away with little punishment and cost in comparison.
The reason probably that the Boy Scouts sought early on the protection of a bankruptcy court.
The Boy Scouts were responsible for sixty thousand sex abuse victims. It has been announced the Boy Scouts will pay $850 million to settle all the claims. In addition, no arrests have been made.
The $850 million is a pittance in comparison to the number of boys abused. It breaks down to $3,500 to $5,000 per claim.
Why do the Boy Scouts walk away on the cheap side and with no criminal charges levied? Many priests and some bishops are doing jail time. The difference in the monies paid out speaks for itself.
No criminal incarceration for Scout masters another story. Priests go to jail and Scout masters not. Something does not smell right.
The Bankruptcy Judge has to approve the group Boy Scout settlement.
Some children have returned to school. Most others will shortly.
While not physically attending school, students virtually attended school via their computers.
Most Key West schools returned to the classroom sometime in the spring.
Florida recently announced how the kids did academically. A distinct difference in many instances based on whether studying from home or from school.
The third grade of Key West schools were down. Down 11.4 percent from 2019 levels.
Cause did not seems to concern the State. The significant problem obviously being the pandemic was not addressed.
No evaluation measures should be taken in extreme emergency situations. The pandemic obviously one.
My grandchildren Robert and Ally did their schooling at home via their computers. Generally, good students. They did well. The disadvantage of solely home study did not affect their results.
Both in high school. Robert a junior, Ally a sophomore. Both had 6 A’s and 1 B. The grades consistent with those earned pre-pandemic.
What does it mean? To me the suggestion is some students did as well, other were handicapped and scored lower. Some could not handle a computer education at home in comparison to on site learning in school.
So much for today.
Enjoy your Sunday!
CPAC has ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS been about hate, as far back as I can remember. It’s either been about what’s wrong with America, or “Be Afraid,” with at least one keynote speech about them being victims of some sort of injustice.
What is wrong with these people and their self loathing messages
Hmm good point. Can you think of any other groups who complain about what’s wrong with America? I’m struggling with that.
Well, the BLM and LGQBT are two that come to mind!
…and complaining about what is wrong with America, is not necessarily unto itself “hate.” John Adams complained about America without making it “hate” – many many speeches at CPAC however, are. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s complaints about CRT/America at CPAC are “hateful.” More importantly the entire attitude at CPAC is always almost completely negative and hateful.
Again, a highjack of my handle(get a life loser), remember the tell– if it is pro Trump or anti progressive it is not the original JustSaying posting. ByeDon2020- We beat a Seditionist.
Oh yeah, now I remember another group who is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS been about hate, as far back as I can remember, it’s either been about what’s wrong with America or “Be Afraid”..CRT is that group
OK, but a group of legal and academic scholars who critically examine U.S. law as it intersects with issues of race in the U.S, does NOT diminish or cancel that CPAC (a POLITICAL group only) has ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS been about hate.
Just because your older brother can stay up past 9 PM, doesn’t mean you can!
Furthermore, because YOU disagree with CRT, does NOT make it hate!
CRT is simply a made up tantrum for the sole reason to try and create a wedge issue (Bengazzi?) It is not a legitimate concern.
To try and make it some sort of equivalency countering CPAC in ludicrous and screams of desperation.
Because YOU disagree with CPAC, does NOT make it hate!
See how simple that was. By the way, we are on to your name changing posts. We all know it’s Lou’s moderator posting under various names.
But I can disagree with CPAC and it can still be hate. It is what it is.
The number of sane Republicans is growing smaller and smaller.
Please do not put words in my mouth I don’t disagree with CPAC and it’s mission, I say it is political, negative and constantly full of hate.
You can disagree with burning a church or synagogue, but that doesn’t keep it from being hate. Not you or anyone else can make the case that any of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s CPAC speeches were anything uplifting or positive. Same goes for even Mitt Romney speeches when he was allowed there.
…and BTW, I am not Lou’s moderator, but even if I was why would that dismiss me or any of my statements or opinions. Are your comments here real or are you just trying to bully me or anyone else that challenges your manipulative garbage?
Face up to reality and stop with the night school “look over here” argument strategy.
OK “Ferdinand”, Ron, Karen, Don, Sloan
Give it up – you are only proving you really have nothing to add and are only making a fool of yourself.
Who’s name is on the post is NOT the issue, fool.
There have always been a lot of hate filled people scattered around but now Trump has organized them.
The name Randall Flagg seems appropriate.
How do you know a Trump is lying….. you know the rest.
That’s when he is talking.
Transphobic abuse hurled at Caitlyn Jenner at CPAC conference, called a ‘sick freak’ and deadnamed
CPAC is always where the legit GOP candidates and wannabe candidates had to go every year to woo the far right and wacko malcontents. Now it+ has become their main event.
I had to cover that one year and believe me, it was a downer fest. Everything negative.