There is something else going on in Washington besides Congressional oversight of Trump. Government still goes on. Bills are passed by the House. At the present time, Trump, Pelosi and Schumer are scheduled to meet concerning the budget.

Re the budget, Trump announced yesterday if he does not get his wall, he will shut the government down. Monies for the wall have to be spelled out in the budget.

The man is crazy. Power crazy.

My podcast show last night. Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. I enjoyed doing the show. Great topics. Including Alabama and abortion, life in the 2040’s, Don McGahn’s lack of character, and Trump and the Lincoln Memorial.

Once a year, Key West replenishes the sand on its beaches. The operation this year begins today. Expected to take 2 weeks. Smathers Beach first.

This is nesting season for turtles. Their safety a concern. Volunteers each morning will walk the beaches to identify and mark new nests.

‘KONK Life’s E-Blast ran a series of photos of Marvin Keys these days. What a difference from when I use to frequent Marvin Key. Howard Livingston (before he became “Howard Livingston) used to take me out.

I have not been in 20 years. When I was a frequent visitor, my friends and I were generally alone. Sometimes, another boat or two, though rarely.

E-Blast’s photos this morning show the difference. Tons of boats.People enjoying.

Marvin Key was a secret when Howard took me. No more.

The shame of it all. The Farmers Market at Bayview Park is no more. I have not been able yet to find out why.

Many the thursday I would stop at Farmers Market. My purchases the same. Bread and tomatoes.

The Market always had a steady group of customers. I find it strange that it is no more.

Words of wisdom many times can be found in the Citizens Voice column of the Key West Citizen.

A gem this morning: “What did you people do to this island? It was like St. Barts in the ’70s. Quiet, friendly, no traffic, a laid back paradise. Now it reminds me of Tijuana. I hope you all got rich!”

A photo of a Great White Shark appears in both E-Blast and the Key West Citizen this morning. On this day in 1956, Captain Tony Lones caught the Great White. Weighed 2,300 pounds.

Big! Too big! Appeared it could swallow a person in one or two bites.

Think things are bad with Congress today? No way. Far worse in the 1850’s leading up to the Civil War.

In 1856, a Southern Congressman went onto the floor of the Senate. He beat a Northern Senator with his cane. The hot issue of the day was the continued observance of Kansas as a free state.

The caning a symbol of uncompromising hostility over an issue. Just like today.

China’s President XI recently said, “China is embarking on a new long march.” Such signaling no resolution to the tariff war with the U.S. in the near future.

Recall Trump’s campaign words: “Tariffs are good. I know how to win tariff wars.”

Tell it to the farmers in the midwest who cannot sell their soybeans and corn, tell it to the public who soon will be paying more for most things. All because of the Trump inspired China tariff war.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Trump’s base loves it when he shuts down the Government that they all hate. They would rather we go back to the Wild West days so we could all wear shiny gun belts and settle our differences by shooting it out in the streets.

  2. I like how liberals describe intentions of conservatives, then they have a hissy fit when conservatives do the same in return.

    • I observe the many conservatives who claim they are for small government, decorum and standards….. but are quite the opposite.

    • Please name the time any other president, liberal or conservative ever threatened to close down the government over the issue of a boarder wall.? This is about Trump, not consertives

      • Since your reading comprehension is so poor, I will point out the subject matter in caps, regarding the original comment…

        TRUMP’S BASE loves it when he shuts down the Government that they all hate. THEY would rather we go back to the Wild West days so we could all wear shiny gun belts and settle our differences by shooting it out in the streets.

        Clearly, the point made by the OP was not on Trump but on his base of support, which are conservative voters.

        Now that you have hopefully caught up try to re-read the response…
        I like how liberals describe intentions of conservatives, then they have a hissy fit when conservatives do the same in return.

        • Wow Patrick, you sure seem to be one confused dude. You make these wild statements that make no sense as written, then insult anyone who then tries to respond to your weird train of thought. We get it that you get some perverse pleasure when “liberals” have a hissy fit because they (according to you) are up set about something was (according to you) done similarly to conservatives. Thing is, you so poorly construct your thoughts as to make your argument moot, then when challenged, wiggle all over the place, insulting anyone one in your way while basically saying nothing. I can’t tell from what you wrote who you were addressing. It sure looks like you were addressing Lou directly and had trouble trying to figure out about what topic you were pontificating about. You really should get your nonsense “together” before you wander around with that BS “holier than thou” attitude of yours.

          • Tim, you are one special person.

            Since you read like a 3rd grader, I will post the complete comment again below.

            Now that you have read it again at a 2nd grade level, do you see where the original comment is included. THAT is what I was responding to. Do you see in that original comment that the writer is describing intentions of conservatives, from a liberal point of view? Got it. Nowhere is Lou mentioned.

            And for the record, Patrick has not been on this site in several months. I don’t know what happened to him, perhaps Lou does, I think he corresponds privately with him. But he is not on this site anymore. Pick another boogey man to attack.

  3. Here it is Tim:

    TRUMP’S BASE loves it when he shuts down the Government that they all hate. THEY would rather we go back to the Wild West days so we could all wear shiny gun belts and settle our differences by shooting it out in the streets.

    Clearly, the point made by the OP was not on Trump but on his base of support, which are conservative voters.

    Now that you have hopefully caught up try to re-read the response…
    I like how liberals describe intentions of conservatives, then they have a hissy fit when conservatives do the same in return.

  4. seems to me that tim has this completely correct, including the patrick part. your finger prints are all over the posts as is your phrasing and keywords. add lier to your profile buddy. the big give away is your writing style where you make barely coherent and unfocused random statements then try and attach them to something concrete later after even you can not justify any other reason for posting what are mostly stupid statements, only really meant to pick a fight anyhow. Get a grip we are all tired of your nonsense.

  5. It will be interesting when/if Patrick posts on here again. I think he will be highly amused at all the mistaken attention he is receiving by you posters who have to have a single person to point at.
    No one other than Patrick could possibly disagree with you, it has to be just Patrick.

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