Oh, my mouth!

I did spend the day in yesterday. Will do likewise today.

No pain. Just blood. Constant.

I was weaning off the blender. Back to it full time. I have lost 5 pounds in two days! Every cloud does have a silver lining!

This morning golf. I have already called Don. I will not be playing.

I spent yesterday snoozing and researching. Will do the same today.

Sorry to bore you. But that is presently my life in Paradise. Quite honestly, it is not that bad. I venture out by the water occasionally. Only Heaven could be better!

Thank you for your emails of sympathy. Love you all!

Enjoy your day!

Bad day yesterday! My second dental surgery on the road ultimately to implants.

Yesterday had to do with my upper jaw. Cutting away excess flesh. Three hours. Bloody.

I am on pain pills. Need them. Did not sleep at all last night. Still bleeding, even though I took 19 stitches.

Yesterday’s job not done yet. Only sides of upper jaw completed. Still have to do front. In about two weeks.

I doubt I will be going out today.

Have fun!

I had a terrific Mother’s Day!

Better stated, I enjoyed Lisa’s Mother’s Day.

The game plan was to lunch at No Name Pub and then swim at Bahia Honda. We did, with some interesting side excursions.

On the way up US 1, Corey suggested we stop at Cudjoe Key to see how the stranded whales were doing. We headed down Blimp Road. Drove as close to the ocean as we could. Then walked in towards the beach.

The road was blocked off about 150 feet from the beach. There was a barricade. We could go no further. It was explained to us that it was to protect the whales from human disease and so as not to interfere with the volunteers who were trying to help the whales.

Late thursday, 20 whales stranded themselves in the shallow gulf waters. As of yesterday, 7 had survived. Two were strong enough to be taken nine miles off shore and released. They’re still working on the remaining 5. One is reportedly in very bad shape.

There was a fury of activity at the barricade. Under a tent, about 20 wet suits were hanging. Volunteers were putting them on prior to going into the water. People of all ages. There was no laughter or kidding around. This was serious business.

Corey told me why the road was called Blimp Road.

There is always a huge white dirigible in the sky over Cudjoe Key. I thought it was a weather ballon. It is not. It is a radio transmitter. To Cuba. Something like Radio Free America. Been there for years. The Cuban government blocks its reception. Our government keeps sending, however.

Ergo, Blimp Road and the non weather ballon.

We finally arrived at No Name Pub. A very old small house in the woods. A brothel prior to and during World War II. Today, a world famous eating place.

The interior is covered with dollar bills. Ceiling and walls. Estimates run from $4,000 to $12,000 in $1 bills. People write their names and dates on the bills and staple them to the ceiling and walls.

I had the grandkids there a couple of weeks ago. They knew the modus operandi! We did the dollar bill thing again. Robert and Ally explained everything to their parents.

Lunch was outstanding! Robert, Ally and I shared a huge Philly cheese sandwich and cheese fries. Both to die for. My conservative daughter and her husband, a vegetarian pizza.

During lunch, I mentioned to Corey how strange it was that No Name Key had electric poles and wires. No Name Key is famous for no power.

Corey said that was not No Name Key we had passed through. It was part of Big Pine Key. No Name was further down the road past the Pub. He drove down the road after lunch so I could see the real No Name Key.

It was desolate. Weird. No telephone or power poles. Some homes with polar panels on the roof. The buildings distant from each other. Weather and time worn. A place for hardy people. I would not want to live there.

As we rode along to Bahia Honda, we spotted some deer. Robert and Ally were excited. I was, too.

We finally made it to Bahia Honda beach. A beautiful place. A long sprawling beach. Relatively calm water. Clear. You can see your feet. Many families. All celebrating Mother’s Day.

I greased up, took my sand chair, placed it in the water, and sat. I was looking for a full body tan. I started to burn. That was the end of the chair. I took myself out to where the water was shoulder high and stood there. Robert and Ally came out to play occasionally. They were snorkeling all around me. Corey and Lisa were standing in the water, also. Holding onto each other like two lovers. Which is what they are. Occasionally, Robert and Ally would shout that there parents were kissing again. Healthy!

Then it was a 35 mile ride home. The grandkids slept. I slept.

I stayed in the rest of the day. The sun had knocked me out.

Later this morning, I have another dentist visit. I am not looking forward to it. We are at another major step in the implant process. The dentist has to do some cutting on the top gums.

I am not a happy camper!

Enjoy your day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

Mothers are the best! They are so deserving of a special day!

I wish my Mother was still here.

Lisa is now in business for herself. Social networking to assist businesses. It is called The Social Suite.

Lisa has written a blog on the site regarding what Mother’s Day means to her. It is touching. I recommend you read it. http://www.thesocialsuite.com/. Hit blog at the top of the page and it will come up.

Yesterday was relaxing and enjoyable.

I started with Tammy and a pedicure. Then to Lisa’s for a short visit.

Later in the afternoon I had just started to nap when Lisa and the grandkids showed up to swim. So much for napping.

Robert and Ally are terrific! A joy in my life!

I spent last evening with Jenna and her parents. The parents are in Key West visiting daughter Jenna. From Indiana. Typical Indiana people. Nice. I am of the opinion that everyone  from Indiana are good people. My son in law Corey is also from Indiana and typical Indiana ilk.

Jenna’s parents are Anne and Dave.

We met at the Chart Room. I wanted Jenna’s parents to see first hand the places I had exposed their daughter to. The Chart Room passed muster.

Michael was bartending. Sheila was there. Love Sheila! And Sean and Katherine. I was told Sean and Katherine won the Derby pool.

Met Debbie at the Chart Room last night. She is vacationing in Key West.

Debbie is from Budd or Mudd Lake, New Jersey. Hope I got it close to correct. It is some where near Morristown.

We chatted a bit about the Jersey shore beaches, Point Pleasant, etc.

 Debbie is a fan big time of Howard Livingston. She has all his CDs. Howard is playing a charity event this afternoon in Key West. She will be attending and hopes to meet Howard for the first time personally. I am sure she will.

I liked Debbie. She is an engaging person. I hope I run into her on her subsequent visits to Key West.

It was La Trattoria for dinner. Becha hosting. Received my hug and kiss. I think I frequent La Trattoria so much specifically for Becha’s hug and kiss rather than the food!

We had a table in the front window. The four of us enjoyed a slow paced dinner and spoke of many things.
I could see Jenna in her parents. She has the beauty of her mother Anne and the quiet confidence of her father Dave.

Dave is a sportsman. We spoke of college basketball. Interestingly, he is a Purdue supporter rather than an Indiana one. He also referees high school and small college basketball.

We spoke of golf. Dave is a golfer! Shots in the 80s. The next time they visit, we are going to play. I told him he has to give me 24 strokes, however.

We parted after dinner. I headed over to Don’s Place. Kurt was bartending. Met a former Don’s bartender Summer. A lovely. She and her boy friend Steve were visitng from north Florida.

The big issue yesterday was where to celebrate Mother’s Day today with Lisa. Lisa is child conscious every minute of every day. You are not going to believe this, but we are celebrating Mother’s Day with lunch at No Name Pub! Robert and Ally wanted to go there. Me, too. Corey was inclined, also. So no Name Pub it is!

Afterwards, we will continue north on US 1 to Bahia Honda State Park. Milemarker 37. Bahia Honda has some of the most beautiful beaches in the keys. And great clear water.

I look forward to a pleasant family day. Probably will stay in tonight. The sun at the beach will knock me out.

Enjoy your Mother’s Day! As Jimmy Durante would say regarding Mrs. Calabash…..Wherever you are!

The weather outside is delightful!

Water appears as glass. No breeze.

Humid yesterday. Each day a bit more humid. It is 2-3 showers a day time in Key West!

Last night was one of the best! A happy occasion! Jen graduated from college.

Jen received her Associates Degree last night from the Florida Keys Community College. She was proud. We were all proud of her.

Jen is Keith’s girl friend. Keith is David’s son. I know them all through bocce and Don’s Place.

We partied afterward at Benihanna. The first time I have ever been in a  Benihanna. I enjoyed the atmosphere and food. Loved watching the chef cook at the table!

It was Jen, her Dad, David, Don, Rob, Bebe, Herschel, Erica and me. A good time was had by all!

Life is strange. I have a niece Brianna. I have not seen her in at least six years. I saw her last night. She graduated, also! I am ashamed to say I did not even know she was in college. The last I saw Brianna she was a young teenager. Now, a woman.

I sought her out after the ceremony. We hugged each other long. We were both glad to see each other.

Last night seeing Brianna may have brought some one back into my life. At the same time that God took some one away.

My cousin Rose died yesterday.

I wrote about her at length several months ago.

We grew up on Jay Street in Utica in a six family apartment building owned by our grandfather. Rose lived second floor front. I lived third floor front.

We played together every day.

Rose’s mother, my aunt Fannie, was in her 50s when Rose was born. The story goes that aunt Fannie was in the change and did not know she was pregnant till the time came for Rose to be  born. She thought she had put on weight.

Rose was an only child. Aunt Fannie always said Rose was a gift from God.

When cousin Rose was 14, she decided to enter the convent. You could do it back then. She became a nun. A black Franciscan. She comitted her life to helping the poor. A tough job! She lived in her latter years among the poor. She shared their lives on a very personal basis.

Rose was diagnosed with leukemia about six months ago. The worst type. She suffered greatly in her final months.

If any one had a direct ticket to Heaven, it is Rose. God had to be waiting at the pearly gates with outstretched arms to welcome her. I am sure her parents were waiting right behind Him.

Rest in peace, my cousin. God loves you. I love you.

Enjoy your day!

Better late than never!

It is 5 o’clock in Key West. I am just doing today’s blog. Sorry. I was running late this morning and just returned  home. My emails and telephone calls have been voluminous! Where is today’s blog? Are you ok? What happened? And so on.

I am glad people are concerned.

Last night was bocce.

We won 2 out of 3 games. Normally a good night. Not last night. We should have won all three.

We won the first and second. Lost the third.

I played in games 2 and 3. Played well in game 2. Sucked in game 3. The reason for my reversal in game 3 was drinking. I had one drink too many. I became a bit wobbly. My concentration was affected. I went everywhere, but to the pollina.

My excuse is not over indulgence. I was too busy to eat and forgot. I had last eaten at noon.

Afterwards, I headed over to Don’s Place. Drank only diet Pepsis.

This morning was my internet show. The Key West Lou legal Hour. Another good show! I am pleased and excited with the shows. Too early to tell yet what topics proved the most interesting today.

After the show, I had a one hour business meeting. Then a haircut with Lori.

Now home.

At 6:30, I will be at the Florida Keys Community College. Graduation. Jennifer Johnson, my sometime bocce partner, Keith’s love, and David’s prospective daughter in law, is graduating. I am honored to have been invited. Afterwards, I will be attending a party in her honor at Benihana.

Sunday is Mother’s Day. We are all waiting for Lisa to tell us what she would like to do!

Marty, where are you? How are you? You are worrying me, my friend.

Enjoy your day!

Good morning world!

I feel terrific this morning! Probably because I had a good night’s sleep.

Again this morning next to no breeze. We are starting to feel humidity. Still light. But becoming a constant.

Played golf yesterday morning. A better description would be I tried! It was a bad day at Black Rock!

I forgot how to putt. Sunk a twenty footer on the first hole. Whoopie! It was going to be a great day. Except, that was it!

I four putted 2 greens and three putted 4.

How much did I loose? Nothing. Broke even. We play all sort of side games. That saved my ass.

I played with Tom, Yankee Jack and Aaron. Tom was the big dollar winner, in spite of a bad back and screwed up knee.

Between not sleeping well the night before and playing, I was tired. I spent the afternoon sleeping. Intended to go to Aqua last night to see Bobby Nesbitt. Never made it. Stayed home and read. And then early to bed.

Dentist this morning. I will be there a while. Tonight bocce. In between, I will be working on tomorrow’s internet show.

Watch, if you can. http://www.konkbroadcasting.com/. 10 am EST.

Great show! The President and bin Laden, of course. Also Donald Trump, no fault divorce, second hand smoking, the S in Harry S Truman, leporsy, greyhound racing dogs, male circumcision, children who steal from parents, and an interesting Miami health fraud case. Plus more!

Enjoy your day!

It is 7 am. Very little wind. Already humid. I play golf this morning. It is going to be a hot one!

Good night last evening!

I started at Don’s Place. Boomer bartending. Don stopped in for a few minutes.

Don’s was a bit too quiet for me. So I headed over to the Chart Room. Stayed quite a while. Had a great time.

Emily was bartending. She is relatively new. Works three nights a week. Things were slow at first so we got to talk and know each other.

I like Emily. Short and thin. Long light brown hair. Cheery disposition. Mid 30s. She has lived in Key West off and on since 1984. Did middle school and high school in Key West. She has a Master’s degree in the enviromental field and has worked in the enviroment in various states.

Bartending pays better these days.

Pam came in. I had never met Pam before. Emily introduced me to her.

Pam is a local.She works at the Old Town Bakery on Eaton and Grinnel. It is directly across from my old haunt the Paradise Cafe. We talked about the Cafe. Someone is reopening it soon. I hope the sandwiches will be just as good as the old place.

Dan and Nancy came in. Not locals. Not tourists per se. They have been coming to Key West several times a year for years. They are from Ontario, Canada.
Dan is retired. Nancy still working. She is a nurse. Works across the border in Michigan.

Dan worked for Dow Chemical. The name brought back fond memories of my days as a lawyer.

Once Nancy retires, I suspect Dan and Nancy will move to Key West permanently.

I have to move my butt. I am down to $3 in cash. I will probably need more to pay my debts after golf. I have to get to an ATM machine before I play. How is that for positive thinking!

Enjoy your day!

My yesterday was pure simplicity. You will recall I was going to have a screw off day. I did.

I took a shower and threw on a bathing suit.

I spent the day outside in the shade of the tiki hut. Writing. Periodically jumping in the pool to cool off.

I did this till the sun set sometime after seven. Then it was off to bed and TV.

My nothing day. Good to do every now and then.

Already today is busy. A doctor’s appoinment to start the day. Then coffee and the newspapers at the Coffee House. Chatted with Rocco. He will soon be leaving to wait tables at the Cape. He works winters in Key West and summers on the Cape. A good life!

Ran into Eddie! I have not seen him in several years.

Eddie was Lisa’s boy friend for a couple of years. This was before Corey’s time. Eddie was a personal trainer. He trained me. Taught me how to box. For which I am eternally grateful!

Tonight, I plan on going out. Probably to Don’s Place to start. From there, I do not know.

Enjoy your day!

Sunday breakfast with Lisa and the family!

Lisa cooked up a big spread. Robert and Ally were their humorous selves. Cameron shared his rugby experience from the day before. A good time was had by all!

Tom Dixon is a Facebook friend. He is from Buffalo. A Syracuse fan, also. A loyal reader of this blog.

We met face to face for the first time last night. By prearrangement. At the Gardens.

After a drink or two and some interesting chatter, we headed to La Trattoria for dinner. Jean Thornton joined us. We made a jolly trio!

We ate at the bar, of course. Kathy bartending. Becha came over to greet me with a hug and kiss. Kathy gave me a kiss likewise. That was my sex life for the night!

I had a wonderful time. Tom and Jean are both very interesting people. We talked long.

Tom is looking for a place to rent for himself and his family this summer for one month. He has been here in the summer before. I am sure we will hook up when he returns.

Jean  left us to play poker with the girls. I have already heard from her this morning. She says it was a bad night!

Osama bin Laden has finally been made to pay for his sins. I compliment President Obama and his team. I am waiting to hear Trump’s comment.

I am planning on enjoying a screw off day. Nothing on my plate.

Enjoy your day!