Hurricane Harvey has unleashed a hell upon the Texas gulf coast. Nature at its worst! A howling storm that cannot be blamed on anything other than weather. Global warming not involved.

Harvey does not want to leave. Hanging around a few days. Bringing with it rain in a volume not common.

How much damage? How many dead? How many injured? Are survivors getting sufficient assistance? Enough drinking water for example?

The answers will not come till Harvey has gone. Then the impact will be known.

Front page this morning’s Key West Citizen the current state of affairs re remedial work to North Roosevelt Boulevard.

North Roosevelt Boulevard is a State highway. A few years ago, Florida spent 4 years renovating the Boulevard big time. The final job has a couple of minuses. Big time minuses. Properly described as major screw ups.

One has to do cross-walks. There are 5. Their purpose to make it safe for pedestrians to cross the major busy thoroughfare.

The cross-walks a disaster. Invite accidents, death and injuries. So far, only one death. Injuries more.

The cross-walks are poorly designed. Need a red light as part of them so traffic will recognize the need to stop and will stop. Without red lights, the cross walks create more danger than when the road was without any.

After constant badgering by City and County officials, the State has come up with the remedial plan. Merely a suggestion at this point. It will redo the cross-walks with red lights. The time frame includes design to be done in 2019 and construction to begin in 2021.

If the City so desires, it can do the corrective work itself and then seek reimbursement from the State.

Typical bureaucratic delay. The State is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Put the red lights in and be done with it. Boulevard users should not have to wait 4-5 years to get the job done.

How many people will die or be injured during those years because of the State’s obstinacy?

Another government mess in the making. Key West’s amphitheater. The mess plentiful. One at the moment is naming rights. A bidding process to be used. He who bids the most will get to name the amphitheater.

So far five names suggested. Not all of whom have the dollars to successfully bid. At least one dead.

One person openly expressing his desire to have the amphitheater named after him is Jimmy Buffett. He has the money to successfully bid.

I am shocked at the number who do not want Jimmy Buffett’s name on the amphitheater. For all kinds of reasons that do not seem to have validity.

Typical Key West, however. A place where some have their heads up their asses. They make a lot of noise. The squeaky wheel gets the attention.

Sheriff Arpaio’s Presidential pardon a disgrace. Most believe Trump has the power. I am not sure.

The Constitution extends the power. In few words. An old Supreme Court decision decided in 1866 interpreted the power broadly. I question whether the decision would be followed today were the issue brought before the Supreme Court.

The Justice Department has a Pardons section. Application must be made by the person seeking the pardon. Five years must have elapsed from the time of conviction. The person seeking the pardon must admit responsibility for the crime. The applicant must show remorse for having committed the crime.

None of these factors have been complied with in the Arpaio situation. An example of Trump not respecting the law, believing he is the law, etc.

I doubt Arpaio will get to the Supreme Court. I cannot conceive of the Session’s Department of Justice doing so. Meaning Trump will get away with what appears to be wrongdoing once again.

Enjoy your Sunday!



What do dog ticks, crocodiles and Boeing have to do with each other? Absolutely nothing. Thought it made for an interesting title.

Dog ticks came to my attention when reading William Hackley’s diary entry for this day in 1856. He took dash for an ocean ride on the steamer Jasper. Dash had ticks.

Salt air cure dog ticks? A quick google told me no. Salt water does cure fleas. Maybe Hackley had ticks and fleas mixed up. Even in 1856, tick removal required tweezers.

This morning’s Citizens’ Comment made mention of the crocodile that now lives at the Key West Golf Course. My recollection, a Nile crocodile.

I was under the impression crocodiles are harmless to humans. Especially, Nile crocs. Not so.

Crocodiles and alligators alike enjoy feeding on humans. Crocs 4 feet are attracted to human babies and children. The size leads the crocodile to believe the baby/child is an animal.

Crocodiles 6.6 feet and over prefer adult humans.

The above info the result of a quick google search, also.

So…..Those that tell us not to worry about the 7-8 foot Nile crocodile living on the Golf Course may be wrong. Could be wrong. Whatever. Be on the safe side and keep a safe distance.

Five months ago at a Boeing plant in South Carolina, Trump and Boeing’s CEO enjoyed a kumbaya meeting. Trump announced he and Boeing had an understanding. No more jobs to go elsewhere. Jobs to remain. Plants to be built in the United States.

Boeing’s CEO was excited. Exclaimed…..We have a seat at the table!

Since that time, it has been announced that Boeing is building or planning to build plants in China, Saudi Arabia and India. It was further announced yesterday that just under 200 employees were going to be let go at a North Carolina plant.

So much for Trump fighting for every last job.

When the plant building became evident in the three foreign countries, the Boeing CEO said he was misunderstood five months ago. His comments were only to the effect that employment rolls would not be diminished . Job numbers would remain the same. No promise was made to increase the numbers.

I did not hear it that way.

New news this morning on Morning Joe. A Washington Post investigative reporter guest appeared. New cyber war information had been released moments earlier in a Post announcement. The information was not in this morning’s paper.

One of the steps taken by Obama was to somehow infiltrate late in December Russia’s cyber sources that provided the means to hack into the Presidential election. The U.S. had the capacity to destroy the technology involved.

Obama left the decision to Trump to decide when or if. Trump has and has had the information and decision making power since his inauguration.

Trump has the ability to pres the button. He has not. Nor has he even mentioned Russia and the election. Why?

My yesterday began with a visit to my heart doctor. Routine.

Late afternoon, I stopped at Louie’s Backyard. Meditation time. Sat looking out over the water thinking about this and that while enjoying a couple of drinks. Louie’s Backyard has one of the most relaxing water views in the Keys. A God is in His Heaven, all is right with the world feeling.

Big day for the ladies June 23, 1972. Title IX was enacted into law. Banned sex discrimination in federally funded educational institutions.

A boon to female college athletes!

No Key West Lou Facebook Video the past two days. Sorry. Back on track this afternoon.

Enjoy your day!






Not Iraq. Not Afghanistan. The one going on in the Comments section of this blog. Grow up guys. you are all dumping on one woman. Does it take all of you to prove one female wrong?

Talk politics, issues, etc. Not the crap that seems to have taken over.

It makes me wonder. Those commenting about real issues provide some great reads. Really. I am impressed with the quality of most of the comments. The give and take terrific… real issues. Keep it up and walk away from Diana.

I appreciate Diana is hard to take on occasion. So are some of you guys.

I like Diana. Consider her a friend. Difficult though she may be. When she is off and running, I look the other way and do not hear.

She has been in Key West 3 weeks. Leaves tuesday. She has rented a condo for a year so will be back and forth.

In three weeks, I have been with her two times. For dinner each time. The first night she arrived and last night. Both evenings enjoyable.

Diana easily makes friends. Don’t laugh. Obvious when she makes friends. People open up to her immediately.

Diana is an outstanding researcher, developer of the facts. She has given me a hand on a couple of things. She knows how to dig.

What amazes me is Diana is not sharp tongued. Though she does come over that way in her comments. She is soft spoken. Amazing the difference between reading her and speaking with her.

Drinks first last night at Louie’s Backyard. Diana does not drink. A cheap date in that regard. Stopped afterwards at VFW for a sandwich. Diana does not eat. A shrimp cocktail. A cheap date foodwise, also.

By the way, Diana does not require me to defend her. She is capable of doing such very well on her own. As some of you have already discovered.

I just gave Diana 300 words. Have non-Diana information to share. Must do so swiftly. Tammy’s for a manicure later in the morning.

My lesbian wives Donna and Terri are taking me out to dinner tonight. A fun evening ahead.

I cannot keep up with them. I will go home immediately after dinner. They make an evening of it. Aqua, the Monkey Bar, etc. Till the wee morning hours.

Venezuela continues to go down the tubes. The citizens continue to suffer. Again, I ask why they have not revolted in the past four years.

First out of toilet paper. Then food. Now doctors and medicines.

Thousands of doctors have left. To surrounding countries. Most to small nearby islands. The toilet paper, food, etc. had something to do with it. However, it was the authoritarian government headed by Maduro that motivated them. They are making less money. Feel safe and secure for themselves and their families, however.

In the past year, maternal mortality rose 66 percent. Infant mortality, 30 percent. Malaria, 66 percent. Diphtheria is soaring.

Shortages of insect repellents, vaccinations, and public health funding the primary reasons.

The infant mortality rate is higher than Syria’s for the same period of time. Hard to believe!

In a recent medical malpractice case in Pennsylvania, a jury returned an $870,000 verdict. The patient was to have his right testicle removed. The doctor removed the good left one.

Early in my practice, I was peripherally involved in a similar malpractice case. The patient had cancer in one eye. The eye had to be removed. The doctor removed the good eye.

Terrible! It happens, however. Roughly 2,000 times a year the wrong limb or organ is removed.

Enjoy your day!




I can’t win!

I continue abusing my body.

Broke a little toe again. Last night. This time on a foot of the bed.

Spent most of yesterday writing this week’s KONK Life column: The New Prostitution. Popularly referred to as the girlfriend experience. Young ladies. Older affluent men. Most college girls. Looking to pay tuition, college debt, rent. Some to buy designer clothes. Some just for fun.

The dollars big.

It is the new way regarding sex solicitation and activity. No pimps, no walking the streets, no standing on street corners, no brothels. All done one on one via the internet.

The article interesting and revealing.

I wanted to get out after I finished the column. Opted for Louie’s Backyard. Sat at the deck bar in the shade. Enjoyed a couple of drinks while looking out over the ocean.

The war continues between the Key West community and the hospital. The Lower Keys Medical Center. The hospital is owned by Community Health Systems. A major national health conglomerate.

The conflict proper. The hospital is taking advantage of its patients/customers.

A David and Goliath battle. A small community taking on a major medical corporation.

Immigrants in the news daily. A problem for most countries. Big time.

All cannot be labeled as bad. The proof is in the pudding.

Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant. A poor immigrant. He came to the colonies looking for a better life. He came from the Caribbean island of Nevis in 1773. His age young. Either 16 or 18.

Three years later, he was fighting in the Revolution. George Washington took a liking to him. Considered the young Hamilton an economic genius. Washington was correct. Hamilton was a key figure at the Constitutional Convention. He also guided the new nation for many years economically.

Disturbances have been occurring in France. Increasing in intensity. The basis for the conflicts are immigrants and terrorism.

The head of France’s Security Services recently advised that if the problem persisted, it could lead to a civil war. Lead by France’s far right.

I worry about something happening in the U.S. Not from the immigration/terrorist problem. From the black/police problem. The past week evidence. Dallas could have turned into a major eruption. The weekend protests likewise. The wood is dry. Only a spark required to create a conflagration.

Enjoy your day!



Lunch yesterday could not have been better! Lazy and long. Great company. Excellent food.

Donna, Terri and Louis at Louie’s Backyard. We lunched as one. Too many bloody marys, followed by Maine lobster rolls.

It was catch up time. We have not been together in at least three years.

My lesbian wives are returning. In six weeks they will be back in Key West. Forever.

They have already rented a lovely condo near Salute’s. Two blocks off the ocean.

My blog talk radio show Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou last night.

I stayed away from politics. The primaries are crushing.

I mentioned Venezuela’s Maduro had shortened the public employee work week two weeks ago to four days a week. Not enough electric power.

This morning a news flash popped up on the internet. Maduro has further slashed the work week to two days. No bargain. The employees only get paid for two days.

Maduro says it is because of a drought which is affecting water necessary to produce electricity. A crock. It is because Maduro has not spent monies to keep the dam and electrical system in good shape. Everything is falling apart.

Shades of what could happen to our infrastructure.

Keep in mind that Maduro’s first debacle was running out of toilet paper four years ago. Still not enough toilet paper.

I share this item with you, also. I got into government waste again. Congress authorized and the President approved $600 million to boost the Afghanistan economy.

Part of the money went to transport nine blond male goats to Afghanistan. Female goats were waiting in Afghanistan. Purpose to help the wool cashmere business.

Monies also went to build a laboratory to certify that the wool cashmere was the best ever. The scenario was to produce 350 jobs.

There is no record of monies spent. Where the money went, etc. unknown.  There also is no cashmere business. It is suspected the Afghans ate the nine goats. Could be. Goats are the number one dish in Afghanistan.

Manatees in the news. Tomo-Belle is a female manatee that has been under observation since 1993. She recently gave birth to twins. Tomo-Belle and her two calves were seen swimming this past week in a Siesta Key canal.

The shame of it all. On this day in 1867, John Milton was blind and broke. He sold his copyright of Paradise Lost for ten pounds.

Greece has a special place in my heart. When in Athens, I stayed at the Grande Bretagne. The finest hotel I have ever spent time at anywhere in the world.

I recall one of the staff telling me that the Germans used the Hotel for their headquarters during World War II. I thought at the time and still do, a shame!

On this day in 1941, the German Army ended Greek resistance throughout Greece. Except for Crete. Fifteen thousand seven hundred Greeks died defending their homeland.

The Cretes would not give up. They fought the Germans forever. Ultimately, they too were overcome.

My KONK Life column this week is Lincoln: Nomination and Election. Hits the stands today.

Wednesday! Love wednesdays! Wednesday is my screw off day. I write almost full time saturday through tuesday. Wednesday is the start of my weekend. My friday.

Enjoy your day!


Some people are stupidly greedy. Pennies in their pockets today leading to less money in the future.

This morning’s Key West Citizen reports front page that three exotic dancers at Bare Assets are suing Bare Assets. Exotic dancers is a nice way of referring to strippers as such. Perhaps more.

The three want to be employees, thereby entitling them to overtime or a minimum wage for time worked over 40 hours. Heretofore the ladies have been considered independent contractors, not entitled to employee benefits.

Exotic dancers make a ton of money. More a year than struggling fathers. Some into the six figures. The ladies are money driven. Whether a $1 bill, $20 bill or $100 or more dollars, their hands are always out. Pushing for money. They are like sharks. Always need to be fed.

They should be well compensated. They dance naked. Mingle with customers scantily attired. Subject to having their personal parts groped. Performing lap dances where the bodies are not permitted to touch, but sometime do. And more.

Some are of the opinion that the exotic dancers of today were the prostitutes of yesterday.

Beware of that which you seek! Today, a minimum wage. Tomorrow, health benefits. Then a pension plan. All provided by law. The law then takes the position that the ladies’ incomes should be taxed. To be taxed, the work performed has to be legal. No problem, it is legalized. The tax dollars are huge.

Eventually the government is involved big time. Minimum wage, health benefits are out the window. Forget pensions. More ladies get into the business. Competition lowers the price to be charged. The ladies earn less than before.

I wrote an article touching on some aspects of the situation two years ago for KONK Life. Titled: Berlin The Sex Capital of the World. Read it. Go to my Key West Lou website. The bar at the top of the page has a KONK Wife Column heading. Click on it and scroll down till you find the column.

Yesterday, a bit busy.

Stopped at the Marriott Beachside for the newspapers.

Then to the Cuban Coffee Queen for lunch. Cuban cheese toast and a large cold Cuban coffee. Sat quite a while reading the newspapers.

I read somewhere recently that Cuban Coffee Queen ice cubes are made of coffee. I checked them out in my drink. Correct! They were dark brown!

Did Martin’s for Happy Hour at the bar. Still early when I was done. Went over to Louie’s Backyard for a couple of drinks. It had been overcast all day. A bit humid. The breeze off the ocean comforting.

Home early to bed. Sleep soon followed.

We all have heard of the Cold War. Those of us older recall vividly the 40 years of Cold War between the U.S. and Russia.

An admonishment first. Better a cold war than a hot one!

I always assumed some President early on described the conflict as a Cold War. I was wrong. It was Bernard Baruch on this day in 1947. Baruch was an adviser to several Presidents. He was addressing the South Carolina House of Representatives at the time.

Enjoy your day!






Big decision yesterday by the Supreme Court. One of the most important in years. Same sex marriage legal! Gays and lesbians may now walk through life hand in hand married, if they so wish. Same sex persons entitled to equal dignity under the law.

The decision outstanding!

My fear is that non-supporters of the decision will not quietly go away. Abortion and voting rights major decisions of the past. Abortion legalized in 1973. Voting rights/civil rights recognized in 1965. Still the wars go on. Anti-abortionists are still fighting more than 40 years later. Those seeking to take away the right to vote waging the war anew in recent years. A right all thought was sufficiently acknowledged and solidified  in 1965.

I hope same sex marriage does not receive the same treatment. I suspect it will unfortunately. Fifty years from now opponents will still be trying to eat away at the decision.

Such is the American way.

President Obama eulogized Clementa Pinckney yesterday in Charleston. The 41 year old pastor shot to death by a poorly informed 21 year old white. The eulogy moving. A masterpiece. Both in preparation and presentation.

I was moved to tears.

I found Obama’s entire church presence as shown on TV interesting. I saw the religious man. The black church his territory. From the moment he entered till he left. His singing and body moves said…..This is my church…..I grew up in black churches.

The President was in his religious element.

Staying with the President for a moment, his legacy is growing. He has Obamacare, Osama bin Laden, and two favorable Supreme Court decisions involving Obamacare and same sex marriage. No more at this point.

To be recognized as one of the great Presidents, he needs two more things. Two out of three.  An iron clad agreement with Iran, an end to American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, and/or an Asian pact.

I do not know if he can make it.

Clinton was faced with a Republican Congress his last two years in office. Obama has the same problem. Is it a problem, however? Clinton got more things of value done with the Republican controlled Congress. Obama seems to be doing the same thing.

A good day for Louis yesterday. Anti-gravity treadmill in the morning, lunch at Roostica, a drink at Louie’s Backyard, a visit with Don, and dinner at Tavern ‘n Town.

Germany on the cutting edge! They have come up with a new type elevator. Actually an old idea. One that the world stopped using more than 100 years ago. Called Paternoster Elevators. No doors and do not stop at a floor. Jump on, jump off.

Sounds dangerous to me.

I keep following Greece. No deal yet. The issue becomes who will blink first. The Eurounion or Greece. I suspect the Eurounion. If Greece is out of the Eurounion, it will be the beginning of the end for the Eurounion. Greece has a tough road back regardless.

Prices remain strange in Greece. Dropping dramatically in Athens. Going up like crazy in the Greek isles. I do not know how the island merchants can sustain for long charging high prices. People will not spend the summer visiting the Greek isles.

I think I may have had one drink too many last night. If so, I was unaware.

I wanted to go into town early this morning. No way. My battery dead. Left the car lights on. Thank God for AAA.

Enjoy your day!



I finally felt good yesterday. Slept well the night before. Got over the tiredness feeling.

The weather has turned. Humidity has arrived. Three or four days ago. It will now be humid through the end of September. Not bad yet. The humidity will increase with August and September being the worst months. Those two months are like living in the snow belt up north in the coldest winter months. Just opposite.

Ran some errands in the afternoon. Stopped at Don’s Place to visit. Enjoyed a diet Pepsi and chatted with those drinking stronger brew.

Got all spiffed up for last night. Even shaved.

My first stop was Louie’s Backyard. I seem to have added it to my places to have a drink recently. A beautiful spot. Boring last night, however. Very few at the bar. One drink and I was on my way.

The Chart Room was next. A big friday night!

Emily bartending. Witty as usual.

Sheila and David there. I was happy to run into Sheila. It was the first time I had seen her since her brother died. After Sheila left, David and I sat at the round table and talked about all sort of foolish things.

I met Dan and Sarah. Locals, though we had never run into each other before. Dan an old friend of Sheila’s. They both drove Conch trains at one time. Dan now tends pools.

Sarah a charming person. She is a nurse in the emergency room at Lower Keys Hospital.

As I as standing at the corner of the bar waiting to pay my tab, I started chatting with the gent on the stool next to me. His name, Ken. A retired New York City police detective. Worked narcotics. He had a slew of pictures in his cell phone which he showed me with him and thousands of pounds of cocaine he had helped capture.

I would have enjoyed spending more time with Ken. Unfortunately, he leaves to return to New York today. Perhaps next year.

Took a quick look at the Great Sea Battle from the deck of the Pier House. It was winding down. The last of the toilet paper bombs unfurling.

I decided on wings at Kelley’s for dinner. The walk over was uneventful. The season is over. Though Duval was crowded, it was not anywhere near as crowded as in season. I could walk without getting knocked around.

I was shocked as I walked up Caroline. The Brazilian steak house Braza Lena was no more. In its place was a fishery. Appropriately named Keyviche Seafood Eatery. The place was crowded. More so than when it was Braza Lena.

When did Braza Lena close down? When did the new place open? Why the change?

I was unaware of the closing/opening when they occurred. Don’t know how I missed it. I read the Citizen every day and hear the talk on the street. Neither brought the matter to my attention.

I checked the change on the internet. Could come up with nothing definitive. I have a feeling the operation may have the same owners with a different menu.

Jimmy Weekly is a Conch through and through. A for real one as well as an individual that has always had at heart the best for Key West. Jimmy owns Fausto’s. World famous Key West grocery stores.

Jimmy has been a Key West Commission member and active over the years in community affairs. He is outspoken. I rarely agree with his views. However, he always believes he is correct and moves forward undauntedly with an idea.

Jimmy recently had a quadruple bi-pass. He is at home recovering. I wish him well.

A Key West generation is passing. The torch slowly moving into other hands.

The thought occurred to me when I saw a picture in this morning’s KONK E-Blast of Kate Miano at Peter Anderson’s grave site. Peter’s ashes were being entombed. Kate was dressed in her Conch Republic uniform. Peter had been Secretary General of the Conch Republic.

Home made backyard gun ranges are legal in Florida. Someone in Big Pine has one. He practices his shooting there.

An attempt was made to stop him. To no avail. The law was on his side.

Sounds sort of wacky to me to have a gun range in the backyard. But such is Florida law. A bill has been introduced in the Florida House of Representatives to place some limits/safeguards on backyard ranges. I doubt it will get anywhere. Florida political leadership is much like that of Texas. Tough guys, don’t tread on me types.

Enjoy your day!



Even in this day and age, secession is a part of our political diatribe. My recollection is Texas was the last state to threaten secession. Governor Perry so announced on one of his soap box days a couple of years ago.

Secession was on the mind of Key West this day in 1982. The U.S. Border Patrol had done its damage and was to be tolerated no more. A group of Key Westers visited the roadblock at Florida City and announced Key West would tolerate the situation no more.

Key West seceded. The Conch Republic was born.

I had an early morning visit with my dentist yesterday. My implants were implanted no more. The problem was as I thought. Two screw caps had worn down. They were replaced and voila!, it was as if nothing had occurred. Took all of five minutes.

I can remember dentist visits back in time. As far back as the late 1930s. Dentistry was brutal in those days. Dentists hurt! Each visit was with fear and trepidation.

As with Virginia Slims…..Dentistry, you have come a long way baby!

I rested most of yesterday. Monday and tuesday had left me tired.

It was back to Louie’s Backyard for drinks last night. The weather was perfect.

I was heading for a small table near the end of the bar. Someone had a huge black dog. He jumped at me. Suddenly. Scared the hell out of me. Fortunately, he was on a leash. Fully extended, the leashed dog and I were inches apart.

I did an immediate about face and headed for a table at the other end of the deck.

Then to Ibis for dinner. I was in the mood for stone crabs again. Ibis’ stone crabs were much better last night than they had been a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed the meal.

Big day ahead! A haircut this morning, physiotherapy this afternoon, and bocce tonight. Amazing how in retirement the mundane becomes important.

Enjoy your day!



Today’s blog a minimal one. I am up early. I will be driving to Miami for the Volkswagen’s 20,000 mile check up.

I am not looking forward to the trip. It is up to Miami and back in the same day.

Sunday by day was spent writing this week’s KONK Life column. Drought and Water Profiteering. It publishes wednesday. Very revealing.

Spent a couple of hours at Louie’s Backyard watching the view and chatting with those around me.

Dinner was at La Te Da’s outside bar. Duck.

Enjoy your day.