I got a pedicure and manicure yesterday. Tammy was excited. Very. She could not wait to tell me the good news. Tomorrow she becomes a United States citizen. She takes the oath in Miami.

Tammy was very proud. Justifiably so.

She told me she was in Miami on monday to take the written and oral tests for citizenship. she beamed as she advised she answered every question correctly.

Congratulations Tammy! And God bless!

The more than a week of 80 degree weather ends today. A cold front is coming in. Tonight the temperature will drop to 63. Cold! Tomorrow the temperature will be 70 by day and 64 at night. Saturday the temperature will return to the high 70s.

Most Key Westers are thrilled when a cold front comes in. It is a break from the warm weather. I do not mind a cold front, except in the evenings. Sleeping alone in low 60 degree weather is neither comfortable nor comforting.

Worked a bit yesterday on friday’s TV/Internet show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. The show is almost all put together. A good one. You will enjoy.

The show is at 10 in the morning my time. Airs on television throughout the Keys and Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. The show is also available world wide at www.tvchannel19.com.

Babysat at dinner time last night.

A first occurred. Robert and Ally were permitted to ride without car seats. They were excited!

We had dinner at Matheesson’s. The grandkids love the place. It has a children’s menu that is really for children. Order what ever and get fries with the order. Plus, ice cream! They each had cheeseburgers.

They get their own ice cream. They go to the counter and pick out the flavor they want. Then the toppings! Each knows exactly which toppings they want.

Afterwards to Publix. I needed a few diet items.

The scenario is always the same. First the fight as to who will drive the cart. Then they each have their own way of shopping. Robert touches everything on every shelf. Takes items off and returns them. Ally spins and dances her way down the aisles. She is always thirty feet or more ahead of the cart.

They both forget they wanted to drive the cart.

Tonight our bocce banquet. Like bowling banquets of old. It will be at Don’s Place. Filet mignon, creamed spinach, potatoes, etc. Always a good meal. I will neither be eating nor drinking. Just a couple of diet Pepsi’s.

I cannot leave without a political comment.

The gun issue is not driven solely by the NRA and its members. The behind the scene primary drivers are the gun manufacturers and retailers. It is all about money.

Two statistics  read yesterday. Two separate articles. I make no claim as to their accuracy. If correct, they are interesting.

One article said more guns were sold in the United States this past November and December than all the guns combined in the Chinese and Indian armies.

The other claimed more than 67 million guns have been sold in the United States since Obama was elected in 2008.

Follow the money!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Great news about Tammy and answering every question correctly is excellent. Probably better than most native born citizens would do.

  2. Please pass along my applause to Tammy. I’m not sure that she just didn’t sign onto the Titanic. We need more of her in today’s world. Il give the green card’s out at the airport, but n welfare for anyone. (Even those born here.) Too many takers and not enough makers. Besides she she should get extra for deal with an old goat like you!

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