The bocce playoffs were rained out. They have been rescheduled for next weekend.

A disappointment.

Don called around noon to say out 3 pm start time had been moved up to 6. They were trying to dry out the courts. Mother Nature did not cooperate. It rained heavy in the afternoon also.

All was not lost. Now I had time to research this week’s KONK Life column. It will be a step beyond the terrorist fear.

Muslims in European nations have failed to assimilate. They do what they want. Even to having their own court system. The governments of these nations turn away. They do not want trouble.

The media fails to tell us of these things

I fear the assimilation problem ultimately is greater than the terrorist one. It is based on a desire to take over governments.

You will find the subject matter interesting. I will be writing the column this afternoon.

Bocce was not the only thing that left me disappointed yesterday. I stayed home to watch the Syracuse/Elon game at 7. Could not get it on TV. And I generally get everything. The game apparently not that important.

Syracuse won 66-55. No big deal. Syracuse was playing a non-entity school. Syracuse was losing 39-37 in the second half when it went on a 21-6 run.

Next game wednesday. Play Charlotte in the Bahamas in the Battle for Atlantis.

The rain left many streets flooded. It is not merely that the sewers cannot take the extra rain flow, higher ocean levels now come into play. Streets not before flooded are now flooded. Like Truman and Flagler. The water being ocean contains salt. Not good for cars. I am not referring to the bodies. The engines themselves are in danger if salt water gets in.

Dave Talpasz till recently was the Manager of Tavern ‘n Town. He also recently was designated Marriott’s 2014 Restaurateur of the Americas. A big deal.

Spottswood Management owns and operates Key West Marriott and two other facilities in the Keys. Spottswood Management has promoted Talpasz to Corporate Director of Food and Beverage Operations for all facilities.

A major step up. Dave is well deserving. Highly competent. A good personality. I also compliment Robert Spottswood for making the choice. Robert is a quality person who can recognize the quality attribute in another.

Keys History this morning mentions that on this day in 1964, direct dial long distance phoning became available. Seems like yesterday. I remember. A big deal. I was four years in the practice at the time.

I also recall when few homes had phones. We did not have one for years. The corner grocery store did. My parents would call from that phone.

I recall also that our first phone was a four party line. Which meant three other households were tied into your line. If you heard voices speaking when you picked up the phone, one of the other parties was using it. You had to wait.

Then we had a two party line. Finally, our own line. My parents were thrilled!

Getting back to long distance calling before the direct dial hook up, if you wanted to make a long distance call you had to speak to the operator. You gave her the city and number and she did the dialing.

Who would ever have thought back then that some day we would be carrying our phones in our pockets and basically could call and receive calls anywhere.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Erika fizzled out over Cuba. No hurricane problem now for Key West. Some heavy rain and 40 mph wind gusts for two days.

We can use the rain.

One potential hurricane leaves and another enters. Fred the name of this one. Now off the coast of Africa. Where most hurricanes have their start. It will be at least 10 days before we know if Fred is going to be a problem.

The media tends to hype things. Especially the Weather Channel this morning. Makes the rain sound like a big problem.

The Weather Channel just showed a live video of Miami and the rain they were having. Heavy. Windy. Impressive. Bone dry here in Key West. We are 150 miles south of Miami.

Tavern ‘n Town’s Judy told me last night she left Key West for the first few hurricanes when she first was here. Even her furniture went with her. Nothing happened. Finally got disgusted and decided to stay for Wilma. Judy, her furniture and car, took a beating.

Spent most of yesterday researching this week’s KONK Life column. I will be writing it today. An interesting topic. Private prisons. Involved is bribery corruption involving a judge who was sentenced to 28 years, a slavery exception to the 13th amendment, chain gangs, and Wall Street banks. Publishes Wednesday.

Tavern ‘n Town last night. Bobby Nesbitt entertaining.. Bobby recently returned from a cruise gig. He leaves for Germany soon for his annual one month entertainment spree there. Including Oktoberfest.

Met Liz from Boston. Was in Miami for a business meeting. Shot down to Key West for a couple of days of fun and relaxation. Her third time here. Always stays at the Marriott Beachside. Charming. Enjoyed my time with her at the bar.

Tavern ‘n Town has two hostesses. Both beautiful. Ludmila and Moldova. Ludmilla new to the team. Every guest is greeted with a smile. All assistance provided.

The highlight of the evening involved Food & Beverage Director Dave Talpasz. Soft spoken. Unassuming. He runs an excellent shop.

Dave has been recognized for his fine work. He is the Restauranteur of the Year for all American Marriotts. Includes North and South America. I am thrilled for him. The recognition well deserved based on how he manages his responsibilities at the Marrott Beachside..

There was a large picture sitting on an easel at the entrance to Tavern ‘n Town. In it are Dave and my friend Robert Spottswood. The Marriott and the Spottswood Companies jointly operate the Marriott Beachside. The picture announces Dave’s recognition by the Marriott chain.

American Pharoah suffered his first defeat yesterday in the Travers Stakes at Saratoga. American Pharoah was the Triple Crown winner this year.

American Pharoah got cheated. His owner should have put him out to stud after the Triple Crown victories. Instead, he got greedy. Ran him in additional races. I assume to make more money.

This morning’s news has the owner now thinking that perhaps he had gone too far. Whatever, get American Pharoah in fields of green where he can spend the rest of his days in the company of female counterparts.

Owen Labrie is the young man convicted of sex charges with a 15 year old girl. Owen a senior at a private school. He was to enter Harvard next month.

I will not bore you with the details of the sex activities. You all know. The media covered this story 110 percent. I do have an observation, however. Things have changed. When I was a high school senior back in the early 1950s, actual sex was an unattainable dream. The best a young man could hope for was to touch a girl’s breast. Outside her clothes!

Maduro is the inept President of Venezuela. First his people ran out of toilet paper. Then food. Both continue in short supply.

Immigrants are pouring over the border from Columbia to Venezuela to escape the drug wars. Maduro is pulling at his hair trying to figure out how to feed them and provide them with toilet paper.

Enjoy your Sunday!