Jimmy Carter has left us. The former President died yesterday at the age of 100. 

May he rest in peace. His life a religious and good one. I am confident the Lord welcomed him with open arms.

His Presidency only one term. He inherited a problem or two and problems arose during his time in office. The first major problem facing him was the energy crisis confronting the Nation. It was bad. To an extreme.  Two weeks after becoming President, Carter addressed the Nation. He had a cure. Not a welcomed one, however. He sat before the TV camera wearing a sweater. To save on energy, he suggested people wear sweaters. I thought…..Is this guy nuts?

He went on to suggest that thermostats be kept at 65 by day and 55 by night. It was the middle of winter!

During his Presidency, Iranians captured a number of Americans directly from an American embassy. He tried everything to gain their release. Even sent helicopters with troops to Iran to gain their release. The attempt failed. Carter looked bad again.

He did have some good results, however. An outstanding one involved the Camp David Accords. Involved Egypt and Israel. Brought the leaders of both countries to Camp David and had them sit and talk till they came to a resolution of their differences. They did and that resolution continues in effect to this day.

I always felt the Republicans played dirty pool in Carter’s campaign for reelection when he ran against Ronald Reagan. Within minutes of Reagan being sworn in, Iran announced the hostages were released. To me it meant a deal had been made between the Republicans and Iran to keep them hostage so Carter would not be able to claim success in obtaining their release.

Carter was a better post President than he had been President. He continued to be of service in many ways. Actually helped build homes for the poor and needy with his own hands, made sure elections in other countries were honest, etc.

His efforts were so good that they were recognized by his being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of his efforts.

Few persons in public life reflect the same qualities which Carter did. The world needs more Jimmy Carters.

Fertility rates are dropping world wide. A serious problem. Fewer people means higher taxes, shrinking social security payments, and fewer workers. 

How bad is bad?

Japan an example. Japan is in horrible shape. Consistent decreasing birth rates since the 1990’s. The government doing everything to encourage baby making. Nothing has worked. Last year, Japan’s fertility rate was 1.2. In Tokyo. less than 1. The number of babies born this year has fallen to the lowest level since 1899.

Again, the problem a world wide one. A concern even for the U.S.

More unprotected sex a solution. However, the cost of raising a child has become sufficiently prohibitive that most couples avoid child making.

Let me talk briefly about child birthing itself. In the Middle ages, horrendous. Women put to bed in a dark room one month before the due date. The woman’s stomach bound. The delivery lacking in most safeguards. The reason why many babies and mothers were lost in the process.

Today, better. Nevertheless, still horrendous. A clean room. Experienced nurses. A doctor who plays catch. Pain still pain, however.

I fathered four children. No problem for me. I was in a waiting room while my wife was laboring in another. I could not really appreciate what she was experiencing.

Then came Lisa’s two deliveries. She insisted I remain through the entire birth process. When Robert and Ally came out, I was holding up one of her legs, Cory the other. Both of us shouting “push!” Lisa screaming she couldn’t do it and whatever else came out of her mouth. Her pain was horrendous. It was during those times that I came to appreciate what a woman goes through in giving birth. Seeing is believing.

No fun.

Fortunately, women do not seem to remember. Perhaps that is why they return to future pregnancies. 

Trump threatens Denmark by saying the U.S. wants Greenland. Denmark owns Greenland. Trump has caused Denmark to react. The Danes have begun beefing up their military. Denmark takes Trump seriously. They should! Who knows when he is serious and when he is not. Remember Denmark had a threatening and then actualizing Hitler in 1940. Experience has taught them to take Trump type threats seriously.

Where is J.D. Vance? The Vice-President to be is little in the news.

News! Newt Gingrich announced he backs Speaker Johnson. Adds to Johnson’s adverse load from my perspective. Heaping one worse upon another.

Back in Gingrich’s day and even today, Gingrich is a person who wants to take down traditional things. Change things dramatically. For example, he is big on taking down Pope Francis and destroying the Vatican as it presently exists. He and Steve Bannon are birds of a feather in this regard and many others.

Houston area weather deadly last saturday. Photos show metal power poles laying across a major highway.

Electric air taxis. Small prop planes for small distances. They’re beginning. Can they succeed as a business?

The same warning once again. Getting more frequent. Yesterday’s Editorial in the Orlando Sentinel: Slowly Sinking Coastal Condos Warn of Florida’s Peril.

I was going to take a walk yesterday around noon. Felt better. Before I could leave, the rain began. Torrential. It continued. And continued. And continued. Poured!

So much for the walk.

I close with a comment re the Key West Cemetery. One of Key West’s best attractions. 

The Cemetery announced its first 2025 Cemetery Stroll. Scheduled for January 26. Three times: 9:30, 9:50 and 10:10. Reservations necessary.

Each trip will take 90 minutes.

Again, one of Key West’s finest attractions. History like you will not believe!

Enjoy your day!


  1. There is a fair sized list of the underhanded crap Reagan did, including hamstringing the working clazz with his anti-union messaging and trickle down nonsense. Who could have predicted he was a bargain compared to the insanity, chaos and criminality of Trump.

    • Reagan was often a snake in sheep’s clothing. But he was full of warm and fuzzy clichés, that kept soooooo many people mesmerized, even when they made no sense. His administration was definitely very successful or productive.

  2. Hey Lou, unlike Biden, Jimmy Carter was fortunate to have decades of life and service post presidency to make up for his failed one term in office! And surprisingly, yes, I did vote for Carter! I was young and uninformed!

    • Hey Troll, Joe Biden was fortunate to have had decades of life and service pre his presidency and no failed one term in office!

      Trump, on the other hand has had neither in either of his terms (or lives), mostly spent defending himself in criminal or bankruptcy court rooms.

  3. We can thank Reagan for starting the “hate the government” movement that has continued and intensified to this day in this Country.

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