A couple of random thoughts to begin.
The weather continues to be outstanding. I cannot recall a Fall season so consistently good.
Venezuela continues to have a toilet paper shortage. A serious problem. I have written about and discussed it on my TV and radio shows several times. A CARE program is needed.
I consider Wuthering Heights one of the great love stories of all time. The book and also the 1939 movie starring Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon. It comes to mind because I watched the movie again late yesterday afternoon on Turner Movie Classics.
Emily Bronte wrote the book. It was published in 1847. She died one year later at the age of 30. Wuthering Heights was the only book she wrote.
Heathcliff’s “Cathy, Cathy” as he spoke to his love on her death bed memorable. Heart wrenching. The Yorkshire moors soul touching as the dead lovers take their final walk among the heathers.
Emily had a sister Charlotte. Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre. A talented family.
You are already aware of my 7 am visit to Publix yesterday morning. An experience of sorts. Try it some time.
I enjoyed the diet foods I purchased as part of my breakfast. Followed the dining experience immediately with writing yesterday’s blog. Then leaned back and enjoyed the Sunday newspapers.
I spent several hours yesterday completing the research for this week’s KONK Life column. It is the true story of how our government has legally stolen $2.7 trillion from the Social Security Trust Fund. Intended never to be paid back. Secured by simple IOUs, not legal notes. Such is the reason Social Security will be in trouble 20 years down the road.
A shame! Our money was legally stolen and now the cry is benefits have to be cut. Bullshit! The government should start paying the money back!
Key West is into Fantasy Fest. Started last Friday. Ends next Sunday. Things will start warming up this evening. By Thursday, they will be boiling over. The parade Saturday evening is the event of events.
Key Westers are aware what happens each evening. Many readers are not from Key West. Many from foreign countries. I would like to share each day’s events as we stumble through the week.
Today, the costumed Hero and Villains 5K Run/Walk. Womankind will hold a Decorated Bra Auction. There will be a Sunset Luau and Pig Roast at the Reach. A burlesque musical is scheduled for the Waterfront Theater.
A mild evening. As the week progresses, there is more and more. In addition to the scheduled events, people will be walking up and down Duval costumed. Some well covered. Others, scantily. The scantily can be very scanty.
Whatever, everyone having a good time.
Tomorrow night my blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine in the evening. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
What will I be talking about? I am not sure at this point. So many things happen on a daily basis. I have found the topics to be discussed formalize themselves in my mind about two hours before the show. Whatever I decide to talk about, I guarantee it will be interesting. Please join me.
Enjoy your day!