This is the 3rd or 4th day. The back discomfort does not ease up. The pain takes my breath away. I woke this morning, no pain. A half hour later, I am breathing heavy.
My back kept me from doing anything yesterday. Could not sit, could not stand. Always looking for a comfortable position. As a result, I have nothing significant to report.
I did research further my KONK Life column for next week. It will have to do with income inequality. I plan on writing the column around Proverbs 22:7…..The rich rules over the poor. And the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.
Bocce tonight. Unless I experience massive improvement, I doubt I will be able to play. I plan on attending. I need to get out and can use a few drinks.
Two nights ago Turner Classics ran the first talking movie. The Jazz singer. 1927. Starred Al Jolson
I had never seen the movie. It was exciting and interesting to watch. Exciting because it was a first. Interesting because of the way it was filmed.
I assumed Jolson would sing. I was correct. I assumed all characters would talk. I was wrong.
The only talking was the singing and an opening overture. Otherwise, the movie was a silent film. I wonder why the studio did not do the whole thing talking. Whatever, it kicked talking movies into gear. Soon thereafter, all were talk. The era of the silent film died.
It has been ages since I mentioned the book I wrote. The World Upside Down. For those of you new to this blog and for those of you who might not yet have purchased the book, I recommend it to you. The book is a series of essays having to do with political and social commentary. Louis on his soap box.
The World Upside Down is available on and
Enjoy your day! Pain free!