Cold does not adequately describe Key West temperature this morning. When I began working on today’s blog at 5 am, it was 58 degrees. Presently 6:30 and still 58 degrees. The high today will be 64. The temperature will not reach 70 till sunday.
I appreciate the northeast and southeast are experiencing chilling freezing weather. Even snow where snow never been seen before. It affects us in Key West, also. Fifty eight degrees totally unreasonable. I doubt we will ever see snow. I know, never say never.
Everything is Trump these days. Cannot be helped. He is making news big time!
I read about a woman this morning for whom I have acquired deep respect. An ex “MAGA Granny” turned down Trump’s pardon for her January 6 conviction. Reason: She wants to own what she did. Not proudly. She’s sorry. She feels what she did she did.
Her name is Pamela Hemphill from Boise, Idaho. Now 71. Attacked the Capitol on July 6 with a gun. Did 60 days in jail for it. Now realizes the error of her ways. Speaks before groups about it. In refusing the pardon, she said: “I don’t want to be a part of those trying to rewrite history. It was an insurrection day.”
The Washington Post: Trump preparing to send around 10,000 troops to the southern border to assist the Border Patrol in shutting off access to asylum. The specific purpose is to block entry to migrants who have communicable diseases. No specific threat other than communicable diseases mentioned, however.
Another Trump reason/excuse to block immigration. Never heard the communicable disease one before. Trump conveniently comes up with things to justify what he wants to do. A factual basis not required.
Trump acts on the spur of the moment many times based on some isolated thing he hears or reads. The isolated thing becomes fact to him. He reacts based on it.
For example, he now threatens to maybe withhold federal aid for Los Angeles if California does not change its water policies. Typical Donald. He thinks he knows the cause of why the fires were not quickly put out. Someone or something told him it had to do with pipes coming into California carrying water. Claims they were shut of and if and when turned on, only to dump the water into the ocean.
No one else has supported this theory publicly. The causes for the fires and inability to quickly put them out are many. Very many. Trump seems to ignore all the causes and comes up with a theory he believes is correct. As was the bleach ingestion one during the COVID epidemic.
Keep in mind that cause as it relates to the California fires has an “s” at the end. They are many.
Word is the Republican Senate is preparing to back Trump re Trump’s Panama position. The Republicans intend to issue a statement calling on Panama to cut off its political and economic ties with China and China businesses.
Not for the Republican Senate to do. A U.S. Senate step too far.
Trump has been President less than 3 days. He has initiated many things. Signing orders like mad.
Fine. He is doing what he said he would do. Everything he is doing is only the beginning of something. The order in effect is given. Now it must be carried out. Money, staff, equipment will be required big time. I suspect that portion of what the job will take has not been sufficiently taken into consideration. As I have indicated before, shortly there will be delay in execution. Chaos will follow.
Trump says he is going to withdraw the U.S. from WHO – The World Health Organization. Fortunately, WHO’s rules require one year’s notice before a withdrawal is effective.
Withdrawing from WHO a major error. It helps the U.S. to know what diseases are on the way to our shores from another country so we can prepare and avoid. It is believed polio cases will increase in the U.S. because of the withdrawal. Also many childhood diseases. Pandemics will become frequent. Finally, China will become more influential. China will become the country warning others of impending disasters.
Trump has declared a “national energy emergency.” His claim bullshit. There is none. Actually, what Trump is doing is giving in to his fossil fuel friends. We have been producing oil like crazy in recent years. Trump says not enough. Protected areas from oil drilling are being lifted to provide unneeded additional oil. Biden imposed global warming protections are being lifted. Trump effectively will be placing a knife in the chest of global warming protections. Trump is withdrawing from the 2015 Paris climate deal. Again, his explosion of support for fossil fuels.
Trump by so doing is grossly endangering the lives of our children and grandchildren. No question about it.
Trump held a public press conference tuesday where he had three purported AI giants with him. All of whom spoke a few words. Trump was gung ho over AI. As he should be. Everyone is. It is the next gigantic economic step world wide.
Biden was for it also. His position was to proceed cautiously. Big dollars involved initially. Control important, etc.
Trump wants to jump in with both feet now. The claim was $500 billion was required. The three men with him claimed they had the money. Trump being the “businessman” he believes he is, suggested the U.S. government should be a 50 percent partner and put in half. That is how good a deal he thought it was.
Obviously, he had not discussed the mater with Musk who the next day said the three only had $10 billion.
My concern is Trump wanting the U.S. government to get into businesses which would be most times in competition with U.S. citizens and others wanting to do business in the U.S. The government should support and not participate. Period! If the government is to gain, it will be from taxes from the businesses and its employees. Can you picture the government a partner in a business and it goes under. Then comes the bankruptcy. The government files for bankruptcy, also. I do not even know if it could. What a mess would result for various reasons!
I have so much more. All Trump. The blog would be endless. Some being saved for tomorrow.
In closing, I speak of my beloved Syracuse again. Lost to Clemson 86-72.
Bad season!
Enjoy your day!
Pam better hang on to that gun, she will need it to protect herself from MAGA now.
That “dumping the water in the ocean” line sounds like the plot from that great old movie, “Chinatown”, that someone remembered.
Do not knock the woman. Eight illegals were taken into jail yesterday in Boston, a safe city, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Boston acting Field Office Director Patricia Hyde. a Boston woman!!!
“Some people say, ‘Make America great again.’ I say America was great all along. Some of us just forgot why.” —Anthony Bourdain
MAGA forgot more than that. They forgot how to be truthful, honorable, faithful and patriotic.
The Republicans intend to issue a statement calling on Panama to cut off its political and economic ties with China and China businesses.
Trump first.
Running out of eggs in the Northeast. Egg Mc Muffins hard to find.
All due bird flu. Kill the roosters now.
Mayo prices will rise as a result.
Don’t worry about price increases, Trump will fix all of it. just like he did last time. But he’s got to get the name of the Gulf fixed first, ’cause that’s more important.
“Little Marco” flip flop hand puppet as Secretary of State, who in the World will take this guy seriously?
Do not knock the woman. Eight illegals were taken into jail yesterday in Boston, a safe city, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Boston acting Field Office Director Patricia Hyde. a Boston woman!!!
All sent there by the Governor of Texas and his policy of shipping immigrants to northern liberal cities as a nasty “showboat” kind of way.
Hey Lou, what is your source that Pam Hemphill had a gun? Like the saying goes… Never let the truth get in the way of a good story?
OMG, you defending the truth ????????????????????, etc.
You’d think it would be better if YOU, particularly YOU, would challenge the truth on Anything!