U.S. politics is at its worst. The world is in turmoil. All take a back seat. Pure unadulterated pleasure the reason. Stone crab season opens tomorrow!
From my perspective, man’s finest food. I cannot wait to gorge myself tomorrow night.
Yesterday began with a noon haircut with Lori. Lori is moving. Was supposed to be this week. Told me yesterday it will be at least another month. Typical of Key West. nothing ever begins or finishes on time.
It’s the sun! Slows everything down, including people.
Lori had to take delivery yesterday of her new chairs. New place not available for storage. They are sitting on the sidewalk in front of her present place of business on Southard. Ain’t no one going to steal them. Hercules needed to move them.
A few doors down Southard is Jay’s new sandwich shop Cuzzy Bubbaz. His grand opening was to have been this past tuesday. I stopped in for lunch after my haircut. Doors locked. Looked in the window. Place a mess. Still under construction.
Ran into Jay at bocce last night. The electrical screwed up. He is required to make changes. It is in the process. He hopes to be open for Goombay.
Can’t win.
The best thing that happened to Don’s Place in bocce was my retirement. The team remains in first place. 16-2. Alone in first place.
Hell’s Rangers had already lost two when I arrived last night. I do not know the result of their third game.
Don’s Place won two without David and Norm last night. David sick and Norm out of town.
Watched Michelle Obama speak yesterday. Outstanding! Trump has to be having trouble walking today.
Several news broadcasters have mentioned that when husband Barack was first elected, she hated public speaking. No more. The woman is another Eleanor Roosevelt!
This morning’s Key West Citizen notes that Trauma Star carried 471 patients in fiscal 2016. Eighty six more than 2015.
The new helicopter has arrived. Not in use yet. The crew still training.
Trauma Star is the County’s free helicopter service for patients who need rushing to a Miami hospital. There is also a private service. Rip off big time! $60,000 a trip and not covered by insurance.
I have mentioned the past few years in this column, in my daily blog and on my podcast show that Putin has become rich as the head of Russia. He gets a piece of everything. Ten to 20 percent.
I might be wrong as to the percentage. Thomas Friedman in a recent New York Times article wrote, “Putin owns some $30 billion in property, hotels and factories.”
Trump has to be doing business in Russia. Borrowing money, especially. Whatever, Putin could own a piece of some of some of Trump’s American properties.
The Cuban missile crisis began today. A U.S. reconnaissance plane took 900 plus photos over Cuba this date in 1962. The photos identified Soviet mid-range ballistic missiles. Pointed at the U.S.
By October 23, Key West had become an armed camp. Fifteen thousand troops. Some berthed in the Casa Marina. Anti-missile weapons and machine guns on Key West beaches.
Cuba was John Kennedy’s first test. He performed well. Russia blinked and the confrontation came to an end.
A visit to Dr. McIvor late today. I continue to tire easily and sometimes gulp a breath or two.
Enjoy your day!
Louis, my conch boyfriend used to run on the beach in between the Hawk anti aircraft missiles Oct 14-29, 1962. He was 8 yrs old. As an older conch now, I bet he’d still do it today if the Hawks or similar are put back up pointing to Cuba with Putin professing to get back in Cuba. Conchmen liked to run no matter the age. haha