A quiet day in Paradise yesterday.

I was sick. The good life got to me.

As with all aging homo sapiens, the body breaks down. One of my problems is diverticulitis. The last time I had a problem was two years ago. I watch what I eat and avoid any reoccurences.

But last Friday I screwed up. I had a soup dish full of risotto. Oh, so good! Oh, so bad for the stomach!

I payed over the weekend and through yesterday. Had to see the doctor, do blood work, have a CAT scan. Problem diagnosed. Put on a couple of antibiotics and already feeling good.

Probably too good. I plan on playing golf this morning.

Hope I am around to visit with you tomorrow!

I was driving around yesterday listening to the radio. A talk show. It was reported that today is an anniversary date for Milton Berle’s first TV show. Sixty years, I think.

Milton Berle brings me way back. There may be some too young to have heard of him.

Berle hit the TV screen in 1948. I was 13 years old!

His show was on NBC. It was called the Texaco Star Theater.

Berle was an instantaneous TV success! The show ran 7 years. Nielsen ratings were as much as 80 per cent. Can you imagine if a show had such a Nielsen rating today!

Berle was the utimate comedian. He became known as Uncle Miltie and Mr. Television. A very big hit!

I read somewhere that the sale of TV sets doubled the first year Berle was on television. Over 2,000,000 sets were sold. That’s how big he was! That’s the impact he had on the American public!

I like to recall TV sets back in those days. TV was relatively new. My Father had one of the first TV sets. The screen was all of 3″ x 4″. Eye strain!

Recalling Milton Berle caused me to recall two other TV shows which also impacted the viewing public. Especially my generation!

The Mickey Mouse Club and Howdy Doody.

Mickey Mouse started in 1955. Howdy Doody earlier in 1947. Mickey Mouse I started watching in college. Howdy Doody as a grammar school student in 1947.

Both were cult shows. Followers galore!

I was in college in the mid 1950s. Mickey Mouse went on at 5 and Howdy Doody at 6. Each floor of the dorm had a wreck room. With a TV set. We all crowded into the wreck room at 5 for the 2 shows. Monday through Friday. And we sang along with the theme songs for both shows.

Mickey Mouse had the Mickey Mouse March. The music slowed at the end of the song with the verse “…it’s time to say goodbye.”

Howdy Doody had its own song also. “It’s Howdy Doody Time!”

Howdy Doody was a marionette or puppet. What ever way you might want to describe him. His counterpart was Buffalo Bob Smith. And who could forget Clarabedll the Clown!

Howdy Doody had 48 freckles. One for each of the States. There were only 48 States back then!

Picture again 30 or more young male college students in that wreck room every evening. Tomorrow’s leaders. Watching the Mickey Mouse Club and Howdy Doody! And joining along in the singing of the theme songs!

Only in America!

It gets a little warmer every day. That means a bit more humid each day. I am finding it difficult to handle. Strange.

Anyhow…..another great day in the making! Sun up, no breeze, water calm.

Lisa and the grandkids showed up at around 10 yesterday morning. The grandkids wanted to swim. I was still in bed. I stayed in bed.

All of a sudden, Ally came running into my bedroom. “There’s a frog in the pool!”

I think they expected me to be the big game hunter. No way! The bed was too comfortable. However, I did take the time to explain to her and Robert, who fiinally showed up, that the frog found his way in from the ocean and would find his way out. They could swim in the pool. Share the pool with the frog, I told them! We share the ocean with the frogs and fish.

It worked! They went back to the pool to swim. And I got to stay in bed!

Later on I lunched at the Pier House. I enjoy Sunday brunch there. I can sit by the beach and read the Sunday papers at leisure.

Then home to watch the golf tournament. Tiger came through! Great driving! His putting needs some work. He is still missing putts he rarely did before his surgery. However, yesterday he played well enough to win! And it was not easy! These young guys and some of the older pros are all hitting the ball so much better. The overall level of play has risen this past year.

Golf over, I headed for the Gardens. Sunday night is becoming a must at the Gardens!

Good music and good people! Good conversations! I enjoyed especially chatting with the charming Gail Miller and later with Gardens’ owner Kate Miano.

Kate just returned from a 2 week trip to Thailand. Had all kinds of interesting things to share. I continue to be amazed at her recovery from the back surgery she had several months ago. A big deal surgery! Much pain for quite a while following the surgery. However, Kate now is all mended and well. And able to do things like traveling. Good for her!

I was hungry. Opted for the Hot Tin Roof.

I was surprised how busy it was for a Sunday evening.

However, the bar was empty. I sat at the bar, dined alone and watched TV. A big TV night! The Tony awards and the basketball game! I had the remote control. Why not! I was the only one at the bar. I was going back and forth. Loved it!

I am beginning to think that the Hot Tin Roof is the friendliest restaurant in Key West!

All the town’s restaurants, big or small, are good. But there seems to be something special about Hot Tin Roof. The help goes out of their way to make sure you are enjoying yourself. This, on top of the great food and excellent pricing, makes the Hot Tin Roof a place for all to try.

Enjoy your day!


A beautiful day in the making! Sun already up. A bit of clouds. Very little breeze. Water moving slowly.

I predicted rain for yesterday. Because the wind was from the south. When I went to bed it had not yet rained. I could not figure it out. Nature here in the keys is a generally reliable and a good determinant.

I was not to be disappointed.

About 11 last night it rained! Big time! Poured! Thunder and lightning! Ba ba boom kind of thunder! And lightning that lit up the sky over the water!

The street in front of my house is still flooded a bit this morning.

It rained!

I did not get to the beach in time to see Beecha complete her swim around Key West. So as of this time I do not know how she did.

I did get to the beach, however. About an hour after the race was over. I went with Lisa, Corey and the grandkids. Fort Zach beach.

My grandkids are terrific in the water. Fish. They tell me their job is to watch me. To make sure I do not stray too far alone. Cute! Love them!

We stayed a couple of hours. Then the sun was getting to us and we left.

The sun really got to me. I went to Lisa’s for a bite and then home to bed. Where I stayed till this morning. For whatever reason, the sun wiped me out yesterday!

Have a peaceful Sunday!

Slept late this morning!

Sun already up and blazing!

Wind from the south. About 15-20 miles an hour. Generally when the wind is from the south, it is going to rain. We shall see. Does not look it at the present time.

Yesterday was a good day! All day!

Lunched at the Yacht Club. Read the papers. Chatted a bit.

Then to Borders to read a while. Ran into Don’s Place’s Kurt who bought a few books. Kurt shaved off his beard. No longer looks like Santa Claus!

Got a call from son in law Corey. He had jsut finished one week of Federal Court jury duty. Sat on a criminal trail. The result was a hung jury. It was interesting to hear Corey describe his experience. I had many questions. Remember, I am a retired attorney. It was interesting to spend the time with Corey discussing his impressions of the trial, the jury system and American justice.

Corey is a good man. Made an excellent juror, I am sure.

Then home for a nap. Enjoy my late afternoon slumbering.

Last night was outstanding! Just a good time all the way around!

I started with dinner at the bar at La Trattoria.

Erin bartending. The crowd good. It was a weekend night. At least one sitting.

I sat next to William. Had run into him before. A CPA here in Key West. Owns a couple of motels, also. On the board of a local bank. Good company, good talk.

Lisa’s friend Greer was there having dinner. She came over to say hello and give me a kiss. Greer is one attractive and smart woman! Has worked for years at Casa Marina where she has a top job. I know her parents well. It was good to see her again.

It must have been Lisa’s night! Her boss Kerry was there also.

Beecha was her usual beautiful self! Love Beecha!

We never know some one till we know them. Sounds like a Yogi Berra statement! Anyhow, there is a swimming race today. Around Key West. 12 miles. This is the third year for the race.

Guess what? Beecha swims in the race. Yes, around the island. Tied once with the male winner. Came in first another time in the women’s division. Beecha told me it will take about 5.5 hours to complete the race.

She does not train. Just goes out and does it. The race ends at Fort Zachery Taylor. I am going to try to be there around noon to cheer Beecha on.

I finally made it to the Key West Art Bar after I left La Trattoria. I have been trying to get there for weeks.

The Art Bar is located in the former Flagler Railroad Station building. Yes, the railroad use to come to Key West at one time. Henry Flagler made it possible. Then the hurricane of 1935 wiped out most of the bridges and tracks and it was never rebuilt. But the station itself remained as an historical site.

It used to be located over on the Atlantic side of the island. Several years ago it was moved near the Gulf side. It was that or be destroyed. A development was going in where it originally stood.

It sits now across the public parking lot and near Half Moon Raw Bar.

A lovely yellow wood structure.

Barbara Grob is the proprietor.

I have known Barbara only briefly over the years. I remember when she opened her first store on Truman. A small art store. She sold paintings and jewelry made by others. And metal geckos made by her! A gecko is a small lizard, from my perspective. She pounded out the geckos in all sizes and got her start in business.

She was successful. Needed a larger store. Moved to White Street. A big store!

It became a gold mine! She eventaully sold it and made some good dollars.

When she was on White Street, she came up with what I consider her signature item. A black tee shirt. For men and women, alike. With white print: Art Slut. The tee shirts did and still sell big time!

Note carefully that the term slut is not applicable to Barbara. She is a lady. It applies only to the genius wording on the tee shirt.

She took a few years off after selling White Street. Last year she reopened her business in the Flagler Train Station.

What a difference a day makes! What a difference Barbara makes!

She is talented, deep thinking, vibrant, etc. She has a store full of Key West items such as paintings, jewlery, ceramics, sculptures and I don’t know what else! Including her Art Slut tee shirts! She has it all! The place reminded me of a smaller Fast Buck Freddies.

There is also an after deck outside the rear of the store. A Wow!

Difficult to describe. I would say the decor is modern elegant Key West with a touch of the ’50s.

There is a bar. She has a beer/wine license. Makes crazy drinks. Like a saki martini!

A pool table! New and just lovely! I used to play in my wayward youth. And free! The only free pool table in Key West.

A movie screen. A free movie one night a week.

Lounging sofas and cocktail tables. Interesting overhanging lights.

She has something going on every evening. Wednesday is Mafia Night. Not sure what it is. But I plan on being there next Wednesday for ancestral reasons!

Barbara sat and talked with me at length. I enjoyed our time together. I look forward to visiting the Art Gallery more often. It is a winner in the making!

It is still beautiful outside. Not a cloud in the sky. However, I am willing to bet it will rain at some point today. Because the wind is blowing from the south! A sure indicator of what is to come! I will let you know tomorrow how good my weather reporting is.

Have a good day! I plan on it!

Hope I make the finish line of Beecha’s 12 mile 5 1/2 hour race around the island!

I stayed up late last night watching the basketball game. Los Angeles decimated Orlando!

An observation. Did Nelson affect the flow of the game? The two teams played even the first quarter. Then Nelson came in as point guard. I immediately sensed the flow of the game for Orlando changed. Was different.

Remember, Nelson has not played for 4 months. To me, it is like Tiger Woods coming back. It takes time. Last night was not the time to throw a new player into the mix. Especially into a mix that had become a winning combination!

Thank you, Coach Louis!

I started my day yesterday with a long walk. Very long. Down on the waterfront. Dante’s. Schooner’s Wharf, The Galleon, etc. It has become harder to walk. The humidity is a bit thicker each day. Soon my walks will be confined to twice around inside the Home Depot. It is air conditioned!

Lunch at the outside bar at the Pier House. It is obvious that Key West is between seasons. There were 3 people on the beach and only a handful at the bar.

Stayed a while after lunch reading the papers.

It was manicure/pedicure time! So off to Lee Nails on Flagler.

I have been going to Lee Nails for years. Started when it was in Duval Square and for the past few years on Flagler where it moved.

It is Vietnamese run. The same cute little lady has taken care of me for years. I have gone through two pregnancies with her. She is absolutely lovely in that quiet Asiatic fashion.

I am ashamed to admit that I know not her name. Even after all these years!

She rarely speaks, except for hello.

Yesterday was different! She was a dynamo! Talking to the customers, watching the help. I figured she was on something or was made a boss.

I was wrong in both respects.

I asked her out right, “What is going on? You are different? They make you boss?”

“No,” she answered. “Me and my husband buy the place yesterday!”

What a change a day makes! What a change ownership makes!

She then proceeded to talk to me. First time ever! The words gushed out! She expressed all her concerns for their new indebtedness, the financial investment, she needs to replace 2 employees who are leaving immediately, etc. Wow, could she talk! She reminded me of my granddaughter Ally. We thought she would never talk. Then when she started, we could not shut her up!

They will make it! Big time! I welcomed her to the American world of capitalism!

Yesterday was a big day for the American way! Anna, who keeps my house tidy and in order, told me that she and her husband had made an offer on a house and were waiting to hear back from the bank today. Anna is from Poland.

After the pleasure of the pedicure, I was off to Publix for some groceries.

Grapes are a problem. Was last year at this time also. There are not many for sale. And those for sale are expensive and of poor qualty! There must be a season to grapes. And this is not it! So I bought extra bananas instead.

That was my day. You already know I stayed in to watch the basketball game last night.

Today is Friday. I will be out on the town tonight.

The sun is just coming up. Gray outside. Turning blue and gold as the sun’s rays increase.

Maybe I will do the beach for a while this afternoon…..

Golf was great yesterday!

I won $21! Had a spectacular back nine!

Groceries are affordable for another week!

Played with two gentlemen. Tom and Yankee Jack.

The weather held out. Never rained. Hot! Like 90 degrees! And humid! Tee shirt wet type humidity! Salt in the eyes!

The humidity knocked me out! I was home and to bed for a couple of hours after the round.

Wednesday night is Bobby Nesbitt time! I was at Aqua to listen to him. And greet friends. It has become a locals meeting place when Bobby plays.

I ran into Mike Fatica at Aqua. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that he had started a new bath salt business. He initially made his fortune selling hot pepper extracts. Now bath salts. The bath salts are supposedly very soothing.

Mike’s new bath salt products are already available for purchase in some of Key West’s leading stores and hotel gift shops.

I think Mike has another winner here.

He told me that a recent testing showed there is no tub scum, no slippery floor and that the fragrance remains on the body for several hours after the bath. So ladies……run, don’t walk, and make your purchase! The bath salts can also be found at www.islandsalt.com.

I headed over to the Hot Tin Roof for dinner at the bar. Ran into many Key Westers, including Donna and Terri. They start their trip north next Monday.

I am into the risotto at the Hot Tin Roof. Thick and tasty! Its the fat they blend into it. Good tasting! A pleasure to eat! But bad for the waist line!

I am up early this morning. Before six. Pitch black outside. But I can hear the ocean moving through the open window. A nice sound!

Stay healthy!

Yesterday was a simple one.

It rained a couple of times.

Big time around 11 in the morning! For about an hour. Like a monsoon!

Then another shower at 3. Though this one was a normal downpour.

So I ended up spending the day in. Did paperwork all day.

I finally showered around 7 and headed out to Hogfish on Stock Island for dinner. Ate hogfish. What else! And read 3 local news weeklys while sitting at the bar. Quiet at Hogfish just as it had been the night before at La Trattoria.

No one to talk with, except the barmaid. Her name escapes me. Though she was attractive. And what an accent! From England. Loved it!

Then home to bed early.

Thunderstorms off and on during the night. Kept waking me.

This morning golf. Intermittent showers predicted. I can’t tell what the weather is right now as it is still dark outside. Whatever, unless the showers are heavy, we will play! We are men here in Key West!

Have a good day!

The weather continues to be magnificent!

Key West is in the semi tropics. I live in effect on a Caribbean island. How lucky I am!

Yesterday was a quiet one. Did paperwork, read at Borders and then out last night.

I started the evening at the Chart room. Chatted with former Fantasy Fest Queen Mary Lou and her husband. Turns out she and I have some what similar backgrounds in litigation. Me as a lawyer and she as an expert witness. We had an interesting talk.

Spent some time with reporter friend Sean and banker Dan. Good people. Sean knows everything going on in town. So does Dan, except from a different perspective.

I had not been to La Trattoria in a while. So to the bar there for dinner. Glad I went! Without me, business would have been really bad!

The place was empty! A couple at the bar. About 4 tables in use in the whole restaurant.

Concededly this is a slow time in Key West. But not this slow! The impact of the recession is being felt here.

La Trattoria is a good barometer for things economic. It is always busy, even when other restaurants are not.

My good friends Donna and Terri will soon be leaving me and Key West for an extended time. In the next few days they are driving to Chicago and Detroit to visit family and friends. Then to New York City. Terri starts rehearsals June 22 for Finnigan’s Rainbow which opens Labor Day. The show is anticipated to be a success. Will they ever return?

Vandenberg talk continues. It was sunk almost a week ago. People and fish alike are taking a peek.

Reporter Sean was out on the water over the weekend. He snorkled over the Vandenberg. He can dive also. However he had a big head from the night before and was reluctant to put on the tanks.

Sean says the boat sitting there is absolutely beautiful! A sight to behold! Fish are darting in and out. However not as many as he would have expected. It is anticipated it could take up to a year for the various fish to discover and make there new home in and around the Vandenberg.

He saw two divers below him attaching a Conch Republic flag to the boat. Cool was his description!


Nice day yesterday!

The weather was good. Continues to be good. Water calm. Boats out all over the place.

I had a late breakfast on the deck at the Pier House. A nice spot! Faces the Gulf. People close by swimming. Just a few feet further out, boats moving by. Very pretty!

Sat there after finishing breakfast and read the Sunday papers.

Yesterday was also a special day! Big time! Ally’s 4th birthday!

Dinner and cake last night at Lisa’s. Ally was all excited!

Ally is into pink big time. She was dressed in pink. Her cake was pink. With pink frosting!

Ally loves plants and planting. Enjoys helping her father grow things. So I gave her gardening things for presents.

Most pink, of course! Look hard enough and you can find pink things!

A water pail/bucket. Pink. She went crazy over it. Was outside afterwards watering everything.

A container holding plants. Must be watered every day. Flowers will eventually grow!

Another container, pink again, that she must fill with dirt. Seeds to be planted there after.

Gloves and an apron. Also pink!

And more things of a similar nature.

She loved them all. We will work with her as the days go by on the plantings.

By the way, the grandkids are now better. It took a long time. Almost 3 weeks. It was good to see them running around the house. They were bright and vibrant yesterday! What a difference! A good difference!

Key West is kind to our friends who live in the sea.

Turtle hatching season is upon us. Has been for about a month.

The mother turtle comes up on the beach and lays her eggs. At some point, they hatch. And we have baby turtles. The baby turtles then return to their natural habitat, the ocean.

They make the trip to the water at night. The little ones know which direction to travel by the moon. They follow the light of the moon and it takes them to the water.

So it has always been! Such is nature!

However, man can screw it up.

Much turtle birthing takes place in the Smathers Beach area. Across the street from the beach are located several condiminium complexes. The roadway separating the beach and condos is well lite at night.

The baby turtles were getting confused by the street lighting. So they were traveling into the road and across the street onto the condo properties. Wrong way! Not good! Many were losing their lives.

No problem. The officials of Key West corrected the situation.

The street lights have all been turned off from May 1 to November 1.

It is now dark in the area. Pitch black, in fact! But not to the baby turtles. They see the moon! And know in which direction to travel!

Have a good day!