Yesterday was a simple one.
It rained a couple of times.
Big time around 11 in the morning! For about an hour. Like a monsoon!
Then another shower at 3. Though this one was a normal downpour.
So I ended up spending the day in. Did paperwork all day.
I finally showered around 7 and headed out to Hogfish on Stock Island for dinner. Ate hogfish. What else! And read 3 local news weeklys while sitting at the bar. Quiet at Hogfish just as it had been the night before at La Trattoria.
No one to talk with, except the barmaid. Her name escapes me. Though she was attractive. And what an accent! From England. Loved it!
Then home to bed early.
Thunderstorms off and on during the night. Kept waking me.
This morning golf. Intermittent showers predicted. I can’t tell what the weather is right now as it is still dark outside. Whatever, unless the showers are heavy, we will play! We are men here in Key West!
Have a good day!