Busy yesterday. Did nothing out of the ordinary, however.

Started with a noon haircut appointment with Lori. Always a pleasure to spend time with Lori. Fifteen plus years now.

The Cuban Coffee Queen is around the corner from Blown Away. The heat/humidity too heavy to eat outside. Decided to pick up some things at Publix and feed myself at home.

Driving the Publix motivation was the fact that I had been dreaming for a couple of days of a home prepared chicken sandwich.

Bought a lemon pepper chicken.

Lunch was the desired chicken sandwich. A large soft roll. A thick slice of white chicken breast. Covered with a slice of tomato. A bit of salt and pepper. Then mayonnaise.

A dream come true!

Screwed around on the computer in the afternoon searching for a KONK column topic to do. Came up with nothing that excited me.

The Chart Room first last night. John told me Tom and Fran had been in earlier looking for me. Telephoned them. They were at Kermit’s enjoying key lime pie. Told me they would shortly join me.

Spent some time with Tom and Fran enjoying a couple of drinks. Then they were off to do sunset. Knew one of the entertainers and wanted to visit with him. The man with the cats jumping through hoops of fire.

I went across the street to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner. Enjoyed lamb chops again.

Joseph still on the mend. There is a new general manager. JP. We were introduced.

The Noble Group is not screwing Joseph. As I understand, there is an office job awaiting him when he returns.

Joseph has graduated from a walker to two canes. Progress slow.

Hello Jim Wenzel! Close friend of Tom Dixon. Both Buffalo bred. Jim now resides in Tampa. Tom told me he turned Jim on to the blog and he now reads it daily.

Welcome and thank you, Jim!

On the way back to my car, I passed the Chart Room. Ollie was at the bar. One of the heroes of the Zika test spraying fight. I stopped in to congratulate him. He believes Key Haven will defeat the test spraying proposal.

This week’s KONK Life column is German Persecution of Jews. It was carried this morning on E-Blast and also linked to my Key West Lou column. www.keywestlou.com.

My conscience Patrick posted a comment yesterday morning. He wanted to know why I had not commented on the $4 million/Iran/hostage situation. Simple. I only had the first blast of news. Accusatory. Did not make sense. Thought I should wait a day to see how the story played out.

Glad I delayed. Nothing wrong occurred.

Better safe than sorry. I concede I occasionally jump the gun. Rarely however. Sorry when I do.

Trump was terrific. Claimed he saw the whole thing on video. There was no video. He still kept saying he saw it on video.

Ronald Reagan was a tough guy.

On this day in 1981, he fired 11,359 air controllers. None to ever be rehired. When they struck and walked out two days earlier, he gave them 48 hours to return to work.

The union thought it was calling Reagan’s bluff. no way. He called theirs.

Reagan’s action was the beginning of the fall of union dominance in the United States.

Enjoy your day!


Though relations are better with Cuba, a U.S. trip to Cuba still involves some aggravation.

Not for Fleming, however. He even traveled free.

Fleming is a turtle. He was found injured last year and taken to the Marathon Turtle Hospital. Fleming was returned to good health.

On July 22, he was returned to the ocean at Sombrero Beach. Got a big send off.

The hospital attached a satellite tag to Fleming. They follow his travels. He is now in Cuba.

You can follow Fleming’s meanderings. www.tourdeturtles.org.

Yesterday was wednesday. Wednesday is screw off time for me. I spend saturday through tuesday researching and writing. Then three days off beginning with wednesday. Look forward to wednesdays! Love the day!

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill at Body Owners. Me, Jenny and the machine. I did not kill myself. Ran at a moderate speed. Still exhausted afterwards.

I have decided to take a week off. I am going to walk at Home Depot those days to see if it makes any difference.

After the treadmill, I hurried to Verizon Wireless. The good one. The one in the Winn Dixie Shopping Center.

Nana took care of me again. She is teaching me how to use my new cell phone. I am a dunce! Having difficulty learning. Retaining all the steps involved. These new phones are computers. Love it! Have to learn how to use them, however.

A generational thing. My era born and I are not mechanically inclined.

Lunch was at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Splurged. Instead of a cheese toast, I had a BLT. On pressed Cuban bread. Delicious!

Halley working up front. Ruby in the kitchen.

Ruby is an experienced cook. Seven years at Outback. She has also worked at several restaurants around town.

Spent the afternoon reading. An interesting World War II story. Involved Normandy on D-Day. A group of engineers were sent in before the landing to destroy whatever was on the beach and in the water that would affect a safe landing.

The landing site Utah beach.

The men were told before hand the mission was dangerous and few would survive. The men worked in groups of three. Only one in each group was alive at the end of the morning.

Last night began with the Back Door at Aqua. Mark Watson back. He just returned from a week on Fire Island.

Then to Roostica for dinner. Gnocchi.

The Florida Keys Community College, aka FKCC, was recently rated by SmartAsset.com.

There are 565 community colleges in the U.S. FKCC was rated #18. Very commendable!

A statement in the commendation hit home. Today’s young are looking for a good inexpensive education that will provide a good return on their investment. Not always the case today with those receiving four year degrees.

The quote: Community colleges “…..provide their students with an inexpensive, world class education and a good return on investment.”

Enjoy your day!





Early wednesday morning, six Cuban immigrants safely landed in Key West. At the Southernmost Point.The end of South Street. The place where tourists wait in line to have their picture taken.

The dive boat that took them to safety could be seen behind the Southernmost Point. A warm sight knowing the circumstances. The six could not have landed at a better place.

Now that we have some sort of relationship with Cuba, I no longer can accept returning Cuban refugees who did not land with their feet on American soil. A concept that has outlived its time.

I saw on TV this morning, a Cuban who had just arrived and his father that had been in the U.S. 36 years. Embracing. Crying. The first time in 36 years father and son saw or touched each other.

Yesterday began normally. The anti-gravity treadmill first. I have exceeded my original top speed. Now 4.0 as opposed to 3.5. Miles per hour. Time equal to back when. Gravity still at 50 percent. I need it there or a while yet.

David Wolkowsky has been absent recently. He went to New York City. Ninety six years old and takes a few days off to visit the Big Apple. What a guy!

Followed it up with Ruby at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Ruby is terrific! She remembers your order and name. Similar to a bartender knowing your drink. All the time smiling.

A stop at Walgreens to pick up another prescription. I have 11 prescriptions requiring 13 pills a day to be taken. All doctor prescribed. My heart doctor says it is what is keeping my heart and blood pressure ok. I am “pill controlled” as he puts it.

I could sense it was going to rain last night at dinner time. Decided to stay close to home. Drove over to Hogfish. Sat at the bar. Knew we were going to get hit with a heavy rain. Monsoon type. You could small, taste and feel it coming.

It did. Fortunately, the bar area protected me from getting wet.

My happy birthday with Jenna this evening. My birthday. The last day of celebration. It is dinner at Azur. I am looking forward to Jenna and Azur. Both top of the line.

I am beginning to worry about William Hackley’s baby. He, a fried and what I assume was a nun stayed up all evening with the baby. Baby appeared better at 10 in the morning.

The thought occurs…..The Republican Party holds itself out as the party of family values. So they run a Presidential candidate who has had three wives. If Newt Gingrich is the VP choice, the heads of the Republican ticket will have had six wives.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…..” The opening phrase in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities. “Let them eat cake.” Attributed to Marie Antoinette. Questioned by some whether she was the one who actually uttered the words.

They come to mind because it was on this date in 1789 that French revolutionaries stormed the Bastille. The beginning of the French revolution.

Pouring like hell at the moment. I suspect we may have slipped into the rainy season.

Enjoy your day!



When first the Key West Citizen decided to run an 1855 diary by Key West resident William Hackley, I was excited. After a few readings, disappointed. I was learning nothing. Then I started getting glimpses of Hackley’s life. Today, I am in with both feet. Love Hackley’s diary!

Hackley’s wife had a baby. Home born. Mother breast feeding. Mother’s milk supply not sufficient. Hackley ordered a goat from Havana. The goat finally arrived. The goat had recently born a kid. The goat’s milk was not right. Not in its prime.

Baby not doing well.

I anxiously await further readings to see how the milk problem was resolved.

Think my friends how lucky we are today. New mothers can breast feed or open a can and pour the milk into a bottle. Babies never in danger.

Yesterday morning, the anti-gravity treadmill. I am pushing myself. I am finally into a good health kick.

My time, 30 minutes. What I usually did. Took me a couple of of months to get back to that number. Speed back to normal also. Gravity the item to be corrected. I am moving at 50 percent of the gravity level I was accustomed to. I am reluctant to push higher at this time.

Jenny is taking good care of me. She is watching every part of my work out. Pushing me in her soft quiet manner.

Then to the Cuban Coffee Queen for Cuban toast and cold Cuban coffee. Sat quietly and read the newspapers.

The Cuban Coffee Queen prides itself on its ice cubes being frozen Cuban coffee. I noticed yesterday that my drink had half coffee cubes and half regular cubes.

It was too busy to ask the staff why. Next time, I will ask Ruby if the Queen is cutting back or merely running out.

Publix does not have everything. I stopped at GFS/Gordon’s for a couple of items. The place being remodeled. Big time. Nothing where it was. Staff told me products will be displayed in different spots when remodeling complete.

I hate that.

I ran into Tonya Colston while in GFS/Gordon’s. Never met her before. Have seen her around town. She has a distinctive hair do. Punk style. Natural color. Actually, looks good on her.

I told her I had recently seen her picture with her wife in KONK E-Blast. She was surprised. She had not seen it. A nice lady. We will remember each other when next we meet. She, easy to recall. Me, maybe not. I have no hair.

This good health kick includes eating. I am trying to cut my food consumption by 50 percent. Means the refrigerator is empty. Extremely little. I had to stop at Publix for a few things. Very few.

Spent the afternoon researching for my blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Love doing this podcast. One half hour beginning at 9. Fast moving opinionated talk by me. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Topics tonight include Congress going on a seven week vacation without appropriating any money for Zika, Venezuelian people down to eating their pets, 3,500 young people demonstrating in Berlin over the weekend, German people upset with rapes and sexual abuses by immigrants, New York Times reporting this morning that there is no racial bias in police reported shootings, an overview of this week’s KONK Life column The New Prostitution, and more.

Roostica for dinner. Limoncello wings. Different! Delicious!

Tiny Key West can make claim to many firsts. One is desalinization. Turning sea water into drinking water.

The first desalinization plant in the United States was constructed in Key West in the 1840s. To provide water for troops stationed at Fort Zachary Taylor.

Today, modernized plants. Desalinization plants on Stock Island and Marathon. A back up water supply. Three million gallons a day.

I was born and raised Catholic. Went to a Catholic high school. A massive Church part of the high school complex. St. John’s.

Occasionally, I would hear from my non Catholic friends that Catholics were storing guns in the basement of St. John’s Church. For the coming fight with Protestants. Did not make sense to me. Never heard a priest or nun speak adversely of Protestants. Never had been in the basement of the Church. It was off limits. Locked.

On this day in 1871, a major riot occurred during a parade in New York City between Protestants and Catholics. The Protestants known as Orangemen. The Catholics, Irish Catholics. Trouble was expected. Fifteen hundred police officers and five regiments of the national guard called to keep the peace.

There was no peace. Sixty died. Mostly Irish laborers. Injureds in the hundreds.

There were other riots/fights in 1870 and 1871.

The Protestants hated the Catholics. The Catholics, the Protestants.

The Catholics were primarily immigrants. Irish. The Irish hated the Protestants because they were constantly abused by them. The Protestants disliked the Catholics who were immigrants with strange ways unfamiliar to the Protestants.

Enjoy your day!



First day of a new year in my life. Number 82. God willing, I will be here at this time next year.

My thanks to all who said Happy Birthday in one fashion or another. This blog has made me friends all over the world. It warmed my heart hearing from you.

Day yesterday a quiet one. Started with lunch at Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and a large cold Cuban coffee. Nothing better!

Did some quiet reading in the afternoon.

Happy birthday dinner at Lisa’s. A great meal. Terrific cake! White with chocolate frosting. The cake light, the frosting the best. Robert picked out the frosting at Publix. His favorite. A Hershey product. Thick tasty chocolate.

Robert and Ally an extra special gift for me on such an occasion. Imagine, an 81 year old grandfather with grandchildren 12 and 11.

Robert and Ally are into birthdays. Especially, Ally.

It was still early when I left Lisa’s. Went over to the Chart Room. Glad I did. Finally ran into David. I have not seen him in weeks. John bartending.

Then home to bed and an early sleep.

The Congressional committee examining FBI Director James Comey today is wrong. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Beware my friends. Whether Republican or Democrat, this type oversight is unAmeriican. Dangerous to all.

The system said no charges warranted. That is the end of it. A disgruntled opposition party should not use their review power. I don’t care how much oversight the committee has. In this instance, a step too far. This crap went on in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Onward! The course of police shooting blacks in the U.S. St. Anthony, Minnesota and Baton Rouge, Louisiana this week. Government control of police departments is out of control. The police are becoming misguided vigilantes in blue. The next step if not stopped will be Klu Klux Klanners in blue.

There has been an immigrant problem ongoing the past few days in Minneapolis. In an upscale neighborhood. Million dollar homes. The media relatively quiet re reporting the situation. The biggest Minneapolis newspaper totally silent.

Twenty to 30 Somali immigrants have been harassing the neighborhood. Threatening to kidnap and rape women. One woman was told rape was ok because Sharia law says it is legal. The intruders shouting “Jihad!” Cars driven on sidewalks and lawns. Bottle rockets being shot.

Leaves me speechless. Leaves you speechless also. The unbelievable occurring.

Enjoy your day!





Big days for the Key West gay and lesbian community. Actually, big days for the entire Key West community.

This is Pride Week. Pride Week salutes diversity in Key West. One of America’s leading gay and lesbian communities.

All kinds of events. The Rainbow Bike Parade tonight. Begins 6:30 at Bayview Park. A Pride Street Fair on the 700-900 blocks of Duval saturday. The Pride Parade sunday at 5. Plus more.

In addition to Pride activities, Miss Gay USofA was recently crowned in Dallas. She belongs to Key West. In order to be eligible for the national pageant, she had to win a local one. She did. In January, Miss Gay Southernmost USofA.

The pageant consists of female impersonators and transgenders. Aurora Sexton represented Key West. Congrats Auora

The key thing is we all live together in Key West as One Happy Family. No question about it.

The White Street Pier was to be renamed in honor of Edward B. Knight. The event rained out. Soon to be rescheduled. Ed Knight deserving of the recognition.

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Jenny caring for me.

Then lunch at the Cuban Coffee Queen. Cheese toast and cold Cuban coffee. Read the newspapers.

I enjoy sitting at the Queen doing nothing.

Headed to Aqua’s Back Door Bar early in the evening. Mark Watson time. Mark had told me Donna and Terri would be there. I have not seen them since they returned.

The door to the Back Bar was locked. Mark had cancelled because of the rain. What rain? A few drops here and there on occasion.

Instead, I had a drink at the inside bar.

The bartender made an interesting observation. He enjoys old silent films. I can’t stand them. He told us about a very risque 1927 silent film he had watched the evening before. Risque permissible because there was not a morality code in effect yet.

Nancy came in. I made a new friend.

Nancy is retired military. Headed straight to Key West the day after she severed from the service. Knew this is where she wanted to live. Lives here with her wife. Not sure when they married.

Nancy has a PhD. Works part time in Key West as a consultant for non profits.

I liked Nancy. Good company. Hope we see each other again soon.

Had to eat. Duffy’s at the bar. Prime rib, as usual.

Saw a disappointing thing at Duffy’s. Actually, sad. A man had ordered a Maine lobster. I assume a tourist.

It was obvious he had never eaten a Maine lobster before. He did not know how to eat it. He used his fork and knife constantly. Never pulled the claws off or removed the tail. Salt and pepper frequently. never saw him dunk the poorly ripped out meat in butter.

I am not being critical of the man nor the way he attacked the lobster. I am being critical of his waitress or someone from Duffy’s. No one helped him, gave him any advice, etc.

Along the way yesterday, I heard some Johnny Cash. A line from Folsom Prison Blues attracted me. I swiftly wrote it down. “I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.”

Cash was a long time ago. His yesterday our today. Drugs and crime rampant. Many killed daily for the fun and thrill of it. Nothing has changed, except perhaps for the number of persons killed.

I have been talking about Venezuela for four years. Since the country first ran out of toilet paper. Now, it is food.

I read yesterday that 500 hundred people had looted a food warehouse. The article further stated that the same day, 5,000 had raided a super market.

This morning, I saw a video on the internet. Venezuelan adults and children looking for food in trash cans.

As I have said consistently over the four years, I do not know why the people do not revolt against their President Nicholas Maduro. He is a lot like Fidel Castro in days gone by. Blames the United States for all his problems. Including telling the people on several occasions we were preparing to invade Venezuela.

Enjoy your day!



I want to go to jail.

I was having a conversation yesterday with one of those who make this island the place it is.

He started by telling me…..I want to go to jail. Only for 30 days. I need a vacation.

He saw I was looking at him strangely. He said…..I’ve been there before. It’s not bad.

He continued…..I’ll get healthy. No smoking, no drinking. Food not bad. Rooms air conditioned. There are work out areas. I can get in shape. Plus, free medical. I will go to the infirmary, say I have chest pains, and get a free physical.

He was serious. His problem is figuring out what crime to commit. He did not want to hurt anyone. He did not want any bills to pay for whatever he did. days.He did not want a sentence longer than 30 days.

Only in Key West!

My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Increased speed a bit. Not time. Crawling before walking.

I am a creature of habit. It was back to Cuban Coffee Queen for cheese toast and cold Cuban coffee. Read the newspapers.

Today was to be haircut day. I still am carrying scabs on my head for what was cut off. Rescheduled the haircut for next thursday.

It was humid. Stopped into Bank of America. Great air conditioning! Sat and browsed some local newspapers.

Don’s Place first last night. Busy. Busier than I have seen in a while.

Chatted with Don and David. David excited. He was wearing a hearing aid for the first time. He could hear!

Don’s wife Stephanie came in. Toni said hello. Her arm finally ok. She had shoulder replacement surgery. A long recovery. I am happy it is all behind her.

John and Billy, too.

It was over to La Te Da for dinner. Wednesday night Tonto is at the outside bar. A terrific lady!

There was  a show upstairs at 8. Ergo, downstairs was packed.

Bobby came in. He was going to the show.

I first met Bobby 20 plus years ago. My then wife and I went to La Te Da  for the Sunday Tea Dance. First time.

We looked a bit strange. Only gay men in those days. Bobby came up and asked why we were there. He explained and we left.

Bocce tonight. Last night of the season. Even though I am not playing, I remain a member.  Stop by to encourage the team. I have become a cheerleader in my old age. Without the skirt.

Many teams tied at the top. Our team one of the them. Based on tonight’s results, the team could end up in third place or sixth. Playing the number one team. Played them under a similar experience last season. They were number one and we number three. we beat them. We ended up in second, they in third.

The Country Commission approved the $12.5 million Peary Court purchase last night. A disgrace!

Three weeks ago, my KONK Life column wa Afghanistan and America’s Heroin Addiction. This week a follow up. Heroin Will Survive New Drug Bill. The new article is available today. Both columns revealing and of current importance.

What goes around, comes around. So true!

On this date in 1536, Anne Boleyn lost her head.

Anne’s move in ousting Catherine of Aragon ultimately resulted in Anne’s beheading.

Henry VIII’s first wife Catherine of Aragon luckier. She kept her head. However, the balance of her life was desolate.

She lived in a castle. One small room. Left the room only for mass. Fasted continuously. Wore the hair shirt of the Order of St. Francis.

Enjoy your day!



My yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Still going slow. Cut the speed and time by 50 percent.

David Wolkowsky was not at Body Owners. He is sometimes there. Others, not. He is on the treadmill before me.

David is 96. I worry when he does not show up.

Shot down to the Cuban Coffee Queen after working out. Cuban coffee and a steak sandwich. Sat an extra hour reading the newspapers.

Spent the afternoon preparing for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

Interesting topics. A brief review of the Kentucky primary results. Followed by comments concerning Trump’s attitude and women, that Melania would be the first first lady to have posed nude, Trump’s tax returns, and Hillary’s transcripts.

Also, the FBI enabling Church leaders, social workers and community leaders to  spy on you and me, Obama at war longer than any other President, whether Zika is another Ebola, Hillary’s two $100,000 a plate fundraisers the same evening, and more.

My blog talk radio show has taken off. In only two years. I now have advertisers. Like GEICO, Walgreens and Amazon.com. Surprising!

Started my evening at Aqua. Monday the bartenders sing at cocktail time. Always enjoyable. Looked for Chart Room friend David. Not there.

The bartenders sang Where The Boys Are. They meant boys!

The song brought back memories of the early 1960’s spring break movie of the same name. Dolores Hart one of the stars. A young beauty. She made ten films. Starred as leading lady in each one. With male stars such as Elvis Presley, Stephen Boyd, Montgomery Cliff, George Hamilton and Robert Wagner.

Then at age 24 left the movie business. Entered a nunnery. Still there all these years later. Now, the abbess of her order.

Got into a discussion about Sal Rapisardi and his parents with one of the bartenders. Sal and his family were successful business people when I first came to Key West. I bought the parents’ home.

Sal was a graduate engineer from RPI. Smart. Never worked as an engineer. Motels, bars, night clubs became his specialty Especially those appealing to the gay community. At one time, he and his family owned Atlantic Shores and La Te Da.

Sal opened Diva’s on Duval. Diva’s was the predecessor of Aqua. It all started with Sal.

Sal now lives in the Fort Lauderdale area.

Lisa dated Sal for a while. I told her to marry him. He was a nice guy, rich and straight. A winning combination. Especially in Key West.

My suggestion fell on deaf ears.

Duffy’s for dinner. I am turned on to Duffy’s prime rib.

Jennifer hosting. Jana managing. Kari waiting. Mark bartending.

Mark is Mark Yeoman. Learned that several years ago he tried his hand at painting. A success! His work sold successfully at Joy Galleries. In the four figures. He showed me photos of some of his works. Magnificent!

On the way home, stopped for a nightcap at Don’s Place. Boomer bartending. Duffy’s Kari and Boomer have lived together for years. Both nice people.

Syracuse University announced the Carrier Dome is getting a new roof. Cost, $105 million. Another $100 million for overall improvements. At the same time, major improvements would be done to Archibald Gymnasium. Cost, $50 million.

Impressive numbers.

Joining the ACC has to be the reason. The move from the Big East to the ACC was done for economic reasons. Apparently working out as intended.

George Washington. No one will argue he was not a smart man.

The British were taxing the colonists several years prior to the Revolution. On this day in 1769, Washington argued the impropriety of taxation without representation. The tyranny part would come several years later.

Today, we have taxation with representation. I see no difference between 1769 and today.

Enjoy your day!




I came across an item concerning Fats Navarro this morning. The world famous trumpeter. He had a Key West connection. I checked it out.

Fats was a Conch. Born in Key West. Resided here through high school. Then departed for what turned out to be an exciting career.

He attended Douglass High School. I thought the name strange. Had never heard of a Key West high school by that name.

There was. It no longer exists.

It was the high school for blacks. At a time Key West, as much of the South, was segregated.

Today, there exists the Frederick Douglas Gymnasium in Bahama Village. A gym and community center. Serves the youth of Bahama Village. Many of whom are African-Americans. I could not ascertain whether the gym today was the building that housed the segregated high school of yesterday.

My yesterday a lot of running around. With little accomplished.

Tried to get an appointment for a manicure and pedicure. Tammy was all excited on the phone. No appointment till next week. I could not understand. I always get a timely appointment. I have been a weekly customer for years. Plus, this is not season.

I suspect something must be wrong at her end. I will find out next week.

A doctor appointment at 1. Then to the Cuban Coffee House for lunch. It was 2. A Cuban cheese toast and large Cuban coffee.

No way.

All the tables were occupied. The line waiting to place an order several deep.

I decided to go to the Pier House Beach Bar. Enjoyed fish and chips while observing the lovely ladies in swim attire. Never tires me.

On this day in 1945, Dachau was liberated. Hitler had killed 6 million Jews. It was supposed to be the last genocide. The world deceived itself. Genocides have been frequent since the end of World War II. Especially in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Dinner tonight with an old friend. Suzan Hebditch. A Canadian true and true.

I met Suzan many years ago. At Virgilio’s. She was vacationing here. As she does every few years.

I have not seen Suzan in 6-7 years.

She owns a guest house in Nova Scotia. The Bailey House Bed and Breakfast.

We are dining at Hot Tin Roof. I am sure it will be a fun time.

Enjoy your day!



Chickens have become part of Key West culture.

In 1998, Hurricane Georges blew down a number of chicken pens in the area. Chickens roamed free thereafter.

Chickens enjoy sex. Propagated. Gestation period 29 days. Suddenly, Key West had tons of chickens roaming about.

A present day rooster has been tormenting visitors to the County Library on Fleming. A Master-Trapper was called in. The rooster captured.

The rooster’s next stop is a chicken farm somewhere in south Florida. The rooster will spend his days roaming freely and enjoying life. Chasing a hen or two in the process.

Apparently, chickens are some sort of protected species. Cheaper to terminate the rooster’s life. However, the County will be required to pay. The expense of the capture and transport of the rooster to the chicken happy farm.

The GM mosquito controversy continues. It appears the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District has seen the error of its ways. It has been announced there will be a new inquiry to determine if a majority of Key Haven residents are for or against the experiment. An exercise that would release 3 million genetically modified male mosquitoes over a 22 month period.

No question in my mind. The residents of Key Haven, of which I am one,  will shoot the plan down.

What irritates me is the stupidity and wastefulness of government in this instance. The expense of a vote for a plan that should never have been. The cost should be deducted from the pay of employees and other paid personnel involved in the decision.

Don’t think such would be an imposition on the staff. They are extremely well paid. I believe the Director receives an annual salary in excess of $180,000. He himself should have known better.

From my perspective, any inquiry/vote is merely a face saving device. The District finds itself in a corner and needs a way out.

An exciting day ahead. Assuming you are a political junkie. The New York primaries.

My yesterday began with a bank visit. Followed by lunch and reading the newspapers at Cuban Coffee Queen. Spent the afternoon researching tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou.

Topics will include the Jimmy Doolittle Tokyo raid, Paul Revere’s ride, Israel Bissell’s ride, Saudi Arabia threatening the U.S. with economic disaster, the claim that 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were at one time paid CIA agents.

My perspective re the Clarence Thomas / Anita Hill battle 25 years ago, IRS payments can now be made at 7-Elevens, couple fined $80,000 for refusing a gay couple to marry at their resort, the Warship Lexington, and more.

Interesting subject matters. Join me for a quick moving and half hour. Tonight at 9. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.

My evening began with drinks at Sq. 1. Chatted a bit with Chef Jay. Jay plays bocce in the thursday night league. The conversation all bocce.

Then back to Duffy’s last night. Desired the prime rib dinner. I was not disappointed. Jennifer waited on me.

Yesterday, the Boston Marathon. Thousands ran.

The first Boston Marathon took place on this date in 1897. Fifteen participants. Ten finished.

Gender discrimination a part of the race. Women were not permitted to participate till 1972.

The American Revolution began on this day in 1775. The shot heard around the world took place at Lexington. Seven hundred British soldiers against 77 colonists. Eight colonials killed, 10 wounded.

The Brits then marched on to Concord. A different scenario. Hundreds of colonists opposing 700 Britains. The colonists routed the British. Their commander ordered them to retreat and return to Boston.

The colonists (now referred to as Patriots) harassed the Brits all the way back. The colonists adopted Indian tactics. Hid in the woods, shot from behind trees, etc. Three hundred Brits were killed, wounded, or missing. The colonists suffered less than 100 casualties.

The colonial message was loud and clear to the British: Don’t screw with us!

Enjoy your day!