My yesterday started with an early morning dentist visit. My implants still not staying in. Though I did not mention it, the teeth were a real problem on the trip.
I spent two hours in the chair. The dentist concluded it had to be my bite. He reworked the hardware and my jaw a bit. Voila! I think we finally have it! They are solid as a rock. A tank could not move them.
Ability to chew everything was new. It had to be tested. Off I was to Hogfish. Fish and chips. Do not laugh. I could not chew fried fish or french fries all this time. The meal was a good test. Everything worked fine!
Started my evening at the Chart Room.
The Chart Room has a terrific pop corn machine. I have not been able to chew pop corn. Last night I did! With no problem.
JJ was bartending. He welcomed me home. Sheila at the bar. A hug and kiss.
Sheila had two friends with her. Hank and Patricia Wielgosz. They are from Melbourne. Frequent visitors to Key West.
The husband Hank is the man. He is in the Hemingway look alike contest this week. He looks like Hemingway. A terrific white beard. If he had any negative, he was a bit thinner than the robust Hemingway.
Hank goes by Hemingway Hank. He has been a candidate in the contest for 19 years. He has been a finalist 8 of those years. I think it is time he won.
Not easy to win. About 120 contestants this year. I read somewhere that it takes an average of 12 years participation before one becomes a winner. Hank is long overdue!
Hank had a bribe bag. A sort of shopping bag filled with packages of goodies. He gave me one.
Interesting contents.
A cookie. With Hank’s face on it. You eat the whole thing. A white mint. With his name on it. The mint was for for consumption, also. Other goodies like a water pistol. The pistol goes to Ally today.
I decided to grab a bite at Tavern ‘n Town in the Marriott Beachside. Glad I went. It had been a big night. I got there a little late for the festivities. It was Michael Thomas’ birthday.
Michael Thomas is one of Key West’s premier performers. He plays piano and sings.
My eyes first caught Midge and Steve at the bar. Friends. I bent over and kissed Midge on the cheek. She hesitated a bit. Like who is this guy? She did not recognize me with the beard. Steve did.
I am into beards. Steve has a terrific one. He has had it for years. White and full.
Larry and Christine Smith were there. Larry gave me a hug. Larry evidenced his respect for Michael Thomas by being there. One top performer honoring another.
Larry e mailed me several times on the trip. He thought the trip was exciting. It was.
Lovely Christine has become one of Key West’s most popular painters in the past few years. Her watercoloros are selling big time. I periodically run into Christine on a Key West street doing a painting. She will be sitting in a low slung chair. Her paints by her side. Brush in hand. A wide brimmed hat on her head. A short easel and canvas before her.
I ate at the bar. A real test for my teeth. Fried calamari. No sweat!
Tonight a steak! It has been impossible to enjoy one. It will be a delight!
Enjoy your day!
Cindy and I arrived from Austin, Texas yesterday in a downpour and then celebrated a beautiful sunset. We’re hoping to have the honor of meeting you at some point during our stay. Glad to read that the dental issues are getting better; enjoy your steak!