Friday the 13th. A good day to stay in bed!

The day is the most superstitious day of the year. An ill omen permeates the day. An unlucky 24 hours. So it is believed.

Why friday the 13th? Two reasons. Jesus died on a friday. Thirteen persons had dinner at the Last Supper the night before.

So feared, during the Middle Ages no weddings were held on the day. Nor did many begin a journey.

Americans paid no attention to friday the 13th till the early 1900’s. In 1907, Thomas W. Lawson wrote a popular novel. Friday The Thirteenth. The boom disseminated the superstition big time.

Not all nations pay attention to the day as a superstitious one. Spain, Greece and Italy do with a variation or two.

Spain and Greece fear tuesday the 13th. Not friday. Italians, friday the 17th. Italians consider the 13th a lucky day.

Paraskeoidekatriaphobia. Big word. Too big even for the national spelling bee. It is the official name for fear of friday the 13th. Of Greek derivation.

A wonderful day yesterday!

As one gets older, the body becomes a garden. Things grow. Different shapes and sizes. Different colors. Some could become dangerous if not removed. All must be removed. The growths cannot be tested unless removed and sent to a lab.

My growth factor  is substantial. Yesterday, I had 28 removed. All on my face and head. They didn’t look bad till the doctor started snipping away. I looked beautiful afterwards. Ugh! Will continue to look beautiful for a week. It will take that long for the wounds to clear up.

Under the circumstances, I did not go out last night. A lot of oozing. Tonight, I will be out and about. All 28 spots covered with Vaseline. No one will love me.

My home town Utica, NY experienced an early summer yesterday. The temperature hit 80.  A cold wave coming in. It will arrive in the next few days. Probably down into the 50’s.

Sex perversity knows no bounds. We know it goes on. Sometimes however we are shocked where it is discovered/exists.

A part time Arkansas judge for 30 years recently resigned his judgeship. Following investigation. He was giving reduced sentences to young men in exchange for sexual favors. Generally done at his home. He liked to take suggestive photos. There are thousands of them. Sometimes, he paid the boys. By check. Investigators have the checks.

The judge even did it one time in open court. He had the boy show his back end. The judge photographed  him. Then dismissed the case against the boy.

I cannot understand why it took 30 years to discover what the judge was doing. Where were court staff and attorneys? Many had to be aware and said nothing.

This blog is carried on a dozen different sites. A new one was just added. Tumblr. The blog can be found at

I am not suggesting you change the site you are presently using. I merely wanted to reflect the growing nature of the blog.

Enjoy your day!



Aqua and Michael’s last night.

Stopped at Aqua first. Intended to spend time with Mark at the outside Back Bar. David was sitting at the inside bar. Stopped and chatted with him a while.

Then to the Back Bar. Mark always good company.

Where to eat? Decided on Michael’s.

A fair crowd for off season. I was disappointed Suzette was not bartending. I was also looking for Kim who I had met two weeks earlier at Tavern ‘n Town. Kim’s night off also apparently.

Tried the beef boneless ribs. Good. A bone sticking meal. Though no bones. The meat off the ribs buried in a good tasting sauce covering mashed potatoes and some other vegetables.

I have been thinking of getting off gin after 40 years. Wine has been in my mind. I have never been crazy about wine.

The daily special menu showed a special red. The name I do not recall. The composition on the menu took several lines to describe. All kinds of fruit tastes. I ordered a glass. My discerning tongue tasted no fruit.

I was bored at Michael’s bar. Never got a conversation going with anyone. Unusual in Key West to fail to becoming engaged in conversation at a bar.

My yesterday started with the anti-gravity treadmill. Went well. Still going at a slow speed and half time.

I was hungry at lunch hour. Opted for a cheeseburger and fries at 5 Guys.

The afternoon was spent reading and napping. Napping always the best time of the day.

Received two interesting communications yesterday.

Anna telephoned from Milan. All excited. Told me Italy had just passed same sex marriage. While we were talking, I went online to see the story. Anna did not have it quite correct.

Italy approved same sex civil unions. Everything short off same sex marriage. I was not surprised. What did surprise me was that Italy even went as far as it did in approving civil unions. The Catholic Church in Italy has a strong influence regarding same sex anything.

Nevertheless, the approval of civil unions an historical event.

Argos e-mailed me from Athens. I have never met nor communicated with Argos. However, he advised he has been reading my blog since my first Greece trip several years ago.

I have never addressed how Greek’s economic crisis has affected medial care. Argos brought the situation to my attention.

Things are bad! Don’t get sick! Especially seriously ill. Something like cancer.

Government medical plans are paying nothing or close to nothing. Government employees no longer working have no insurance plans.

Hospitals are short in every area. Painkillers and scissors in short supply. Bring your own blankets and sheets when entering a hospital. Cancer operations delayed four months or longer. Regardless of seriousness of the cancer. Many die before time for the operation arrives.

Five thousand doctors and 15,000 nurses have left Greece because they cannot get paid.

If no insurance, the person is put on a waiting list. Months to wait for hospital admission. If one wants surgery earlier, a bribe is required.

I never gave thought to this area of Greek life. Horrible!

Trump/Ryan meeting this morning. I am anxious to listen to the post meeting comments by both. I am a political junkie at heart.

Hillary has to start hitting back. At least through a surrogate. Trump’s charges are building up. Hillary’s quaint smile is not sufficient response.

My Syracuse University is screwed up athletically. Everything seems to go wrong.

Mike Doyle was hired less than a year ago to be Athletic director. Was on the job 310 days. He is taking the AD job at the University of Minnesota.

I blame central administration for the athletic department’s problems. SU is run like a major corporation. Decisions are made by the higher ups and those below are compelled to accept already made decisions.

One example. Boeheim never knew Syracuse was going to the ACC till after it was a fait accompli.

Read a recent article that said municipalities have received $2 billion in surplus military equipment over the past 10 years. State of Florida the most. $300 million.

We all have a general knowledge of that which makes up the military equipment. One item surprised me, however. Bayonets. 5, 638 of them. To use against demonstrators?

Enjoy your day!



Great title! If a husband is going to beat his wife, he might as well do it correctly.

Not my idea. Not my recommendation.

Saudi Arabia’s idea.

Saudi Arabia has a state owned television station. National  Television of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A government approved video started running in February. A doctor hosting. Subject matter involved instruction to husbands as how to properly beat their wives.


In April, the video was released in the United States. Via the Washington DC based Middle East Medical Research Institute.

Women activists in the U.S. were infuriated. Individuals and organizations. Complaints were made to the U.S. government.

Thus far, the government has not responded. I question whether they will. A hot potato. After all, Saudi Arabia is our friend. The same friend that gave us $4 a gallon gasoline. The same friend whose citizens were involved in 9/11. Seventeen of the 21 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

I spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. One of the topics was the Saudi video.

I was sick and remained home all day yesterday. I’ve been off base since friday night. Yesterday morning, I felt fine. Then it hit me again. Ran a fever most of the day. Chills thrown in every now and then.

Feel good again this morning. Plan on doing the anti-gravity treadmill at 11. Hope whatever I had is finally gone.

Perhaps i was bitten by a mosquito.

My column will not appear in this week’s KONK Life. I normally research the column on saturday and write it on sunday. A 10-12 hour process. No way could I have done it this past weekend. I was totally lacking in energy.

Going to stick my neck out. Probably wrong. Trump’s VP choice. I say Newt Gingrich. We won’t know for a couple of months.

I decided Gingrich because Trump needs someone with legislative experience. True, Gingrich has his skeletons in the closet. One being that he was having an affair with a Congressional aide the same time he was going after Clinton for Monica Lewinsky.

Gingrich might also be appealing to Trump because Gingrich is a bull in a china shop. He hits and hits hard. Birds of a feather have  a tendency to flock together.

The Congressional Budget Office came out with an interesting report two days ago. Nearly 1 in 6 young men were jobless or incarcerated. Young men being defined as 18-34. the highest ever. Five million jobless. One million incarcerated.

Enjoy your day!



A fun filled evening last night! Thanks to Kate Miano.

I was sitting at the bar at Aqua enjoying the bartenders singing when Kate appeared at my elbow. She must have seen me from the street. I was sitting near the open doors.

She asked me to join her table at 8 for the Queen Mother Pageant. I told her I would be pleased to meet her for the event.

I have enjoyed the Queen Mother Pageant off and on for many years. Last night was the 33rd Annual Queen Mother Pageant. None as much fun as doing it with Kate. Her charm and enthusiasm captivates.

Queen Mother candidates are men in drag. Men such as you have never seen. Absolutely beautiful! Knockouts! All looked like women. Not one indication of masculinity.

I enjoyed the evening and thank Kate for inviting me.

Aqua bartenders singing is a regular monday cocktail hour event. I stopped not only to enjoy the singing. I hoped to run into David. He generally does monday’s at Aqua. No David.

I felt good yesterday.

Started the day at Body Owners on the anti-gravity treadmill. Continued the slow pace. I feel like I am an old man going slow. I am laughing with you.

Spent the afternoon researching for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Great topics. Like prison profiteers, Saudi Arabia funding Israeli’s Netanyahu’s rise to power, now a violation of Chinese law for a woman to eat a banana seductively.

Also, a Saudi video instructing husbands how to beat wives, major Maduro opponent assassinated, 1.8 million sign a petition to oust Maduro, Poland refusing to take in any further immigrants, thousands rally in Berlin in opposition to admitting more refugees, and more.

The show is at 9 my time. Join me. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

I do not favor Trump for President. Clinton gives me concern, also. Not as much as Trump however.

I am confident the Democrats have researched Trump well. His closet has to be filled with embarrassing situations. His financial transactions. The man has money. He has to have lived a high and mighty life. Lots of women. Sex exploits..

Then, there are the four corporate bankruptcies, Trump University, plus I don’t know what else.

He lacks respect for people and things. Like women.

The man lacks character.

Bottom line. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Enjoy your day!


May 9, 1960 was a spectacular day for women. On that day, the FDA approved the first birth control pill. Envoid-10. The pill granted greater reproductive freedom to American women. Sex could be enjoyed without fear of pregnancy.

The world changed. Women could now have sex with whomever whenever. Wowie from the feminine perspective! Many took advantage.

Some began having sex with the same frequency  as they envisioned men had over the years. They became predators.

Nothing wrong with women pursuing sex for pleasure.

Permit some literary freedom. I am changing the male and female genders in a famous saying so it fits what is being discussed. What is good for the GANDER is good for the GOOSE.

Virginia Slim’s labeled it correctly…..You’ve come a long way baby! The ladies had.

I had a lousy weekend. Under the weather. Suspect I got food poisoning friday evening. During the night saturday, I had chest pains. Would not go away. Sprayed the nitroglycerin under my tongue. Still did not go away. Did it two more times. Each time spraying more than I should. Overdosed.

The result, a first class headache till 5 sunday afternoon. I thought my head was going to explode.

I am fine this morning. Glad to be back among the living.

Turtles back in the news. The Associated Press reported that 4,100 sea turtles have been sucked into the St. Lucie County Nuclear Power Plant in the past 10 years.

The problem was noted 10 years ago. Help was requested. It took 10 years to gain governmental approval for a grate to keep the turtles out. Not ready yet. It will now take 2 years to test and install.

An example of how slowly government moves. The bureaucracy involves too many steps and layers of approval. As with everything.

The greatest love story of all time in my opinion is Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Wild! The mutual love of a high society English woman and a gypsy.

The movie is in the process of being remade. In England, with English actors. Outdoor shooting required. The moors. A problem. Not enough money. Producers are looking for more bucks to finish the picture.

Guy deBoer is the publisher of KONK Life. He departs tomorrow for Cuba. Returns saturday. He is one of a group of sail boaters making the trip.

I envy him.

Enjoy your day!




The Key West Citizen ran an interesting article this morning concerning Smathers Beach. The City of Key West bought the beach property in the 1950s for $1. Florida State Representative Bernie Papy made it possible.

A buy!

All of a sudden I did not feel good yesterday morning. Felt the same all day. Woke uncomfortable during the night. This morning, I am not sure how I feel.

All I did yesterday of any interest was watch the Kentucky Derby.

The Key West Songwriters Festival has once again proven a big hit. Today is the last day of the Festival. I have been reporting more than 100 participants. This morning’s Citizen says 200 plus.

Norm Fowler is a bocce team mate and friend. Intelligent. A graduate engineer. If my memory proves correct, he also has a Masters degree.

Norm has been retired in Key West for years. Into his second home. Follows Key West doings as I do. As most people do.

The Peary Court fiasco bothers him. As it does 99 percent of Key West residents. Norm wrote a Letter to the Editor. It appears on the Editorial Page in this morning’s Key West Citizen.

The letter is opposed to the City Commission’s Plan B. Norm does not merely suggest a bad deal. He spells out factually and numerically why it stinks.

Good job, Norm!

Goofus…..Doofus. My friend Nicky, Nancy. It happens.

This week I have been referring to Trump’s calling Elizabeth Warren a name…..Goofus. Then, I thought I made a mistake. Read somewhere and heard on TV news Doofus. I screwed up again!

Not really.

In the last 24 hours, I have heard heavy TV commentators use Goofus and Doofus. Not sure anyone knows the word actually used. No problem. Both refer to a stupid person.

Trump should enunciate better. We want to be sure he is quoted correctly.

Onward Christian soldiers! Effective today, this blog will also run on Tumblr. Linked.

Enjoy your Sunday!

And lest I forget, Happy Mother’s Day! I almost did forget.


Jimmy Buffett’s people got back to me re the cheeseburger issue. It boiled down to where Cheeseburger in Paradise was written.

I said an old time drug store on the corner of Simonton and United. Patrick and others thought in the Caribbean. They were correct.

Take a look at today’s Comment page. Buffettnews commented. Via Jimmy’s Notes.

Buffet and a friend were on a Caribbean trip on Buffett’s first boat. The Euphoria. Bad weather. Water and ice gone. Only canned veggies and peanut butter to eat. They ended up in Tortola.

Jimmy and friend envisioned a cheeseburger while floating around. Upon landing in Tortola and after kissing the ground, they ended up in a marina restaurant. Cheeseburgers ordered.

Something bugging me this morning. The way Trump refers to people. Ridicules them. Neither nice nor Presidential.

The most recent comments attack Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. Hillary is Crooked Hillary. Elizabeth, Goofus.

Respectfully, if anyone is a goof, it is Trump!

Started yesterday with the Anti-Gravity Treadmill. I was overjoyed to see David Wolkowsky there. He was out as long as I was. Finally returned to work at keeping alive again. That’s why we do it.

I went at half of half speed again. Handled it. No problem. That is the level I will stay at till I think I can handle more. I tried too much too soon.

Afterwards, stopped at Walgreens. To pick up some prescriptions. Walgreens insisted I had a Lipitor genetic coming. I said no. Last took the pill three years ago. Now on Effient.

I was confused. Sure I was correct. But at 80 there are those times I am not. Said I would check with the doctor.

Drug stores should know. They keep computerized records.

I was correct. One for the elderly!

Chart Room first last night.

Dear friends Tonto and Mindy at the bar. Rarely see them. Though we have been friends 20 plus years. Tonto works the outside bar at La Te Da. Mindy for a mortgage company. Two very pleasant people.

Sat with Sheila. Another dear friend.

Amazing as it may sound, everyone is everyone’s friend in Key West. That’s the way it is.

Desired a prime rib. Returned to Duffy’s again. Great prime rib. Sat at the bar enjoying dinner while reading the papers.

I thought I was at Don’s Place. Jennifer hosting and Kari waitressing. Boomer stopping in to say hello to Kari.

Mark bartending. I had not seen Mark in several years. He once worked at the Chart Room. It was good to see him again.

Kentucky Derby today!

Never attended a Derby. Though did two Belmonts.

I will watch at Don’s Place. The ladies will all be wearing hats. It will be a fun time.

Enjoy your day!




I screw up occasionally. A bit more as I get older.

Nicki has been a friend for several years. She and husband Tom.

I ran into them at Tavern ‘n Town last saturday. Mentioned the meeting in my blog the next morning. Said…..Ran into Tom and Nancy. Ain’t Nancy. It’s Nicki. Tom corrected me at bocce last night.

Sorry, Nicki! Whether Nicki or Nancy, I still love you!

My former team mates played well last night. Won all three. Stan, the star. Right on!

Rough day yesterday. A manicure and pedicure at noon.

Took me 10 days to get the appointment. The two times I called for an appointment, Tammy sounded as if she was in a panic…..No appointment… next week. I could not understand.

Found out yesterday. Their air conditioning was on the blink. Was not getting fixed.

Ricky was telling the woman he was giving a pedicure to about a new diet concept he had come across. Purportedly, also good for the skin. Russian mushrooms. Come from the top of a mountain in Russia. You get them and boil them down. Then mix with a liquid.

I’m gullible as to new diets. My whole life. Looked it up on the internet this morning. The concept did not turn me on.

Then to Lori for a haircut. Lori got married last week. A make believe wedding. She and her husband had married New Years Eve at City Hall. The family was upset. wanted to be present for the wedding. The solution was a wedding last sunday with everything but a minister. Married at West Martello. Followed by a reception at Rooftop.

The family came from Maine and Long Island. All 110 of them. Her father cried.

Lori showed me a picture of her and her husband. She looked lovely in her white wedding gown.

The Cuban Coffee Queen is around the corner from Lori’s place. Stopped for a late lunch.

Scotch taped to the wall was a sign saying a steak sandwich was available. Not on the menu. I tried it. You should try it. Absolutely outstanding!

Key West is full of music. The Key West Songwriters Festival started wednesday. Every nook and cranny in town has musicians performing day and night. More than 100 participants. The Festival has achieved a world wide reputation.

This week’s KONK Life column Afghanistan and America’s Heroin Addiction was linked this morning to my Key West Lou website. The column had only been on the street yesterday 24 hours. People stopped to compliment me on the article. It might be one of the best I have done. Whatever, an eye opener!

Roger Bannister ran the first sub 4 minute mile this day in 1954. Did it in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds.

I remember the run clearly. I was 19 at the time. My Dad and I watched it on TV. A very small screen in those days.

I was not much interested. My Dad was however so I joined him. He got all excited when Bannister came in under 4 minutes. I was glad I was with him at the time to share in his joy. I still remember.

A current GM mosquito report. Oxitec announced that Grand Cayman Island is going to be buried in GM mosquitoes beginning in June. Not a test. A for real effort. The mosquitoes were tested on Grand Cayman in 2010.

That the government of the Cayman Islands has seen fit to go ahead should not deter those who are opposed here in the keys. Especially in Key Haven. I am not sold on whether the process is safe for humans.

Enjoy your day!


Afghanistanhas poppy fields galore. Poppy seeds become opium. The opium treated becomes heroin.

Today, the United States is facing its deadliest illicit drug epidemic in history. A heroin epidemic. Previous drug epidemics shade in comparison.

Afghanistan is responsible for 85 percent of the world’s opium production. A significant portion of that production has found its way to America’s streets.

I wrote a column in 2014 asking the question why Afghanistan poppy fields were basically untouched during the U.S. war years in Afghanistan.

The U.S. put boots on the ground in 2001. The U.S. military was still fighting in 2014 when the column was written. The U.S. military is still fighting today in 2016.

Not only were the poppy fields untouched by war, even the 3,000 farmers who worked the fields.

During the 15 years since 2001, thousands of Americans have been killed. More maimed. Legs and arms lost. Faces disfigured. Civilians suffered also. Children included. More thousands of civilians than U.S. soldiers dead and injured.

Communities destroyed. Thousands left homeless.

Yet, the poppy fields remain undamaged.

The U.S. spent billions during the early war years to combat/eradicate the opium problem. Nothing worked.

Money played a big part in the failure of the eradication program. Money found its way into the pockets of Afghan governmental leaders. From President Hamid Karzi down. Much went into the pockets of the war lords who owned the poppy fields. Some into the pockets of U.S. persons in charge of getting a handle on the opium problem.

Corruption at every level.

In those rare occasions where some one was convicted of opium violations in Afghanistan, that person walked into jail through the front door. A bribe is paid. The wrongdoer walked out the back door the same day.

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan until the fall of 2001. The Taliban made billions from the opium trade. For reasons I cannot determine, the Taliban outlawed opium trade in mid 2000. Within one year, opium production was all but gone. Taliban had effectively destroyed Afghan’s opium business in one year.

The question arises if the Taliban could basically destroy the opium trade in one year, why has the U.S. not been able to do so?

The U.S. government bears significant responsibility for the heroin epidemic the nation is facing.

Bush 2 initiated an opium eradication program. It contracted with DynCorp. to do the work. In 2009, Obama’s administration failed to renew the contract with DynCorp. Since that time, the U.S. has had no eradication program.

Afghanistan has a small one for face-saving purposes. The Afghan eradication program in 2014 reduced the opium problem by 1.1 percent. No big deal. As of this year, Afghanistan is not continuing with the program or any other eradication program.

Heroin is cheap to buy on the streets of America. The cost of a bag of heroin is basically the same as the cost of a pack of cigarettes. In most instances, slightly cheaper.

Cigarettes are differently priced in each State. For whatever reason, the cost of one bag of heroin is similar to the cost of a pack of cigarettes in a particular state.

For example, a pack of cigarettes is roughly $7.75 in Baltimore. A bag of heroin roughly $5. In New York City, cigarettes run around $11-12 a pack. A bag of heroin $10.

Cost is affected also by quality and availability. Which does on occasion increase the price of a bag of heroin to $15-20.

Comparatively speaking, heroin is cheaper to buy than other street drugs.

The heroin trade is sophisticated. One example is that illegal heroin can be purchased over the internet. I tried to understand how. I could not. However, my research indicated it can and is being done safely by sellers and users. The heroin industry has its own computer geeks.

Tens of thousands were hooked on heroin in 2009. Today, millions.

In 2010, U.S. heroin deaths were 3,036. In 2014, 10,574.

2014 was a banner year. The number of deaths keeps going up.

Afghanistan opium production has also increased significantly. From 123,000 hectares in 2009 to 224.000 hectares in 2014. Two hundred twenty-four hectares equates to 6,400 tons of opium. A hectare is equivalent to 2.5 acres.

It is estimated there are 4,5 million heroin users in the U.S. today. 2.5 million are addicts. 2 million casual users.

With daily use, a person becomes physically addicted in 30 days.

The number of U.S. heroin deaths are difficult to estimate. One authority says one every 32 minutes. Another claims heroin deaths are difficult to trace via autopsy. Heroin breaks down in the body within hours to morphine. Coroners record the deaths as morphine prescription ones. It is estimated such coroner determinations result in heroin deaths being under reported by 100 percent.

The U.S. has failed to properly fund the heroin problem. The DEA, CIA and DOD are not provided sufficient funds to effectively seek out and eliminate heroin use.

The CIA uses the term “blowback.” Blowback is the “consequences at home of operations overseas.” The U.S. failure to renew the DynCorp. contract in 2009 a perfect example.

Another blowback was Obama’s desire  when he took office to reduce the number of U.S. combatants in Afghanistan and the costs of the war generally.

Millions of addicts require billions of dollars to treat. The U.S. has yet to address the problem. Medical care for in patient treatment is estimated at $25 billion a year. Out patient, $10 billion a year.

At some point, the U.S. has to confront the medical needs head on.

Heroin is a hell of a problem! One we are not yet as a nation facing.

The primary campaigns reflect the failure to address the heroin problem. I do not recall any candidate speaking to the issue.


I enjoyed a cheeseburger in paradise experience yesterday. Before elaborating, a conflict requires explanation.

I have always been under the impression Jimmy Buffett wrote Cheeseburger in Paradise at a drug store once located on the corner of Simonton and United. An old time drug store. A bar with stools that swiveled. Several tables with old time rubber checkered tablecloths.

Buffett enjoyed cheeseburger lunches there. I did, also. Years later, of course. The cheeseburgers were good. I went however for the Buffett memory.

Recently, I was advised that Buffett did not write the song at or about the drug store. Rather, Buffett was on a Caribbean cruise and only had canned vegetables and peanut butter to eat. He dreamed of a cheeseburger. The first island stopped at, Buffett got himself a cheeseburger. Cheeseburger in paradise!

I do not buy the Caribbean story. I have never heard any other than the drug store one for 25 years.

Which brings me to why I am writing about Cheeseburger in Paradise this morning.

I started my evening yesterday at Aqua’s back bar. Mark Watson and friends.

Then decided to take a walk on Duval. Just a couple of blocks. Walked past Margaritaville. Stopped. Why not go in? In 26 years in Key West, I have only been inside twice.

Sat at the bar. Ordered a cheeseburger, of course.

Seated next to me were Dan and Anna from Grand Rapids, Michigan. We chatted. About Flint water, Michigan’s governor, and many other things.

Dan and Anna are around 70. Retired. Children gone. Seeing the world now.

Dan was involved in the manufacture of furniture. I learned that Grand Rapids is known as the Furniture City. Anna, a retired kindergarten teacher.

A good time.

My morning began with the anti-gravity treadmill. I cut everything back another 50 percent. Even time. Only on the machine 15 minutes. Learned something. I went back to my big time speed too soon. I have to crawl before walking. I was not tired at all afterwards nor any time during the day.

Then a Cuban cheese toast and Cuban coffee at the Cuban Coffee Queen.

It took forever to place my order.

There were two couples placing their order in front of me. Probably my age. They only wanted coffee. They asked the counter girl every conceivable question about each of the coffees. Then the sweeteners. What would she recommend? Finally, one guy and one woman walked away and left the completion of the order to the other two.

Came time to pay. Counter girl gave them the check. Oh no, we want separate checks!

Fortunately, I was in good humor. Actually found the whole thing interesting.

I have to compliment the counter girl. Took it all in stride with a never ending smile.

Not the end of the story.

When all four were seated at their table, the ladies took four subs out of their bags. Subs they obviously had purchased elsewhere.

Several years ago, the DC Madam was arrested. Her list of 800 plus prominent Washington big wigs confiscated. Louisiana Senator David Vitter’s name was on the list. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President at the time.  That was the end of that. Though he was reelected to the Senate by Louisiana a couple of years later.

Recently, someone went to court to have the entire customer list released for public viewing. The reason being there were names thereon of persons possible candidates for the 2016 Presidential election.

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the request to release the names. Without opinion.

Greece, my Greece! I love Greece!

Greece has had and continues to have big time financial problems. Greece had to be bailed out by the Eurounion. What was unknown at the time was that the bailout dollars were required to meet bank obligations. Shades of the U.S. We bailed the banks out directly.

A study was released last week showing that 95 percent of the monies loaned went to pay off Greece’s bank obligations. Only 5 percent to help the Greek people in crisis.

I spoke to this in a blog last year. Also, on my blog talk radio show.

Many say Greece placed itself in the debt position. So screw them! All must agree with me however that the Eurounion arranging for the multi-billion dollar loans was only to save the European banks’ asses. Not help the Greek people.

Enjoy your day!