Busy day yesterday. Too much running around. More than normal. Right hip and leg gave out. The pain! Residue still felt this morning.
One stop was Walgreens for COVID and flu shot. Couldn’t get it. Need an appointment. One which has to be made on the internet. First time I have run into this. Normally walk in, give them ID and insurance cards, fill in a form, get the shots.
Why the extra steps?
Typical Walgreens. I got my prescription drugs from them for 15 years. Always a problem. Finally gave up. Now deal with Walmart and Publix. Both provide great service. Always cooperative and concerned.
Why can’t Walgreens be the same?
Did happy hour at The Grand. First time in 2 weeks. Got there a bit late. Bar packed. One empty seat. Turned out to be next to Christina. We had an enjoyable time. She works at the airport in security checking luggage and people as they are on their way to their planes. Interesting work.
Some people were impolite near the end of the evening. Tourists.
My heart doctor visit went well. No doctor. Saw nurse practitioner April. The hear doctor problem persists.
Loved my blood pressure, 106/65. Other arm, 110/69. I recall days long ago when the numbers were spiraling and took a long time to get under control.
Enjoyed my manicure and pedicure. Tammy always good company. She recalled I was one of her first customers 18 years ago. Amazing how time moves on.
We chatted about her son. I recall him 3 years old and running around the salon. Now in high school and driving. We both agreed – Time moves on too rapidly.
Trump continues to do well. His lifetime conduct is catching up with him. The judge in the New York civil case brought by the New York Attorney General did not even wait for the trial scheduled to begin next week. The judge issued a summary judgment decision yesterday saying no trial needed, the facts were clear. Declared Trump and his two sons guilty of business fraud. A trial will be required however to assess damages.
The issue involved in the litigation is Trump having over evaluated his holdings by as much as $2.2 billion.
The judge found Trump’s actions “persistent.” The judge stripped Trump, his two sons and companies of control over some of Trump’s sensitive New York properties.
Trump exaggerated the value of his holdings in order to secure favorable terms on loans and insurance deals.
Trump’s comments following the decision included the judge was a Democrat and referred to him as “deranged.”
Trump’s wrongdoings piling up on him. They do not make him look good. Less than honorable. Such being the case, how can half the county still support him for President?
The second Republican primary debate is tonight. Will be held at the Reagan Library in California. Trump will not attend again. In addition to other reasons well known, it is claimed he also is upset with Reagan and the Reagan family. Whatever the Reagans did, Trump has a memory like an elephant. At some point, he will have a dislike and need for retribution against everyone.
I believe Trump’s primary reason for not appearing in the debate is he does not want to face the wrath of Chris Christie who would denut Trump in their first exchange.
The debate is 9 pm ET on FOX News.
Biden did a first ever for a President yesterday. He was on the picket line in Michigan with UAW strikers. Pro-union all the way.
Trump is doing his thing with the strike today. He will appear in Michigan. Definitely will be interesting. Will he appear with the strikers? If so, how many? The union President has been openly anti-Trump. Additionally, Trump does not have a reputation for being pro labor.
My beloved Greece is suffering the effects of Climate Change. As is most of the world. Heatwaves, wildfires and extensive floods. Areas of farmlands destroyed. Livestock struggling to find anything to eat.
Storm Daniel beat up Thessaly. A herd of sheep were left searching for fresh grass as food. They found a greenhouse producing cannabis. The crop had already been badly damaged by heatwave and Storm Daniel. The sheep finished “what was left.”
The sheep ate around 100 kg of cannabis. A sheepherder noticed the sheep were acting strangely. They were stoned!
Enjoy your day!
WOW, Trump convicted of decades long fraud, and his entire business organization has been ordered dissolved.
… and the Wall Street Journal, (America’s most respected financial news paper) apparently never suspected a thing, or at least never reported and warned the world. In fact, they supported, protected and promoted him.
I guess that’s the cost of having such a thing owned and operated by extreme right wing wackos.
Now what are the so called adult’s (Conservatives) in the room going to do when they figure out they’ve been had, yet again?