Thirty years ago when I first visited Key West, it was a gay haven. Not so much anymore. Over the years, homosexual men have been drawn to Miami and Fort Lauderdale to live. Key West became too expensive. The Miami and Fort Lauderdale cost of living much less.
Along the way, the Key West Citizen, now KeysNews, changed. Covers all the Keys, provides less Key West news itself, its Key West staff next to nothing.
Today’s KeysNews features a lead article not representative of Key West, yet purports to be. Titled: “Keeping Key West Weird…..Eidschun Is a Catalyst for Change.”
Both the title and article not representative of today’s Key West nor even yesterday’s. It is about Joshua “Catalyst” Eidschun who “sells some of the cutest clothes made for gay men on the island as the assistant manager at Graffitti on Duval Street. Catalyst is a self-proclaimed radical faerie who can be found around the island wearing outfits that bend, mix and match, and buck gender norms. This sweet Mary is a free spirit on an island that nurtures the soul.”
The article is an insult to Key West and its significantly reduced gay population.
Texas has one of the Nation’s most restrictive abortion bans and near bottom rankings on women’s health care. It has become a “babies in a dumpster” location as a result. A sort of epidemic. Eighteen babies this year found abandoned in garbage facilities. Dumpster babies having replaced abortions.
Canadian investor and “Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary says at least half of his country would support a merger of Canada and the U.S. For real? Are half of Canadians as crazy as half of Americans who support Trump? Or, is O’Leary a Trump plant?
A Rachel Maddow blog asked why Trump is still selling so much stuff SINCE the election. Close to 50 items. Includes guitars, boots, coins, fragrances and watches.
Where does the money being taken in go? It has been suggested to Trump’s controversial business operations.
Why do so many countries use bidets, but the U.S. does not? I discovered bidets in my early Italian trips. I have had one for the past 25 years in my Key West homes.
Cheaper also than toilet paper. Save money by using.
In my last two homes, I purchased mechanical toilet bidets and added them to the toilets in each. Cheap. Around $30-40 each. Easy to install.
When will Americans learn?
Some chain restaurants are scaling back in 2025. Note, not closing. Includes Subway, Pizza Hut, T.G.I. Friday’s, Ruby Tuesdays. Applebee’s, Sbarro, Red Lobster, Friendly’s, and more.
Are eating habits changing? Or, have fast food emporiums become more competitive?
COVID is still with us. Much less serious, however.
A new pandemic threatens. Bird flu. Some say yes, some no. We’ll soon know.
We all recall Erin Brockovich. Famous environmentalist. A movie made starring her person.
The site Hinkley, California. She is credited with cleaning up the town. One problem. Years ahead, things till a mess.
Mounting medical bills and moving costs have left residents with nothing or next to nothing. The toxic substance Chromium-6 still exists. Cleanup has been exceptionally slow.
Today, Hinkley is a ghost town. Its water still contaminated.
Holiday Bowl last night. Syracuse vs. Washington State. As expected, Syracuse won 52-35.
Steve’s twin brother Rich and I had a bet. I spotted him 13.5 points. I came close to losing. Washington State had spurts of playing well under adverse conditions. I became concerned early on that Syracuse might lose. Washington State even scored the first touchdown.
I stayed home. My back bothering me big time. Two days of pain and little sleep. My neurologist doctor and neurophysiotheraphist closed down for two weeks. No relief available.
Syracuse sports impossible to get free on TV. A war for years between Syracuse and the ACC the reason. So I was stuck periodically getting only the score at the moment.
Syracuse ends the season 10-3. A great football year! Finally! Been a long time!
Last night, I slept well, long and uninterrupted. No back pain at the moment. Which means I will be at Brady’s to watch the Syracuse/Bucknell basketball game at 2. Basketball only 2 hours as opposed 4 for football. I think I will be able to handle sitting in a chair for 2 hours. Let’s hope!
Both teams have sick records so far. Syracuse 5-6, Bucknell 4-8.
Syracuse will not be a winner unless it starts pressuring on defense, attacking the basket and simply playing basketball. There are times they do not seem to know how to play. Look like a grammar school team.
The ACC season begins next week. Syracuse will be playing every tuesday evening and saturdays. Hope I can make all the games.
I close with Fred Klein. He returns to Key West today for a few months. I look forward to his return and spending time with him.
Dan Reardon due next week.
Enjoy your day!
Hey Lou, Carlos (and you) might want to be careful of publicly stating and posting Trump a “R*pist”. It cost Stephanopolus and his company 16 big ones!!
The very words of the presiding Judge in the case.
“As the court explained in its recent decision denying Mr Trump’s motion for a new trial on damages and other relief [in the New York case] … based on all of the evidence at trial and the jury’s verdict as a whole, the jury’s finding that Mr Trump ‘sexually abused’ Ms Carroll implicitly determined that he forcibly penetrated her digitally – in other words, that Mr Trump in fact did ‘rape’ Ms Carroll as that term commonly is used and understood in contexts outside of the New York penal law.”
The jury actually determined Trump was liable for “sexual abuse” a specific distinction law in NYS.
Ask any woman if splunging on her shoulder while physically restraining her is anything other than disgusting rape.
STOP defending Trump, EYW, it is, at least in this instance, approving of Trump’s unacceptable behavior, which maybe you deserve?
That guy “EYW” is a jerk and has been trolling Lou’s blog for years under various different names. He mostly just wants to start fights and does not realize he lacks the Intelligence for even the most basic of that.
Leave him alone, he’s a perfect reminder of why these trumpers can not be taken seriously.
For some, especially the cult members of MAGA, the truth is hard to handle. I suspect even if Trump did that to their mother they’d call their dear mother a who*e, in his defense.
My hometown newspaper gives live updates during the big games. Maybe yours does too.
A Madison Heights, MI., man was beaten to death on Christmas eve while trying to save a dog that was being abused by a neighbor.
Neither were immigrants (legal or otherwise)