My test for this, test for that trip, continues. Yesterday, an endoscopy. Tomorrow, an ultra sound of my kidneys.

I normally do not go into detail re a medical matter. However the Surgery Center is worthy of sharing my experience.

I have had a problem swallowing for several years. Called Zenker’s diverticulum. A growth on the esophagus. Food sometimes gets stuck on the way down. Has been happening frequently lately. Ergo, the endoscopy.

The surgery center is located on Toppino Drive. Behind the I-Hop on North Roosevelt Boulevard.

The first thing that hit me was the cleanliness. The whole place. Reception area to where the endoscopy was done to the room I was in before and after.

I know all medical places should be clean. However, many are not.

The staff terrific. Professional, pleasant and helpful. Cannot remember all their names. However, my physician was Dr. Lawrence Blass. His team consisted of Randall, Anna, Tiffany, and the anesthesiologist whose name I cannot recall even though he spent some time prior to the surgery with me.

I was in and out in 2 1/2 hours.

Fear not if you are in need of an endoscopy and/or colonoscopy. See Dr. Blass or contact the Surgery Center for a recommendation. Good people!

Yesterday was June 9. Nero died on June 9, except not in 2021. In 68 AD. Thirty one at the age of his death.

Not a nice guy. Got off on subjecting people to pain. Nero enjoyed debaucheries, political murders, and burning Christians. Especially after falsely blaming them for setting fire to Rome.

Two passions. Music and religious persecution.

There is no merit to the story Nero fiddled while Rome burned. I have written re the issue several times over the years. Responsible historians say no way. The fiddled had not yet been invented.

It is often said the mighty shall fall. Nero fell.

He was having political problems. Senate members were ready to depose him. The Senate declared him a “public enemy.” The penalty death. Flogging the mode of execution.

Nero believed flogging was a painful way to die. He preferred to have someone slit his throat.. He implored his secretary Epaphroditos to slit his throat. His secretary refused. He asked several of the military loyal to him to do it. They refused.

He did not have the courage to fall on his sword and kill himself. Someone finally slit his throat. Who, I could not determine.

A foolish decision on Nero’s part. While he was hiding out somewhere in the wilderness with his army, the Senate in Rome decided to withdraw the “public enemy” charge and dropped the execution decision.

Historians have toyed with the possibility Nero was Black. Several emperors before him had been Black.

The basis for his “may have been Black” involved several considerations. First, Nero is folk Latin (and modern day Italian) for Black. Rome had previous Black emperors. Finally, Nero’s features reflected a man of Black origin. His lips were huge. His overall face large.

I do not know whether he was white, black, yellow or purple. All I could determine is serious consideration has been given by historians to his purported Blackness.

The first group Biden met with in England were U.S. military at the air base where he landed. His talk to them televised. Biden without question appeared Presidential, intelligent, touching, warm, humorous, etc. The qualities of a leader.

I felt proud during his talk. The troops appeared to also.

Senator Joseph McCarthy rabble roused the military and high level government officials from 1950-1954. Everyone was a Communist from his way of thinking.

McCarthy was crazy. A drunk.

Members of neither party approved of his conduct. However as with people speaking truth in today’s political climate, no one spoke in opposition to him. Everyone was afraid they would be labeled a Communist.

Note Communism was very much feared in those days. War with Russia could occur at any moment. In New York State, it was suggested we build air raid shelters in the back yard. Children in schools were taught what to do in case of an air raid. Not much. Get under your desk!

Atomic bombs were the weapon anticipated.

McCarthy chaired the Senate sub-committee on investigations. McCarthy brought his Communist theory under the umbrella of the sub-committee.

So bad was McCarthy that 3 Democrats deserted the sub-committee. Republican members stopped attending. McCarthy and his attorney Roy Cohn were the only 2 sitting and interrogating at sub-committee hearings.

An investigation in 1954 was of the U.S. Army. The Army retained Boston attorney Joseph Welch to represent them before McCarthy’s sub-committee.

Welch was tiny and slender. Elderly. His image one of maturity and wisdom.

McCarthy began attacking one of Welch’s attorneys. One he had brought with him from his Boston firm. The young attorney was not a witness. However, McCarthy hit him heavily re his background and Communism. All false accusations.

Welch interrupted McCarthy and said in a quiet firm tone: “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or recklessness”

McCarthy attempted to regain control of the attack and stop Welch. Welch angrily interrupted and said, “Let us not assassinate the lad further, Senator. You have done enough. Have you no decency?”

Welch on that day destroyed McCarthy. People were no longer afraid to stand against him.

Trump and his henchman have begun a Fauci attack this week. One that is an attempt to destroy Fauci. Make him the scapegoat for Trump’s failure with regard to coronavirus.

Trump and his people now blame Fauci for China’s purported failure to warn the world that the virus had escaped a Wuhan laboratory.

This Fauci attack is relatively new. Trump himself on 15 separate occasions while President praised China. Congratulated China on its transparency. Now taking the position it was China’s fault the vaccine had spread beyond China’s borders.

All this time and even today, Fauci’s position has been the virus was animal caused. Perhaps a bat.

Trump is now out to destroy Fauci. A good man. Honest from my perspective. A true civil servant his whole life.

May Trump fail in his bogus effort.

May Trump get his just do.

Things have been tough economically for Key West restaurants this past year. Some did a little cheating apparently to keep afloat. The problem is the cheating hurt their employees.

Antonia’s, Little Pearl, and Thirsty Mermaid failed to pay overtime wages to employees as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

The three restaurants combined were required to pay $163,310 in back wages.

People ask how they can subscribe to this blog. I share the information with you today.

Go to my home page: Key West Lou. The email address is The most recent blog will appear. By scrolling down you can read every blog done for so many years.

There is a box in the upper right corner. Under it SUBSCRIBE. Enter your email address. You will then begin receiving my blog. No charge.

Enjoy your day!


The Florida Keys Highway is one of the greatest rides in the U.S. Pleasure wise, I find it comparable to California’s Big Sur.

The Keys highway runs the length of the Florida Keys. Covers the entire island chain. Forty bridges to cross, including the famous Seven Mile Bridge.

Many refer to the road as the Highway That Goes To Sea. Some, the All-American Road.

The drive spectacular. Rent a car in Miami and drive down to Key West. Preferably a convertible. A 140 mile trip. Generally ocean on both sides. As far as the eyes can see. The sun glazing over the ocean. An occasional boat slumbering along.

There is nothing finer nor more relaxing than the drive.

From Key West on the North American continent, we travel to Australia.

A major discovery has been announced. Confirmed by scientists, Australia’s largest dinosaur has been discovered. Something like the Keys U.S. 1. Unique and long. Two stories tall, a basketball court long.

In addition to being Australia’s largest, it is one of the world’s largest.

The dinosaurs fossilized skeleton was discovered in 2007. It took the scientists this long to put the dinosaur together and conclude what it was. An Australotitan Cooperensis.

Joe Manchin. A major disappointment to Democrats. A turn coat in disguise. The Republicans’ new champion.

Manchin is enjoying his moment in the sun. Loves being Washington’s newest power broker.

He appeared on two national talk shows Sunday. Proudly said that in addition to not voting against filibuster, he also had decided not to vote in support of the For The People voting rights bill.

Chris Cillizza wrote an interesting piece on Manchin and his Sunday talk show appearances.

Cillizza wrote Manchin “cast a pall on other Biden plans.” He cannot be depended upon. Cillizza described Manchin as having “totally screwed the Democrats.”

Some Manchin background.

He has been a friend of the Koch Brothers for years.

The writing is on the wall. Manchin’s numbers have been decreasing. He could very well lose in 2024 when he stands for reelection.

A Democrat, he is the last Democrat holding a state wide West Virginia office.

Numbers do not lie. In his 2012 Senate election, Manchin received just over 60 percent of the vote. His next Senate election 2018. He was lucky to win. Manchin received 49.6 percent of the vote, his opponent 46.3.

It is anticipated Manchin will lose in 2024. Many believe that is why he is playing games with the filibuster and the voting rights bill.

Manchin is seriously planning on changing his party affiliation to Republican for the 2024 election. His recent actions indicate he is feathering his bed for the event.

It should be noted Trump beat Clinton in 2016 by 40 percent. Trump recently said he believed Manchin was “doing the right thing” by saying “no” to ending the filibuster.

The Senate issued its report re January 6. A very limited one. Generally limited to a few security failures. Fails to mention Trump’s role.

Tonight Tuesday Talk With Key West Lou. Join me at 9 my time. A lot of good stuff to rant and rave about. Guaranteed you will enjoy.

NO BLOG TOMORROW. I have an endoscopy scheduled in the morning.

Enjoy your day!


Far right  and conservative Republicans are thought to be one week from commencing personal attacks on Dr. Fauci.

An article in Vanity Fair by Bess Levin 6/4/21 an interesting expose. Its title: Lock Her Up Chant for Anthony Fauci. If successful, the attack would be followed up with calls for Fauci to be charged with treason.

The anti-Fauci forces are gearing up for an attack that he’s the second coming of Benghazi/Hillary Clinton/Pol Pot.

The primary attack issue is Fauci’s belief that coronavirus originated with bats and not the Wuhan laboratory.

Why Fauci? Because he represents “everything conservatives hate: An educated man of science with not one but two degrees, he committed what Republicans believe was a capital offense when he failed to back up everything Donald Trump said about the disease, including the part about breaking it by freebasing bleach.”

Many of the anti-Fauci group believe “he invented coronavirus and is ‘part of a secret cabal with Bill Gates and George Soros to profit from the vaccines.'”

Levin’s article claims QAnon, Republicans, Trump, and FOX News believe they have found some kind of smoking gun showing Fauci is responsible for the virus.

There are those that want Fauci to “basically be tried for war crimes.” The very same people who have expressed next to no interest in any investigation whatsoever into the events of January 6.


Step by step there is an increasing attack upon the democracy on which the U.S. is built.

Reminds me of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

Yesterday was June 6. A special day in American history. One reminding all that many Americans died to protect the American way of life.

It was June 6, 1944. Allies landed on Normandy shores. The Battle for Europe began. Within a very few days, 150,000 Allied troops were delivered to Normandy beaches.

In 1965, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Griswold v. Connecticut. A landmark decision.

The Supreme Court legalized the use of contraceptives by married couples without governmental restriction. “Marital privacy” was protected. The Supreme Court said in effect stay out of a married couple’s bed!

There is humor in the decision. Few Americans were paying attention to the prohibition against the use of contraceptives by married couples.

I take you back 16 years to 1949. I was a freshman in high school. I worked after school in a chain drug store. I was used where needed. Sometimes behind the cigar/cigarette counter.

Condoms were sold. They wee kept out of sight behind the cigar/cigarette counter. Men would stand around looking here and there till they were the only ones who wanted to buy condoms. They would approach the counter and in a nervous fashion ask for condoms. Sold in packages of three to a gross.

I was 14. Had no idea condoms were illegal. I thought they merely were an item men were embarrassed to buy. It was like sanitary napkins. Though legal, they were minimally visible behind the perfume counter. A woman would ask for a box when no one was standing around her.

Time changes things.

Several years ago, I wrote about what was perceived to be a coming California drought. California’s water supply was being rapidly depleted. California needed huge amounts of water especially for its fruit growing.

There was a water war at the time. Some big company came in and bought the water rights to thousands of acres. The company may have been Nestles. I do not recall for sure.

The company planned to sell the water as bottled water in super markets.

There was an added thorn in the side of farmers. Besides Nestles coming in and buying needed water, they were also able to buy it cheaper. Do not recall why. The companies were not stopped.

One of the reasons why today California is suffering from drought. The drought is 100 percent at this time. Nevada suffering similarly.

Scientist say the present California/Nevada drought is equal to or greater than the droughts experienced in Great Depression and Dust Bowl days. Scientist’s warn “the drought isn’t coming, it’s HERE.”

The scientists add another warning. A famine could be next. Historically, droughts are followed by famine.

Jon Rahm was disqualified from the final 18 holes of the Memorial golf tournament over the weekend. He tested positive during the saturday round. At the time, he was ahead by 6 strokes. It was anticipated Rahm would win the $1.7 million first place prize.

Rahm did not come down with coronavirus. He merely was in contact with a person who was so diagnosed.

Turns out Rahm failed to get vaccinated. For whatever reason, he is lucky he did not actually come down with the virus. He is unlucky he blew $1.7 million. Doctors reported that had he been vaccinated, he would not have been tested.

I missed Jean Thornton’s birthday party last night on the Truman waterfront. My goiter acted up. Could not even put a shoe on the foot.

I called Jean in the afternoon and made my apologies.

Jean is the best. She was all excited by the party which was scheduled for 7.

I spoke with several this morning who attended. Two described the crowd as in “the millions.”

Jean would be deserving of no less.

Now for the best news of all. Word is the Chart Room will open in two weeks! Hallelujah!

Enjoy your day!


Jean Thornton’s birthday today. Happy birthday Jean! Key West loves you!

Donald Trump spoke to the GOP North Carolina Convention last night. He said, “I’m trying to save democracy.”

If Trump speaks such words and knows they are not true, he is out right evil. If Trump really believes what he said, he is a mental case.

No one has done more in the history of the U.S. to tear it down. And a President at that.

His speech one of his typical campaign ones. He reached back in recent times to lie and lambast. He is incapable of recognizing truth even where it hits him in the face.

He basically hit on three themes. Two persons and an event.

First, Biden. I am not even going to list Trump’s adverse comments. The world has heard and knows them.

The second to have his head on the chopping block was Dr. Fauci. One of the greatest and most forthright public physicians in the history of the U.S. Trump said Dr. Fauci was “not a great doctor.”

Tit for tat, Trump was not a great President.

The U.S. should always have the benefit of a person such as Dr. Fauci.

The third item in Trump’s repertoire was the election was illegal. Stolen and corrupt. A “third world election like we’ve never seen before.”

Of course, no facts to support his charges.

There is a division in the “royal family.” The “family” is sweltering. Son in law Jared Kushner wants “a simpler relationship” with his father in law.

Note Kushner has “mostly dropped out of the orbit of ex-campaign adviser.” He says he wants to “focus on the writing of his book.”

Cracks continue to appear. Soon the avalanche. It may be all or a part of the family will not support him when things get tough.

Joe Manchin continues to fail the people of West Virginia and America. He appears adamant in his unwillingness to vote to get rid of the filibuster. His reasons pure unadulterated bullshit in today’s age.

He announced over the weekend he will be voting against the sweeping election overhaul bill. The one dubbed the For The People Act. His negative vote here also could spell the death of the Act.

Mitch McConnell says he is the “grim reaper.” He has company. Manchin is also.

The bipartisanship he talks of died long ago. It left Washington. Manchin’s positions are similar to a person who builds a house on sand.

One thing the U.S. can depend on is a mass shooting every weekend. There was another this weekend. Eight persons shot, one in the face.

A shock in the golf world yesterday. Around 4:45 in the afternoon.

The Memorial Tournament is being played this weekend. It is Jack Nicklaus’ tournament. Fifty four holes played. Eighteen left to be played today.

The winner’s purse $1.7 million.

Jon Rahm is the #3 ranked player in the world.

Jon Rahm was leading by 6 strokes. An excellent chance of winning

As he finished the 18th hole, a tournament official approached Rahm and told him he could not play the final round. He had tested positive for COVID-19.

He took the news with class and a few tears.

No one has reported whether Rahm had been vaccinated.

Jean, Happy Birthday again! Enjoy your day!





January 4, 1942. A significant day for the U.S. in World War II. The Battle of Midway. After a four day engagement, U.S. forces defeated Japan. Decisively.

Japan did a number on the U.S. when it bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Roosevelt was correct when he described it as “a day that will live in infamy.”

Following December 7, the U.S. was engaged in a war they were not immediately ready to fight. The U.S. was undermanned, did not have sufficient pilots and planes, its Navy was inadequate.

Yet just six months later, the U.S. overcame and defeated the naval forces of “mighty” Japan. A true David and Goliath engagement.

The battle lasted 4 days. The numbers clearly evidence the U.S. win. Japan lost 4 carriers, a cruiser, 292 aircraft, and suffered 2,500 casualties. The U.S. on the other hand lost 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 149 aircraft and sustained 300 casualties.

Judges are fortunate to sit many years. Those who are elected generally get reelected forever. Federal judges are appointed for life.

Some judges get cantankerous the longer they sit. They think themselves omnipotent. Become accustomed to pushing lawyers around. Their minds become decrepit.

The mind an important factor. A judge 30 years on the bench thinks he can decide as he wishes. He is not bound by previous decisions. Which means he comes down with some wacky decisions. Totally out of hand.

In happened friday in California. A federal judge. Roger Benitez. He presently sits as a Senior Judge in the Southern District of California.

He has been a federal judge for 30 years.

Three decades ago, California adopted the Old Assault Weapons Bill. For many years the AR-15 has been considered an assault weapon and banned in California.

Now comes Judge Benitez. A mere 70 years old. His faculties appear to be slipping however.

He ruled the banning of the AR-15 violated the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

He compared the AR-15 to a Swiss Army Knife: “Like the Swiss Army Knife, the AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of a home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment.” He further wrote: “Firearms deemed as assault weapons are fairly ordinary, popular rifles.”

The Judge criticized the news media, writing, “One is to be forgiven if one is persuaded by the news media and and others that the nation is awash with murderous AR-15 assault rifles. The facts however, do not support this hyperbole, and facts matter.”

Nothing is farther from the truth.

CNN had previously reported prior to the decision that the AR-15 had been the “weapon of choice for numerous mass shooters.” CNN went on to list several AR-15 shootings, advising that there were even more.

CNN listed: “The movie theater in Orlando, Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburg, the Route 91 Harvest Musical Festival in Las Vegas, a massacre at a church in Texas, the Nightclub in Orlando, the high school in Parkland, Florida, and Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.”

Keith Olbermann has written a piece for the New York Times. He described the decision as “a direct threat to public safety.” He further described the Judge as “a death worshiping fascist.”

I would not go so far as describing the Judge as a “fascist.” I view him a man too old to be a judge who failed to follow stare decisis at the same time he also failed to recall the facts of AR-15 shootings across the U.S. in past years.

The Judge also released his decision on Gun Awareness Day. Intentional?

He should retire.

California’s Governor and Attorney General say they will appeal.

Since Biden took office, unemployment claims are down 50 percent and 64 percent of adults have been vaccinated.

You can’t argue with success.

Trump is throwing comments out there in an attempt to get some publicity. Besides claiming he will be reinstated as President, he has also recently said he might run for the Senate or Congress.

Congress is his most recent comment. He would like to become Speaker and launch an impeachment inquiry against Biden.

“Fauci lied, people died.”

Dr. Fauci under attack. Howie Carr goes after him in an article written June 3 in the Boston Herald. The opening line of this topic from Carr’s article.

The main thrust is the claim Fauci lied about where he thought the virus originated. Trumped wanted the Chinese lab. Fauci says he thinks from an animal.

Carr is a writer who is known to favor far right causes.

I smiled when I read the piece.

What is worse? Fauci’s misjudgment because that is what it is, if anything. The man’s reputation is spectacular, honest and straight forward. Speaking of lies, how about Trump’s claim at one point that ingestion or inoculation of a disinfectant like Clorox into the body would kill the virus in 5 minutes.

Who would you rather believe?

Pride Weekend. The Key West Pride Street Fair today from 10 am to 7 pm on Duval. Take a walk down Duval and enjoy.

Tomorrow the Parade.  The huge flag will be part of the Parade.

The big item on my plate yesterday was a chest cat scan. My heart doctor ordered it. Wednesday, I have an endoscopy because of my swallowing problem. Friday an ultrasound of my kidney.

All 3 tests really part of my annual check up.

Doctoring past 80 worthy of a book. Something like Doctoring the Life of 80 Year Olds.

Enjoy your day!


A spectacular late lunch yesterday. Geiger Key. One of their specials: A Prime Rib Philly Cheese Steak sandwich. The prime rib real. A huge slice covered with melted cheese, onions, mushrooms and peppers.


Began my day at noon. A haircut with Lori. Then decided to drive up to Geiger Key for lunch. The view from the restaurant outstanding! The help cheerful.

Each member of the work staff smiling. Kind words.

Bobby Mongelli stopped in. We chatted a bit.

Bobby owns Geiger Key and Hogfish. The menu the same. However, Geiger Key a step better.

Try it sometime. Guaranteed you will enjoy!

Two military happenings of significance this day June 4.

Today the fourth and last day the Battle of Midway.

The U.S. was still reeling from Pearl Harbor. The Japanese considered themselves invincible at the time. Midway was upon them. Japan had conquered many U.S. installations on the various Pacific islands leading to Japan.

The U.S. was outnumbered. Yet succeeded in destroying 4 Japanese carriers while the U.S. lost only 1.

The numbers speak of the U.S. victory. Japan lost 4 carriers, the U.S. 1. Japan suffered 2,500 casualties, the U.S. 149.

Winston Churchill was not a popular head of state prior to this day. b The big politicians in Parliament wanted to approach Hitler and work out a peace plan.

Churchill opposed surrender. June 4 was the very same day England was close to losing in excess of 30o,ooo Ally troops. They hugged together on French beaches with the English channel on their other side.

Churchill came up with a brilliant idea. He had every private boat and its driver relinquished to cross the channel and take 300,00 off French soil.

Three hundred thirty eight were saved. Mostly English.

The unpopular Churchill went before Parliament to announce the victory. Saving that many lives was a victory! A portion of Churchill’s speech: “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall  fight in the fields, we shall in the hills, we shall never surrender.”

Parliament cheered. Each side. Church had given the then taste of “victory.”

Sexual abuse continues to rock the Catholic Church.

On May 21, Cardinal Rrienhart was the head of the Catholic Church in Germany. He asked Pope Francis to replace him. The Cardinal wrote the problem was not being handled effectively from the top.With regard to  Germany’s Catholic Church, he was its leader and responsible. Responsible also for many of its failures and administrative mistakes.

Germany’ Catholic clergy were and are not “disillusioned and ashamed” by child sex abuse .

Trump claims he will be “reinstated” in August to the Presidency was an outright fabrication on his part. Media responders and columnists hit Trump big time.

Vanity Fair’s HIVE published an article by Bess Levin

Levin thinks Trump is crazy.

She wrote, He should be taken seriously – as indicative of a “complete and total breakdown.”

The title of Levin’s column: REPORT: Trump Has Fully Lost It, Won’t Stop Telling People he is going-to be President Again This Year.

Time to shower, shave, etc. I am having a chest/heart cat scan at 1. Not serious unless something is found. Part of my annual heart check up.

Enjoy your day!


When the social media sites declined to carry Trump, he opted to begin a blog. He intended to  write one each day, thereby keeping in touch with the many followers he had on the social media sites.

Trump called his blog: From The Desk Of Donald Trump.

The blog lasted less than a month. Trump was not a blogger. The reasons given for the shutdown were a lack of readership and the public mockery incurred.

Embarrassing for Trump? Definitely. His blog died quietly with only a whimper.

A technical reason was involved also. His investment in the venture had to be minimal. The blog technical equipment he used was outdated.

In announcing the birth of his blog, Trump said it would “completely redefine the game.” It only did so to the extent of proving Trump was not a blog guru. Communication had always been his forte. In this instance, it was not.

It appears Netanyahu is on his way out. Good riddance to bad rubbish. His later years in office were awful. He hurt his reputation at the same time he hurt Israel and the Palestinians.

In his latter years, he was a Donald Trump. Birds of a feather.

The new government will not be able to take control for 12 days. That leaves Netanyahu in power 12 more days. The 12 days should be of concern. In the words of Yogi Berra: “It ain’t over til it’s over.”

I have been at this blog for 15 years. It has steadily grown in that time without any promotion on my part. It simply took hold and took off.

The blog’s followers are world wide. It became big in South Africa almost immediately and has continued to hold its own.

South Africa is in trouble. Ebola. In the city of Goma, which is situated near Rowanda. The U.S. government is concerned.

The issue is whether the U.S. should increase its funding to South Africa to help treat and fight the Ebola attack. The White House believes it is a “public health emergency of international concern.”

New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote in this morning’s publication re the breaking out from the COVID problem by the U.S.

His first paragraph very simply says it all: “For millions of Americans, the next 6 months are going to be great. The power that COVID had over our lives is shrinking, and the power we have over our own lives is growing. The image that comes to mind is recess. We’ve been stuck emotionally indoors for over a year. Now we get to sprint down the hallway and burst into the playground of life.”

My yesterday began with a visit to my primary care physician Dr. Norris. Purpose was to go over recent blood work. Generally ok.

He found the 20 number for coronavirus anti-bodies especially impressive. Twenty being the highest number given when testing for anti-bodies. The number great! It is not a 100 percent protection against getting coronavirus. However if I do, it will be slight not even requiring hospitalization.

Then on to Marylin’s to hear Terri White sing. She was to perform 3-5. So I thought. Three came, no Terri and only a handful of customers.

I called Donna. I was early. Terri was scheduled to sing from 5-8. On sundays she sings from 3-5.

I told Donna love you and Terri, but don’t think I can hang in till 5. Will try.

I had a drink. Then decided to eat something. Only 4:15 when I was finished. I left. Could not make it to 5. It was home for me.

While at Marylin’s, Laurie came in. I helped with her radio show 2 years ago. It was good to see her.

We chatted. She gulped down a hamburger. She had to get back to the studio.

Short blog today. Overslept. Haircut appointment at 12. Then plan to drive up to Geiger Key for a late lunch.

Tomorrow a chest scan ordered by my heart doctor Dr. McIvor. No new problems. Merely part of my annual heart checkup.

I have an allergy problem re intravenous dye. Since the cat can is with contrast, I have to prep my body so the allergy does not interfere. Three pills tonight. Five tomorrow morning. The scan at 1.

Enjoy your day!


Trump said yesterday he would be “reinstated” in August.

No formality involved. He intimated he would walk into the Oval Office, sit down and go back to work. Not even an inauguration  ceremony.

I think he’s crazy. Jimmy Kimmel last night labeled him as “delusional.”

Does Trump really believe this stuff? It’s as good as his recommendation to drink Clorox to kill coronavirus.

I suspect his thinking on the subject arises from talks with his enclave of attorneys past and present. One is Sydney Powell. She agrees Trump will be reinstated in August.

Then there is Michael Flynn out there. Yesterday, he was calling for a military style coup. The overthrow of existing government by the U.S. military. He is as crazy as Trump.

It’s amazing. Flynn was a general in the U.S. Army and served as National Security Adviser. Beat the system in the court room. Then pardoned by Trump.

Note that while he is clamoring for the overthrow of government, he is drawing a pension of $100,000 a year from that same government.

Love what the Democratic House members of the Texas Legislature did in walking out and preventing a quorum. Prevented the proposed stringent voting laws to be voted on.

Now it is too late. The legislative session ended by law at midnight friday.

Governor Greg Abbott was upset. Said he was going to call a Special Session. The Democrats would probably walk out again.

The past 48 hours appear to have changed Abbott’s mind. He now claims he will veto a portion of the budget bill that will be coming before him. Specifically, Article 10. The Article provides for legislative expenses. Abbott’s goal is to force the Democrat to remain for a vote, unless they want their salaries cut off.

Abbott can veto Article 10. Has he thought the situation out to its bitter end, however? Such a veto as he suggests would stop Republican members from getting paid also. Forget not legislative staffs. They too will not be paid.

Reparations for the Blacks of Tulsa a questionable item. It does not make sense to me. I doubt it will meet with favor.

Britain’s present Queen Elizabeth was formerly crowned monarch on this day in 1953. She has been Queen for 68 years.

She became Queen at the moment of her father’s death. The first three months following his demise she remain in mourning. Little was seen of her. Though she was performing Queenly duties which could be performed in private.

The three months was followed by a year of performing her duties publicly before she was crowned. The crowning actually a formality.

This afternoon Terri White sings again! From 3-5 a Marylin’s.

Enjoy your day!



For a little town, Key West has a way of honoring everyone.

Such was exemplified again yesterday when Key West payed homage to those members of Black persuasion who had served in the Marines in war time. Key West’s home town boys. Thirteen all. In World war II in the Pacific. Many at Iwo Jima.

The event appropriately took place on Memorial Day at the Key West Memorial Garden in Bayview Park. A large crowd.

I have attended a few veteran memorial events at Bayview Park in the past. Always impressed by the pride exhibited by veterans from all walks of life who now reside in Key West. Most cloaked in Key West attire. Shorts, a sport shirt, and a baseball cap. Whether World War II or Afghanistan, they all know they are part of a special group. The veterans’ one. A family unto itself.

Rescue services for those in danger on the ocean are always available in the Keys. Especially, Key West.

Saturday, a boat carrying 18 immigrants from Cuba capsized 16 miles southwest of Key West. Immediately upon being notified, the U.S. Coast Guard was out searching. Joined soon by the U.S. Air Force, the Customs and Border Patrol, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. Some coming from as far away as Tampa to assist.

Ten were saved immediately. Eight alive and two dead.

A 3 day search was conducted for the other 8 to no avail. One hundred twenty three hours involved in the search.

The search was then called off. The ocean having become the eternal home for the remaining eight.

Not a fisherman, I was unaware of the size a whale shark could be.

On this day in 1912, Captain Charles Thompson on a fishing schooner near the Seven Mile Bridge caught a whale shark. Thirty eight feet long. Weighed 26,594 pounds.


Though defeated by the fledgling United States in the late 1770’s, Britain never seemed to understand they had been beaten fair and square. Britain was always offending or denying the existence of the sovereign United States.

Another war was inevitable. Independence had to be branded into Britain’s hide so it would cease and desist bothering the U.S.

On this day in 1812, President James Madison went before Congress seeking a Declaration of War against Britain. Granted. Thus formally began the War of 1812.

One year later to the day, the War was still ongoing.

Captain James Lawrence and his vessel the USS Chesapeake were engaged in battle with the British frigate HMS Shannon.

Captain Lawrence was mortally wounded. Before dying, he admonished members of his crew: “Don’t give up the ship.”

Thus the source of those famous words.

Unfortunately, the Chesapeake was defeated.

A couple I was close with over the years in Utica were Bahrim and Ramona. Bahrim was a psychiatrist. The couple lovely and warm.

Bahrim has moved on to the next life. Ramona survives. She has to be 80 now.

We have reengaged through Facebook. She came upon this blog about a year ago.

We were both thrilled.

Our renewed friendship is tattering. Ramona buys the QAnon line that a group of Satan worshiping pedophiles are operating a child sex trafficking operation from the basement of the White House.

Her fervor amazes me.

The major polling company Ipos did a study in March re the subject matter. Their finding: Fifteen percent of Americans believe “the government, media, and financial world are controlled by a group of Satan worshiping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.”

My beliefs equally great, except diametrically opposed to hers. I wonder how she and others in the U.S. buy the QAnon line.

Biden’s burden gets heavier by the day. Many issues to be resolved. If not, the U.S. will no longer exist in several years.

Two issues requiring immediate addressing are the filibuster and domestic terrorists.

The back of the Republican Senate must be broken. Sooner than later. The way to get it done is get rid of the filibuster.

Senator Manchin has had his 15 minutes in the sun. It is obvious bipartisanship is not working. He has his way out. He can change his mind.

If the filibuster remains, Biden and the nation will have failed. Nothing will get done. The Republicans will have won.What, I am not sure. Unless it is a a new authoritative government they want.

Biden has also to deal with domestic terrorism. Find them, their organizations, their camps, their memberships. Break them up. Arrest and try those who are seditious.

Failing to do so will result in the U.S. being run by thugs like Trump.

I was reading last night. Jumping from one person, one issue, to another. Came across Forrest Gump.

Gump’s words of wisdom never fail. Two hit me again last night. “Stupid is as stupid does” and “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

My week ahead easy. Only 2 doctor visits. Actually one visit and a cat-scan.

It is tuesday again already. Tonight Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Join me at 9 my time. So much to share! You will enjoy my ranting and raving.

Enjoy your day!