Trump’s Inauguration actually covers two days. Sunday and monday. So much to report, to comment on. There will be no order to today’s blog. I will merely share my thoughts with you in the order they appear in my notes.

I have a few non-Inaugural items also which will appear at the end.

Let’s begin with Reverend Graham’s prayer. Actually began as a disgusting comment for a religious to make. His opening statements insulted Biden. Graham a man of God who purportedly loves everyone!

Catholic and Christian clergy in general have forgotten they are God’s representatives on Earth. They have achieved political prominence which makes them feel omnipotent and superior.

My notes meander. I will be meandering in referring to them.

The Washington Post in an Opinion piece following Trump’s speech labeled it “Mourning in America.” It was a column jointly written by ten columnists. Love the “Mourning” description.

Trump’s speech insulting to Biden. Biden who was sitting only a few feet from him. Trump has learned nothing over the years re good taste and continues to be insulting. 

Trump vowed to reinstate military troops who refused COVID vaccines and were discharged. He vowed to reinstate them with full back pay. Not a way to save money!

Trump said the “golden age of America” begins now. He said it. The “golden age will be one of prosperity.” Can he produce? Hope so.

Trump did not place his hand on the Bible as he was taking the oath of office. Melinda held two Bibles in her hand as Trump was sworn in. Stood next to him. Trump kept his left arm by his side as he raised his right hand.

The Bibles were a family Bible and a Lincoln Bible. The Lincoln Bible was used by Lincoln in 1861 as well as Barack Obama in 2009 and 2013.

I did some research. There is no requirement for the President to place his hand on the Bible during the swearing in. In fact, it is not legally required that a Bible be used at all.

Trump said he will rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America.

He said he will take back the Panama Canal.

He promised a “revolution of common sense.”

Trump claimed he will rid our country of its “radical and corrupt establishment.”

He accused Biden of “horrible betrayal.”

Trump set himself up as a kind of Messiah figure, the man saved by God for the sake of national greatness.

Trump signed a flurry of restrictive immigration orders.

Query: Most of the changes required in the “Orders” need new staffing to effectuate. It does not exist. Within one to two weeks unmanageable chaos could abound.

Catholics are on edge as Trump’s second term brings immigration crackdown, climate deal exits, oil drilling abuse, repeal of birthright citizenships, etc. The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops are aroused. Where have they been the last four years. Sucking up to the Republican right and other Christian denominations. Now they are concerned. Excuse me Lord, but your Church/my Church has been a whore.

Pope Francis calls Trump’s mass deportation plan a “disgrace.” His U.S. Bishops were not with Pope Francis on this issue till now.

Trump did wrong in forgiving the January 6th terrorists who invaded the Capitol. Especially those who assaulted police.

From this point forward, all who commit similar acts will do so knowing/believing “their President Trump” will pardon them. Not only will President Trump be free to commit crimes (per the Supreme Court ruling), now even his followers will be knowing “their leader” will pardon them.

The Village People performed for Trump at certain Inaugural events. Perhaps even at one of the Balls where Trump would have danced to the group. I fell asleep while Trump was in the Oval Office signing Orders. Missed the Balls a a result.

Surprises me how Trump has become taken with the Village People and especially YMCA. People might suspect him of a sexual preference deviation/change in his old age. I would not. He has been too much of a lady lover to jump the fence now. 

Some other items.

Why does Trump try things that question his ethics? Ahead of his Inauguration, President-elect Trump launched and promoted a new cryptocurrency venture. Immediately raised ethical questions about Trump’s attempt to monetize the incoming administration’s political ties to the venture.

Over the weekend, the project soared in value as Trump prepares to enter the White House. It is expected that Trump soon will issue new policy directives that could loosen crypto regulations and send the price of bitcoin and other assets sky rocketing.

The new project is known as the “meme coin.” Meme coin is a highly volatile sort of token that crypto enthusiasts can buy and sell online tied to an online trend or personality.

Former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards died at 67 from brain cancer.

She was a long time advocate for women’s rights. 

Richards was the former daughter of Texas Governor Ann Richards.

I mentioned in a recent blog that movie star Jon Voight was named a Hollywood Ambassador by Trump. I also said I was unaware of Voight’s political leanings. Someone responded to the blog in a Comment that Voight was “to the right of Attila the Hun.”

Ohio State won the National Collegiate Football Championship last night. Defeated Notre Dame 34-23.

An Emotional Healing observation: Can a man forgive a woman for sleeping with another man? Or even another woman for that matter? Yes. One hundred percent so. There is no doubt about it. He can mail her a letter and tell her about how he forgives her from the house he’s living in with the woman who actually cares about him right after he gets done making love to her knowing she won’t cheat on him.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Hey Lou, why were you and the left in an uproar when it was thought Trump was gonna pardon immediate family members after his first term. What a travesty of justice it would have been!! But now that Biden has pardoned practically everyone in his crime family going back to 2014… this somehow is ok!

  2. In the Trump world that we live in now there is no such thing as a “lie”. What used to be a lie is now known as “Free Speech”.

    • “Free Speech,” as you define it, is actually MAGA speech, adopted so it will verify (explain) what ever they want it to say!

      It is a form of corruption and anarchy.

  3. Lou posted —Trump did wrong in forgiving the January 6th terrorists who invaded the Capitol. Especially those who (azz)aulted police.

    Regarding Trump and the lesser Americans who made this possible.


  4. Years ago, I used to read and enjoy your blog about people and places in KW, where I own a home and visit often. For many years, it’s simply been a rant against Trump and a rerun of what’s broadcasted on MSNBC. You are obviously free to write want you wish, but it’s utterly boring and almost never discusses Lou’s life in Key West.

      • Joann, My response to Kevin is for you also. I began researching for today’s blog at 4:30. It is ready to be written. Screw it today! I am going to rewrite portions of Growing Up Italian.

    • Kevin, you are correct. I write less about Key West and more about politics, world events, etc. I have explained why several times in the past. Must have been times when you failed to read the blog. First came COVID in 2000. I spent more than 2 years in house. Only went out for doctor visits or hospital tests. Feared I would get COVID and die. If I was not out and about., i had little to write about Key West. As the danger of COVID diminished, I discovered most of my friends had left Key West or died. Actually only 3 remained. Things were different, the people visiting or buying were different. Then came the past year. an absolute disaster! Heart attack last January, 5 1/2 weeks in Mount Sinai Hospital in Miami and three heart surgeries. Then a significant recovery period. When I was able to be out and about, my back went out. Three lumbar discs slipped and have impinged on a nerve. The pain the worst I have experienced in my life. I am 89 and my desires have changed. Going out is dinner occasionally. I can no longer drink. A detriment if you are a Key Wester. So enjoying the writing and not wanting to stop writing the blog, I turned to politics and world events. Note at this point that the Key West Citizen also changed. It is little help in providing me with things I can write about. Something you are not aware of….Since I began writing politics in depth, my followers have multiplied significantly. I have so many more subscribers now that before. You are not the only one who complains. There have been enough that I have given thought to stopping the blog all together. There are two books I would like to finish before I die. Also the blog takes roughly 6 hours a day to research and write. Who needs that effort if it is not well received.

      • Thanks Lou, write what YOU want and let each of us decide what we want to read or not. Besides this “Kevin” and his mother “JoAnn” are not really Kevin and JoAnn, but just the same old trolls (S*ndy & EYW, etc.) trying to tweek your “truths and observations.” This is YOUR blog Lou, don’t let these freaks try and tell you what to do.

    • Andy: My true name is Kevin, and I’m not a troll. This is the first time I’ve commented on Lou’s blog in a posting. And, I have no idea who Joann is but she is certainly is not my mother, who is no longer with us.

      Yes, Lou can, and should, write what he wishes, but if he puts it out there, I’m likewise free to say that I find it dullsville and a rehash of what I see and hear in the national media each day before Lou’s blog drops.

      And Lou, you are not really writing about politics. I’ve skimmed your blog enough searching for KW content to know you spent four years railing against Trump, then four years praising Biden, and now, I guess, you’ll spend four more years thumping Trump. To be fair, I’m not sure anyone writes about politics anymore. Most on the left and right simply draw swords against each other in righteous anger.

      As I said in my original email, I used to enjoy your blog, and read it daily along with Conchscooter’s blog before he left KW. I understand your health circumstances bear on the changes to your blog. I sincerely wish you good health in 2025, and may you enjoy many more sunsets in KW, even if you cannot make it to Mallory Square.

      • Kevin, it seems to me that those on the “left” who post on Lou’s blog, are mostly correcting lies and distortions leveled by those from the “right.” To paint all posters as equal crackpots is not very observant or accurate.

  5. A 17-year-old shooter killed a female student and himself at a Nashville high school. Shooter was not an illegal immigrant.

    • Yes, another death by a non-illegal high school killer. But test scores are lower for our students. Why? Instead of pissing away our money on bombs for Putin I would like to see why the scores are lower.

  6. Hey Lou, yes, Jon Voigt is conservative. I met him (he’s a close friend of a family member) while having dinner at Shel Adelsons house in Las Vegas. Voight was the guest speaker and is a huge supporter of the Jewish people and the safety and survival of the Jewish State of Israel. Here I go again name dropping… so uncool, Bobby Deniro told me not to do that! Lol Oh and yes Lou, please enjoy many more sunsets at Mallory Square looking out to the glorious and beautiful Gulf of America!

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