Today is Trump’ Day. His Inauguration. Many observations to be made. Beginning with yesterday.
Trump held 2 events yesterday (Sunday). One a rally at Capital One Arena in the afternoon. He was to address 20,000 supporters at the Arena. Before which he and Vance visited Arlington National Cemetery.
I did not consider the rally “pure American.” Kid Rock sang several songs, including the “We the People” anthem of his which included insults of Anthony Fauci and the media. Also included the lyrics “Let Go Brandon,” a phrase many supporters of President Elect Trump use to knock President Biden.
The rally was boastful. Trump discussed among other things illegal immigration, denigrated Biden, danced with the Village People to YMCA, repeated many of his campaign exaggerations falsehoods, introduced Elon Musk to speak. Musk had his minor son X with him. X was jumping as his father had in previous days in support of Trump.
Trump mentioned that Jon Voight, Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone were in the audience. He labeled them his Hollywood Ambassadors. Their job to help Hollywood get back on its feet financially. Hollywood has been suffering financially the past several years. It has become cheaper to make movies elsewhere.
I do not know Voight’s political leaning. I would assume Republican. Republican Trumpie.
Mel Gibson bothers me. Ever since his movie many years ago re Jesus Christ where it became evident Gibson was an anti-Semite, I have disliked him. Is Trump an anti-Semite? Never clear. He has been very helpful to Israel.
I am unaware of Sylvester Stallone’s political leanings. I know him better as Rambo and Rocky. He may very well merely be a Trump supporter.
Trump said he will sign an Executive Order Day One of his Presidency to delay the TikTok ban. How can he do so? The Supreme Court has spoken. Trump has no authority under the Constitution or otherwise to do so.
He is acting as a “King” by so doing and not a President.
Regardless of who is President, Trump or some other person, we must remember we are a nation of laws, not of personal whim or caprice.
The years 1944 and 1945 were significant ones for Allied forces during World War II. The RAF dropped 2,300 tons of bombs on Berlin in 1944 alone. In 1945, the U.S. dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan.
I believe both destructive actions were warranted.
People support their leaders. Otherwise, the leaders would not be able to gain and control a government. I have had the opportunity to speak to several persons of German extraction who lived in Germany during World War II. They claim they had no choice but to support Hitler and the Nazis. I don’t buy it. People permit dictators to take power. Dictators don’t just step in. It takes time and public support.
Ergo, the German people in Berlin in 1944 and the Japanese people in 1945 paid for their poor judgements.
Such has occurred in other countries since World War II. The “punishments” yet to come.
I worry it could happen in the U.S. Half our people support the Trump administration taking office today. How many years will Trump’s influence be effective? What things will change for the American people?
I hope mine is only a concern and nothing more.
Today is also Martin Luther King Day. He fought for civil rights. It earned him a place in the National Mall.
I have visited the National Mall on two occasions. No dictators honored there. All for real American heroes.
On this day in 1942, Nazi officials held the notorious Wannsee Conference in Berlin to organize the “final solution.” The extermination of Europe’s Jews.
Could it happen again? Yes. Jews have been persecuted and exterminated for thousands of years, not merely hundreds.
I worry the problem could become more extensive in coming years.
Biden preemptively pardoned additional persons this morning. Anthony Fauci, retired Gen. Mark Miley, and law makers who served on the House January 6 Committee. Includes Liz Cheney. Trump has threatened them with “retribution.” Biden said, “Our nation relies on dedicated public servants every day. They are the life blood of our democracy. Yet alarmingly, public servants have been subjected to ongoing threats and intimidation for faithfully discharging their duties.”
Three Israeli hostages were released by Hamas. Big deal!
Something strange going on. Putin has recently been openly mocking Trump on Moscow TV. Putin began by initially mocking Melania. Now he refers to Trump as “Grandpa.” Putin – Trump’s friend!
Several Florida cities have voted to remove fluoridation from their drinking water. After roughly 60 years of fluoride in the water.
As you are aware, I am 89. I lived through the time period when New York voted to fluoride. It was a huge help in reducing cavities. So much so that over the years it caused dentists to suffer financially.
It is difficult to understand why a significant portion of U.S. society wants to get rid of things that work. Like fluoridation and vaccines to prevent measles and polio. These people if successful will be issuing death and disability warrants for a significant number of Americans in future years.
Last night, I watched an old movie made for TV. It was in two parts: Sandburg’s Lincoln.
Hal Holbrook played Lincoln. Extremely well.
Lincoln’s wife Mary Todd Lincoln was not portrayed realistically. She was featured as a kind caring spouse instead of the “bitch” she was.
I was taken by the Civil War in college. Took several Civil War courses. The TV movie was not realistic. Many liberties taken in making the film. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it.
On this day in 1930, the first radio broadcast of The Lone Ranger took place. I probably began listening to it around 1940. Loved it. Enjoyed the TV version which came out years later.
The musical theme was exceptionally stimulating: “Hi ho Silver, away!” Whenever compact discs for use in cars became available, many musical ones came out. Sometime in the mid 1970’s. One was the Lone Ranger’s “Hi, ho Silver, away!” Told the whole Lone Ranger story. Exciting! I generally listened to it when I was on a long drive. I have not heard it in years.
I close with today’s Key West weather.
I woke at 3 and could not sleep. So began working on this blog for a couple of hours. Slept a bit again. Returned to the blog at 7.
Yesterday’s Key West temperature was 76. A beautiful day. Blue sky. Not a cloud to be seen.
At 3 this morning, it was 66 degrees. At 7, still 66 degrees. Raining off and on also. The weather projection for today is it will be 66 all day. We are receiving a bit of the extreme cold hitting the northeast.
We will survive. I am amused as I say that.
Enjoy your day!
Voight, great actor that he is, is to the right of Attila the Hun.
I hope that Trump has some “normal” people in his lashup.
Hey Lou, Biden pardoned Fauci. Looks like the vaccine works after all!
Did not Trump say that on “Day One” gasoline would be 99¢ a gallon “count on it!” and didn’t he campaign heavily on that?
It ain’t 99¢ a gallon around here !!!
So, the first of his promises he either lied about or just couldn’t get done.
That was when a dollar was worth a dollar, not a Biden dollar.
Not true, that was last summer when Biden was in his final year. Just because Trump lies, doesn’t mean you have to!
In 2016, Trump said the GOP had better healthcare legislation ready to go and that on DAY ONE he’d make that happen. In short, Trumps word is of zero value, just like with Mexico paying for The Wall.
The truth in 2024, when you peel back the political artichoke of MAGA. It was never about the price of white eggs but the color of brown skin.
Guy on TV just that Trump never lies, he just exagerates a lot and then the liberal media takes him “out of context”.
Yeah, a President who exaggerates (lies) and an American public who is OK with that!
What a country!
There is no crime in NYC!
More lies from Mary who is apparently dishonest and only interested in trolling Lou’s blog.
66 degrees is not good for tourist
“Trump is a poor person’s idea of a rich man. A weak person’s idea of a strong man and a stupid person’s idea of a smart man.”
America lost.
Trumps deplorable revenge tour has lost some of its momentum.
The superior President Biden has outfoxed America’s Hitler once again. Bravo!!
Hummm… Those of us who grew up with “The Lone Ranger” know the tune well. But… a “High Brow” is a person who.. when hearing “The Lone Ranger” tune, only thinks about the “Willian Tell Overture.”
Perhaps this youtube link will get through:
When a clown takes up residence in a palace, he doesn’t become a king – the palace turns into a circus.