Coronavirus is the nation’s enemy. Big time! The virus has overcome the walls. The enemy lives with us. Gains strength each day. Making people sick and killing in larger and larger numbers each day.
Some of what is happening.
Texas Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order banning the wearing of masks in public schools. Bexar County did not approve of the Governor’s Order. Took the Governor to court.
The judge ruled yesterday in effect that Abbott was wrong and could not order the banning. The court granted Bexar County’s request for a temporary restraining order.
The victory short lived at the moment. Abbott has appealed and the appellate court will hear arguments monday.
The decision thus far is a major victory for the County and the children it seeks to protect.
Texas is buried under the burden of more and more corononavirus cases each day. Texas hospitals are full. Hat in hand, Abbott has asked other states to help. He wants other states to take what Texas cannot handle.
Another decision rendered yesterday involving Texas. The case against Assembly Democratic legislators who fled to Washington, D.C. to avoid arrest.
The legislature is now closed. Many of the legislators who escaped north are returning. Their reasoning being if the legislature is closed, there cannot be a quorum vote.
When the problem first arose, the Governor believed he had the right to have the Democrats arrested and under arrest be brought to the legislative Chambers thereby creating the quorum required. Then Abbott discovered Texas police have no right to arrest anyone outside the boundaries of Texas.
Abbott then came up with a new trick. He became of the opinion the legislators were refusing to do their public duty. Under this theory, he ordered the returnees to be arrested.
The Democratic returnees went to court.
The court decision came down yesterday. The court made Abbott look like an ass. Even worse, the decision was by a six member Court of all Republicans.
The court ordered police could approach the legislators if they were in Texas. Note the word “approach.” Approach yes, ask the legislator to return to the Chambers. If the legislator declined, the police could do nothing. No handcuffs, no delay, etc.
A bogus decision, in effect.
This case most assuredly will be appealed by Abbott.
The Florida Keys are being overwhelmed by the virus. Actually most of those sick have only themselves to blame.
Data indicates for the last 4 weeks, more than 90 percent of hospitalized COVID patients were unvaccinated. Smart asses all! Vaccinated and a reverse 90 percent would not have gotten sick.
Doctors are correct when they label the present surge “a vaccination pandemic.”
The Florida Keys are taking a real beating with the present surge. Yesterday the Keys set a record for new cases. Note, a one day record. Eighty nine.
Overall, 388 new cases last week.
Florida’s Health Commissioner Eadie for Monroe County (the Florida Keys) said yesterday Keys’ numbers were all going in the wrong direction. He recommended get vaccinated if you have not and wear a mask all the time. The most positive way to stay healthy and alive.
My phone rang yesterday. People to update me on what was going on coronavirus wise. The information threatening! Made me uncomfortable.
I have not been able to verify what I am about to share.
The Lower Keys Hospital Center is nearing full occupancy. Administrators have a growing concern. Persons having coronavirus 10. Two of them in intensive care. Only 1 on an inhalator. Doctors have been asked to discharge non COVID patients who were scheduled for discharge in 1 or 2 days, if safe to do so. Visitors will not be permitted, except under special circumstances.
I was wrong re Andrew Cuomo. I felt he was innocent of any of the charges and was being given a fast shuffle by fellow Democrats and certain staff.
I began mentally to compare Cuomo to Jesus. He arrived in Nazareth on thursday for the Last supper. Was arrested that night. Tried and crucified the next day. All in less than 12 hours.
Perhaps it was because I knew his father Mario.
I don’t know.
What I do know is I was wrong.
Three items from the Key West Citizen Historical column that occurred on August 11, however in different years.
William Hackley seemed to be a nice guy. Many have been reading of his Key West exploits in the mid 1850’s. What was reported is changing my mind. Perhaps he was not so nice or good.
His wrong has to do with animal cruelty. He beat his dog Spring.
It was August 11, 1856. Hackley “walked across to South Beach by the Lighthouse. Whipped Spring to make him obey and he ran home and when I returned, I chained him and whipped him well.”
Alice Reid and Mom’s Tea Room were having a hard day with the police on this day in 1941. Mom’s was a whore house. Reid the madam. Two of the girls, plus Reid, were arrested for prostitution.
August 11, 1968, was a very special day for a great man and the seed he planted. The Pier House Motel at Duval-On the Gulf was opened for business. The 50 room motel was developed by David Wolinsky. He continued to build the Pier House into what it is today.
TACOS paragraph 27 provides a sense of who you can meet in the Chart Room and what could develop.
Phil Clark worked at the Chart Room with Walter Perry / When a lady came in whose name was Mary / Phil said Walter served her more than one gin / When she started taking a liking to him / Walter asked Phil for a bottle of Bombay / And left with her at the end of the day / When they left town she was calling him honey / Oh, and did I mention, she had money / When Walter came back he was driving a Rolls / He bought the Raw Bar, Louie’s, and Sloppy Joe’s / He also bought a lot of land / The future Anchor Inn and the Taco Stand / Most people don’t know what all Walter gave us / But he played a big part in making Key West famous.
Day 24 of self-quarantine.
Enjoy your day!
“In late June, a report by two Duke University scientists who reviewed data from March through June 2021 in 100 school districts and 14 charter schools in North Carolina found that wearing masks effectively prevented the transmission of the virus in schools and on buses even without physical distancing.Jul 24, 2021”
….since then however, those two Duke University scientists have been executed and their homes destroyed!
They lost me on the effectiveness of masks when they released prisoners instead of just giving them masks!
The FBI needs to go into Arizona and get the ballots back from those kooks and then throw the ninjas out into the street.
It is being reported that Andrew Cuomo has hired Matt Gaetz to represent him in any accusations about wrong doing