Great title! If a husband is going to beat his wife, he might as well do it correctly.
Not my idea. Not my recommendation.
Saudi Arabia’s idea.
Saudi Arabia has a state owned television station. National Television of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A government approved video started running in February. A doctor hosting. Subject matter involved instruction to husbands as how to properly beat their wives.
In April, the video was released in the United States. Via the Washington DC based Middle East Medical Research Institute.
Women activists in the U.S. were infuriated. Individuals and organizations. Complaints were made to the U.S. government.
Thus far, the government has not responded. I question whether they will. A hot potato. After all, Saudi Arabia is our friend. The same friend that gave us $4 a gallon gasoline. The same friend whose citizens were involved in 9/11. Seventeen of the 21 terrorists were citizens of Saudi Arabia.
I spent yesterday afternoon fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. One of the topics was the Saudi video.
I was sick and remained home all day yesterday. I’ve been off base since friday night. Yesterday morning, I felt fine. Then it hit me again. Ran a fever most of the day. Chills thrown in every now and then.
Feel good again this morning. Plan on doing the anti-gravity treadmill at 11. Hope whatever I had is finally gone.
Perhaps i was bitten by a mosquito.
My column will not appear in this week’s KONK Life. I normally research the column on saturday and write it on sunday. A 10-12 hour process. No way could I have done it this past weekend. I was totally lacking in energy.
Going to stick my neck out. Probably wrong. Trump’s VP choice. I say Newt Gingrich. We won’t know for a couple of months.
I decided Gingrich because Trump needs someone with legislative experience. True, Gingrich has his skeletons in the closet. One being that he was having an affair with a Congressional aide the same time he was going after Clinton for Monica Lewinsky.
Gingrich might also be appealing to Trump because Gingrich is a bull in a china shop. He hits and hits hard. Birds of a feather have a tendency to flock together.
The Congressional Budget Office came out with an interesting report two days ago. Nearly 1 in 6 young men were jobless or incarcerated. Young men being defined as 18-34. the highest ever. Five million jobless. One million incarcerated.
Enjoy your day!
Bitten by a skeeter ! Oh Oh, Are we about to have the first case of ‘the fever’ in the past 4-5 years ?
The CBO report, I doubt their figures include all the felons [ some with life sentences] that obama released last week.
Newt & Trump…sounds like a TV show. An interesting tag team. Though I bet 4 years later we are all still royally scr%e3d
A Spaniard once told me that women get excited when men beat them. That was a dumb Spaniard or are there women who?
This is good. Thanks!