Getting to the blog late today. Sorry. The bed was comfortable when I woke. Spent extra time in  it. Then at 11 watched Syracuse play Ole Miss. It is a little after 1 pm that I start today’s blog.

Deviant sex everywhere. What could it be in Key West? Not much not been experienced here. Something new?

Sort of.

Jennifer Rahe Hickman from Mason, Ohio is 42 years old. She and her husband were lying around the Southernmost Beach Resort pool enjoying drinks. Decided to return to their room for sex.

Room got noisy. Crying could be heard. Loud enough for the police to be called.

The police found the husband sitting on the bed crying. His wife had bitten his left forearm. Jennifer was yelling that her husband was “using her.” And, that she was “going to f–king kill him.”

The husband was lucky she did not bite him somewhere else.

Jennifer was charged with misdemeanor battery.

The police report appears to have been written with tongue in cheek. The report read that Jennifer was from Meanville.

Syracuse lost to Ole Miss. The better team won. I am glad the season is over.

Love corn beef and cabbage. Only eat it on St. Patrick’s Day. Other times a Key West restaurant serves it, the meat is generally a few days old and tough.

Decided on Bogart’s. The oldest Irish restaurant in Key West. A first time visit.

Donna and Terri with me.

I called in the morning to be sure they would have corn beef and cabbage. Was assured they would. The cook had been in since 6 cooking.

I wanted to make a reservation. They did not take them. However I was assured if we got there by 6, there would be no problem. The crowd not expected till after 7.

Whoever I was talking with was wrong. Arrived at 6. Had to fight my way in.

Tables on Casablanca terrace next door. We lucked out. It was catch as catch can. We walked up to a table as a group was leaving.

We ordered corn beef and cabbage. Waiter came back. We just ran out.

Sometimes you can’t win for losing.

My lesbian wives and I had a good time in spite of the disappointment. We ate off the menu and drank.

This morning’s Key West Citizen in its History Section noted that on this date in 1909 someone living at a house on Virginia Street died of leprosy. The Fire Chief had the house and its contents put to the torch.

I googled to see what I could come up with re leprosy and Key West. The first item to appear on the googled page was Leprosy / Key West Lou.

I wrote about the subject in my 10/13/16 blog. I had forgotten.

At the time, Diana Millikan sent me an article on the issue. It formed the basis for my blog.

I do not recall the date of the article Diana sent. However they were not burning houses and contents any longer at the time.

Leprosy is the Biblical plague of all time. However as I wrote, became not a problem at some point in time.

A large number of leprosy afflicted had lived in Key West. At one time, as many as 100.

Leprosy not catchable one person to another. Not person to person contagious. All Key West leprosy cases were contacted outside the area.

Leprosy is spread by armadillos. For real. No armadillos ever found in the lower Keys.

Leprosy is treatable today. The drug Putome was discovered in 1942. The cure for leprosy.

Trump and Tillerson best temper their words lest we end up in a war involving North Korea and who knows who else. Provocative talk not helpful. Diplomatic conversation the key.

The State Department had its budget cut by 31 percent. Enough diplomats remain available to talk to prevent a shooting war?

Enjoy your day!



One comment on “DEVIANT KEY WEST SEX

  1. I had 10 minutes so I decided to study up a bit on leprosy. Leprosy is contagious. This bacteria can be treated with several different vaccines. It also comes from more than just armadillos. There are more cases of this disease in this country than I thought.

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