Today is the last Sunday of 2024. The last Sunday of 2023 was only yesterday. Time moves too swiftly. Especially as one gets older.

The feeling of an empty Church. As I have gotten older, I have stopped going to Mass on Sunday. However, I did increase stopping into an empty Church. Churches at a time of the day when it is only me and God. Loved St. Patrick’s in New York City. It was so big, it always felt empty. Many the European Churches I visited in the quiet of the day. The Greek isle ones especially.

The Church did not necessarily have to be Catholic. The Greek Church on Oia in Santorini was different. Three reasons drew me to it. There were people. Many. Merely stopping in to say a short prayer. Greeks are extremely religious. And the gold! Never saw so much gold. Decorated everywhere and on everything in the Church. The third and perhaps most important reason, it was cool inside.

Italian Churches were mausoleums. Museums of old. A quiet seriousness to them.

New York City offered a variety. I came to enjoy the calmness of a Muslim museum which was church-like to me.

I never began the Church visits, regardless of religion, in Key West. Why, I cannot explain. Some day perhaps I will understand why.

I am a bit introspective today. I came across an article this morning titled: “Are You Too Young to Think About How You’re Aging?”

The question has to be approached two ways. The mind and the body.

At 89, my mind has never been better. As good as it was at 25, 35 and 45. I attribute it to the blog writing which I began when I retired. Had I not, I honestly believe I would be sitting in a wheel chair today in a nursing home with my tongue hanging out.

The body is a different story. Especially this year. A disaster. A heart attack, three heart surgeries and now lumbar disc problems difficult to believe. The body goes. At least mine seems to be.

I once was a runner. then a walker. Everyday. Big time. About 15 years ago, for no particular reason, I just stopped. Perhaps my physical problems this year have been self-inflicted as a result.

I now worry about my body. Too late perhaps.

An example how my adverse body conditions are affecting my daily life. Yesterday morning when I wrote the blog, I was excited I had slept well and had no back pain when I arose. I was going to watch a Syracuse basketball game at Brady’s in the afternoon. I never made it. Around noon and suddenly, my back went out, kicked in, whatever way it can be described. Spent the afternoon in bed. Could only get periodic scores re the game on TV.

Syracuse won. Good! Beat Bucknell 75-63. Syracuse now 6-6.

The ACC season begins Tuesday. For two months, Syracuse will play Tuesday evenings and Saturdays. Hopefully, I will get to watch a number of games at Brady’s during that time.

Live and learn. Why are wedding bands worn on the fourth finger of the left hand?

The custom had its beginning way back in ancient Egypt. Even before the Roman Empire.

There is a vein in the fourth finger called the vena amoris. The vein of love. It is connected to the heart. For Egyptians, it was a symbol of eternity. Infinity. Ergo represented marriage – love forever.

Any truth to the following statement. Ronald Reagan said: “We don’t have inflation because the people are living too well, we have inflation because the government is living too well.”

Female authors had yet to “come a long way” in the 1800’s. Jane Austin wrote Sense and Sensibility in 1811, Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818. They were not listed as the authors. The names of female authors were left blank because the literary world refused to acknowledge them. Stupid women! Actually, stupid men!

An interesting piece in USA Today: “2024 Was a Bad Year for Basic Decency in America. You Can Thank Trump for That.”

A bit lengthy. Worth reading. I recommend it to you.

“E” is the most commonly used letter in the English language.

This tidbit of information is interesting, if nothing else. The longest word in the English language. Forty five letters. Before I share it with you, let me tell what it means. Easier to do than write or pronounce the word.

The word refers to a type of lung disorder caused by inhaling silica dust, usually used in the manufacture of glass, pottery, ceramics, bricks, and artificial stones.

The word: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolsanoconiosis. Big! All 45 letters there. Count them if you suspect not.

A touch of Key West.

A reminder, recollection. Tennessee Williams and Jimmy Buffett read and researched at the Key West Library.

An example of Key West history and tradition. The Conch Republic has a Navy. Its Captain Finbar Gittelman. He died December 26 at age 82. The Conch Republic flag at City Hall is being flown at half mast in his honor.

I close with snowbird Fred Klein. He returned to Key West yesterday. I look forward to seeing him again.

Enjoy your Sunday!


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