Yesterday, Trump visited Key West. Actually, he drove through Key West. He was on his way to the Joint Inter Agency Task Force base on the Truman Waterfront. No stopping to shake hands with those watching from the curbs along the way.

There were signs from both sides. Like “We love you President Trump.” Disparaging signs held by protesters.

I did not see the President. Could not get into Key West. Needed to use US 1. Blocked in anticipation of Trump’s visit.

This morning’s Key West Citizen describes hearing “cheers, chants and boos.”

A protester sign read: “Tinkle tinkle little czar / Putin put you where you are.”

Love it! Analyze the words.

Robert attends Montessori. The students were allowed, with parental permission, to watch the President go by. Robert soon to be 14. Graduates in 2 months from the 8th grade. Will attend high school in the fall. A smart student. Straight A’s, with only an occasional B.

I spoke with Robert this morning. Wanted to know his impression.

It was “something.” I “saw him.”

Robert had made a sign which he carried: We Are A Country Of Immigrants, Not Criminals.

Robert is politically astute for his age. The family discusses politics, watches newscasts together, etc.

The visit did not change Robert’s mind about anything. It did affect him in one way, however. He was excited to see the President of the United States.

I am happy that he did.

The Citizen described the visit again this morning as “historic.” I continue to disagree. He never stopped, shook hands with some of the people, spoke personally to them. Nor did he spend any time in Key West itself. He should have stayed overnight at The Little White House, visited some of Key West’s famous places and became acquainted with the Key West citizenry.

Trump should have gotten Key West under his skin. We may not be Mar a Logo, but still a nice place to spend a day or two.

Chart Room last night. Visited with John, Steve and Cindy, Holly and her daughter in law, and Sheila. Kevin home. Tired. Still recuperating from his terrible accident.

A lot of Key West history was shared last night. Steve and Cindy for example have been here since the 1970’s.

My cellphone went dead while I was trying to do My Key West Lou Live video on Facebook around noon. Verizon. When I returned home last night, Comcast was down. No wi-fi, TV or land line. Till about 2 in the morning.

Others suffered the same calamities.

Associated with Trump’s visit?

It can honestly be said that Key West is at a far end of the U.S. Imagine how long it took to get information to Key West in days of old.

A perfect example was set forth in the Citizen’s Today in Keys History section. Lee surrendered to Grant on April 9, 1865. It took 11 days for word to reach Key West of the fact and that the Civil War was over.

On this day in 1999, the massacre at Columbine High School. Thirteen dead. Twelve students and one teacher.

Columbine was 19 years ago.

We still have not learned. Or maybe we have, but our politicians have not. Money seems more important to them than lives.

One of Trump’s problems is he generally does not know what he is doing. It was announced yesterday that Rudy Giuliani had joined the Trump legal team.

Of what value will he be? Little. Giuliani is 73. Over the hill as a lawyer. He has not practiced in well over 20 years. He lacks today’s knowledge re discovery and the physical strength to deal with it.

Respectfully, he is yesterday’s news.

Trump need younger experienced lawyers. With criminal law backgrounds. Probably lawyers he does not even know. Such is one of Trump’s problems. He likes to surround himself with people he knows. Not the way in this instance to get the best representation.

Iran announced it no longer will use the American dollar. It has switched to the euro. Understandable. The sanctions are choking Iran. Iran deals with American banks. Tough to get American dollars from them because of the sanctions.

Iran achieves another purpose in leaving the dollar. It weakens the American dollar. A little bit now. Big time down the line.

Every country that hates the US knows one way to break our backs is to devalue the dollar. Russia, China, Venezuela, etc. have moved to the Chinese Yuan for that reason. No more American dollar for them.

If you have not ordered my recent book Irma and Me, please do so. Guaranteed you will enjoy. Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Enjoy your day!



  1. You resisters are such HATERS. Not to mention stupid. Where is the collusion? I was not a trump voter. And who else but the liberal media goes to a porn star to ask if the president is morally unfit.

  2. JFK probably didn’t need hookers, enough gals were lined up and willing. Enough so that he was about to install a revolving door in the White House bedroom.

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