It started yesterday afternoon. A cold front came in. A damp one. It will be with us through monday. High 60s by day, very low 60s by night.
Get out the long johns!
The Key West Lou Legal Hour this morning. Great TV and internet viewing. Topics like Burlusconi saying Germany’s Merkel had a fat ass, the Oreo and Walmart, Bud Beer allegedly watered down, Exxon winning again in court, the Keystone Pipe Line, use and abuse of 911, a lawyer locked in jail, and more.
The show is at 10 this morning my time. It can be viewed on TV on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19 from Key West through Miami-Dade County. It is also available world wide on the internet.
My yesterday began with a visit to Lori for a haircut. She trimmed my beard a bit, also. All five chairs in her beauty parlor were filled. Another sign Key West is experiencing a very good season.
Then to the dentist. For only a five minute adjustment. Or so I thought. I spent 1.5 hours in the chair. No pain. All mechanical. I have another appointment scheduled for tuesday. When will it end?
The diet ended a month ago. However, I have been watching what I eat. As a result, I have lost an additional 4-5 pounds. The effort has been to avoid fats. Blew it yesterday at lunch time!
I have been dying for a Cuban cheese toast with tomato. All that delicious melted butter. Cuban bread made from pork lard. What a marriage of ingredients!
I did it! Magnificent! It had been four months since my last one. If I am to maintain my present body shape, it will have to be four months before I have another.
Bocce last night. Turned into a weather disaster. The cold front moved in dramatically just as we were to start playing. It rained. Lightly, then heavy. You could see the water starting to pool on the clay courts.
The rain was cold. The dampness ate through to the bone. About 15 of us were huddled under a tree with room for five before the games were called.
Everyone went to Don’s Place. Where else? It is like a private club.
I was hungry. Did not eat prior to leaving for bocce. Decided on Hogfish. The rain had stopped.
Hogfish packed also. Another sign the season is upon us.
I grapped a newspaper and sat at the corner of the bar. The lobster bisque is the best. I ordered a bowl to warm up. It was lobster night for me. I followed the bisque up with a lobster roll.
I knew no one. I spoke with no one. I was content with the newspaper.
Again, please watch my show this morning. You will be entertained!
Enjoy your day!