Baseball great Ted Williams was a fisherman. Loved it! Spent many years in waters off Islamorada fishing. While still a major leaguer and then in retirement.
One of Williams’ favorite haunts was the Lorelei. An on the water eatery and bar on the Gulf side. My favorite lunch and watering hole when in Islamorada.
The Chart Room at the Pier House is of historical significance. Many stories have emanated therefrom. One being that Jimmy Buffett got his first paying job playing and singing there. Buffett has always credited David Wolkowsky for having given him his first paying job playing and singing in the Chart Room.
The Lorelei has its stories also. One involves Ted Williams. It is said Ted Williams sold his home and moved out of the Keys when he had to start waiting for a break in traffic to cross US 1.
Accepted as true.
Getting back to David Wolkowsky, on this day in 1967 David began construction of the Pier House Motel. Fifty units. The predecessor of today’s Pier House Resort. David built the Reach and many other properties in Key West. He is now 97 and still active.
Key West and Jimmy Buffett might not have been were it not for David Wolkowsky.
Yesterday was sunday. I spent it as the Lord’s Day. Did nothing. Never left home. Laid around reading and napping.
Till 6:30. Syracuse/Georgia Tech time. Georgia Tech’s time definitely. Beat Syracuse 71-65. Syracuse played a poor second half and deserved to lose.
Oh Syracuse, my Syracuse! Please win the next and last three league scheduled games!
Early American colonists may very well have invented scalping. Not Indians.
On this day in 1725, a group of American colonists engaged in scalping. A posse of New Hampshire volunteers came across a band of encamped Indians. The colonists took 10 scalps.
Ten being the most significant number taken to that date by colonists.
Boston colonial authorities were no longer good neighbors with the Indians. They were paying a bounty of 100 pounds per scalp.
Not the first time the colonists had abused their Indian neighbors.
In the 1600s, a group of colonists attacked and defeated a large band of Indians. Beheaded many of them. Then played a form of ice hockey down the streets using the Indian heads as pucks.
The colonists involved were mostly immigrated from Europe. Where did they learn scalping and beheading? Europe or the colonies?
Go Live LIVE! The several short videos I am doing on Facebook each day has already developed a significant following. Many comments. Interestingly, those providing comments are a different group from those sharing their views here.
Try to see and hear Go Live with Key West Lou. SHARE it with your friends. Help me to develop a following.
Enjoy your day!
Louis, could your scalping by colonists review possibly be ‘Fake News’? Where did you get that info?
Scalping has been mentioned as far back as ancient Greece.
But since beheading seemed to be in favor in Europe it appears the our settlers learned scalping from the Native Americans. Its easier to scalp and preserve as well as keep.
That seems plausible.