First day of a new year in my life. Number 82. God willing, I will be here at this time next year.

My thanks to all who said Happy Birthday in one fashion or another. This blog has made me friends all over the world. It warmed my heart hearing from you.

Day yesterday a quiet one. Started with lunch at Cuban Coffee Queen. Cuban cheese toast and a large cold Cuban coffee. Nothing better!

Did some quiet reading in the afternoon.

Happy birthday dinner at Lisa’s. A great meal. Terrific cake! White with chocolate frosting. The cake light, the frosting the best. Robert picked out the frosting at Publix. His favorite. A Hershey product. Thick tasty chocolate.

Robert and Ally an extra special gift for me on such an occasion. Imagine, an 81 year old grandfather with grandchildren 12 and 11.

Robert and Ally are into birthdays. Especially, Ally.

It was still early when I left Lisa’s. Went over to the Chart Room. Glad I did. Finally ran into David. I have not seen him in weeks. John bartending.

Then home to bed and an early sleep.

The Congressional committee examining FBI Director James Comey today is wrong. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Beware my friends. Whether Republican or Democrat, this type oversight is unAmeriican. Dangerous to all.

The system said no charges warranted. That is the end of it. A disgruntled opposition party should not use their review power. I don’t care how much oversight the committee has. In this instance, a step too far. This crap went on in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Onward! The course of police shooting blacks in the U.S. St. Anthony, Minnesota and Baton Rouge, Louisiana this week. Government control of police departments is out of control. The police are becoming misguided vigilantes in blue. The next step if not stopped will be Klu Klux Klanners in blue.

There has been an immigrant problem ongoing the past few days in Minneapolis. In an upscale neighborhood. Million dollar homes. The media relatively quiet re reporting the situation. The biggest Minneapolis newspaper totally silent.

Twenty to 30 Somali immigrants have been harassing the neighborhood. Threatening to kidnap and rape women. One woman was told rape was ok because Sharia law says it is legal. The intruders shouting “Jihad!” Cars driven on sidewalks and lawns. Bottle rockets being shot.

Leaves me speechless. Leaves you speechless also. The unbelievable occurring.

Enjoy your day!




5 comments on “365 DAYS TILL NEXT BIRTHDAY

  1. “The Congressional committee examining FBI Director James Comey today is wrong. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

    Beware my friends. Whether Republican or Democrat, this type oversight is unAmeriican. Dangerous to all.”

    McCarthy anyone?

    “Twenty to 30 Somali immigrants have been harassing the neighborhood. Threatening to kidnap and rape women. One woman was told rape was ok because Sharia law says it is legal.”

    Thus is just the beginning as they are here to conquer plain and simple and impose their medieval “religion” of torture and degradation of women.

  2. Tell me, now that we know HRC repeatedly lied and perjured herself, do you still think it was wrong to question Comey? I totally disagree with you. The republicans were well behaved, clearly seeking clarification from Comey in an attempt to clarify how he arrived at a recommendation not to prosecute. This might have been unnecessary had Comey stayed for questions, instead of walking out after his statement this past Tuesday. The only grandstanding was done by the democrats who should be ashamed of themselves. None of them care that the standard bearer of their party, lied, committed perjury and obstructed her way to the nomination, treating the security of our country as a nuisance to Herself. Aren’t you, as an officer of the court, a tiny bit disturbed that HRCs lawyers destroyed her emails? Why didn’t they archive them?

    When this is finally said and done we will find that the reason HRC did NOT want her emails on a state dept server is because her emails will show how she and her husband had a pay to play scheme going, essentially selling her position as SoS to enrich her family through large donations to the Clinton Foundation, and exorbitant speaking fees for WJC, herself and even her daughter. We know that 2/3s of each dollar given to the CF is spent on admin expenses, which explains the phenomenal wealth these people have acquired since leaving office ” Deadbroke.” Trump may not be a perfect candidate, but he’s not a criminal like HRC. Check out this timeline on the Clinton charity that was put together by a young man who describes himself as a progressive.


    • All that can be said in response Cara is Colin Powell, his UN testimony, and George W. Bush and their pretext for invasion of Iraq.

      How much “truth” was in those things and what did the invasion accomplish (despite George Jr.’s flight onto the aircraft Carrier)?

      Where is the accountability for that Neocon move and the outrage at what it did to our killed and wounded military members.

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