What do dog ticks, crocodiles and Boeing have to do with each other? Absolutely nothing. Thought it made for an interesting title.
Dog ticks came to my attention when reading William Hackley’s diary entry for this day in 1856. He took dash for an ocean ride on the steamer Jasper. Dash had ticks.
Salt air cure dog ticks? A quick google told me no. Salt water does cure fleas. Maybe Hackley had ticks and fleas mixed up. Even in 1856, tick removal required tweezers.
This morning’s Citizens’ Comment made mention of the crocodile that now lives at the Key West Golf Course. My recollection, a Nile crocodile.
I was under the impression crocodiles are harmless to humans. Especially, Nile crocs. Not so.
Crocodiles and alligators alike enjoy feeding on humans. Crocs 4 feet are attracted to human babies and children. The size leads the crocodile to believe the baby/child is an animal.
Crocodiles 6.6 feet and over prefer adult humans.
The above info the result of a quick google search, also.
So…..Those that tell us not to worry about the 7-8 foot Nile crocodile living on the Golf Course may be wrong. Could be wrong. Whatever. Be on the safe side and keep a safe distance.
Five months ago at a Boeing plant in South Carolina, Trump and Boeing’s CEO enjoyed a kumbaya meeting. Trump announced he and Boeing had an understanding. No more jobs to go elsewhere. Jobs to remain. Plants to be built in the United States.
Boeing’s CEO was excited. Exclaimed…..We have a seat at the table!
Since that time, it has been announced that Boeing is building or planning to build plants in China, Saudi Arabia and India. It was further announced yesterday that just under 200 employees were going to be let go at a North Carolina plant.
So much for Trump fighting for every last job.
When the plant building became evident in the three foreign countries, the Boeing CEO said he was misunderstood five months ago. His comments were only to the effect that employment rolls would not be diminished . Job numbers would remain the same. No promise was made to increase the numbers.
I did not hear it that way.
New news this morning on Morning Joe. A Washington Post investigative reporter guest appeared. New cyber war information had been released moments earlier in a Post announcement. The information was not in this morning’s paper.
One of the steps taken by Obama was to somehow infiltrate late in December Russia’s cyber sources that provided the means to hack into the Presidential election. The U.S. had the capacity to destroy the technology involved.
Obama left the decision to Trump to decide when or if. Trump has and has had the information and decision making power since his inauguration.
Trump has the ability to pres the button. He has not. Nor has he even mentioned Russia and the election. Why?
My yesterday began with a visit to my heart doctor. Routine.
Late afternoon, I stopped at Louie’s Backyard. Meditation time. Sat looking out over the water thinking about this and that while enjoying a couple of drinks. Louie’s Backyard has one of the most relaxing water views in the Keys. A God is in His Heaven, all is right with the world feeling.
Big day for the ladies June 23, 1972. Title IX was enacted into law. Banned sex discrimination in federally funded educational institutions.
A boon to female college athletes!
No Key West Lou Facebook Video the past two days. Sorry. Back on track this afternoon.
Enjoy your day!
“So much for Trump fighting for every last job.”
Same thing has happened at Carrier as Boeing. Two busniesees Trump hyped. Both shipping production overseas.
So much for that promise I guess. Trump is too busy tweeting and belitteling Comey.
Leanardo reads fake news. President Trump has already brought jobs back to America.
Delude yourself however you want.
Salt water is a time tested fix for both fleas and ticks. It dries the flea eggs and makes the tick back out so it can be caught and ‘squished’.