The driving force behind Aqua Idol is Lynda Frechette. She and others, the driving force behind the Waterfront Theater.

Aqua Idol is the annual fundraiser to assist the Waterfront Theater. Takes money to keep a theater going. Especially an excellent one!

Aqua Idol is Lynda’s baby! Runs several consecutive tuesdays. The best singers from the lower keys participating to raise money for the Waterfront Theater.

Want an enjoyable evening? Stop at Aqua tonight at 6. The best of the best awaits you.

Stopped at Aqua last night for Dueling Bartenders. No Tom Luna. Understand he is taking three weeks off. Rick Dery holding down the fort with two other vocalists. A typical great evening.

Liz and her lady friends part of the audience. Joined them. Afterwards, Liz and I had dinner at Michael’s. Liz stopped me from ordering desert and coffee. She had it planned for home. Her home. Finished the evening at Liz’s with great carrot cake, ice cream and coffee.

My blog talk radio show tonight. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me for a quick half hour of interesting and challenging topics. Guaranteed you will not be bored.

Picture in this morning’s KONK Life: Sheila Cullen and Howard Livingston. A spectacular duo! The pic taken at the Southernmost Castaways fundraiser last friday night.

Love Eugene Robinson! Pulitzer Prize winner, Associate Editor and columnist for the Washington Post and a regular on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

Robinson and his wife Avis have been vacationing in Key West the past several years. Last year, he spoke behalf of the Key West Friends of the Library. I missed it. He is scheduled to do it again this year.

At the Key West Theater. March 6 at 6. Arrive early. Line long. Doors open at 5:30. Free.

Water an interesting problem in the days of William Hackley. On this date in 1856, Hackley reported he could not bathe. Water foul. He could take a shower bath, however.

Raises the question in my mind as to whether bathing was done with well water. Does not seem possible. Key West is at ocean level. Nothing but ocean water a foot down.

Was the shower bath by accumulated rain water? Or, previously collected well water?

Whatever, I would like to know. If any of you have the facts, share with the rest of us.

Poor Trump. He is being mocked. In Austria. It is carnival season. Costume shops are selling Trump wigs. A popular item. Most shops sold out.

If Nixon had not screwed up with Watergate, he would be considered one of our great Presidents. A key item would have been his trip to China. He arrived in China this date 1972.

Nixon began the process of re-establishing diplomatic relations with China. A major feat!

On this date in 1848, Karl Marx, together with Frederick Engels, published The Communist Manifesto. What would become the Communist bible. the last few sentences of the work saying it all: “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. they have a world to win. Workers of the world, unite!”

Without Marx, there would not have been a Lenin. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin led the world’s first successful Communist revolution in Russia.

Though no longer the case, by 1950 nearly half the world’s population lived under Marxist governments.

This is the best! Alexander Lukashenko is the long time President of the European nation of Belarus. He is reputed to be Europe’s last dictator. A thug, he steals elections, sends opposition politicians to forced labor camps. He even arrested  a one armed man for clapping.

Belarus is in recession. Not enough tax dollars coming in. Hundreds of thousands out of work or working little. Lukashenko refers to them as social parasites. They are not paying their fair share to run the government.

So…..He is taxing the unemployed! During a recession!

Anyone who works less than 183 days a year is required to pay $250 in compensation for lost taxes.

Less than 10 percent of those required to pay have paid.

Enjoy your day!


Trump is the man! The people selected him. He deserves our support. I wish him well.

He will screw up, however. Inevitable.

We are all entitled to our opinions.

Many of you who follow this blog are Republican or Conservative. Or, a bit of both. When I say something in the political arena with which you disagree, some of you hit back with all kind of vulgarities.  Do I call you a flaming asshole when I disagree with you? Not nice. I would expect Republicans/Conservatives to have better manners.

Trump was voted in on a wave of populism. The last truly populist President was Andrew Jackson. Way back in 1829 was he elected. Jackson turned out to be an excellent President. I hope Trump will also.

Protests yesterday in ten or more major U.S. cities re Trump’s election. The last time I saw such protests was in 1968 during the Chicago Democratic Convention which nominated Hubert Humphrey. The Chicago protests were larger and violent.

I live on a little island known named Key Haven. There was a question on the ballot as to whether Key Haven residents wanted mosquito testing using genetically modified mosquitoes to take place on Key Haven. Some 3 million GM mosquitoes would be dropped.

The vote was against. 419-224. I doubt it will help. The powers to be decided beforehand it would be a non-binding vote.

Superboat races began yesterday. A big deal! Every hotel, restaurant and bar on the Gulf filled with spectators.

Poker Run will no longer be locally sponsored by Key West’s Sunrise Rotary. The bike gangs put the nail in the coffin. I suspect Poker Run next year will be held in another Florida community.

Veterans Day friday. Key West’s parade begins at 4 on Duval. The parade is sponsored by the U.S. Navy.

We must never forget our veterans. As a nation, we have failed in recent years.

The U.S. Marines. Their birthday! On this day in 1775, the Marine Corps was born. During the American Revolution.

Ever hear of Mary Anderson? On this day in 1903, she obtained a patent for the first windshield wiper. Her invention was mocked. Her patent ran out. Someone else picked it up and got rich. She never made a penny from her invention.

Another Key West something I never knew. The Bagatelle Restaurant at 117 Duval was relocated there in 1974. The two story house was originally located on Fleming next to the library.

Key West Rotary history time.

The year 1928.

The February 16 weekly Rotary meeting was held at the Hotel La Casa Marina. A special guest speaker. Ruth Bryan Owen. She returned two years later as a member of the U.S. Congress. She was from Miami. Her election district included Key West.

Ruth Bryan Owen was one of the first women to super achieve.

Her father was William Jennings Bryan. He ran unsuccessfully for President three times. A pacifist. Prosecutor in the famous Tennessee Scopes trial.

Ruth was married three times. Divorced her first husband. Outlived the next two.

During World War I, Ruth volunteered as a war nurse on the Egyptian-Palestine front. She was there from 1915 to 1918. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed her Ambassador to Denmark and Iceland. She was an early producer and investor in Hollywood film making.

A pacifist as was her father.

Ruth was a delegate to the San Francisco Conference which established the United Nations. Thereafter, she was named an alternate delegate to the United Nations General Assembly.

During her lifetime, she always remembered and was a friend of Key West.

Day 4 of the diet. Made it through the first 3 days. Think I am going to make it.

Enjoy your day!




Donald Trump is in the forefront these days. More than previously. Justifiably so. The man is mad. America is viewing his instability. More and more each day. He is self destructing before our eyes.

Better now than later. If elected, I worry about him and the nuclear button. So should you.

I spoke of Trump on my blog talk radio show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Half the show. Example after example of his instability.

Spent yesterday afternoon preparing for the podcast.

The Civil War has intrigued me since my college days. Today, I read everything I can get my hands on re the War.

The Key West Library is sponsoring a Civil War event. Titled Civil War Living History. In the Library’s Palm Garden. Saturday, August 13.

The editorial in yesterday’s Key West Citizen concerned Social Security. It was a republication of an editorial carried in the South Florida Sun Sentinel titled Put Priority On Solvency For Social Security.

A bad editorial. Avoided discussing the real reason why Social Security has money problems. The reason being the government borrows surplus monies in the Social Security Fund and never pays back. The government owes Social Security $1.8 trillion. Social Security is the biggest creditor of the United States. Ahead even of China.

The issue of pay back is always avoided in articles. If the government started paying back over a long period, the monies would be more than sufficient to keep Social Security payments at a level where cuts would not be required. Not even discussed.

The American people continue to get screwed by a government that borrow’s their money with no intent to ever pay back.

The William Hackley saga continues. Baby doing much better. Visited Mrs. Hews four times this date in 1855 for breast feeding.

A quick Venezuela update.

Two weeks ago, Venezuelans were eating their pets. This past weekend, they were invading zoos and stealing the zoo’s inhabitants. For consumption purposes obviously.

Curacao is one of the largest cities in Venezuela. Has a large zoo. Some people snuck into the zoo in the middle of the night. They were after a horse.

When the zoo keepers arrived in the morning, all that remained of the horse was the head and ribs.

A Venezuelan revolution is long overdue. Recall three years ago they ran out of toilet paper. The country is still out of toilet paper.

My column in this week’s KONK Life is German Persecution of Homosexuals. Sick, sad. Hits the stands today.

Key West has many fun events. One of the local favorites is the Battle of the Bars. Bartenders and servers engage in a competition down Duval Street. The winner gets bragging rights for a year.

The Battle of the Bars this sunday at one.

Enjoy your day!



David Wolkowsky is the best of the best. Made his fortune. Returned to his beloved Key west. Spent his years since returning doing everything to help Key West and its people.

David is 96. In fairly decent shape. The one who fights me for the anti-gravity treadmill at physiotherapy.

His generosity significant.

For many years, David has recognized school teachers. Must be some teacher back when influenced his life. The recognition is in the form of money. David presents the Teacher of the Year with $25,000. Several other teachers, $5,000 each.

I attended the award ceremony yesterday at the Key West High School. The ceremony was in the library. I sat in the back so I could take the whole thing in.

David was beaming. He looked 25 years younger than his 96 years. A smile ear to ear.

It occurred to me that David might consider the teachers his grandchildren. Not children because of the years. They were his family.

The teachers respectful and friendly to David.

David, thank you for inviting me.

I was showered, shaved and out. David’s event was concluded just before 4. Where to go? Earlier than I normally am out.

My first stop was Aqua. Thought I would have a drink with Mark at the Back Bar. Learned the outside bar does not open till 5.

Ordered a drink. Drank it slowly. It was going to be a long night.

My cell phone rang. It was Dee. She was in her way into town. She lives on Cudjoe Key. We decided to meet in an hour at Sq. 1.

My evening was fantastic. Fun filled. We drank at Sq. 1 and ate at Outback.

Dee looked terrific. The best I have seen her in years. She has undergone some heavy cancer surgeries the past three years. All took a toll on her. However, she is back again. And, looking better than ever!

Which I told her several times.

Turtle nesting season upon us. Loggerhead turtle nesting. Mama turtle comes onto the beach and buries her eggs. Called nesting. It takes 50-60 days for the eggs to hatch. They hatch at night. The baby turtles then follow the moon light into the ocean.

Dengue fever has infected one person in Key West. The mosquito bite occurred in Key West. The person a visitor. Now home and on the road to recovery.

First dengue fever case reported in Key West since 2010.

The Associated Press recently released a study. From its NORC Center for Public Affairs. One of the findings was that 9 out of 10 Americans lack confidence in the political system. Another, 70 percent are frustrated with this year’s Presidential election.

Nothing we did not know.

China has done it!Discriminated against men. Created a sexism issue affecting men. Certain areas of China have “Female Only” parking spaces. Larger than those for men. The rationale being women have a harder time parking.

China not the first to do this. German began a few years ago. In some German regions, 30 percent of the parking spaces are mandated to be larger and for women only.

Immigrants a problem? Sweden took in 163,000 persons seeking asylum last year. Only 494 found jobs.

I have written and spoken on my blog talk radio show about Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu. He should not have come to Congress last year to speak uninvited by Obama.

Now it is out that he received $80 million last year from the King of Saudi Arabia for his political campaign to continue as Israel’s leader. Most recently, it has been announced Saudi Arabia will build a large embassy facility in Tel Aviv.

I was under the impression Arabs hated Israel and Jews.

Recently, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote a critical article regarding Netanyahu. Titled: Destroying Israel From Within.

Enjoy your day!


Two things weigh heavily upon me this morning.

The first involves the telephone calls yesterday morning to the Key West High School and the Marathon Middle School. The message: “There are bombs in the buildings, and the bombs will detonate in 10 minutes.” The schools were immediately evacuated. A thorough search of the buildings followed. Nothing. Sick calls.

The same thing occurred December 7 at Coral Shores in Tavernier.

Better a scare than the real thing. However, things like this have a tendency to arouse other sick minds to play the game. Perhaps with serious consequences.

The other item of concern is what I describe as the Islamic NATO.

Saudi Arabia announced yesterday the formation of a 34 nation coalition to combat terrorism. Note, not ISIS. The nations involved are from the Middle East and Africa. Plus, the partially recognized State of Palestine.

Sounds great! However most of these nations consider groups like the Kurds terrorists. The coalition’s primary concern is not ISIS. It is the internal battles being fought for control of certain Middle East countries.

The United States has been working industriously to get Saudi Arabia and the other wealthy Arab states into the game. Saudi Arabia has joined on a limited basis and only where it wants. Saudi interests are not the same as those of the United States. The U.S. has been working to get more Turkey involvement. Turkey offering little.

Now they all come together. And throw Palestine in to the mix for obvious reasons.

I have only one question at the moment. What did my government know and when? I have a feeling U.S. intelligence may have failed us again.

I watch Morning Joe. No comment re the coalition through the first two hours this morning. What gives?

My morning yesterday began with the anti-gravity treadmill. Friend Dave there before me. We compete for the anti-gravity machine. Jenny helpful to me once again. Body Owners an excellent place for physiotherapy.

The afternoon was spent wrapping up my research for tonight’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Great topics! Obviously the Key West school bomb scares and what I describe as the Islamic NATO.

TPP will be briefly addressed. Especially Thailand’s shrimp business which is worked by slave labor. Thailand shrimp product is available in Wal-Mart, Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and  Chicken of the Sea sold in Safeway and Albertsons.

Another topic is the anticipated blood bath between Trump and Cruz this evening.

Join me at 9 my time tonight.

Ate at Geiger Key last night. Quiet. Peaceful. Not crowded. Mosquitoes gone.

My KONK Life column two week’s ago concerned the Eiffel Tower. A biography of the Eiffel Tower. This morning’s World Almanac in the Key West Citizen notes today is Gustave Eiffel’s birthday. Born this day in 1832.

Enjoy your day!



One of the finest April Fools’ Day pranks was that once done annually  by the Key West Citizen. The front page of the Citizen on April Fools’ Day was a total joke. A phony. Pure fabrication. Seriously represented, however.

Close to 20 years ago, the front page major article concerned itself with smoking in public places. Understand that back then, smoking was merely considered a problem. The dramatic inroads accomplished since re banning smoking had not yet occurred.

The article said the Key West City Commission in a meeting the evening before had prohibited smoking in all public places. Such included restaurants, bars, on the streets, and on the beaches.

I recall exclaiming to my then wife that the City Commission had no right to do what they did! Outrageous! Against the law! My wife pointed out that it was April Fools’ Day.

The Citizen had gotcha’d me!

Unfortunately, the Citizen no longer publishes such a front page.

April Fools’ Day is celebrated in most countries. The day’s origins uncertain. Some claim first mention of the day occurred in 1392 in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Many disagree.

Another favored source goes way back to the ancient cultures of the Romans and Hindus. Partiers. Tricks were played and people were sent off on fools’ errands.

Pope Gregory XIII comes into the picture. New Year’s Day was then celebrated around April 1. The Pope changed the calendar and moved it to January 1. The day may have changed, the partying had not. April 1 continued to be celebrated as a fun and frolic day.

Big night in Key West! Jimmy Buffett returns! He is performing 7:30 at San Carlos. There will also be a free performance on a huge screen on Higgs Beach. Shown live simultaneous with the San Carlos event.

Higgs Beach will be big time crowded! An event!

I plan on attending.

I enjoy sharing Truman stories with you. Key West was Truman’s favorite place. Unquestionably. He made 11 trips here which totaled 175 days.

On this day in 1950, the President’s wife Bess and daughter Margaret arrived to join him at the Little White House.

Surprising Mrs. Truman showed up. She disliked Washington and apparently anything that had to do with politics. She spent most of her time back in Independence, Missouri.

Truman was often left alone at times when he could have used the comfort of his wife. History does not attribute this situation to any improper liason by either. Truman was deeply in love with his wife. Wrote her almost daily letters. Mrs. Truman did not enjoy the Washington scene.

I spent my yesterday fine tuning last night’s blog talk radio show. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. The show went well. My purpose was to share some things kept from the American public. I assume intentionally.

My tuesday’s are always the same. I work on the show by day. Do the show in the evening. Cook dinner for myself in between. I rarely leave the house on a tuesday. My dinner last night was not spectacular. I had a craving for oatmeal. It was oatmeal and a banana.

Enjoy your day!