I mentioned Italy’s immigration problem in yesterday’s blog. Based on personal observation and as reported to me by my friend Anna who lives in Novara. Novara is near Milan.
Anna reads this blog everyday. She responded to yesterday’s blog with a long e-mail. I share excerpts from it. Italy’s immigration problem is different from ours in certain regards.
Italy’s immigrants are primarily from Africa.
“Italy is going down and down…..March the 4th election: right wing will win. Italy is fed up with politicians, mainly of the present government, democrats who packed Italy of immigrants mainly negros and mainly crooks, delinquents. It seems some do voodoo rites!!! Last week in Macerata negros killed, in a flat, an 18 year old girl, chopped her body with knives and machetes, washed them putting the pieces in 2 suitcases and abandoning them faraway in the country. But there was not her heart and bowels!!! Eaten??? A voodoo rite??? Soon after, a crazy white young man in order to revenge the girl, went around downtown Macerata and shot 6 negros injuring them seriously. I could go on…..”
Anna’s husband died several years ago. He served as a national Senator for years and then 8 years as a member of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet. At one time, she sent me a photo of her husband and Gorbachev their heads joined together in what appeared to be a serious conversation.
Spent a couple of hours at the Chart Room last night. John bartending.
Lovely Morgan at the bar. My charming 26 year old friend. A big hug. We talked alone at the round table for two hours.
An amazing young lady. Whoever is fortunate to win her over is going to get a great wife. She’s a keeper!
Friend Sandie at the bar. She introduced me to her visiting friend Janie from Philadelphia. Go Eagles!
As I was leaving, ran into Devon at the bar. I see Devon about once a year. A farmer from the midwest. Owns a condo in Key West.
Devon is a smart farmer. He and his brother own a huge farm. They did not fight the big corporations that entered the agriculture business. They joined them! Happy they are. The right move. They have prospered.
Diana Millikan is off somewhere. She travels the world. She e-mailed me yesterday. One of her Hilton Haven Road neighbors told her there were gun shots around 4:30 in the morning. There were. This morning’s Citizen reports a man staying at the Banana Bay Resort was shot in the leg.
No arrests yet.
Irma hit September 10. Its effects still with us.
The canals remain impacted with house, boat and tree debris. Non-navigable. Nearshore waters, likewise.
Monroe County has entered into a $6 million contract with Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection to begin a clean up.
Many still are without homes. The homes either completely destroyed or the owners do not have funds yet to rebuild. FEMA and the insurance companies have been unreasonably slow in making payments.
These people have to live somewhere. Some in tents. Others in hotels. FEMA announced yesterday that they would extend hotel time at FEMA’s expense another month till March 3. There will be further monthly extensions. This part of the Irma problem not being resolved.
Mom’s Tea Room. I have written several times about Mom’s Tea Room. A Key West house of prostitution. Alice Reid the madam.
On this day in 1941, the body of working girl Cecilia Thompson Trunk was found in Mom’s. An apparent suicide. On the same day in 1952, another body found. Rita Brown, an apparent suicide also.
Mom’s was a busy place. A big U.S. Navy clientele. The Navy had many stationed here. The Navy did not like Alice or Mom’s. Morality and venereal disease the reasons. They closed Reid’s place a couple of times. A smart woman, however. She would pop up in another location. Closed finally in the 1950’s, never to open again.
Same sex marriage. Its time had come. The world accepting/falling into place. One nation at a time. Till now.
Bermuda reverted.
Bermuda’s law recognizing same sex marriage was less than one year old. Bermuda’s President signed a new law yesterday banning same sex marriage. A reversal. A win for bigotry.
Those of the same sex can live together with all the same rights and benefits as if married. The new relationship called a domestic partnership. The title married neither available nor recognized.
Have to hustle. A haircut with Lori at noon.
Enjoy your day!
For a boy and girl to be shacked up is a status symbol today, shows you are hip and cool, like smoking pot is. Why can’t gays be the same way and just go on with life? Like, who really cares anymore?
I don’t like parades and never go to them or watch them on TV. I don’t like listening to speeches and never listen to them, no matter whose. Does this make me a traitor to America? If you think so, then you don’t get America. The closest thing to a good speech was the Gettysburg Address which Lincoln had the good sense to hold to 272 words.
Trump’s EPA chief voodoo science guy says global warming may be good for us. So relax, we were all worried for nothing.
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