Insanity continues to prevail.
The Catholic Church is getting involved in an issue where it has no place. Unless of course it does so in a Christ like fashion.
The issue: Vaccination mandates are subject to freedom of religion attacks.
Those who issued such opinion are the two Bishop groups in the United States: The United Voice of the Catholic Bishops of Colorado and the Washington based Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The two organizations represent 50 percent of American bishops. There is division in the ranks re the vaccine issue as well as many others.
The two Conferences operate on a close basis with evangelical Republicans who operate with the far right politically. These bishops should have become politicians rather than priests attempting to impose non Christ like teaching on the American people.
Jesus and Pope Frances both said go feed my people. I recall nothing from my studies saying get involved in politics.
Expect some lawsuits in the near future claiming vaccines violate religious rights. They will be supported by the Bishops’ organizations and financed by wealthy Catholic laymen who have personal and political reasons for having the lawsuits brought.
Words appearing now with “personal choice” and “parental choice” are popping up. Soon it will be by the Catholic Church with “personal choice” being involved in freedom of religion cases.
One argument by the Bishops is that certain of the vaccines have abortion derived cell lives. In short, cells from dead fetus’s were used in experimentation for the vaccines. Their argument even goes to vaccines not having such cells in them at this time. The cells were only limited to cell use in the beginning.
COVID-19 is a killer. Now numbered in the hundred of thousands. Children now adding to the number on a daily basis.
I have a solution. A serious one.
Since coronavirus is easily contagious and the Delta-variant even more, the numbers of those afflicted will continue to dramatically increase.
There was a disease long ago that was horrendous also. Many lepers were sent to Molokai Island. Father Damien followed to care for them. My suggestion is we find an island for the die hard anti-vaccine, send them to live on such an island, to be accompanied by Catholic Bishops to care for them.
Such more God like than the freedom of religion issues being raised.
Fred is becoming confusing. The type of hurricane that persons should be concerned with. It first was projected to be a tropical storm. It became one. Now it has been reduced in power to a tropical depression. We are told it will return to a tropical storm by the time it hits Florida.
Winds initially projected 60-80 mph. Now, 40-60.
Certain cones has Fred basically coming right over Key West and the Keys. Fred first indicated to travel west of Key West. Now, east of Key West.
Fred first projected to hit Key West next tuesday. Then, this coming friday around 7 pm. Now perhaps as early as tonight.
The projection when Key West hits heavy rains and wind in the 40-60 mile range.
Hurricanes are fickle. Fred is fickle. Not the weather persons. They merely report their findings to provide us with the best information so we can make an educated guess as to what to do.
No one in Key West seems to be concerned about Fred at this point.
All good things come to an end. Steve Thompson’s TACOS ends today. Somewhere in time in the mid 1970’s.
Ballast Key is prominent in his last writing.
Ballast Key at one time was owned by David Wolkowsky. His personal hide-a-way. Time wise probably after Steve visited there, though I am not certain.
Ballast Key is off the Gulf side of Key West 16 miles out. Wolkowsky built a home out there. Brought water and power to the island.
He threw parties for the rich and famous. Kings, Prime Ministers, entertainment celebrities, authors, politicians, etc. The menu always the same: Hot dogs, potato chips and champagne. Provided by one of the richest men in the world at the time.
Steve’s Ballast Key story as it appears in TACOS paragraph 28, the last paragraph of the writing. Steve wrote this book 10 years ago. Perhaps he should finish it. He and Cindy are a wealth of knowledge. They have so much to tell.
All the locals used to go to Ballast Key / And I felt great when they invited me / Six miles out we came to a stop sign / Everyone turned left and followed in line / I didn’t want to seem so formal / But nothing about this seemed very normal / The island was 10 miles out in the sea / With a white sandy beach and a lone palm tree / We pulled he boats right up on the sand / Everyone looked beautiful and tanned / Then everybody took of all their clothes / I looked like a glass of milk from head to toes / I really felt like a geek / And I couldn’t sit down for at least a week / We went there a lot not just that time / But I never got used to that stop sign.
Thank you Steve and Cindy.
My attempt at advertising is neither simple nor easy. Sloan is deeply involved.
When I decided we should look into advertising, I placed responsibility on Sloan. I would merely oversee. Sloan began. Almost immediately coronavirus became involved. Sloan became infected and was down for 14 days. Now up and around. Claims all is good. I hope so.
I am not happy with the advertising so far. No one’s fault. Start up errors. The scene is more complicated than I initially thought it would be.
I am unhappy with the same piece of advertising popping up 3 times, the location of the advertising pieces, dating sites, and the quality of those I am advertising. Too gaudy, not in good taste. Not what I wanted.
We have much work ahead.
Until we have the problems worked out, we all must suffer. I opted to jump in because I thought it would work out better time wise. It will, assuming Sloan stays healthy. In the meantime, please bear up with us.
Enjoy your day!
I would rather have my children die of covid than be trapped on some island with Catholic Bishops to care for them.
Everybody knows that should they be trapped on some island with Catholic Bishops caring for them, that they would die more horribly of Aids anyhow.
I don’t like blogs with ads Lou. I am sorry to hear you fee you need to do this. Hope things get better for you soon.
Covid has shown that the future of human society looks pretty bleak.
“the only “real purpose” Trump has is making sure his followers burn with the same furies and fantasies that continue to fuel his unbounded and unfounded conviction that he really won the election.”
Sorry to hear you are in financial straights and need to add advertising to your blog. Be well Lou