It was Sunday. It was Mothers Day. I said hello to my Mom up above. Told her to take care of Dad.
Then I settled in to watch Meet The Press.
This J P Morgan Chase thing is an abomination! Losing $2 billion. This morning’s news says it may reach $3 billion.
The guest was Jamie Dimon. CEO of J P Morgan Chase. What a cavalier attitude! A few mistakes had been made, he said.
This morning’s news also reports that three heads will roll this week. All top people. All earning multimillion dollars a year. One is a woman by the name of Drew. She reportedly is earning $15 million a year. None of them worth their money if they lose $2 billion.
No word yet as to whether Jamie Dimon is on his way out. He should be. He was captain of the ship when everything occurred.
No one has faith in banks any more. And properly so. First they screwed Main street. Now they are screwing Wall Street, themselves.
Later in the morning, I had an airport run. A neighbor flying out who needed a ride. This task/help is a big thing in Key West. I am always happy to do it when asked.
The airport has changed. Key West is changing. Instead of a half dozen cabs, there are close to a dozen and a half. Instead of small planes, most are jets. They arrive three at a time. The arriving area is bursting with people waiting for their bags.
I was up and out. Might as well go to breakfast. I ended up at Harpoon Harry’s. Eggs benedict crab meat and the Sunday papers.
Mothers Day dinner was at Lisa’s. Last year we went to the Yacht Club. This year we celebrated at home. Ally was sick. It was a pleasant family dinner, except for poor Ally. She looked terrible. Face flushed, eyes half closed, quiet, eating nothing.
It is turtle birthing time again. Smathers Beach has many places where the eggs have been buried. The hatching process takes 55 days. Once hatched, there are no mothers to take care of the little ones. The mothers are long gone. The baby turtles head for the ocean. They are directed to the water by the moon light. Such is their instinct.
A few years ago, the turtles became confused. They saw the street lights. The lights are located on the opposite side of the beach. The turtles assumed the street lights were the moon. They headed for them and the street. Obviously, many were run over.
Since then, all street lights along Smathers Beach are not turned on for a three month period so the baby turtles will not be confused.
We take care of our own in Key West.
Enjoy your day!
WTF no Harry and Zayn are not gay ok dad SERIOUSLY. They are not gay I don’t know why they r in the same bed!! Whatever..
Heading down to Tampa for 3 days of fishing Tampa Bay…..very sorry it’s not KW….would love to buy you a drink or two…..just overjoyed this vacation is not being spent having tests in the ER or hospital….no use crying over spilt barium. Tight lines to me and best wishes to you. Moto