It has “only just begun.” The beginning of the end.
It began at 6:20 this morning when Allen Weisselberg surrendered to authorities. He has been indicted, together with the Trump organization, by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. Tax charges. Specifically what will not be known till this afternoon at formal arraignment.
The Trump organization issued a statement: “Weisselberg is being used as a pawn in a scorched earth attempt to harm the former President.”
Trump has not been indicted as yet. Whether he will be at any time is questionable. The U.S. Department of Justice has shown zero interest in holding Trump accountable for any offense.
I question District Attorney Vance’s course of conduct. Cases have a beginning, middle and end. There is always a primary person of interest. In this case, Trump. The District Attorney opted to begin at the bottom of the ladder and work his way up.
His call. I would have gone for the jugular immediately. If he does not have enough now to indict Trump, he never will. Additionally, Vance has provided Trump the opportunity to say…..Look! I was not indicted! No charges! I am clean! He will.
Expect very soon Trump on a rampage again. He will verbally assault everyone.
The District Attorney’s Office might want a “gag order.” A “strict order” that no one may speak concerning the case. In would of course include Trump, his family, the prosecutors, defense counsel, and all witnesses. Criminal cases should be tried in the courtroom, not the media.
Such “gag orders” are not uncommon in major criminal cases.
Bill Cosby was released from jail yesterday. He had already served 3 years of a 3-10 year sentence.
His release had nothing to do with the sentence time frame.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Cosby’s 2018 conviction for sexual assault.
There were 2 prosecutors involved in Cosby’s case. The first apparently left the office before the case was over. He had made an oral agreement to not prosecute Cosby. Cosby agreed to tell all and not assert his 5th Amendment right in the criminal case or any civil cases in return for the non prosecution.
Normally, non prosecutorial agreements are in writing. Not necessarily so as Cosby’s case reflects. Cosby waived a special right when he agreed not to assert the 5th Amendment.
Based on the District Attorney’s assurance of no prosecution, Cosby spilled the beans against himself. He told all. In effect, he convicted himself if there were to be a trail.
The second District Attorney felt there was no “agreement” since it was not in writing.
Cosby convicted himself, was found guilty, and sentenced.
Although Cosby did wrong with regard to the sexual charges, the second District Attorney did wrong in not respecting the non-prosecution agreement. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Cosby should never have been tried once the non prosecution agreement was accepted. He should not have spent 3 years in jail under the circumstances.
Elsa. The new Irma. The first tropical storm/hurricane that may hit the Keys. It is that time.
Elsa is still way out in the Atlantic. Would not reach the Keys till next week, if it did. Its specific path still uncertain.
A cone has been prepared. It shows Key West and the Keys right in the center of Elsa should it reach Florida.
Overnight Elsa turned into a tropical storm. One of the projections has Elsa hitting as a category 5. More similarity to Irma!
Elsa could also never hit the Keys. Could miss and go into the Gulf to the south or Alabama to the north.
Again, too early to know Elsa’s probable path with any certainty.
Priests should take care of man’s soul and leave other concerns to the politicians. Politicians generally refrain from getting involved in Catholic Church affairs. Priests have no reluctance. Especially the U.S. Conference of Bishops.
The present issue where the Church is sticking its nose into political/governmental affairs is whether the gasoline tax should be increased. As strange as politicians attempting to dictate to the Church the composition of the hosts used in Communion.
Jesuits are considered the smartest of all priests. They are the “intellectuals” in the Church. Father Thomas Reese is a Jesuit. He wrote in a recent National Catholic Reporter article that Democrats should support increasing the gasoline tax.
Father Reese wrote, “Democrats presently oppose Republican suggestions that the infrastructure bill should be partially funded by increasing the taxes on gasoline.” Father Reese added that his concept adds to how the infrastructure bill should be financed: “Tax the rich and corporations, and increase the gasoline tax.”
Why increase the gasoline tax? Father Reese explained: “The “federal gasoline excise tax is 18.4 cents per gallon, set in 1993. Today, it is only around 7 cents. Simply increasing the tax to account for inflation would bring the tax to 32 cents per gallon today.”
The preceding suggests a 25 cents rise per gallon in the gasoline tax. Actual out of pocket monies. Multiply the 25 cents times the number of gallons of gasoline you use to operate your car per week. An increase in the gasoline tax to the consumer any way you look at it.
Republicans would argue it is not a raise. Merely an adjustment to keep up with the rise in inflation. Still a raise, no matter how viewed.
Don’t forget tractor trailers hauling groceries to the Publixs of the country. They will be paying more for gas. Publix will be charged for the increase. Publix will add it to the cost of groceries consumers buy.
A no win situation again.
Me thinks Father Reese’s thought process is mired in Republican thinking.
Biden promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. Any of the scenarios I have set forth evidence an increase that will impact those making less than $400,000.
Enjoy your day!
The Catholic Church, all churches and religions, should stop meddling in political or ANY government issues – NOW.
We have constitutional laws prohibiting just that. It’s basic to our constitution – separation of church and state.
We must stop (squash) this now – quickly and firmly.
They are free to meddle— all they need to do is forfeit their tax exempt status for the privilege.
That would be the cost, that and other things. Keeping the church out of government, was a MAJOR intent of our found fathers, far more than ANY issue with guns.
It began at 6:20 this morning when Allen Weisselberg surrendered to authorities
I’ll tell you what I noticed about the picture of AW in the Federal Court House accompanied by agents and his attorney. They wore masks and he did not. Very Trumpian.
He was probably afraid it might msss up his make-up?
Biden promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. Any of the scenarios I have set forth evidence an increase that will impact those making less than $400,000.
Biden is a politician, Biden is Biden. All he truly must promise me is he will respect our Constitution, our Congress and our election process. The other guy just didn’t have it in his DNA.
If he does not have enough now to indict Trump, he never will. Additionally, Vance has provided Trump the opportunity to say…..Look! I was not indicted! No charges! I am clean! He will.
Maybe Trump is clean, or insulated enough to keep him out of harms way. I think Trump is criminal smart and he has had plenty of contact with underworld types and others like Roy Cohn.
They tried several times to get the other Don— Gotti, that is.
Eventually, even his luck ran out.