Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. By the cone. Free all day all over the U.S.

More than 1 if you are so inclined.

Ben and Jerry’s has been doing this one day free be for several years. For a couple of reasons. One to say thank you to their customers. The other to introduce non Ben and Jerry’s customers to the product.

Free cone day in Key West is at Ben and Jerry’s,  124 Duval Street. Free scoops from noon to 8.

Ah, last night! A pleasant one.

Got a late start. Close to 7. Went directly to the Chart Room. John bartending.

Kevin and Holly back. They were gone for 3 months. They wasted no time while away. Visited Ireland. Another country also, I believe. I cannot recall which.

Mary at the bar. Had not seen Mary in a while. Interesting lady to talk with.

Left about 8:30. Wanted to be home in time for the Virginia/Texas Tech game at 9:20. Stopped at Dion’s on the way for chicken.

The Dion’s chicken was good. As always. The game even better.

I thought Texas Tech would win. Wasn’t happening. Behind a lot during the game. Texas put it together near the end when it had to. The game ended in a tie.

At that point, I fell asleep. Never saw the overtime. Woke at 2 and hurried to the computer to see who pulled it out.

Virginia, 85/77.

Congratulations to Virginia. What I like the most is that last night will be the high point in each Virginia player’s life, no matter how long they live.

They achieved big time! Few have the opportunity.

Weather report today interesting. Going to rain off and on. Will be warm.

Key West weather has been warm for a couple of months. Low 80’s generally.Not humid. Comfortable. Evenings in mid 70’s, yet cool. sleep with the window open.

Weather man says it will change today and tonight. Humid.

Burmese Pythons always a Florida story. One million plus live in Florida.

The State has acknowledged that it let the python problem get out of hand. Instead of eradicating them when they began to pop up, Florida did nothing. When it was determined several years ago that the population exceeded 1 million, the State said eradication impossible. We can only hope to contain their growth.

So far, all activities to contain have yielded insignificant results.

Last week,  scientists captured a 17 foot long Burmese python. Yes, Florida is hiring scientists to assist in discovering a way to kill large numbers off.

The python was captured in Big Cypress National Preserve. A swampland west of Miami. One of the largest ever captured. Weighed 140 pounds. Pregnant. Carried 73 developing eggs.

The python was captured via a new and different approach. Radio transmitters were attached to some male pythons. During breeding season, the males are easily able to find female pythons for sex. The radio transmitter on the male tells the scientists where the females are. They swiftly go forth and kill the female.

Burmese pythons are not native to the U.S. They are native to Southeast Asia.

So, how did they get to Florida?

Pythons began appearing in the Everglades in the 1980’s. It is assumed python pet owners disposed of their pythons in the Everglades when they wanted to get rid of them.

Sex big with pythons. They propagate.

Still not a humongous problem, however. The big problem occurred during 1992 Hurricane Andrew. A category 5. Did a number to the Homeland area.

Somewhere in Andrew’s pathway was a python breeding facility. The facility was blown away. The pythons who survived got a free ride. One way or another, they ended up in the Everglades.

Some have been discovered in the Keys. Northern Keys primarily. A few mid-Keys. Two or three made it to Key West.

We want no more.

Oh, did we learn! Recycle! We listened. We complied. Learned how to and did separate garbage from recyclables. Companies like Waste Management gave us a huge and different colored container to put the recyclables in. Garbage collectors like Waste Management constructed huge recycling facilities.

Recyclables no longer a big deal. It was a moneymaker for everyone. Cheaper collection fees to homeowners, additional fees to garbage collectors, more money to those who recycled recyclables into usable materials which were then sold to manufacturers who needed them.

No more.

China was the biggest customer of U.S. garbage collectors. They have plants all over China to recycle. Until a year ago. China got out of the recycling business. Trump’s tariff war contributed. Though not a cause, the tariff wars accelerated the end of Chinese recycling plants.

In many parts of the U.S., recyclables are going directly into the landfill along with the garbage.

Trump is a nasty man. No one has to tell you. It is obvious.

He has the bad habit of making up names to call adversaries and people with whom he does not agree.

Most recently, Congressman Jerry Nadler. Nadler is Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

Nadler a big man. One time fat. Had bi pass surgery several years ago. Thinner, but not all the way.

Trump has begun calling Nadler Fat Jerry.

Trump should talk. Trump is huge! Much heavier than Nadler. A pot calling the kettle black situation.

Trump needs to beware. Someone is going to retaliate and call him Fat Ass or Fat Donald.

Remember, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

A return to Pope Francis, the Vatican, and homosexuality. Touched on it yesterday. A bit more added today.

Francis called for the recent synod to deal with the rampant homosexuality in the Vatican and Catholic Church generally.

He got shot down by a certain powerful group of Cardinals.

James Alison is an openly gay priest highly respected for his theological writings on the subject. He said, “It’s the revenge of the closet! It’s the vengeance of the closet.” Alison went on to say that the homosexual Cardinals “in the closet” declared war on Francis who was encouraging gays to “come out of the closet.”

Luigi Gioia, an Italian Benedictine monk, describes why the homosexual Cardinals turned on Francis: “For a homosexual, the Church appears to be a stable structure…..that’s one of the explanations for the fact that many homosexuals chose the priesthood…..Francis by wanting to reform it, made the structure unstable for closeted homosexual priests. That’s what explains their violent reaction and their hatred for him. They’re scared.”

Today is tuesday. Tonight Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 for a quick moving half hour. I touch on interesting topics.

Enjoy your day!


The Catholic Church and homosexuality. A problem of major proportions. Good guys and bad guys involved. Persons you may not be aware who are involved. Most opposed to Pope Francis.

Steve Bannon first. He is on the move again. He helped screw up the U.S. government when Trump took office. He is now after Pope Francis and the Vatican.

Francis is trying to deal with the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse problem. He believes in transparency. Get it all out.

Obviously, he has opposition from within the Church. Especially the hierarchy.

Many homosexuals. An example being the Cardinals. Eighty percent are considered to be homosexuals.

I have been reading Frederic Martel’s In The Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy. Revealing. In addition, I have been following various news reports.

Francis is not homosexual. Such being the case, why did the Cardinals elect him Pope? Simple. There are 2 factions of homosexual Cardinals. One group does not fear notoriety, the other wants the problem to remain in the closet.

Francis was a compromise.

Francis a straight guy in the midst of  “queens.”

Steve Bannon has become involved in helping to screw up the Catholic Church. He has opted to get involved in the fight and is helping one side.

Recall that Bannon is a destroyer of existing governments. It was his goal when associated with Trump. Did a good job in getting the ball rolling. He is now working to destroy the Vatican, the government of the Catholic Church.

The homosexual situation provides him the opportunity.

The primary group opposed to Francis is led by the American Cardinal Raymond Burke. Burke wants a second Vatican. One physically outside the Vatican in Rome. Burke’s group promotes itself as being the place for traditional Catholics and political conservatives.

Bannon is working hand in hand with Burke. Burke outwardly is anti-homosexuality. A homophobic. Rigid in how he projects his beliefs.

Martel in his book claims that those Cardinals evidencing “homophobic rigidity” are guilty of “the lady doth protest too much.”

Francis has shown concern for the Catholic laity who are homosexuals. The we are all God’s children theory. Burke and his group claim that Francis’ perceived leeway toward gay Catholics shows he is unfit to lead.

Burke wants to establish a Church tribunal system similar to the U.S. Court system. The Church courts would put on trial all accused of sexual abuse. Sinners themselves deciding the faith of accused sinners.

Burke and Bannon a formidable team.

Then there is Newt Gingrich. A troublemaker in his own right. He is married to Callista. His third wife. The woman he was having a 6 year relationship with while trying to impeach Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky affair.

Callista was nominated by Trump and approved by the Senate to be Ambassador to the Vatican. Her appointment throws Newt into the center of Vatican politics. I do not know if he and Bannon walk hand in hand.

Trump is anti-Francis. Francis is against Trump’s handling of the the immigration problem. Francis believes in climate change. He has spoken out loudly re both.

The whole thing a mess. Francis standing alone against a multitude of sinners. Except for God, few support him.

On this day in 1928, Ernest and Pauline Hemingway arrived in Key West for the first time. They arrived on a steamship from Havana.

Hemingway had no intention of remaining in Key West. He had ordered a new Ford. It was to be waiting for him when he arrived in Key West. It was not. Took several weeks to arrive.

Hemingway fell in love with Key West during that time and remained some 10 years.

Key West is fortunate Ford could not get the car here timely.

The Cow Key Bridge run was fun. I neither participated nor watched. Never have. Maybe I refuse to dress like a cow.

The Seven Mile Bridge Run equally successful. The winner a 16 year old lad from Marathon. Ran the 7 miles in 39 minutes flat.

One thousand five hundred participated in the Run.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigned or was booted by Trump. Appears to have been both scenarios.

Nielsen was Trump’s tool. She performed all his directives faithfully. Like caging children, like taking children from their parents.

Word is that Trump finally dumped her yesterday because she was reluctant to prevent asylum seekers entry to the U.S. U.S. law provides asylum seekers must be admitted. Trump wants to prohibit them entry.

Whatever, she did the Devil’s work while she held office.

Remained in again last night. Continued researching. Must get out tonight, however. Probably Dueling Bartenders and the Chart Room. Maybe La Trattoria.

Enjoy your day!



Dildo races.

Only in Key West!

All sizes, all shapes.

The race track a slightly elevated board. Four dildos at a time race.

A sight to see. Four dildos wiggling down the track. Vibrators help. The crowd yelling in support of at least one. Just like the horse races. A form of legal betting permitted.

This interesting sport is held at Mary Ellen’s on Applerouth. A bar. Key West quirky.

Love it! Booze and food. Soul food. Grilled cheese sandwich my favorite.

The races every Tuesday night at 9. Other nights also, if so requested.

The races are held as a charity fundraiser event. The most recent by the Fringe Theater.

Good fun for a good cause.

Always a crowd.

Last night interesting. Had a bit of a conflict. Wanted to watch both Final Four games and enjoy dinner with Donna and Terri. Great basketball and great cooking.

I missed the first game. The exciting one as it turned out. Virginia/Auburn. Virginia won by 1 point 63-62. On three foul shots made by Virginia with 0.6 seconds left. That is less than 1 second.

Won’t bore you with the details. Had to be a hell of a game!

Left Donna and Terri immediately after dinner. Got home just as Texas Tech/Michigan State was starting. Texas Tech won 61-51.

An upset.

I watched Texas Tech play last week. Impressed me. I suspected they would win. It’s all in their defense. They steal the ball. When the other side is dribbling or passing. Frequently. It’s the way they have been trained to play.

Today, Sunday. Love Sundays!

Hot Dog Church and Kate Miano’s Gardens. Lovely ladies at both. Meet and chat with old friends. Make new ones.

I have been trying to reach Guy de Boer for 2 days. Finally made contact this morning. He had dropped his phone in the canal.

I once dropped my cell phone in water. I was standing at the toilet doing what men do standing at a toilet. Talking on my phone at the same time. I could walk and chew gum. Somehow the phone slipped out my hand and dropped into the toilet.

One way to get a new phone.

What goes around, comes around. No question about it.

On December 7, 1941, Japan in a sneak attack bombed Pearl Harbor. Two thousand four hundred three Americans killed.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I have not always agreed with that Biblical passage.

Vengeance re Pearl Harbor belonged to America. Without question. It would come massively when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.

It came earlier, also. On this day 1945, the Japanese battleship Yamato was sunk by Allied forces. The Yamato was engaged in a counter offensive  struggle for Okinawa.

The Yamato was recognized as the greatest battleship in the world. Weighed 72,800 tons. Had 9 18.1 inch guns.

Yamato’s job was to destroy the Allied fleet off the coast of Okinawa. It was Japan’s only hope of retaking Okinawa.

The battle turned into a suicide mission for the Yamato. For some reason, it had insufficient air cover and fuel. Nineteen American aerial torpedoes struck the Yamato. The ship went down.

Two thousand four hundred ninety eight Japanese drowned.

The Americans had their first taste of vengeance on a massive scale.

Four months later, it was as if God had wrought His vengeance. The U.S. dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan. The number of dead as a result in excess of two hundred thousand.

It has frequently been said that by bombing Pearl Harbor, the Japanese had waked a sleeping giant. No question about it.

Enjoy your Sunday!



A change of pace blog today. No politics or heavy stuff. What better subject to begin with than sex.

A few old wives tales revisited.

Masturbation will make you blind, hairy or cause you to have a weak brain.

Source old time religion. From centuries back.

No negative effects. If true, the whole male population would need walking canes.

Nosebleeds mean uncontrollable sexual arousal.

The theory being that “pressure” during sex causes a build-up in blood. Semen not involved in the theory. Japanese in origin. Totally false.

Can’t get pregnant if you have sex in the water.

The reasoning is that water flushes out the vagina and “floods sperm.” Poor drowning sperm cannot make it to the cervix, uterus or fallopian tubes.

Wrong! Sperm are very good at what they do. Last 3-5 days in the vagina. Swim like hell to get to their goal.

Big feet and hands mean a big penis.

Science has proven over and over such is not the case. A man with size 16 shoes does not guarantee 10 inches anywhere else. A University of London study in 2002 found no correlation between feet/hands size and penis size.

So much for sex.

Never got out last night. Spent the evening watching old movies. Third day of Greta Garbo flicks on Turner Classic Movies. A beauty. Even better, an outstanding actress. Watched Garbo involved with Napoleon. Napoleon played by Charles Boyer.

Started my yesterday at 4:30. Rose early because I had a full day ahead of me. Had to get the blog out before I went out.

Research and writing of blog completed by 10:30. Quick shower. Haircut at noon with Lori. Manicure at 12:30 with Tammy. Followed by grocery shopping at Publix. Home at 3. With groceries yet to be put away.

I had no energy left. Remember, my day began at 4:30. Took a nap.

Tonight dinner at Donna and Terri’s. Donna cooking. No doubt it will be an exemplary meal.

Then home to watch the Final Four. Will probably miss the first half of the first game.

I had the good fortune of attending 3 Final Fours. Two where Syracuse played. One I went to just for the fun of it.

A Final Four exciting! Like a Super Bowl. Hard to believe, but I attended 11 consecutive Super Bowls.

The Super Bowls were easy. I was in a position to do a major favor for a Vice-President of  one of the professional football teams. His younger brother needed assistance.

The V-P never forgot. Every year thereafter he sent 2 Super Bowl tickets. Great seats all the time. I assume they are still coming and my son is using them.

The V-P reciprocated also in another fashion. My oldest granddaughter Sara graduated from college some 15 years ago. He gave her a job in his marketing operation. She is still with the pro football team.

The Schooner Western Union was launched in Key West on March 7, 1939. It was the last large schooner built in Key West.

The Western Union is still around. Sitting dockside near Schooner Wharf. Needs a ton of work. Needs a ton of money to do the work.

The Western Union has been a problem for years. Always needing repair work. Several groups have tried to take care of the situation. Generally however, a band-aid solution.

A not for profit presently responsible for the boat. Looking for money.

The schooner must be self-sufficient. Whoever is caring for the vessel this time should work it out along those lines. Otherwise, let it go. I hear too many people who are no longer sympathetic because the vessel always needs more money.

A few days ago, I wrote about the Vietnam War and the Vietnam War Veterans Day in Key West. Unfortunately, an unpopular war. People were not happy with it.

Several comments have been received. I want to share 2 with you.

“I lost my brother in Vietnam and to this day I don’t know for what or for why.”

Another by a wife. The government had 2 programs. One a 2 year draft. The other a 3 year voluntary sign up guaranteeing you would not serve in Vietnam.

Her husband opted for the 3 year offer. At some point after he was in, the government reneged and sent him to Vietnam. She commented, “I know that one was my husband and he never came home. We never got to have daughters, Lou. I wish I too had done what your wife did. In the end, you did the right thing.”

I have several times written and spoke regarding the theft of Social Security funds by the federal government. Funds borrowed, never to be paid back.

One of these instances was a blog I wrote on November 5, 2015 titled The Theft of Social Security. You might want to find and read it. Eye opening. Go to Right hand column has my blogs listed by month and date. Go to November 2015 and scroll down to the second 11/5.

When I wrote in November 2015, the national debt and intergovernmental debt totaled $18 trillion. The intergovernmental portion was $5.1 trillion.

Intergovernmental is taking money from one agency and loaning it to another. Includes the federal government dipping into the Social Security Fund since Reagan’s days and never paying back.

The intergovernmental loans are set up so there is no legal obligation to repay. The federal government gives the equivalent of an IOU in return for the money. You can’t take an IOU to court or to a bank.

Since the intergovernmental will never be paid back, it should not be considered a debt. However the federal government does for accounting purposes.

In 2015, I subtracted the intergovernmental debt from the national debt. To me, and to you it should also, represent actual dollars owed. Not make believe ones that will never be paid back. Subtract $5.1 trillion from $18 trillion and it is $13 trillion the government actually owed.

The $5.1 trillion in 2015 included $2.7 trillion owed to Social Security.

Works the same way  today, except the numbers are bigger.

The last generated figures are for 2018. The national debt was $22.2 trillion. Of the total, $5.9 trillion was owed to intergovernmental agencies. Monies that did not have to be paid back. A total of 230 agencies involved.

Subtracting the intergovernmental from the national debt leaves a “for real” debt of $16 trillion. Not the $22.2 trillion the federal government always talks about.

Social Security is not insolvent. Won’t be for a number of years. Would not be threatened if the federal government paid back the monies borrowed in full or over a period of years.

Every day Social Security takes in more than it pays out. What a deal! The federal government borrows daily and never worries because it knows it will never be legally required to pay back.

I took the time to spell all this out because someone asked in a comment how much I thought the federal government’s real debt today was.

What really pisses me off is that most of our Senators and Congressmen do not even know about this sweet borrowing deal and theft. They actually believe Social Security  is going insolvent. Too many old age free loaders getting paid from Social Securty. They further forget the old foggies are being paid out of monies they paid in.

Again, read my November 5, 2015 blog The Theft of Social Security. You will say at the end…..For real?

On this day in 1917, the U.S. formally entered World War I. The war to end all wars!

A joke! Count the number of wars we have been engaged in since 1917.

My personal feelings are that men love war. Thrive on it. Macho men. Otherwise, there would not have been so many wars since World War I nor in all of history.

Enjoy your day!
















The shortest run/race/marathon in the world takes place sunday. The challenge the Cow Key Bridge in Key West. The Bridge connects Key West with Stock Island.

The Run referred to as a 0K. The zero operative. The race is a mere 300 feet.

More than 1,000 will participate. They have been training the past few days. Will continue tonight. Consuming as much alcohol as they can. A lot of shots involved.

Uniforms a bit different. Most will dress in some sort of cow costume. Some will be pushing their little ones in carriages. Others riding bikes.

The best time so far 23.1 seconds. Most will take 2 minutes to cross the bridge.

Some runners will play music, others dance their way over the bridge. A few ladies will be in heels. Some will mock/make believe they are running.

Not Fantasy Fest. Breasts covered. Some men will carry signs reading “Show Us Your Teats.” It will get them nowhere.

Party time following the parade. All day. On the Sunset Green Lawn behind the Gates and 24 North hotels.

The athletes will cool down with beer, etc. There will be a full bar. Also, food trucks, door prizes and Run prizes. The after party not named. Should be. I would call it the Cow Ball.

The beauty of the Run is one does not have to get up early. The Run is at noon. No one will raise a sweat doing the 300 feet.

I wrote briefly yesterday in response to a comment in Citizens’ Voice. Someone described the Run as “ridiculous.” Of course it is. Quirky, also. This is Key West! Many are retired here because living in Key West is to return to one’s youth. Play games, wear costumes, act goofy.

Love it!

Saw orthopedist Dr. Perry yesterday morning. Remember my fall 5 weeks ago where my left elbow swelled to the size of a grapefruit. Fluid. Not all of it went away. Still had a golf ball sized water bag on the elbow. Hurt when accidentally placed on the arm of a chair. Did not look normal either to have something like that hanging.

Doctor took a large cylinder container. About 6 x 1 inches. Put a big thick needle, which was also a bit long, on the front. Sucked out the fluid. Shot some steroid into the space.

Doctor said it will not all disappear. Some will remain..

It did not hurt. I did not cry. I did not get a sucker afterwards.

I ended my year long diet in October. Sixty two pounds. Held off any weight return till Christmas. Then blew it! Have been eating ever since. Gained 15 pounds.

Decided to lose the 15 before it became any more. Back to the diet. Basically, starvation. Minimal food each day. Lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

The diet was tiring me out. No fuel. I decided to eat yesterday. Lunch and dinner. Feel better today.

A busy noon ahead. A haircut with Lori. Then a quick trip down Flagler to Lee Nails and Tammy for a manicure.

Stopped at the Chart Room early in the evening. Ran into Rochester’s Debbie and Eric. They return home saturday. Eric’s face red. He is sunbathing without a sun screen. Wants to go home tanned. Burned may be more like it.

Doug showed up. Had not seen him in weeks. Doug my friend from the Hemingway House.

Suddenly hands on my shoulders. I could tell from the touch and perfume it was a woman. I did not feel my space was being violated. In fact, I enjoyed it.

The lady was Charlotte.

Charlotte lived in Key West several years ago. Among other things, she is a long distance runner. Does marathons all over the country. She is in Key West for the Cow Key Bridge event sunday. An easy one for her.

Charlotte and I enjoyed a leisurely dinner outside at Pier 1. She was scheduled to meet friends after dinner. One showed up early. Met Dave Jackson, Program Director at 104.9 FM.

I always seem to be learning. Was chatting with Dave at the Chart Room wednesday night. We were into Irma. He mentioned that Big Pine was hit with 9 tornadoes the same time Irma was going over the area.

No wonder so much damage to Big Pine. A category 4 hurricane and 9 tornadoes all at once!

The past few days, Trump has claimed windmills cause cancer. He’s serious. He also does not believe in exercise. Obvious.

I briefly discussed the Vietnam War in saturday’s blog. The country was not pleased with our involvement.

Vietnam in the news today. On this day in 1969, 100,000 anti-war demonstrators marched in New York City. Thousands marched also in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and other cities.

Even the Quakers got in the act. They held sit ins at draft boards and committed acts of civil disobedience in more than 30 cities.

Enjoy your day!




An unhappy voice this morning. On the second page of the Key West Citizen. The Citizens’ Voice column. People write in to air the good and bad of our community.

The writer was unhappy with gridlock. Yes, we have it. However the writer hit on the issue where it is not that disruptive.

The person’s unhappiness has to do with 3 major events being scheduled on the same day. The Islamorada Island Fest, Seven Mile Bridge Run, and the Cow Key Bridge Run. The events occurring miles apart.

My concern is with the writer’s description of the Cow Key Bridge Run. Calls it “ridiculous.”

I feel for the person. Suggest he/she get out on the streets and walk Key West. Happy people abound. Key West is Paradise! You ain’t going to find better in the U.S.

It is difficult to comprehend gridlock as concerns the Cow Key Bridge Run. The bridge is only 300 feet long. The race takes about 5 minutes. Runners up front do it under 30 seconds. Others take it less seriously. Dressed like cows. Push costumed babies in carriages as they walk across. Some ride decorated bikes. People of all sizes make the run. More than one thousand. Mostly locals. A fun time. A time to play dress up and act like a kid. One of the things that makes Key West great.

Writer friend, a suggestion. Ease up and smell the roses. Life is short.

I have been dieting again. Lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

Recall I ended my one year diet in October. Knocked off 62 pounds. I was ok till the Christmas holidays. Did not watch what I consumed. Ate it all!

I have gained 15 pounds since Christmas. Decided to try knocking it off.

I eat little. Less than that. Getting to me. Tonight, a meal!

Last night, the Chart Room. Glad I stopped in. Jean Thornton has returned! The island a better place when she is here.

Dan was sitting next to Jean. Dan from Birmingham and Fort Lauderdale. During my Irma escape to Jean’s home in Birmingham, he provided us evacuees with a home cooked Mexican meal.

David and Sheila. They were there. I see neither that much lately. Me thinks they have found another spot to enjoy a drink or two.

Met Amy. For the first time. Lovely lady. A decided accent. From Dublin. Has been in Key West 3 months. Works at the Saint.

A small world. Amy is living next door to Lisa on Duncan. They have already met.

Matt Babich is one terrific guy! Always the gentleman. Always a kindly hello.

Matt and I arrived in Key West about the same time. Matt 31 years ago. During that time he has had one job. Managing the Southernmost facilities. General Manager first at the Southernmost Motel. Then the Motel’s successor, the Southernmost Beach Resort.

Matt and his wife were especially good to Lisa.

Lisa had been in Key West a few years. She had been Development Director first at the Custom House. Then, Mel Fisher. Her next position was with Southernmost. She blossomed while there. Gained the experience to do what she does now in her own business from her home.

Matt is retiring. Enjoy!

My neighbor in Key Haven for 20 years was Andrew Lippi. Owned the MTV house across the water. One of the nicest guys I have ever met.

Andrew turned the MTV house into a mini-resort. Calls it Real World. A successful venture for years.

Andrew has been involved in some large real estate matters over the years. His most recent the Knight property called Thompson Island. Bought it for $8 million. A magnificent property on the water on South Roosevelt Boulevard.

Looks like a million dollar property from the road. It is. Though more. Eight million dollars.

Andrew plans on initially living there.

The saturday/sunday night Mall on Duval  is apparently working. The City commission extend its life to July 14. The merchants supported the move.

With something new, unanticipated problems arise. Regarding the Mall, the cost to Key West. The expense $5,200 per night. Effort is underway to figure how to pay the tab.

When the Barr memorandum came out, I said I was “uncomfortable” with it. Did not feel right. More recently I have been concerned that Barr on 2 occasions mentioned that Rosenstein and Mueller were helping with the reductions in Mueller’s report before sending it to Congress.

My gut feeling Barr had something to hide by mentioning these 2 were assisting him. Sounded like a cover. If evil was being done, he was not alone.

Now appears something stinks in Denmark. It was reported yesterday that certain unidentified Mueller investigators were unhappy with Barr’s memorandum. Did not tell the whole story. Trump apparently did not come out looking lily white. Succinctly stated, the investigators felt that Mueller’s findings as reported by Barr were understated.

Going to be interesting how this all plays out.

Congress is going after Trump’s tax returns. They eventually will get them. The law permits it.

Trump is not the only candidate who has failed to supply tax returns. Several Democrats specifically. The primary one Bernie Sanders. He did not supply tax returns last year. He has promised for the past 5 weeks to supply them. The world is waiting!

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Sanders is and has always been an Independent. An aggressive one. I have always admired his grit.

The National Democratic Party announced a couple of months ago that the Dems would not participate in any debates sponsored by FOX News.


It was announced yesterday that Sanders is going to appear in a “town hall” sponsored by FOX News. Brings to mind the adage that if you go to bed with dogs, you wake up with fleas.

I have to move my ass. A 10:45 doctor appointment. I started this blog at 5:30.

Enjoy your day!


There was a time. Women were second class citizens. No more. The ladies have made and continue to make significant progress re equality with men.

Total success not yet achieved. More glass ceilings to break. And the big one, pay equality.

Each will come soon. The women’s movement is on a roll.

I feel compelled to write about women and an example of their second class status because of the Biden mess.

Note we have a President who subscribes to groping women and frequently speaking poorly of them. Additionally, there are men who compel/force sex upon prospective female employees.

Most are meeting justice.

Joe Biden did not grope. Nor did he force himself sexually upon any woman. He merely embraced them as a friend or in a supportive fashion.

We all could use a hug on occasion.

Hugging, a kiss on the back of the head, these are not things the #MeToo movement should be concerned with. Invading a woman’s space is a far cry from abuse.

Back off ladies. You are placing the mark of Cain on Biden. He neither warrants nor deserves it.

Which brings me to today’s story. One you may not believe.

I write about The American Plan.

Sounds wholesome. Was not.

The Plan had its beginnings in 1918. It’s purpose the mass imprisonment of women believed to be sexually immoral. The program initially one of federal encouragement. Encouragement to state and local governments to legislate and make arrests based on the Plan.

A long time program. From 1918 into the 1970’s. Still exists in some states, though not enforced. Doubt anyone knows it is on the books.

The initial concern was the military. Too many soldiers were getting STI’s. Sexually transmitted infections. More today. Few back then. However the few a real problem. Infections rampant.

The two biggies were syphilis and gonorrhea.

The Plan resulted in the detainment of over 100,000 women over the years. In every state, in  most big and small cities.

A follow the money situation. The federal government paid local governments a stipend for every conviction obtained. States and local governments went gung ho over the years in making arrests. Most had “moral squads.” Their sole purpose to apprehend prostitutes.

The Plan resulted in a mass deprivation of civil liberties. The founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, Roger Baldwin, did not oppose the Plan. In fact, he sent a memorandum to ACLU local offices to cooperate in its enforcement.

Once arrested, the ladies were subjected to mandatory STI testing, highly questionable medical treatment, forced labor, and forcible sterilization.

The American Plan is forgotten. Probably because it was not enforced federally. Ergo, no data repository.

In addition to the ACLU’s founder Roger Baldwin, other prominent figures supported the Plan. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. one of the biggest. Prominent physicians and anti-vice crusaders. The likes of William F. Stone, Richard M. Olin, and Thomas Parran.

Syphilis and gonorrhea had been a sexual fear for centuries The two became rampant in the early 20th century. The underlying currents of Victorian morals, pseudoscience, racism, and misogyny created the motivation to confront the problem. And confront it the Plan did.

Statutes were broadly worded. Permission to detain suspects on the flimsiest of pretexts. Women were arrested for wearing provocative clothing, walking down a street alone, dining alone, looking like a prostitute, changing jobs, and for no reason at all.

Testing was required to establish syphilis or gonorrhea. Generally at some point such testing occurred. If negative, the ladies were free to leave. Some women initially protested the testing. They were threatened with Scarlet Letter shaming. Red lettered signs placed on their homes.

Testing results not always correct. Many false positives.

The Plan’s goal was to get loose women off the streets. Most of he women arrested were working class or African-Americans.

There was no penicillin. Penicillin became available in the 1940’s. Prior to that time, the ladies were treated with mercury or arsenic.

So many ladies were arrested in certain communities that detention hospitals had to be established.

Prominent persons supporting the Plan also included New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. He made special speeches lauding the Plan. California Governor Earl Warren personally spearheaded enforcement in his State. Warren later became Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

So it was!

A rough day yesterday. Felt lousy all day. Nothing specific. Took me 2 extra hours to complete the blog. Neither prepared nor did Tuesday Talk in the evening.

Today, no problems.

Enjoy your day!



Florida judges are unionizing. Would you believe? Understandable. They feel overworked and unloved.

In those respects true.

Overworked. Florida judges do not have the staff State judges in other states have.

Underloved easy to understand. Recognition for a job well done comes via the pay check. Florida judges are underpaid. However, most civil servants in Florida are.

This is what the judges want: Better working hours, better working conditions, better pay, and to be treated with respect. They claim they are no different from men and women hauling their lunch pails into a factory every morning.

The desires of the judges are based on the complaints that follow.

Many court houses are old. Many cluttered with asbestos. Pillars obstruct the view of litigants.

Judges do not by law have a specified number of vacation days. Their pay is set by a Legislature that values them little.

They are vilified on the media. Accused of legislating from the bench.

They are required to sit for long hours listening to bad lawyers who earn much more money than they do.

Finally, judges are attacked on blogs for being self righteous, pompous, and incompetent. Most are.

What to do? It’s a tough life.

The truth be told, becoming a judge is retirement for a lawyer. He/she will no longer work anywhere as hard as he/she did while practicing law. The pay might not be great, but they knew it before they went on the bench. It was their choice to work less and easier in lieu of making the big bucks.

I am glad I am retired. My conclusions would bring me nothing but aggravation for a long time from judges.

Spent a few hours at the Chart Room last night. Quiet.

Chatted the whole time with Debbie and Eric from Rochester, and John.

The Pier House has named John Employee of the Month. He received a trophy and $100. I was not aware till last night. Debbie and Eric told me. I congratulated John. He is deserving. He was embarrassed by the whole thing. I would expect that from John. Reflects the type of person he is.

Woke during the night and could not get back to sleep. Watched an old movie on TV. Wild Orchids starring Greta Garbo. A silent film made in 1929.

I usually do not like silent films. Need voice interaction. This movie seemed to be different. As I watched it, I kept thinking…..Terrific!

Researched the film this morning. “Silent” not exactly correct. It was a “non-talking  silent film.” The difference was an orchestra score that could be heard, as well as sound effects.

I suspect the movie was made and yet to be released when talking films came out. The studio probably threw in the orchestra and sound effects. Voices themselves would have been too hard to incorporate.

Per the usual custom, dialogue was still via title cards.

Whatever, watch the film if you can. Thoroughly enjoyable.

We all are aware Florida’s Panhandle was destroyed by Hurricane Michael. Recovery efforts have been slow. The primary reason the federal government is slow with the bucks.

Residents of the Panhandle believe they have been forgotten.

They have.

Trump fails every time a natural disaster occurs. He can find the bucks to build a wall that will never be. However, he can’t find the monies to help American citizens.

Saturday, the Panhandle had a forest fire. Like California, except on a much smaller basis. The fire cause the dead trees not yet cleared. Michael trees. Twelve homes had to be evacuated.

My podcast tonight. Tuesday talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9. I guarantee I will be ranting and raving about some perceived injustice.

A new month, a new cause. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Today is Equal Pay Day.

The numbers clearly indicate women still have a long way to go.

U.S. workers age 16 plus…..women earn $32,000 to a man’s $42,000. Legal occupations…..women earn $59,000 to a man’s $107,000. Physicians…..women earn $61,000 to a man’s $102,000.

The only place where equal pay for equal work appears close is in the food preparation and service area. Like McDonald’s. Women earn $13,000 to a man’s $16,000.

A decided gulf at top jobs. Close but not equal at the poorest paying jobs.

Virginia Slims has a long way to go re equal pay.

Enjoy your day!






In 2020, the State is going to repair Cow Key Bridge. A disaster in the making. The repair will be several months of aggravation. Forget inconvenience. It will eat at most of us each day as we travel US 1 in and out of Key West.

There has to be a better way. I appreciate the State has already cut the repair time in half. Our local governmental leaders are thrilled.

Thrilled too early. Not enough yet done from the State’s end. Again, there has to be a better way.

I live on the golf course. Have been avoiding early morning and late afternoon trips in and out of Key West because of traffic. This morning, I had no choice. A stupidly planned 7 am meeting in town.

The traffic into Key West horrible! Sit and wait. Move slowly. Will be worse when we are down from 4 to 3 lanes during the repair period.

My return trip was at 8:30. No better. Definitely dangerous.

I was traveling north on US 1. My intention was to take the first left onto College Road at the light. Traffic backed up big time. Cars backed up into the passing lane half way onto the bridge.

I could see that US 1 beyond College Road was clear all the way up to McDonald. After checking behind for traffic, pulled out and traveled up the passing lane.

I was proud of myself. Had the problem licked. My celebration short lived.

I was heading to the second College Road entry to the north. No traffic light, however. Cars must wait till southbound traffic eases up and the turn can be made.

I was half on the grass and half in the passing lane for a distance longer than the first one earlier. I would estimate 20 cars.

It took forever to cross over. At least 20 minutes. Cars speeding southward. Traffic heavy.

This is an area where accidents will occur during the repair. To make the left onto College Road at 8:30, one has to determine he can make it and then shoot across the road. Neither comfortable nor safe.

I am not a voice in the wilderness. Cow Key Bridge is an item of concern and discussion among locals.

I repeat, there has to be a better way.

Watched Michigan/Duke yesterday. Another great game! Michigan won by a point 68-67. The game went back and forth down to the wire.

Today is April Fools’ Day. One children and adults alike enjoy.

The Key West Citizen for many years has run an April Fools section. Terrific!

About 25 years ago, it was a gotcha moment for me. I believed what I read, having forgotten it was April Fools’ Day.

The major front page article had to do with the City Commission having banned smoking on Key West Streets, beaches, and other open air public places. I spouted off to those with me, they can’t do this! It’s not legal!

Someone then pointed out to me what I was reading. The April Fools’ edition.

No April Fools’ Day section today. The Key West Citizen advises it is the result of changes having occurred recently at the newspaper. No time to get it out.

I suspect money is involved also. Newspapers have been experiencing hard times in recent years. Cash flow. Remember, the paper is no longer printed in Key West. Now, Miami. No longer a separate edition on saturday and another on sunday. One publication covering both days.

Responsibility lies with the times in which we live. The newspaper industry is taking a beating. Changing. Sad. I enjoy sitting back with a newspaper or book in my hands. Not on a screen.

Irma destroyed Key West’s fishing industry. The industry is returning, though slowly.

The spiny lobster season closed yesterday. Reportedly, a banner season. Keys’ gross $35 million. Key West generating 90 percent of the amount.

The Key West Garden Club is involved in all sort of matter horticulture.

This thursday at 1:30, John David will be speaking at the Club’s meeting at West Martello. The subject matter bee keeping.

So what’s the big deal with bee keeping?

West Virginia in days long gone by was involved in coal mining. A dying industry. Trump said he was going to bring it back. Didn’t think the problem through. Few industries are fueled/powered by coal these days.

Most West Virginia workers waited before Trump and since Trump’s election for the coal industry to turn around. Never will.

Some persons in West Virginia, whether political leaders or a group of interested citizens, thought it was time to retrain the unemployed working force.

I have been talking about retraining for years. In all businesses. Robots were and are arriving.

Though robots not the problem, the unemployment situation had to be resolved. Trump’s plan, whatever it may have been, was not working.

Which brings us back to bee keeping. West Virginia is blessed with a lot of useful bugs. For some hundred years, bee keeping has been a  budding business.  Overshadowed by coal for years. Now moving to the forefront.

Newly formed not for profits driving the move. They are retraining Appalachian coal miners who lost their jobs. To be bee keepers. At no cost to those being retrained. And at the end of the retraining, each “graduate” receives free the necessary equipment to begin their new profession.

The new bee keepers will obtain honey from the bees and thereafter sell the honey. That’s it. A bit dangerous. The bees and bee hives require constant attention.

Again, not for profit operated. No government involvement.

The Key West Garden Club’s lecture is timely.

We live in a time where our country is undergoing all kinds of problems, Finances, immigration, medical care, cost of college, infrastructure, etc. So too the rest of he world.

It was announced last week that the U.S. national debt had exceeded $22 trillion. The first time it crossed $22 trillion. Last year, it exceeded $21 trillion.

The increased debt and the swiftness of it indicates a continued deterioration of U.S. finances. Most economists belief the deterioration is unsustainable.

A reflection of the U.S.’s increasing debt is the interest the U.S. pays on the $22 trillion debt. One billion dollars a day!

Recession inevitable. The question not whether. Rather, when.

Enjoy your day!