President Trump is visiting Key West today. For two hours. To visit the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force. A military anti-smuggling operation. Drugs the Task Force’s primary concern.
The group does well. It has been situated in Key West for years. They are responsible for overseeing the drug trade from Florida through South America.
These are the people who capture tons of cocaine and marijuana. Generally on the high seas.
I assume Trump is visiting to see how well they do and take credit for their success. He wants the nation to know how hard he is working to eliminate the opioid problem. His efforts to date a joke.
Trump is flying into Boca Chica. Ten miles outside Key West. Will be driven in a caravan to the Truman Waterfront. Visit. Return the same way.
The Key West Citizen in its editorial this morning described Trump’s visit as historic. Titled the editorial An Historic Visit.
Nothing historic about it. He is in and out in two hours.
The editorial noted Trump is the first sitting President since Kennedy to visit Key West. My sense was that Trump was being compared to Kennedy. Terrible! To do so from my perspective is to denigrate Kennedy.
Recall the Vice-Presidential debate several years after Kennedy’s death. The Republican candidate compared himself to Kennedy. The Democratic candidate responded…..I knew Jack Kennedy, you’re no Jack Kennedy.
Trump is not Kennedy. Not even close.
In Trump, the nation has elected a man inept, corrupt, racial and homophobic. The homophobic especially amuses me. Trump visiting Key West, a modern day success because of its gay population.
Protests are expected. Supposed to be peaceful. Protesters in black carrying signs. The game plan to turn their backs as the President’s car passes.
Two hours a visit does not make. Trump should actually visit Key West. Walk Duval, visit the homeless shelter, visit the Custom House, Mel Fisher Museum, and the Hemingway House. Spend a couple nights at The Little Truman White House. What was good enough for Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy should be good enough for Trump.
He should get a taste of Key West. Savor the flavor.
The Citizen tells us to show respect. For the man who is President. After all, what less from One Human Family.
Respect for a man who respects no one?
The Citizen editorial is far off base. The paper has a right to express its position. As it is my right to disagree.
Cheryl and Roger Keast were snowbirds. Spent several months a year in Key West.
We became good friends. Cheryl a woman to be loved.
Originally from the Chicago area. Roger owned a large electrical firm.
Five years ago, they moved to Cape Coral. They were back in Key West last night. Visiting for two days.
We met by pre-arrangement at 6 at the Chart Room. A heart warming reunion.
So much discussed. I will share one item with you.
Cheryl told me her husband bought her a new Cadillac. The super dooper model. Drives itself, parks itself. She has not yet tried either. A bit timid about the whole thing.
Their 50th wedding anniversary around the corner. They are planning a trip. I congratulate them and wish them well.
Today is haircut day. Lori doing my hair followed by lunch at Sandy’s Cafe. Not today. Both are located on White Street. Parts of White blocked off because of Trump’s visit. Only one way into Key West US 1. I have to drive on US 1 3 miles to get into Key West. No other way. Traffic supposedly will be shut down from 10-2. My haircut appointment noon.
No problem. This is Key West. I will reschedule for tomorrow.
Let the canons roar, the drums play…..I finally lost another pound. Took me 3.5 weeks. Have now lost 33 pounds. Not easy, but I am getting there.
Enjoy your day!
“Let the canons roar ….”? I don’t know that I’ve ever heard a canon roar. Cannons, however, are quite noisy! Congratulations on the 33 pounds!
The two groups that benefit from the JIATF are the employees whom are very well paid, and the Key West drug dealers who like the way those offshore drug seizures help keep the street prices up. You know, the old supply vs demand rule.